
Hi guys! This is my first sket dance fic and my third fic. Do you want to know something so weird? I dreamt of this fic! Yup! This some of the 'scene' here, appeared in my dream. Before I forgot, I DON'T OWN SKET DANCE and English's not my main language, so sorry for any misspelled words . So, inspirated by my dream, here is it!


Everyone was just doing their everyday 'activities' in the clubroom. Bossun and Himeko chatting, while Switch playing some otaku games. Little did they know, someone was spying at them. Someone… Very close to Saaya.

"Hey, Bossun, since tomorrow is a holiday, Yabasawa-san, Saaya-chan and I are going shopping! Do you wanna come? You can come too if you like, Switch!" Himeko asked.

"I'll pass!" said Switch, using his computer.

"Eh? But you're all girls and that means I will be the only boy! Besides, why would you need me there, anyway?" Bossun answered.

"Oh, come on! We will need your help!" Himeko said.

Bossun groaned. "For what?".

"As a bag-carrier!" Himeko smiled innocently.

"What? There is no way I'll be a bag carrier!" Bossun complained.

"Oh, yes you will !"Himeko continued to smile innocently.

"No, I won't!" .

"Yes, you will!".

Somewhere between those lines, Switch put his headphone on.

Bossun pouted and childlish-ly went out of the room. "Whatever! I'm out of here!" he said.

"To where?" Himeko asked.

"To get some fresh air!" Bossun said and slammed the door shut.

"Geez, he's so childlish!" Himeko complained.

~~To Bossun~~

"Oh, that Himeko! How could she even think of using me as a bag-carrier? Who does she think I am? Her servant?" Bossun muttered while walking around the school grounds.

Suddenly, a man with a mask appeared in front him. "E-eh? Who are you?" Bossun stammered.

"I'm someone who knows you love that blond-haired friend of yours…" The man said.

"Wait, Himeko? There's no way I love that… That.. Beast!" Bossun said.

"That's what you say. Not what's truly on your heart.."The man denied Bossun's saying.

Bossun just continue to stare at him. "What do you want?" he demanded.

"Well, I happen to know a dark-haired girl named Agata Saaya and I want you to be her true love. " the man said.

"What? There is NO way I'm doing that!" Bossun shouted, slightly blushing.

"Oh? But what if…" The man pulled a knife and a photo from his pocket. To Bossun's surprise, it was Himeko's photo. The man quickly torn the photo- right on Himeko's neck. Bossun stared at it in horror.

"What if, if you don't agree, your oh-so beloved friend will die!" he laughed evilly. The man put the knife back on his pocket and threw Himeko's photo to Bossun. "The choice is yours!" he once again, laughed evilly.

Then, out of nowhere, a helicopter came and took the man. While being pulled up, the man screamed "Remember, boy. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!" he said.

Bossun only looked at the photo with a mix of fear and confusion. "Fine! I will pretend to be Saaya's true love!" Bossun shouted.


The clubroom door opened.

"Hey, hey, Bossun! Where were you?!" Himeko asked him.

"I told you. I went outside for fresh air and I accidently fell asleep on one of the benches." He lied. Bossun took his bag and opened the door again.

"Wait! Why are you going home?" Himeko asked.

"There's nothing else to do here…" Bossun said matter-of-factly.

"But what if someone comes for a request?" Himeko shot back.

"No one will!" Bossun denied. "Besides, I have something to do." Bossun mumbled before closing the door shut.

Switch noticed his strangeness. "Himeko, I've changed my mind! I'll come tomorrow!" Switch declared.

"Umm.. Thank you." Himeko said unsurely. "But you will also have to carry our bags." Himeko said and Switch sweat-dropped.


"Umm… Is Saaya here?" Bossun asked as he opened the classroom door.

"Yeah! I'm here! What's up?" Saaya greeted him.

"I need to talk to you. Privately." Bossun said.

"Okay.. But what's with all the suspense?" Saaya asked, noticing Bossun's aura.

"O-oh, nothing!" Bossun quickly exclaimed and his aura turned back to normal.


"Listen, Saaya… Will you be my girlfriend?" Bossun asked too straight-forward-ly.

"E-eh? Why so sudden?" Saaya asked.

"Just answer!" said Bossun mood-killingly.

Saaya sweat-dropped "Okay…" She answered unsurely.

"OK! See you tomorrow!" Bossun said cheerfully.

The next day, Himeko didn't come because she's sick. However, Bossun's quite.

"Bossun? Why are you quite? I expected you to say 'Why didn't she come? She's the one that asked us to go!' "Switch commented on his computer voice.

"No… Why would I say that?" Bossun said softly.

"You've been acting weird since yesterday, Bossun. I know something is up. Why don't you tell me?" Switch asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, Switch. But I have to take this matter to my own hands." Bossun answered.

Then, Yabasawa appeared. "Yabasu! Have you guys been waiting long?" she asked.

"Oh, no! Just 5 minutes ago! Right, Switch?" Bossun said cheerfully.

"Y-yes." Switch said.

Then, Saaya appeared too. "Yabasu! There you are, Saaya!" Yabasawa exclaimed.

"Hello, guys! I heard that Himeko couldn't come! That's too bad.." Saaya said.

"Oh, whatever! Let's just have fun on this um… Fun day!" Bossun said (again) cheerfully.

"Bossun's right." Said Saaya.

"Saaya, we need to find your true love!" Yabasawa suddenly said.

"Wait, what? True love? This is not some kind children's tales!" Saaya answered.

"Yeah, but it is." Yabasawa continued and guided Saaya around the mall.

"How about that guy on that shop? Or that guy that's staring into space?" Yabasawa suggested.

"Hold on!" Bossun protested. "I am her true love!" Bossun said, shocking Switch.

"Yabasu! Stop saying nonsense, Bossun!" Yabasawa said, continuing to guide Saaya.

Bossun groaned and Switch glared at him. "True love, Bossun? I thought you have feelings for Himeko?" Switch asked.

Bossun pouted and walked away.

"I love them both in different ways."

So? How was it? Do you think I should rate it 'T' ? Please tell me on your reviews!

