Me: Last Chapter there was a really...rude review that I couldn't remove. I tried to but it wouldn't let me, so yeah. And now to...


Gothgirl01: I think the legend is really creepy. I have seen my friends play it before and I watched her, but then I got really stressed and stopped watching her before Slenderman caught her :P.

Kaiimi: I have never played it on my own, but I had go on my friend's phone before. I stopped when I got one page though because I was scared :P. Haha, I wonder if Lakilulu ever will be liked by one of the gang...

Random Person: YAY! XD I will keep who you want to survive in mind, along with everyone else who wants a certain character to survive or make it far into the story.

Characters Alive: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Yoshi, Birdo, Toad, Toadette, Wario, DK, Dixie, Diddy, Funky, Tiny, Rosalina, Professor E. Gadd, Toadbert, Toadsworth, Goombella, Flurrie, Vivian, Jojora and Lakilulu.

Characters Dead: Waluigi.


The group sat silently, some of them finishing their food. The others had already finished their food, and were just waiting for them to finish.

'Hurry up!' Cried Flurrie in distress. 'The professional killer is going to murder us all if we don't hurry up!'

'I thought you loved food,' Goombella rolled her eyes. 'But you're right. Come on, let's go.'

They all stood up and bean walking, crunching leaves as they went. The forest got darker and darker. The leaves of the trees got thicker and thicker and soon they could see no light at all, but it was not pitch black. Everyone glanced around nervously.

'Should we all go in a circle instead of a line?' asked DK. 'We can all look in different directions, so the killer can not murder us!'

'That is a good idea,' Luigi began. 'But I got a better idea. We should all split up in separate groups, and the first group to make it out and get the police and save us all!'

'That IS a good idea...' Peach said, stopping to think. 'But if we DO go in groups, we should make them large. We are not having, like, four people in each group. I say about eight, nine, or ten.'

'But there are twenty-three of us,' Lakilulu pointed out. 'The groups wouldn't be fair.'

'Hmmm...' Mario looked up, when an idea suddenly struck him. 'We can put all the strong ones in the small groups, and the weaker ones in the bigger groups!'

'Are you sure you still want to go in groups?' DK asked, angry with Luigi. 'I think it will still be better if we all stick together, just in case.'

'Who agrees with DK?' asked Luigi.

Nobody answered.

'There, it is agreed,' Luigi looked smugly at the ape. 'Now let's decide the groups, quickly!'

'There can be six in three groups, and five in the fourth group,' Daisy suggested, quickly doing the math.

'Ok,' Mario said. 'Me, Luigi, Wario, Donkey Kong, and Funky Kong can be in the group with the least amount of people.'

'Then Me, Daisy, Toadette, Yoshi, Rosalina, and Lakilulu can go in the next group,' Peach said. 'I don't know about you guys, though.'

'Then Me, Dixie, Tiny, Toad, Toadbert, and Toadsworth can go in the next group,' Diddy said. 'We Monkeys and Toads need to stick together!'

'So I am with E. Gadd, Goombella, Flurrie, Vivian, and Jojora,' Birdo said. 'Hm, Ok.'

'Is everyone Ok with this?' asked Mario, and they all nodded in reply. 'Right, so everyone, stay safe, and don't let the murderer kill you!'

The four groups left in different directions to get out of the forest and escape the murderer.


Mario, Luigi, Wario, Donkey Kong, and Funky Kong were stepping across rocks. They realised they were getting closer to a waterfall. They knew this because there was green moss all around them and rocks were everywhere. Vines hung down from the tall rocks. Then they heard the noise of rushing water, and spotted the huge waterfall. Clear water rushed down the cliff into the pool at the end, making a huge splash.

'I could really do with a drink right now,' Wario said, running towards the pool and bending down. 'Come on, you may never get another chance like this in your life!'

The other four hesitantly walked over to them. At the top of the waterfall, standing on a strong rock at the end of the waterfall, was a Koopa wearing black. He folded his arms and looked down at the five, grinning. He continued to watch them as he opened his cloak. He brushed his fingers across every weapon, before closing his eyes and shaking his head. He closed the cloak and kicked a small stone off the rock he was standing on. It fell down and landed on Wario's head.

'Ow!' He muttered, rubbing his head as he looked up angrily. 'A stone hit me on the head!'

'So?' Mario looked at him.

They both then shrugged and continued drinking. The professional killer raised his hands and jumped, grabbing a thick branch and swinging around it. He then leapt off the branch and disappeared into the shadows.


Peach, Daisy, Toadette, Yoshi, Rosalina, and Lakilulu were standing on the edge of a cliff, sighing and groaning.

'We have been here three times already!' Toadette muttered, looking down.

'Well, look on the bright side! At least I am not getting my nails dirty!' Peach cheered.

'Hey, look at that!' exclaimed Yoshi, pointing at something behind a tree. 'Let's go and check it out!'

They all slowly walked across the cliff, trying not to slip and fall. They went behind the tree and gasped when they saw a broken down door with moss on it. Daisy raised her leg and kicked it open. The door broke off its hinges and flew off, falling into a canyon. Wait...A canyon? They all gasped again when they saw a bridge across the canyon, leading to the other side, where there was more forest. Some of the planks were missing, while some looked incredibly dangerous.

'Heh heh...Let's turn back.' Toadette chuckled nervously and turned around.

'No!' Peach grabbed her to stop her from running away. 'If we go across, we might actually be getting somewhere!'

'Peach is right,' Daisy agreed. 'We should go across.'

Then Daisy noticed everyone was staring at her with their arms folded.

'Heh heh...I didn't mean me...' Daisy said, but the next thing she knew she was half-way across the bridge, slowly walking across.

'This is, like, SO intense! Who is with me!?' Yoshi cheered, then picked up Rosalina and threw her off the cliff, making her plummet to her death at the bottom of the canyon. 'Right, Rosalina? Rosalina? Hey, I wonder where Rosalina went!'

Rosalina then floated back up with her arms folded. She landed gently on the rocky surface and scowled at Yoshi.

'Right?' Yoshi continued.

'YES, whatever! Just please don't do that again!' Rosalina angrily exclaimed.

'What, THIS!?' Yoshi kicked her in the stomach, making her fall backwards into the canyon once again. 'HAHAHAHA!'

The murderer was secretly watching, perched on a thick tree branch.

'Hmmm, I guess Lakilulu and Rosalina can float back up, so I will not try to push them into the canyon somehow. Yoshi is too quick, and he will be able to easily dodge it. Daisy is almost across, and I think Toadette is awesome! I guess it it Goodbye, Princess Peach.' He said, when the branch began to bend. 'Oh, sh-'

The branch snapped and he screamed as he landed on the ground below, right next to Toadette. She turned around and gasped, backing away. The murderer jumped to his feet, waved, and then ran away.

'I am so stealthy!' He cheered, but then smashed into a tree branch.

'OH MY GOSH!' Toadette cried, pointing at the murderer as he dashed out of sight. 'That was totally just the murderer!'

The murderer then took out a harpoon gun from his jacket, and hid behind a tree. He aimed it at Peach and pulled the trigger. Peach looked down.

'Oooh, a penny!' She squealed and bent down to grab it.

The harpoon whizzed past her and out of sight. Rosalina then grabbed the penny and glared at Peach.

'Did someone just see something?' asked Yoshi, looking around.

'Oui.' replied Lakilulu.

Everyone glanced at her.

'No, just no,' Peach began, walking towards Lakilulu. 'How dare you?'

'YOU ARE SO DEAD!' screamed Rosalina, jumping on Lakilulu and starting to strangle her.

'THAT IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!' Toadette cried.

'Wait, wait!' Lakilulu screamed. 'The murderer is aiming a harpoon gun at Peach! Look out! Look-'

There was a scream as Peach dropped to the ground and rolled off the cliff.

'Um...Oops.' Rosalina said and released her hold on Lakilulu.

The murderer released an evil laugh. He then pulled out his phone and rang somebody.


'I just got rid of the Princess.'

'Which one?'

'Dumb blonde.'


'Yes-What? No! Peach.'

'How many have you killed?'


'Not enough...Don't think I will pay you until you kill them all...Well, except that certain one, of course.'


'Ugh, shut up! I am trying to make suspense!'

'Well, you sucked at it.'

'This phone call is going on to long. Just release the killer horses already.'

'Not until you send me the new Miley Cyrus CD.'

'That singer sucks! No way! Forget it!'

'Fine, I won't release the killer horses.'

'...OK, Fine! I will put it in the mail when all of this blows over. Happy?'

'Yeah. BYE!'


The murderer switched off his phone and continued to watch the gang, when he noticed they were all looking at him.

'...It was on speaker, wasn't it?' He said in disbelief.

Everyone nodded.

'Well, bye!' He then jumped away, but tripped over a branch and fell over.


Diddy, Dixie, Tiny, Toad, Toadbert, and Toadsworth were climbing up a mountain, hoping to get a better view when they made it to the top of the perilous hill. Toadsworth wheezed and leant on his stick.

'I do not get paid enough for these things...' He muttered.

'YOU get paid?' asked Dixie in shock. 'That is it! I am calling my lawyers!'

'You have signal?'


'You could have rang the police all this time!' Toadsworth cried.

'Oh...Still, I am calling my lawyers.' Dixie then walked off. 'No, Bruce, it is over! No, bananas can NOT change my mind! Shut up, Bruce! IT'S OVER!'

She then threw her phone down the mountain in anger.

'What did 'Your lawyers' say, then?' Toadbert asked, who was the furthest ahead.

'They said they are secretly watching me for a new TV show. They are going to use me for a model, along with a few other strange characters.' Dixie explained.

They all then turned and saw Toad losing in front of cameras, smiling.

'Kill me now...' whispered Tiny.


Birdo, E. Gadd, Goombella, Flurrie, Vivian, and Jojora were sitting on rocks, talking. Well, except for Goombella, who was listening to songs on her iPod.

'Ugh, boring...boring...boring...ah! Here is a good one!' She cheered.

Everyone listened and then groaned.

'Are you serious?' Flurrie muttered. 'The theme song for Total Drama? You suck, I am telling you.'

'Hey, it is actually really addicting!' Goombella shouted. (It is actually addicting XD)

'Yeah, well in my opinion that show sucks. I don't like any of the characters, they are either mean, never speak, or strange. None of them are ever NORMAL!' Jojora said, looking up at the sky.

E. Gadd was staring at them blankly as they talked about it.

'No, your stupid for calling Duncan stupid!' Birdo said to Flurrie.

'I just like the characters that actually won the series.' Vivian said. 'Like...Owen, Heather, Cameron, blah blah blah blah. I know that is not really right. I don't even know their names! I don't even know the show! WAAAAAAAHHHH!'

'...See, this is what happens when we talk about random things.' Flurrie rolled her eyes.


A/N: One person died last chapter, one person died this chapter. It will probably keep doing this until the end of the story.

Who is that mysterious person who was calling the murderer?

Will Flurrie ever lose weight?

And if so, will people like her?

Find out next time!