A/N: I know. I know. I haven't written in over a year. I haven't responded to any messages because I hated that I had lost my muse. I had actually written a large chunk of this chapter, but then I lost it. So I just didn't write for a while. But a little while ago I got a new computer and my fiancee (yes still fiancee because I am not great about planning wedding stuff) convinced me to start writing again. I hope this chapter is what you have all been waiting for. I love this story and I am so sorry for leaving it in a holding pattern for so long. If you feel the need to write negative stuff about me taking so long, I got it I know. Don't waste your time telling me something I already know just to prove you are an ass. I love all of my readers and it still shocks the hell out of that people actually care about what I write. Anyway hope anyone still reading this enjoys what I wrote.

Vince felt panic. He needed to find his daughter. He knew that if he found her safe and alive he would slap her in the head. Many times. But after that he would wrap her up in the biggest hug. She was stubborn and pig headed, but she was his little girl.

There were so many places that they could be that he didn't even know where to begin. Fenway was full of nooks and crannies and small little maintenance closets that would be easy to hide in. It would almost impossible to find the spot where the mad man stashed her away in order to make Jane his next victim. Just as Vince's brain began to become overwhelmed with all of the possible hiding spots, he suddenly remembered what had made it possible to track his daughter this far.

How could he have forgotten about the body wire? It wasn't like him to forget something like that but he was so caught up in finding Jane that he had forgotten the one thing that could help him save his daughter. Realizing that he had left the tracker in his car, he hurried out to get it. He knew that the time it took to get it would be worth the time it would save him looking in all of the hidden areas, but he hoped that the time he took didn't mean the difference in life and death for Jane. With that thought in mind, Vince ran faster than he ever thought was possible for him, even when he was younger.

Jane knew the time was coming where she would have to act. She wasn't sure who this Charles was that the psycho kept talking about, but from his tone it didn't seem like anyone else was coming. She smiled on the inside. She had spent most of her life keeping her own against against men and she knew that she had a good shot against this one in a one on one scenario. She knew she had to act. She couldn't stand one more minute of his hot, stale, putrid breath on her face.

She peered at him through tiny slits in her barely open eyes. She watched as he stretched out his arms and appeared to take in his environment. Jane felt a hot, fiery rage burn deep inside of her as she watched the man happily taking in where he had raped and murdered so many women. She couldn't wait to take him down and get justice for those he had taken. And this was it. It was time to take him out. It was time to end his reign of terror against the women of Boston. Her time had come to act and she was ready.

But then she heard a noise like the sound of someone clicking their tongue in disappointment. "Oh Tiffany, I guess that the hot chocolate didn't do the trick," the cab driver sneered as he looked down at her. "No bother. It's not going to stop us from having our might be nice for a change to actually feel the fight leave your body."

Maura and Angela stood for what seemed like hours in a tight embrace. Maura remarked at how good it felt to have someone she could go to with her problems. To have someone who would listen to her and hold her. It was an amazing feeling. When she was younger, she never felt comfortable going to her mother with her problems and worries. There were too many times to count when all she wanted was the warmth and comfort of her mother's touch. But that wasn't something her mother would ever do. Constance Isles was more interested in solving any problem that arose than providing a tiny bit of sympathy and comfort.

So the warm embrace of the Italian mother gave her so much of the comfort she desperately longed for. As they broke apart, she did everything she could to keep her tears at bay. Angela grabbed the young woman by the shoulders. She could see the hurt and worry in her hazel eyes. "Maura, darling, ever since I gave birth to Jane, she has been a handful. I worried so much about her when she was young. She was always running around, getting hurt. But I finally realized there was no reason for all the hurt. Jane would do what she wanted no matter how much I nagged and she would take care of herself. Of course, I'll always attempt to meddle and protect her. I'm her mother. That's my job. But my Janie is one of the toughest, most capable women...no, person… that I know. If anyone can handle that...that thing, it's my Jane. I raised her right, I guess. Better than I could do with Tommy. She has a big heart and a strong will. I will always be concerned for the safety of my little girl. But I know that if anyone has a chance of taking down that monster, it's her."

Maura was taken aback by what she had just witnessed. This was the same woman who had completely broken down when Jane brought home a woman. This was the same woman that she had heard Jane complain about more than once of being over-protective and meddling. But here she was, baring her soul to the woman that she had once rejected. Angela had shared with her things that Maura knew the mother had never shared with her daughter. It made Maura feel connected to the Italian woman in a way she had never felt.

"Thank you for confiding in me, Angela. And thank you for being here for me. I have never been this irrational, emotional person before. But the thought of Jane being hurt causes an inexpiable reaction in me and I don't know how to control it." Maura was no longer able to keep the tears from streaming out of her eyes and down her cheeks.

"That's called love sweetie." Angela smiled.

Vince was completely out of breath by the time he reached the car. The older detective couldn't remember the last time he had walked this much, let alone run. He was older, with achy joints and creaky bones, and although he constantly was on some kind of diet or another, he couldn't resist the deliciousness of his wife's Italian cooking and he had a gut to prove it. All of this added up to a strong disdain of running. He made a mental note to do a better job on working on his fitness when this was all over. He took a second to catch his breath before he flung the car door open and grabbed the tracker. Looking at the screen, he noticed that the blip representing Jane was on the edge of the ball park, at the edge of left field, right along Lansdowne Street. Vince couldn't believe what he was seeing. Every good Bostonian knew what was in left field at Fenway. It was one of the most iconic structure in baseball. His Janie was at the Monster.

Panic began to fill up inside of Jane. She thought that she was being so careful. How did he know that she was awake? Shit. She had lost her element of surprise. The panic turned to fear and froze her right where she was. She couldn't move.

"Oh Tiffany, don't worry. I'm here to teach you. And finally I have a girl who will actually get to hear my lessons. Unfortunately, the only way to purge you of this filthy, disgusting lifestyle is to free you from the body you have polluted. But first… I will show you just how disgusting you are." His voice cracked and snarled. Just the sound of it made Jane sick to her stomach. She knew she had to snap out of the fear paralysis she was suffering. It was time to fight. She wasn't just fighting to take this creep down, but now she had to save herself from the same fate that the other women suffered. No longer was she just fighting for the other girls. She was fighting for her life. But she knew that the second she moved the slightest inch, he would pounce. He was standing and had the advantage. She had to think and she had to do it fast.

"I can see it in your eyes, Tiffany. The panic. The desperation." A wicked smile started to grow along his face. "I like that. So many times I have done this and not once have I been able to experience the sheer joy of seeing someone beg for their life. I am very much looking forward to hearing you beg for yours"

The fear that she had earlier felt quickly faded when the cab driver began to talk. It was very quickly replaced with rage. If this creep got off on hearing her beg, he would be disappointed. She wouldn't beg. Not to him. Never to him.

Jane needed to get up. But she knew with his position over her, he would just knock her back down. She thought back to her training at the Police Academy. She had been at the top of her class in most things, but what she did best, what she really excelled in was unarmed combat. She loved going head to head with her male classmates and being able to knock them on their butts as she looked down from above. Most of them underestimated her because she was a woman. But Jane was smart enough to know that the key was not who was bigger or who could overpower the other. The key was to use your opponent's weight against them. She knew that that was just what she needed to do with the cab driver. He wouldn't be as quick as she was so she knew that if she could just knock him down, she could get the jump on him. Jane quickly took in all of her surroundings. She watched the driver's movements, every tiny gesture. She watched the smallest muscle twitches. This was why she worked so hard. This was why she trained so many long hours. She did it so she wouldn't be helpless in situations just like this.

And then she saw it. She saw what she had been waiting for. Her opening. Her chance. It all felt like it was moving in slow motion. But she knew that she only had seconds to act.

Vince sprinted across the field. He knew that was the fastest way to get to the Monster. The fastest way to get to his daughter. As he ran faster than he thought was possible, he thought about how he wished he had the time to run the bases. He knew he wouldn't get many chances to be on the infield grass of Fenway. But there was no way he would waste a second that might mean the difference between life and death for Jane. She had already spent far too long alone with that psycho. His lungs burned and every muscle ached. His knees cracked and he was sure that his heart was going to explode in his chest. He really was getting too old for this shit. But he was almost there. He was almost there to save his little girl.

The cab driver bent down again to begin his torture on his prey. But suddenly and just for a moment, his attention was drawn elsewhere. He swore that he heard something. But that was impossible. He knew the schedule better than he knew his own name. He had studied the park for weeks before he brought the first girl there. There was no way that someone else could be in the park. It had to be outside on the street. Or maybe it was Charles. Maybe his apprentice had changed his mind and had come to enjoy this latest catch with him.

Just as he relaxed and got his hopes up at the thought that he wouldn't be alone, his heart sank. The sound was becoming clearer. There was no mistaking the noises that he now heard. Footsteps. Slamming doors. Running. Panting. Someone was coming and they would be there soon.

Jane heard the noise too. It sounded like footsteps. Coming towards them. Running. For a brief moment she let herself feel hope. Maybe it was good news. Maybe it was backup. It could be Ramsey. Maybe, for once he had actually paid attention to Jane and noticed that she was not where she was supposed to be. But just as quickly as she had gotten her hopes up, dread washed over Jane. She thought about how it might not be help at all. It could be the driver's friend he kept speaking of. She couldn't take that risk. She had to act because it could be the only chance she was distracted and it she knew she couldn't rely on the hope that help was headed her way. She knew that she had to act then and there or she may not make it out alive.

When Jane noticed that the driver was still looking off towards the direction of the footsteps and not at her, she swung her long leg at his, knocking him off his balance. In the small space it was almost impossible to send him flying but, for a brief moment, he was airborne. But with the low ceiling in the tight space, his head soon collided hard with the low ceiling and his legs went flying underneath him. For Jane, it all seemed to be playing out in slow motion. But eventually his head smacked hard on the ground.

Jane quickly scurried around, knowing that the minute that the driver came to, he would be furious that she had taken advantage of his distracted state and he would retaliate. She frantically searched the tiny space for anything she could use to restrain him. Finally, her gaze landed on some straps that must have been left there by a member of the grounds crew. She knew she had to work quickly because the footsteps coming from outside were getting closer. Jane tied a quick but secure restraint around the driver's arms and legs before grabbing the knife the driver had with him.

As she grabbed the knife from beside him, she noticed that the driver started to stir. His eyes started to flutter and look around. Jane smiled as the driver's eyes settled on her and the look of realization danced across his face.

"It really does suck to feel that helpless, doesn't it? That fear of what lies ahead...that's only a fraction of what each of those girls felt, you piece of shit." Jane was doing her best to hold back the hate that she felt bubbling up inside of her but she couldn't help the little bit that spilt out when she saw his eyes open. The young, impulsive officer fought the urge to kick him while he was down. She had him restrained. He wasn't going anywhere. Jane had to turn her focus to the person that was only feet away from reaching the door.

He was out of breath and everything hurt. He swore that his joints were going to just give out on him and his muscles burned to the point that he wasn't sure he could take another step. But he was close. A few more feet and he would be at the towering green wall that stood watch over Fenway. A few more feet and he would be at his Janie. He didn't want to think about if he was too late. It wasn't an option. He could see the door at the scoreboard and it motivated him to make the final push. Vince was almost there. He was going to get there before it was too late. He was going to save her.

But just as he got within feet of the door, he saw it start to move. He halted his sprint and his heart pounded as he watched the door start to open. He reached his hand toward the holster on his hip. He drew his gun and aimed at the opening door. He was ready for whatever was headed toward him. At least he thought he was. But the minute he saw the mane of dark, unruly curls burst through the door, he felt his knees give way. His daughter was there, alive and in front of him. His heart was swelling and his head was swimming. There she stood, clothes torn and dirt covering her body, but she was alive.

Jane burst through the door ready to take on whatever or whomever was making the noise. Her eyes scanned the field until they fell on the figure making the noise. There , standing in front of her with his gun drawn, was Vince. Tears began to sting her eyes and she could see that he was having trouble standing. She was overcome with emotion seeing her father and mentor standing in front of her. She let the knife fall from her hand. She wanted to run to him and wrap her arms around him but she was unable to will her body to move.

Vince saw the tears in her eyes and ran to his little girl. He couldn't believe that she was actually alive and standing there in front of him. He wanted to yell at her for being so stupid. He wanted to smack her in the head. She could have died. He wanted to shake her and scream. But instead of all of that, he wrapped his big arms around around her. He held his daughter for what seemed like hours.

"I got… I got him…" Jane whispered so low that he wasn't sure he had actually heard her. "I got him, Vince," she repeated.

The words took a second to register in Vince's brain. They rattled around in his head until he was eventually able to comprehend what she had said. The minute he was able to fully hear the words she said, he immediately remembered that that they had more to worry about then just his daughter's safety. As his thoughts cleared and he recalled why they were out there in the first place, he began to get agitated at his daughter. He wanted to smack her in the head.

"You know how dumb it was… what you did?" Vince didn't want to scold her. He was angry that she had put her life on the line without back up but he didn't to treat her like a child. She was a young police officer. She would make dumb mistakes. He needed her to realize that this dumb mistake could have gotten her killed.

"I know Vince. But I had to." A tear streamed down from the young policewoman's face.

Vince knew that his daughter didn't cry that easily. He knew that for her to be that emotional, she had to have felt a strong connection to this case. He couldn't bear to see his daughter that upset. He pulled her in one more time. They held their embrace only for a few moments, knowing that the killer was only a few steps away. When they finally broke, Vince kissed the top of her head. He then looked toward the scoreboard where Jane had emerged from.

"Is he in there?"

Jane looked back over her shoulder at the Green Monster that currently held the real monster. "Yeah. I was able to catch him off guard and knock him out. He's tied up inside. He kept saying something about someone else. I don't think he's here. I don't think anyone else was coming. I...I…" Words spilled from Jane's mouth as if she was running at four times the speed.

"Janie… Janie, you need to calm down. Take a breath. Is he secured in there?" Vince spoke in a calming voice. He needed to assess the situation to make sure they were out of danger and he needed Jane calm in order to do that.

Jane stopped her rambling and stared at the door in the scoreboard. She looked back at Vince and took a deep breath. "Yes. He's secure."

"Good. Is there anyone else here? You were saying something about someone else." Vince was trying to get all the information he could from Jane.

Jane sighed. She could feel her heart rate coming down and her adrenaline levels were dipping. "Honestly, Vince, I don't know. He kept talking about someone else. A man named Charles. But from what he was saying, it seemed like the other person wouldn't be here. I think he was all alone."

"Ok. Well backup should be on the way and we are going to be very vigilant until they show. We also need to make sure that we get the crime scene unit out here to process what I can only guess has been the scene of multiple crimes. It would also be a good idea to have someone contact the Red Sox organization to make sure that they know what is going on here." Vince went into detective mode. He had made sure that his daughter was ok so it was time to make sure that her hard work didn't go to waste.

If it wasn't the middle of winter, one might assume that the Red Sox had a night game from all the light that was emanating from Fenway. Squad cars had surrounded the stadium and the bright lights from the crime scene unit's lights lit up the field. An ambulance had pulled up to the left field wall and EMTs tried desperately to check out Jane for any injuries but she refused to step away from her collar. She was the only one interested in pursuing this lead and she'd be damned if she was going to let anyone but her walk that son of a bitch out in cuffs.

She pulled the cab driver to his feet and cuffed his arms behind his back. She knew Vince was watching her closely. She had scared him and she knew it. Jane knew that the older detective respected her as a police officer, but she also knew that he would always think of her as that young girl he watched grow up. She had seen the mixture of fear and relief in his eyes when he ran to meet her. Jane knew that Vince didn't plan on letting her out of his sight anytime soon. As she recited the Miranda rights to the driver without even having to think about what she was saying, she looked around at everyone looking in her direction. She didn't care why they were staring. She had done what none of them cared enough to do. She had caught the man that was killing innocent women in her city. She had caught her man and she was now taking him in.

He didn't make any statements and immediately said he wanted a lawyer. But Jane knew that the damage had already been done. She had witnessed his heinous behavior first hand and, even better than witnessing it all with her eyes, she had heard it all with her ears. Before she had become a police officer, Jane had always thought it was so cliché when movie villians would tell the hero their entire plan. She couldn't see how anyone could actually be so dumb to tell everything the hero needed. But when she joined the police force she realized it wasn't cliché at all. Some criminals couldn't help themselves. They talked. And Jane loved a talker. Jane knew that if she had a talker, her case would be much easier to prosecute and it was a lot less likely that the perp would walk. The cab driver had made plenty of statements and Jane would make damn sure those statements would be used against him.

As she walked the driver out in cuffs, she made sure to stop by a crime scene tech. Somehow, she had managed to keep the pen full of hot chocolate stashed on her person. It had shocked her that it didn't leak out and the pen itself hadn't fallen out when he was manhandling her. She pulled it out and handed it to the tech, making sure to quickly fill out the chain of custody card. Jane then made sure to tell the crew there to make sure that they took the taxi cab from outside into evidence. They would need to get a search warrant before collecting evidence from it that Jane was sure was there.

It was over. She had caught the bastard. And the minute she wrapped up everything, she was taking a vacation. Jane knew that no one would fault her for wanting some time off after what she had been through. She also knew it wouldn't draw too much suspicion from those she had met in her undercover assignment because frankly, no one cared too much when a prostitute went missing. So she was taking some time off. Time off to be with her family. Time off to rest. But most importantly she was taking time off to just be with Maura. She knew she would have to do a lot to gain the forgiveness of the woman she loved. It wasn't until the minute she thought that the driver had the advantage over her did she realize that her actions had probably hurt her girlfriend more than she had ever realized. She knew at that minute that if she hadn't made it, Maura might not have ever recovered. She needed to make it up to Maura and she hoped that spending some quality time with her would start to heal the hurt she had caused.

From his dark shadowy perch, high in the stands looking down, where not even the bright spotlights of the police below reached him, he watched what was playing out in front of him. There he was, his mentor, being led away with his hands cuffed behind his back. Being led away by that girl. He couldn't believe that they had fooled Alexander, his teacher. The girl he had picked up hadn't been one of the filthy street walkers that Alexander loved to "save". He couldn't help but think that maybe if he had been there, he could have helped his teacher overpower the tall woman with the dark curls. But maybe he would be right there beside him. No, this woman would have taken him down with Alexander. She was a force and he was mesmerized by her. He had to have her. Charles Hoyt had seen more than one. Now it was his turn to do at least one before he taught one. And one of those would be the woman with the dark curls. She would be his.

A/N 2: Well hope you liked it. I wish i could say I will work on not taking long for the next one but we all know I can't make that promise. Thank you to the person who reminded me about the GPS for Vince. I totally forgot. That's what happens when you wait so long to write. Remember, I'm a gentle soul so don't be too harsh. Thank you again to anyone still reading this. I really appreciate it.