Disclaimer: As always I own nothing but the original characters and the storyline. Thanks for reading until the end, I hope you enjoyed it.

I Will Wait For You

With the thick comforter wrapped around him for warmth and comfort Blake sat on his couch and waited for Bane to come. If he was going to come, Blake thought for what felt like the millionth time as he forced himself not to look at his watch or the nearby clock again. Bane had said he'd come back here after going to see Talia's body…but that had been hours ago and he didn't need to be a detective to know that the longer he sat alone on his couch in his apartment, the more likely it was that Bane had left the city with Talia's remains, Barsad, and whatever League members were still possibly in the city.

He should have insisted on being allowed to come with Bane to view the body, he should have never backed down at such a crucial moment even though Bane had basically ordered him not to come, Blake berated himself, also for the millionth time. But at the time he'd thought that doing what Bane wanted was important, especially since he'd told himself that Barsad would provide any emotional support Bane might need. Because while it went without saying that he cared a hell of a lot about Bane's wellbeing, any platitudes coming from him wouldn't mean much since he'd been very vocal about his feelings towards Talia before her passing. Not that he would have killed her…but in his gut he'd wished her dead and his lover was far too perceptive not to have known that.

Part of the reason Bane hadn't wanted him to come was probably the fact that Bane and Barsad hadn't wanted him anywhere near their no doubt top secret headquarters where they'd been plotting their stupid plans for the last few months, Blake told himself as he rolled his eyes, trying to lighten his mood a little before he did something stupid. There would probably be whole piles of stuff in that place that he'd theoretically have to arrest them for if he saw it, yay him. And in a blink of an eye, as it had constantly, Blake's mind turned to the real questions at hand.

Would Bane blame him for her death? Talia wouldn't be dead if not for him and events he'd put into motion so to speak. Bane would know that. Would he come after him for revenge, or leave him forever as a punishment to them both? How would Bane handle his grief? Should he call him? Go out looking for him?

Getting to his feet, telling himself that he should just go to bed and try and get some sleep, Blake stood there for a moment, cursing life in general and the fact that he knew there was no way he was going to be able to sleep, before dropping back onto the couch.

And then Blake had to swear as his bruised and battered body made their feelings known as added insult to the already considerable injuries. He could call Bruce, Blake didn't doubt the man was still up and would listen to him, but Bruce no doubt had to deal with his own feelings concerning Miranda/Talia, especially since there was no way this couldn't have drudged up memories of losing Rachel and his parents. Not that Talia had mattered nearly as much as them, but Bruce was paranoid about the people around him dying and this wasn't going to help that phobia one little bit, dammit.

Stretching out on the couch in the slim hopes of at least cat napping a little, Blake closed his eyes and tried not to think about the fact that his life was probably fucked up beyond all recognition now, with basically zero chance of repairing it any time soon. He'd fallen in love with a mercenary capable of cold blooded mass murder, broken the law countless times in one night, and was waiting around for his definitely not Prince Charming like an idiot because he…he couldn't make himself do anything else.

How long he lay there contemplating how he was going to fix his life when it finished blowing up in his face Blake couldn't say, he was still ignoring his need to check the time, but he knew the instant his front door was opened by someone.

Sitting up in one fluid motion that had him off the couch and onto his feet in a snap, Blake tossed the comforter onto the couch and then started towards said door, almost out of his living room when Bane stepped into view.

With so much of Bane's face covered by his mask reading it should have been difficult, but Blake could see the grief and pain, could feel it in his bones as the look in the other man's eyes froze him in place against his will.

But Bane crossed the space dividing them with his long, sure strides, picking Blake up in a princess hold that had Blake automatically wrapping his arms around Bane's neck to keep him in place as he remained still, belatedly realizing that he should have spent some of the past few hours thinking about what he would say if a miracle did occur and Bane came to him after seeing what had become of Talia as a result of his choice to protect him instead of her.

Bane took them back to the couch, picking up the comforter first and then draping it over the both of them. He had yet to say anything, but his actions spoke loudly.

Saying Bane's name softly Blake gently nuzzled their cheeks together and waited, having no idea where Bane was at and sensing that he should stay quiet until his lover made the first verbal move.

"She took her first steps to me." Bane said softly, his voice just loud enough for Blake to hear as he held the other man close and started talking, in fits and starts at first, about Talia and their life together. About important milestones that were always noted such as her first word, 'No', and little everyday quirks about her like the fact that she'd been a horrible swimmer but the most elegant of dancers. He spoke of her favorite colors and foods, her love of piggyback rides and how she'd called him 'Bay' before she'd learned to pronounce his name properly. The subjects she'd excelled at and her struggles with math, the difficultly in hiding her gender from the other inmates for fear of what they'd do to her if they knew. He told Blake that she and her mother had dreamed that someday her father would rescue them and they'd go live with him someplace safe where Talia could be a proper little girl with dresses and ribbons, Talia's mother spinning elaborate tales of what that life would be like. And then Bane told him what it had been like to see Talia take that leap to complete her escape from The Pit, the agony of not knowing what had become of her until the League had come for him and taken him to her. How he'd have asked them for death as his reward for protecting her if she hadn't begged him to live, to stay with her.

As he listened to Bane describe how Talia had been there for him once he'd been rescued from The Pit Blake continued to do what he'd been doing since Bane had started talking, keeping his arms tight around Bane and listening, absorbing everything he was being told as he saw Talia through Bane's eyes.

The sun moved higher and higher into the sky, the rays growing in brilliance and warmth through the single living room window. The light marked the passage of time but neither man paid it any mind, Blake only leaving Bane's side for a few moments to get the other man some water because obviously his lover wasn't used to talking so much period, much less all at once. And when he couldn't talk anymore Bane simply went silent and continued to hold onto Blake until his phone let out a sign that indicated he had a text message.

Pulling the device out of his pocket Bane studied the readout and then softly stated that Barsad would be arriving in fifteen minutes to pick him up.

"You're going to take her home."


Silence reigned for several heartbeats and then Bane stood up, shifting his grip so that Blake slid down his body so that Blake was on his feet again but still wrapped in Blake's arms.

"I don't know when I will return here. After the burial I'll have to deal with the League, and that cannot be rushed, nor the outcome anticipated with any real certainty. Proving her capacity to lead the League of Shadows was part of the reason for this visit and Talia's determination to succeed. Currently the higher ranking members are still divided as to who should take over Ra's al Ghul's place. Many power struggles and assassinations have taken place as various members have vied for the top position. I need to insure that whoever takes over the mantle now that the last member of Ra's al Ghul family is dead will not seek to finish what al Ghul planned for this city, and that whoever takes charge will lead those who remain in the League honorably. I'll have no way of contacting you while I'm there. It's too remote and even if it wasn't it would not be wise to draw attention to my connection to you. The members that came here with us are loyal to me, but I have many enemies back at the League headquarters."

Blake wanted to demand to know more, especially in regards to just how many people were potentially going to try and maim or assassinate his lover once Bane returned without Talia's protection, but he bit his tongue because it would be pointless to ask. This was the League of Shadows after all. They didn't advertise how they worked or what they did from the shadows they lurked in. And he got that Bane would feel that he had to make sure that the League would not fall into disgrace because it was the legacy of the two people Bane thought, rightly or wrongly, he owed his freedom to.

So he didn't ask Bane to return right after he buried Talia, or for Bane to not go at all. All he could do was ask a question. "There isn't anything I can do to help…right?"


"Okay then." Blake looked down, not meeting Bane's gaze. "I'll…I'll walk you out."

A pause. "Parjarito?"

It took him a moment, but Blake forced himself to look up again to meet Bane's unreadable gaze. "Yes?"

"Will you wait for me to return?"

"Are you asking me to?" There couldn't be any misunderstandings here, Blake knew, there was too much at stake. What Bane said now could make or break what parts of his heart he'd managed to glue back together, the threat of a life back in darkness looming over him like a storm cloud waiting to break.

Bane nodded. "Yes, I am asking. Though I do not have the right, perhaps…I cannot not ask."

Emotions warred for prominence in Blake's eyes, but he forced himself to rein them all in as he allowed himself to lean against Bane's chest and believe. "Then yes. I'll wait."

"Thank you."

There wasn't time for more than that, Blake discarding the comforter still wrapped around him so that he could move more easily as they headed for the front door where Bane once again donned his coat and boots. When Bane started to do up the coat Blake asked him to wait, moving in when Bane did as he'd asked. Leaning in close Blake reached out and gently pulled the collar of Bane's shirt to the side so that he could lower his head to press his lips against the skin he'd just revealed before marking it as his while Bane's hand held his head in place.

Lifting his head when he'd finished Blake worked up a smile. "See you soon."

Nodding his head Bane finished doing up his coat and then undid the locks for the door, opening it before he turned back to look at Blake one last time with a final request.

"Will you say it one more time, please?"

"I love you."

"I love you as well, Parjarito."

And on that note Bane stepped through the doorway and then softly closed the door behind him.


Four Months Later

The weather outside the vehicle was warm, the air conditioner blowing cool air around the inside of the car and its lone occupant. Not that Bane minded the humidity, he was used to much worse than this, but the months he'd spent recently in cool climates had his body preferring the coolness to the baking heat that those walking around him seemed to be enjoying as he drove past them. The area was a fairly popular vacation destination, he'd been told, though the place he was headed for was slightly off the beaten path. The cottage his little bird had rented for his two week vacation.

He hadn't known about the holiday until he'd arrived in Gotham the day before to find Blake gone. When he'd called the man's cell phone he'd been informed that it was no longer in service, necessitating a call to the GCPD who had informed him that the detective was on vacation. From there he'd been reduced to calling Wayne, who'd surprised him by volunteering the information without any arguing. He was trying to see that willingness to help as a sign that Blake had asked the Batman to do so as opposed to his former nemesis wanting him to get to Blake as soon as possible so that he could be informed that he'd been discarded and forgotten in the months that had passed since they'd last spoke.

Logically Bane knew that his little bird was not the sort to love easily or shallowly, and that Blake would never break his word normally…but the dark voices in his head had whispered at first and then shouted as the weeks passed that he knew better than anyone just how appealing his lover was. That there were plenty of men out there without his baggage and bloodstained hands who would eagerly pursue Blake in his absence, offering his beloved things and a life that were beyond him to provide.

The thought of Blake being touched, loved by another had haunted him as steadily as Talia's ghost these past months.

Eyes darkening with sadness, as they did whenever he thought of Talia, Bane resolutely turned his mind to thinking about what he would say when he arrived at his destination and was actually faced with his little bird.

One would think, given the amount of time he'd had to consider what he should and needed to say, that he'd have a speech set in stone by now, Bane acknowledged with a self-deprecating head shake. He was a man who knew well the power of words and how to use them, a student of many languages who had proven that his strength was as much mental as it was physical over the past months…yet all words dried up at the thought, the fear that his words would fail him this time and he would lose everything.

That as it always had been before, the light would be snatched away from him, taunting him with the fact that he was not worthy to stand in its rays and now its beauty.

Soon he would know if that was the case.

The rest of the drive was completed in dark musings, the crowds disappearing and the vegetation getting far more dense around him before Bane finally pulled into a long driveway that ended beside a well worn but charming looking cottage with the sand and ocean shining brilliantly in the late morning sun behind it.

Stepping out of the truck Bane's eyes automatically scanned his new surroundings for a sense of the layout and possible threats, his gaze landing and staying on a spot that was halfway between the rustic dwelling and the sea water that brushed back and forth over the white sand in loving repetition. There, stretched out on a large towel, was the man he'd come to see, apparently fast asleep while he sunbathed in a black bathing suit.

Without conscious thought Bane walked across the sand to Blake, his eyes hungrily taking in the body that was currently beautifully tanned and made his mouth actually water for a taste of it. His lover's hair had grown, he saw, currently in the process of drying and having a curl to it that he hadn't known it had previously. He wanted to run his hands through it and play with its new length. And Blake was slightly bulkier than he'd been the last time he'd seem his bird unclothed, Bane noted with eyes hungry to take it all in, the new definition suggesting that perhaps the other man had been using physical activity to keep him centered, as he had many times in the past months.

His shadow was just about to reach the prone body when Blake abruptly rolled over and onto his back, long lashes blinking hard as the detective struggled to wake enough to process what had made his instincts jolt him back to consciousness.


Knees going weak at the sound of his name on the other man's lips, Bane took a couple steps closer and then dropped down onto his knees so that he sat in the sand like a pupil before his master as he waited for the lesson or task to be given, unable to speak.

He didn't have long to wait, Blake moving with impressive speed once it computed in the detective's mind that he wasn't just seeing things and that Bane really was there, kneeling in front of him. Scrambling to his feet Blake barreled into Bane's chest like a shot fired from a cannon, knocking them both backward, so great was Bane's surprise at this unexpected reaction.

Wrapping his body around Bane's as much as he was able Blake's voice was dead serious. "If you ever leave me like that again I'll shoot you!"

"That is fair."

Perhaps hearing the smile in Bane's voice Blake abruptly let go and sitting up a little reached for Bane's mask, the former mercenary making no effort to stop his lover as the buckles were undone and the mask was removed so that the smile he was indeed wearing was in full view. Pleasure was in his eyes as he felt Blake's fingertips brush over his lips, Bane sighing Blake's petname with love in his unfiltered voice.

And then their lips were pressed together and not much was spoken for quite a long time.

But when they were spoken…it was made clear that they would never be alone or left in the darkness ever again.

The End

P.S. I will be writing more about these two, though I need to finish some other works first before starting new stuff. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!