Disclaimer of LOVE! I do not own

Dragon Ball Z or its characters, but I do however

own my lovey dovey ideas...

Goku and Chi-Chi are the round two winners! EEEEHHHHH! I was very happy because I abso-friggin-lutely love this pair…. They're dysfunctional, but they work!

A Very Lovely Valentine's Day: Chapter 2: Goku and Chi-Chi

"Goookuu!" Chi-Chi called as she cupped her mouth to amplify her calls. She was walking through the woods looking for her husband.

It had been a few months since their wedding, and it wasn't going well to say the least. Goku was gone most of the day, he didn't have a job, nor did he ever spend time with her. In addition, whenever he does actually go home, it's to stuff his face until his heart's content.

She had brought this situation to his attention many times before but he never changed. He always apologized but nothing new came. Though Goku is the way he is, she feels as though she has to stay with him.

It was Goku that made the conscious decision to go through with a misunderstanding promise, but the road goes two ways. Goku's strong and pure hearted, but they got married without knowing a thing about each other's way of being.

Every morning since she understood the way things were between them, she asked herself, would she have wanted the promised to be kept if she truly knew him? Of course, one loves Goku, it would be hard not to, but the love that she thought she felt was a special kind of love. One that she's not sure she feels.

She felt as if she needed to try. And what better time to do so than on this day. Valentine's Day. A day dedicated to a couple's love for one another. In her younger years, she would dream about her and Goku doing many romantic things for this day.

Now that she was with him, she felt majorly disappointed. The man may be Earth's hero, but he certainly isn't much of a husband. She did however find that she was too hard on him. All he probably ever knew before their relationship, was fighting. How could he ever process his emotions if it isn't without vigorous training and fighting? Hell, he's never even told her he loves her. Whenever she would say it, he would either pretend she didn't say it or already be out the door.

"Goku! Where are you?" she called once more. Chi-Chi looked around and frowned. Trees everywhere. Goku had decided to move her out near his old home. It was dangerous and most definitely not a safe place to raise their children. There were beasts and dangerous plants, not to mention one could get lost easily.

She had slaved over a hot stove all morning preparing their dinner… well more of a lunch. She had hoped they could just sit by the river for the rest of the day. It was true Goku had won money from the tournament, but supplies only lasted so long… She had to ration the money for what was absolutely necessary. There were no fancy clothes, dinners, furniture, or days. So in the end, she had to think outside the cliché box.

She thought it beautiful anyway. It would be amazing if he would dedicate at least one evening to her. She sighed as she turned on her heel to return home, he would go there when he was hungry. As Chi-Chi started to walk she heard rustling that wasn't coming from her feet. She stopped momentarily and continued walking, shrugging it off as a rabbit or something. She should have known she couldn't find her husband in these woods, they were far too big-

"Hey Cheech!"

Chi-Chi jumped back and heaved but calmed down when she realized it was Goku who had startled her. She clutched her chest and glared at him. "Goku! You idiot, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

The man simply rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "I'm sorry Chi-Chi… I thought it would be fun…"

"Well it wasn't," she grunted as she shoved him out of her way. She stormed off while he followed after her. "I just wanted to tell you that dinner was ready!"

Goku rushed in front of her and smiled apologetically. "Ah Chi-Chi… I didn't know… I'll behave."

Chi-Chi smiled. She could never stay mad at him for long. Especially not with those big bold eyes… "Okay Goku… Come on… dinner is probably cold by now."

"Hey Cheech?" he asked.


"Why is dinner done early today? Not that I'm complaining but… I'm just curious."

She sighed and smiled. "Today is Valentine's Day Goku. A day to celebrate couples." He remained quiet for the rest of the way.

She had gotten up early to get the freshest produce from the local market. She had prepared an even larger dinner than usual, seeing as how it was a special day. She had even slightly burned her arms and hands… It was worth it for the big lug.

They made their way back home and sat down for dinner. Chi-Chi hadn't realized just how angry she was until it all came back to her. Could it have bothered Goku to just use his manners just this once? She tried her best to ignore it but all the groans and slurps were driving her insane.

"Goku…" she whispered putting down her spoon. He continued eating, never hearing her call his name. "Goku," she tried again, a little louder. Once more, he remained untouched by the sound of her voice. She began to grow red as he continued stuffing roast beef in his mouth. "Goku!"

He quickly looked up from his bowl and raised an eyebrow. "Hmm?"

She clenched her fingers around the small salad fork. "Could you… not eat with such savageness!?" she hissed.

He furrowed his brow and slowly nodded. "O-Okay…"

She breathed in and out and eventually cooled down. Some Valentine's Day. This was supposed to be a romantic dinner yet… there was no chemistry… nothing…Only the sounds of Goku's constant sloppy eating noises.

She decided to bear through it. They had the rest of the day to relax and do nothing. Once they finished eating, she smiled. "Hon, lets-"

"I'm going over to Kame House to spar with Krillin, Chi-Chi. I'll be gone for the rest of the day," he said nonchalantly.

Chi-Chi blew up. She stood up from her chair and started laughing. "You know, I tried to make this special… but you… you makes this impossible!" she cried holding her head.

Goku stood frozen. He didn't know what to say. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? How dare you!? Are you really that dense!? Kami Goku! It's not even funny anymore! You know what!? Go to Krillin's, Goku! Leave me alone on this day! I give up!"

Goku just stared as his wife left the room, almost bursting into tears. "What did I do?" he asked himself. He honestly didn't know what he had done wrong. Maybe Krillin could help him out.

Goku hopped on the nimbus cloud and flew top speed to Kame Island. Along the way, he thought about what happened the whole day. He really couldn't find out what the problem was.

As he landed, he saw Krillin moping on the sand. Goku frowned and walked towards him. "Hey buddy!" he called. Krillin simply lifted an arm and waved.

"Hey Goku… Goku!?" Krillin quickly looked up and shock overtook him. "What are you doing here?"

Goku rubbed the back of his head and frowned. "Chi-Chi got mad at me and I don't know why…"

Krillin bit the inside of his cheek and rubbed his chin. "You got her mad on Valentine's Day? What did you do?"

"I don't know! I just said I would come over here after dinner and she went berserk. It's nothing new… I mean… I always leave to train after dinner, I don't see what made today any different…"

Krillin smacked his forehead and sighed. "Goku… You're supposed to spend this time with her… Today is a day where you bask in your love for each other…And you saying you were going to leave her after she probably spent a whole day cooking a nice meal, can make a woman mad."

Goku scratched his forehead. No wonder she was so upset. "Ah gee… I really messed up, huh?"

Krillin nodded. "At least you have a valentine… I'm all alone like Roshi…"

"What's a valentine?"

Krillin frowned. "A valentine is what you call the person you're spending the day with. You ask them first and if they agree, then you guys are each other's Valentine. It's usually someone you love."

"Love… I don't think I've ever told Chi-Chi I loved her…"

Krillin stared in disbelief. "W-What? Goku you're married to her… Why did you marry her if it wasn't out of love?"

"I married her because I promised I would. I don't think I loved her then… I think I do now… I mean, she can be really nice and she makes great meals. I really like her, and I don't like making her mad. I know! I'll make it up to her!"

Krillin grinned. He nudged Goku's arms with his elbow and raised his eyebrows. "You dog."

"I'm not a dog…"

Krillin rolled his eyes and pointed his finger towards the flying nimbus. Goku smiled and ran jumping the last three meters.

Gokus waved goodbye as he flew away from Kame Island. He had no idea how to make it up to his wife. He knew he would though. She was special to him. As he got closer to Mt. Paozu, he smile widened. He got to his house and, to his surprise, his wife was nowhere to be found. He searched his backyard and found no trace of her.

He searched for Chi-Chi from above the trees. He searched over and over but he couldn't find her. It wasn't until he reached the river where he catches fishes that he found her sitting near it. Her feet were submerged in the water and they were swaying in it as well.

He landed near her. She was so focused on her thoughts, she couldn't hear him coming up behind her. "Hey Cheech..."

She was startled as she fell into the water. Goku rushed in to help her out of the water, only to get smacked in the face. "Ah! Goku! What is the matter with you!?"

Goku held her in his arms the way he held her when they got married. She suggested it because it was the way married couples were supposed to act. "I… Uh…" he gently set her down on the long overgrown grass.

"What Goku?"

"I'm sorry… Truly sorry Chi-Chi. I know I haven't been a good husband but I'm really going to try and put your needs before my own from now on…"

Goku was shocked when Chi-Chi walked away, still fuming with anger. "You never change Goku… You'll never change… Don't make promises you can't keep…"

He sighed and called for his nimbus. Chi-Chi couldn't believe it. He was leaving… again! She continued to stomp her way home.

"Some Valentine's Da- Woah!"

Goku had swooped in and had lifted her up on to the nimbus. "Goku! You idiot! Put me down!" she yelled as she hit his chest.

"I can't do that Chi-Chi… not until you see something…." He whispered as he sat her in front of him. She shook her head and grunted.

"You are so lucky that we would die from this height-" Chi-Chi stopped as soon as she actually realized how high they were from the ground. The nimbus kept getting higher and higher towards the clouds. She began to shutter. Goku noticed her trembling and held her closer. She relaxed and began to smile. The sky was a beautiful dark sapphire color now. The light robin egg blue colored clouds only amplified its loveliness.

She laughed as she peeked her head over the nimbus. They were flying over the river and through the clouds. Goku kept moving it up and down. Chi-Chi ignored it though, she was too captivated by the scenery. The water sparkled in the white moonlight. The trees turned into a green-blue as the dark blue grass swayed in the night.

Everything was so… beautiful…

"Oh Goku…" she whispered as they flew above the mountains. Goku smiled and placed his chin on her forehead.

Goku commanded the nimbus to land near the river, where they first took off. As Chi-Chi stepped off gently, Goku spun her hallway around to face the opposite direction.

"What is it Goku?" she asked.

Goku pointed up to the sky, up towards the clouds. Chi-Chi gasped. In the sky, written with clouds manipulated by the motions Goku did with the flying nimbus were the words she had never heard come from her husband's mouth. In the sky were the words, I Love You.

She covered her mouth with both hands as she stepped closer to it. She was breathless.

"Chi-Chi?" Goku asked quietly.

"Hmm?" she stifled. She was afraid if any words actually came from her mouth, she would burst into tears.

"Will… you be my Valentine?" He stepped in front of her, taking her tiny fragile hands in his massive ones.

Her dark eyes widened as tears were brimming. She cocked her head and nodded repeatedly, as if one nod wasn't enough. "You bet…"

Aww… Who knew Goku could be romantic. Awesome… REVIEW and tell me what you thought about the story and who YOU want to be the next couple.