A/N: Another update!

Alpha strode over to the computer. "What is it?"

"It's a patrol, sir." The technician pointed at the computer screen. "We just lost contact with them."

Alpha growled. "GPS tracking?"

"No, sir. They just disappeared." The technician typed in some code, and then a window popped up. "As you can see, their signals disappeared around 3 minutes ago. I thought it was a technical difficulty."

"Dammit..." Alpha tightened his grip on his pistol. "Is it survivors?"

The technician began typing again. "Well, we can't exactly pinpoint the video feed, but we have some of the audio." With a click, the audio began playing.

"-happened here?" A male voice played over the sound system.

"I wouldn't know. But look. TITAN poli-." A different voice this time played.

The technician closed the window. "That was their latest input; I suspect the recorders barely survived some kind of attack and chose to splutter out then."

Alpha nodded. "OK. We'll have to get someone on this pronto. Keep working on trying to pinpoint the survivors." Alpha walked away, speaking into his intercom. "Get me Link's squad here. We have a survivor situation."

"Sir!" Alpha turned to face the technician, who was still at the computer. "I've been able to pinpoint the survivors."

Alpha walked over, his lightweight armor clinking gently. "Where?"

"So, you see, sir, because the patrol had signal beacons implanted in their armor, and those are small and highly resistant to heat, cold, pressure, etc. So when we lost the signal, I was able to pinpoint the beacons, one of which seems to be moving." The technician said, his fingers flying over the keyboard.

"How do you know it's not the wind?" Alpha leaned over, tapping the screen.

The technician turned back. "Well, sir, we can't be sure, but look how it's moving in accordance with the roads? It's turning just in time. I'd say it's not wind."

The two watched on as the beacon stopped in front of a building and didn't move again.

"Where is that?" Alpha asked.

"The Plaza Hotel."

A/N: Oh no...sorry for the short chapter.