So its been so long since I last updated this. I'm so sorry for leaving it for this long, but I had no inspiration for it, lost track of where I was going to take this fic, my final exams and now University preparation and moving out for study is right on top of me. For the next three years, guys, I'm gonna be super busy studying, working and doing a bunch of things that is gonna keep me away from fanfiction as a whole. I have considered giving this fic up for adoption if anyone wanted it, but I think this chapter has given me a slightly clearer way of where I want to take it now. I'm just trying to keep everyone happy along with keeping my life in track, and right now, University and getting my life sorted as I start a new chapter is priority and will be for the years to come. I'll continue, but it's still gonna be really slow, I'm afraid. :(

Sigh, long A/N. Sorry. For those of you who are still with me I present you with the next chapter..

Chapter 8. A Meeting and Obi-Wan's Decision.

Kit Fisto's fathomless, rounded black eyes slid shut and remained so under the pressure of his finger and thumb. The green-skinned Nautolan Jedi Master shook his head in frustration.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of his oldest friends. The two had always had a warm and light-hearted relationship, not anywhere near as close as Obi-Wan and Anakin's brotherhood, but they were close enough to that than the others. Obi-Wan had lost many of his childhood friends to the war and Kit had as well. The two spoke more now.

And then there was the Jedi Order, his home; the very place where he had sworn his allegiance to from a very young age. He had been tasked to report back any new information he found regarding Kenobi's behavioural condition.

Despite his basic programming – as many sceptics of the Order would say – the Nautolan found his instinct telling him that should he follow his… programming and alert the council of his new findings that he would be… well, betraying his friend.

Maybe Obi-Wan needed this small amount of time with Satine. She seemed to help him find his centre, and in these dark times it was what the man needed.

It wouldn't hurt to tell the council the truth.

From a certain point of view.

"Any signs of an attachment, Master Fisto?"

Kit stood erect in the centre of the council chamber, his feet planted firmly on the brown, circular spot on the marble floor. The constant roar of the traffic was drowned out by the sound proof windows surrounding the circular chamber. All that Fisto could hear was his own and the other council members breathing.

Shrugging off the intense stares of his fellow Jedi he lifted his chin, folding his hands in front of him and answered his comrade's question.

"Master Kenobi has been… faring well." This earned him a raised eyebrow from one very stoic Korun Master – Mace Windu. "The two are interacting closely, but there doesn't appear to be any signs of an attachment."

The melody of silence swan through the area as each of the master's slowly turned their heads towards each other, showing impassiveness in their eyes.

"Keep watching him," Windu declared, cutting through the silence as sharply and as swiftly as his blade would through a droid if he swung it. "Make sure to report back anything else that you see."

With a bow of his head, Kit informed them he would and turned to walk out of the circular room. As the heavy door closed behind him he couldn't help but feel that what he was doing was wrong, despite it being for the greater good.

The greater good for Kenobi and for them all.

"We need to find a place where you can reside without attracting too much attention to ourselves," Kenobi began, as though he were giving another lecture to Anakin; or that's what it felt like to Satine – being told what she obviously already knew. "Senator Amidala's apartment is too obvious of a place to hide you. Your enemies would know right away. It's better for them not to be attracted to her place at all."

The pair were travelling down a brightly light street. Neon lights, each in the colour of red, blue, yellow or green littered the entire street, barring every inhabitant between them. Both the Jedi and Duchess were garbed in dark robes, each with their hoods up and concealing their face in shadow. Obi-Wan's cloak was a dark brown, much different from his favourable light shade, but it would likely make him too recognisable. Most Jedi didn't don a dark cloak like Anakin. Many preferred a lighter colour. Satine wore a deep burgundy cloak. It was very similar to the one she wore last time she was on planet, on the run from everyone but Obi-Wan, except it was missing the gold embroidery around the edges.

"Where do you suggest we go, then?" Her hand was itching to slip inside of his. They were in close proximity of each other; so close to brushing. Just one little stretch…

The Jedi Master turned his head to the side and looked down. Satine withdrew her hand as though she had been electrocuted. Peering up into his shrouded face she could just make out the curve of his lips as he gave her a wry smile. "You're not going to like it."

"It couldn't be worse than what we've been through before, could it?" She couldn't resist the smile tugging at the corners of her own lips. Her moon eyes sparkled with old, dangerous and unusually fond memories, mostly of their time together all those years ago when he had only been a Padawan Learner, and she a new and slightly unsure Duchess.

His smile faltered slightly. It did not return. All traces of humour were erased from his face and replaced with the usual mask of typical Jedi serenity.

"We're going to the lower levels."

For a moment Satine felt her heart stop. For a moment the missing Duchess thought that she had not heard the words that had just spilled from his lips. For a moment she contemplated if Obi-Wan Kenobi had gone mad.

"I assure you, my dear that I am perfectly sane."

She realised, with embarrassment, that he had heard her statement, or rather in this case, question perfectly clear. She turned her head slightly to the right side, away from him, and pitched it down so that her gaze was plastered to the moving pavement beneath her feet.

"The lower levels are dangerous, yes; a wretched hive full of scum and villainy," Obi-Wan's words were sinking into her head at an alarming rate, so much that it clouded her vision for a moment. Her hand went to touch her head as the distorting dizziness took over. She felt his warm, soft but firm hand touch her back and steady her and notifying her that he was fully aware of her sudden distortion. "But it is the last place anyone will be expecting you to be."

The dizziness and the sudden wave of exhaustion she felt was too much for her to begin to bother arguing with him, so she just let him lead her further down the street, through some alleys and down to the transport that would take them down to the lower levels.

Her near death experience did nothing to change her stubbornness or her preferences, but she was too drained to fight Obi-Wan. And if living inside peril itself would keep her safe, she would gladly acquiesce.

So there we go. Just as another side note, I've finally completed my other Obitine fic, 'Love and War' after three years following its publication. My inspiration has been failing me, particularly in the Star Wars section with everything and more ideas for other fandoms coming up. And then there's the next three years of work and study ahead of me. I can't make any promises on how regular my updates will be, for they've been sporadic and quite rare for a while now, so I won't make any promises. They will continue to be rare. I hope you all understand, but even if you're tired of waiting and don't want to read and/or leave a review, it's fine. I've been glad to have you as readers anyway, but for now it's goodbye. :')