After Hwoarang and Jin changed into their gym clothes, Hwoarang is taken back by the large number of students when they show up to the court. Even a few teachers show up, out of curiosity he imagines. Not that it matters to him. Every seat is taken up and for those that couldn't find a seat they are sitting in their cars or on the grass by the hill. And except for the teachers, he's still charging for sodas and the eighty degree heat is helping them move faster than normal. They're making money hand over fist.

Asuka and Ling show up in their gym clothes and the girls cheer. Hwoarang is amused that they are shaking hands and giving high fives to other girls as if they were local celebrities.

He yells, "Anytime now girls!"

As the girls settle down, Asuka and Ling walk to him and Jin by the net.

Ling says shyly, "Hi…hi…Jin." She gives Jin a little wave.

Hwoarang watches with concern as Jin smiles at her, making her look down and blush. "All right, enough of that Romeo."

"Ugh, I agree," Asuka adds.

"Do we need to go over the rules again," Hwoarang asks.

"Let's get on with it," Asuka quickly answers.

"Ok, who has a coin to see who goes first," Hwoarang asks.

Jin replies, "The young ladies will serve first."

Hwoarang watches as Ling looks up at Jin and they smile at each other.

"Ugh," Hwoarang and Asuka utter at the same time.

"Why," Hwoarang then asks.

Jin answers simply, "Because it'll upset you Hwoarang."

The match is heightened by the divided interests of the audience. The students was either praising or trash talking, this only meant to Hwoarang that they were getting sore throats and more soda was being sold.

Although, he does feel that the game is better for it. He feels pumped every time he spikes the volleyball like a professional. But Hwoarang is amazed how the girls were keeping up with them point for point. Ling moves beautifully and gracefully to make digs on the courts to recover from Jin's spikes. Asuka is more focused and intense, the muscle of the group, making most of the points with fast and hard spikes.

He and Jin attack the ball and block spikes well, but Asuka and Ling support each other verbally and gave each other high fives. They were in sync as they set each other up, and it was pissing him off that Jin couldn't even help him up when he fell down on the court.

Asuka makes another point, tying the score fourteen to fourteen, the girls roar in their applause.

In the chaos, he yells at Jin, "Come on! You should have blocked that one!"

Jin replies turning his back to him, "Sure, sure."

He turns Jin around by his shoulder and yells, "If you don't keep your head in the game, I'll knock some sense into you!"

Jin yells, "I like to see you try!"

They go into fight poses, but to his surprise Ling runs between them and points at him, "Don't you hurt Jin!"

"What? Go back to your side short stuff!"

"Hey," Asuka screams as she walks to him and pushes him back harshly. "You don't get to talk to her like that!"

"Yeah, you don't get to talk to me like that!"

"Are you kidding me?" He watches Jin smile. "And what are you smiling at," he yells at Jin pointing at him.

"I said don't yell at him," Ling yells.

"Get your finger out of my face short stuff!"

"Don't call her that!"


Jin laughs.

"What are you laughing about?" He pushes Jin but it doesn't make Jin stop laughing.

"Don't push Jin," Ling yells as she tries to push Hwoarang back but she only bounces off him.

"Um…can we play next while you figure out your mess," Steve asks.

Hwoarang turns around and sees Steve and Forest with two girls at their side.

He looks over the barely empty soda coolers and the stuffed envelopes of money his workers have in their hands. Then he looks over the crowd of students getting along, laughing, and taking pictures. Then he looks at the stuffed envelopes of money again.

"Fine! Free play everybody!"

The audience cheers.

Jin says sarcastically, "How merciful of you."

He turns to Jin. "I didn't really try to play anyways, I was going to let the girls win anyways…you know, to make them feel good about themselves."

"What? Liar!" Asuka pushes him down to the ground before she takes Ling's hand and drags her towards the soda coolers. "If you feel so bad, then you're buying soda…for all the girls!"

Jin laughs at him.

"Shut up!"

After it was agreed and communicated that the girls would get seventy perfect off soda, the other games continued without any further fights throughout the night. Team selection stopped being an issue about gender and a matter of talent or if the captain of the team taught you were cute.

After the teachers left, the seniors turn on their cars and turn on their car's lights. Rude Boy by Rihanna starts playing loudly on a senior's car speakers. Students start dancing with each other in the parking lot.

In this grace period of peace and harmony, Hwoarang watches as Ling takes a picture with Jin with her cell phone. As she looks over the picture, Jin kisses her on the cheek. She looks at him with shock before she faints unto the grass.

Hwoarang laughs and points at him as he bends down and fans her face with concern.

"What happened," Asuka asks as she walks next to him.

"Well…," he says, looking at her face, liking how her face is being lit in the moon light.

"Well…what," she asks looking at him.

He quickly kisses Asuka on the lips. As he pulls back, he looks into her smoldering eyes and knows that he's made a mistake. She immediately slaps his face with both hands and doesn't stop.

"Stop it! What are you crazy?" He runs away.

She gives chase. "Who told you that you could kiss me?"

Steve and Forest laughs at him as she chases him around the court.