AN: Here the next chapter! hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, were on chapter fourteen, this should be obvious by now xD

"Where are we headed?" Bakura asked as they soared through the night-sky, his rust-colored eyes scanning their group before focusing ahead once again.

"Well it seems the Tracking Seals are leading us North from the Kingdom" Came Layla's quiet reply from Bakura's left, glancing towards her he noticed that Cin was flying above her, Keria right beside her as Ami takes up the rear, he blinks as the words slowly connect.

"What could be past the Kingdom?" Seto's question comes from below Bakura, he spins on his back and watches their group again, noticing how everyone seemed to be in positions mirroring those of the Sealers. Yami above him, Yugi to the left of Malik, Marik taking up the rear behind Ami, Bakura gave a nod before rotating upright again and focusing on the cavern coming into focus.

"Who knows-"Ami begins but cuts off short when maniacal laughter fills the air, Bakura glances back and barely dodges as Marik lurches forward, his grin nearly splitting his face as he spins before turning to them and gesturing down with a tanned finger.

"Home! Look Mal, guys its home!" He cheers happily spinning once more before pausing, his wings spreading out fully as well as his arms. "Stop."

Bakura and the others come to an abrupt halt the lack of any noise encases them in eerie silence.

"There's no sound…not from the blacksmiths shops or the children playing…" Seto whispers, gliding up to stand beside Bakura, he nods and glances at Yami who is gesturing Yugi and Malik closer.

"The smell of rotting flesh…" Bakura whirls to his left, his eyes widening as he watches Cin's body and wings twitching where she stands, his brown eyes wide with fear.

"Men who care not for their own sanity, they allow the darkest of shadows to take over their bodies…only to never be normal again…" Keira whispers, her blue eyes focusing forward just as Cin's were, Bakura watched as Layla and Ami glanced at one another before gliding forward the stand beside Marik.

"Cecidit Maledictus No…way I thought they were just…legend…" Came Layla's soft voice, Bakura's head snaps up at the sound of several pairs of wings flapping in the distance, he notices that Cin and Keira and gliding forward, their bodies still twitching as they stop in front of Layla, Ami and Marik.

"He was expecting us…the bastard" Cin snarls out, her wings spreading to their full length, Light wrapping around her body as Keira's wings spread beside her, their wing tips touching.

"Yugi, Yami, Seto, Marik, Malik, Bakura you stay behind Ami and Layla. Tuck your wings in and stay absolutely still, even if your body demands you release your powers don't. It'll bounce back and burn you." Keira states, Light engulfing her body, Bakura watched with wide eyes as the Light shifted between the two of them as they glide away from the sphere's edge.

"But shouldn't me and Malik hel-" Yugi whispers before falling silent as the waves of power wrap around them, a sphere forming as Cin and Keira turn to glance back.

"No Yugi, save your power for when its needed, we'll handle this" Cin said softly before turning back and raising her arms her power pooling into her outstretched palms. "Luce flagellum!" Bakura watched as a whip of Light lurches forward, impaling several before lurching forward again and again.

"Isn't this…hard for them?" Malik's quiet question fills the air of the sphere, glancing at Ami and Layla, Bakura curls his hands into fists as he waits for a response.

"They may seem gentle and kind but…" Layla begins, turning and smiling as Cin lunged forward, Keira remaining close to the sphere.

"When times calls for it, they leap into action to protect those important individuals. It gives them strength to know their able to protect those people" Ami states softly, a smile reaching her lips as Keira lunges forward, arrows of Light held within her hands.

The strong scent of blood hanging in the air as Cin and Keira continue forward, their wing tips sharpen and easily piercing the backs of those who weren't looking, the sphere moving forward as a building atop a hill becomes noticeable. Bakura shivers as the sudden frigid air surrounds them, the sphere falling and fading away from them as Cin and Keira glide over to them, triumphant smiles lighting up their faces.

"What's that building?" Yami's question causes Bakura to jump slightly, the light pulsating in his palm calling his attention back to their mission.

"That's a chapel for the Gods, signifying that were leaving the Inner Domain and heading towards the Outer Domain, that's where the seals are indicating we should go and by the welcoming party we received I'd say were close." Cin said softly, Bakura watched as she caught her breath, glancing towards Keria he watched her doing the same, Layla and Ami moving towards them.

"Do you think he has something planned?" Bakura asked, moving forward as their group began to move once more, he glanced up at Layla's soft 'hmm' he stomach churning as they past the small chapel.

"You mean because they have both Joey and Ryou…I'd say yes but…I'm not sure what" Layla says quietly, her finger tapping against her chin, the sudden intake of breath from his right catches his attention.

"You don't think…their using the Royal's Blood Mates blood to…create a permanent seal do you?" Bakura's eyes widen as collective gasps come from different members.

"What happens if that's his plan?" Malik asks tentatively, Bakura watches as the four Sealers turn and smile sadly at them.

"If that happens…" Cin began softly.

"Then not even the Kings of the Fallen or Angel Domains will be able to free us" Keira finished, her hand reaching out to grab a hold of Cin's slightly trembling one.

"But how? Our Blood Mates don't carry our blood within them, do they?" Yami asks, his eyes wide as he glides forward, Bakura's teeth clench tightly.

"It is, when you added your blood to theirs when you helped them recover faster it lingers. Basically if they'd waited a week to start taking them then it'd be them just draining them of their own blood." Layla stated, looking down at the glistening water below them.

"But since they were taken a few hours from the mating ritual your blood is still lingering in their system, aiding them in healing from serious wounds but also allowing our enemy to continue with his plan. If it's true he's trying to make a seal…" Ami finishes, her brows furrowing in agitation as they pass over a small forest before continuing forward, silence mixed with tension surrounds them.

Malik flaps his wings and soars towards Cin and Keira, circling them as his eyes scan them from head to toe, Bakura gestures everyone forward as a large cliff comes into view.

"This is…." Keira's whisper fills the air as everyone comes to a halt; Bakura's wings twitching as faint echoes reach his ears.

"Purgatorium" Cin states softly, the voices increasing in volume as they continue to stand still.

"This place…is a tomb for those who have done wrong by either forcing their way into the Angel or Human Domains and have come back alive, they were stripped of their bodies and sealed within this cliff. " Ami stated quietly, her eyes scanning the air in front of them as Layla places her palm in front of her.

"This is where the seals are leading…." Layla whispers tucking her wings in and pointing the tips forward, the wave of power allowing a barrier to come into focus, Ami, Keira and Cin glide forward, mirroring Layla'a movements.

"They've reached the barrier…go and greet them, will you?" He questions, cracking his neck and focusing his crimson eyes on the four standing before his sealing sphere.

"Can we kill them?" Dartz's voice asks hopefully, his eyes focus on the man for a second before focusing on Emily.

"Bring me the remaining Mate so the seal can be finished, the two Kings are to be left alone or better yet separate them from the Sealers."

"Illusion?" Emily inquires smiling, her wings twitching with excitement.

"It won't work as long as their close to the two Hikari's…." He mutters quietly, his wings twitching with agitation, his eyes widen as a grin splits his face. "Bring the two prisoners out of their cages…I have an idea" He states happily, ignoring the Light the burns his skin as he shifts into a sitting position, his crimson eyes brightening.

"Ryou….hey…we have to…t…try to get out of here…" Joey manages to gasp out, his throat protesting against the effort, his wings twitching faintly as he tries to move from the ball he's laid in since waking up. The faint whimper he hears causes Joey's eyes to widen, gritting his teeth and forcing himself up he focuses on Ryou, his breath hitching in his throat.

"J…joey…? Can you…can you feel the sudden strength that's filling the air?" Ryou asks softly, his arms shakily supporting his weight as he forces himself up, Joey blinks and grins, nodding as he stretches his tattered and singed wings.

Taking a deep breath he raised his palms, his eyes closing as he focuses.

The sudden wave of Light makes him gasp lightly as his eyes snap open, Ryou's quiet giggle filling the quiet room. "Our wounds…are healing…." He whispers softly, watching in awe as his singed wings slowly begin to heal, his open cuts slowly closing and healing.

"How….?" Ryou questions quietly, twisting his body and watching as his own wounds heal, his clouded eyes brightening, the sudden sound of the double doors opening bringing his happiness to a halt.

"Time for some free time…" Came Emily's voice from the far end, her wrist flicking forward, the bars vanishing as shadow collars wrap around their necks, Joey and Ryou whimpering softly as they slowly began to rise from the floor, the sudden waves of Light staying near them and aiding their burning flesh heal. Remaining silent as their pulled forward, Joey feels strength returning slowly as their dragged down the hall, turning past corner after corner his eyes widen as he recognizes the exit before them.

"That's….." Ryou whispers, his hand reaching forward and squeezing Joey's gently before falling back to his side, Joey smiles and stiffens as frigid air suddenly slams into them, his eyes widening as ten silhouettes come into focus, his wings spreading of their own accord.

"Seto!" He shouts, lunging forward forgetting for a moment the collar the he has around his neck, he yelps when he's tugged back harshly, the Light healing the burned flesh instantly as he glares at Emily.

"Did you forget you're still trapped?" Emily asked, stepping forward and placing the tip of her wing against his cheek, his breath hitches as its drawn down and a new cut trickles blood down his cheek.

"So nice of you to join us…Royal Fallen and well as my favorite Sealers…." Joey's eyes widen as the sound of bare feet padding closer towards them catches his attention.

Ryou whimpers softly beside him and Joey steps closer to his friend, his body tensing as Emily chuckles happily.

"It's been….how long now…" Ami snarls out, Darkness lashing out as her eyes focus on the two bound Angels, the hand gripping her arm keeping her from lashing forward, the low snarl that comes from her right causing Ami to grin.

"The fact that you can move….even when still bound to by the chains of Light and Dark….you should of died many years ago" Layla snarls out, Ami watches as Cin's hand tugs her back. Ami watches as crimson eyes scan over each of them, pausing on the two people that seemed most on-edge within their group.

Cin and Keira.

Ami snarled softly and shifted Keira behind her, glancing to her to and nodding when Layla does the same to Cin, a low chuckle sending ice down Ami's veins.

"Let's see…how well you fair…" He whispered, his pale arm rising, the surrounding darkness instantly responding.

"No!" Came Cin and Keira's mirrored shouts, the shadows pausing as light forms a protective bubble around them, the sudden fit of laughter caused Ami to glance at Layla, their eyes mirroring the same emotion.


"Just what I wanted you to do…" He said before twin screams filled the air, turning and snarling in rage Ami watched as Cin and Keira where summoned beside a still Joey and Ryou.

"Cin! Keria!" Yugi's voice pierced the air, Ami watched as the little boy lunged forward, his wings lashing out wave after wave of Light, the whimpering from Keira and Cin stopping his efforts short.

"Ah…You've got spunk for such a little thing…." Ami glided over towards Yugi, her eyes hardening as she watched the man take a step forward, faltering when Light lashed out from the chains along his wrists, neck and legs. "I'd like to have a few words with you Yugi Mutou" He whispered, snapping his fingers and watching as the cage of shadows vanished, leaving Cin and Keria standing as collars of shadows formed on their necks, Ami stiffened when she heard Layla's snarl beside her.

"Don't Layla, he won't hurt them." She hissed, grabbing a hold of her sisters trembling hand.

"W-what words?" Yugi questioned, Ami focused forward as she saw the rest of their group move forward.

"Let's negotiate about a few things Angel King" Ami's breath hitched in her lungs, she hissed softly when Layla's hand gripped her own back in an iron-grip.

"I-I'm...the Angel….King?" Yugi squeaked out, the man gave a chuckle and a nod of his head.

"Yes, you should of realized it after you released the Hikari's. Now as I was saying…lets negotiate shall we?" He said with a smile, stepping forward and pausing when his felt a hard wall stop him.

Dead silence met his request, the only noise coming from a distance, the faint echo of waves filling the night.

AN: End of chapter fourteen, this story is coming to a close soon, but there will be sequel in the works, maybe xD leave a review, fav and follow if you liked it! bye!~

Translations for the Latin words:

CeciditMaledictus- Cursed Fallen

Luce flagellum- Light Whip

Purgatorium- Purgatory