Author's note
Ukyo Kuonji, Ranma Saotome, Ryoga Hibiki, and Akane Tendo randomly end up in a strange place, where they meet the Avatar gang.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar or Ranma; all characters belong to their rightful owners. So sadly, I don't own anything.

Chapter 1: Strange New World

Ryoga Hibiki was on his way to the Tendo Dojo to visit Akane when he suddenly noticed Mousse walking out of the Cat Cafe, and it wasn't long before the blind boy noticed him standing there.

"Hey Ryoga, I was just looking for you," Mousse said. "I found something that might help to beat Ranma once and for all. Wanna team up?"

"Mousse, do you remember the last time we teamed up to beat Ranma?" Ryoga asked him. "It almost put Akane in danger. And I won't allow that to happen again."

"But this time I'm sure we can beat Ranma," Mousse protested. "Which is why I got this when I went back to China," he said while holding up some weird Chinese trinket.

"Well as long as it won't put Akane in any danger, then I guess it's fine," Ryoga replied.

"Great, so we're teaming up again to beat Ranma then?" Mousse asked.

Before Ryoga could reply however, they had arrived at the Tendo Dojo where they could hear Akane shouting; "Ranma you jerk!" as she ran outside crying.

"That jerk! What's he done to her this time?!" the lost boy snapped as he ran inside only to see Ranma running after her.

"Akane wait!" the pigtailed martial artist called after her. "It's not like I wanted Shampoo to show up!"

"Sh-Shampoo?" Mousse questioned. "So that's where Shampoo was the whole time. I guess I should've known," he said as Ryoga charged in.

"Ranma Saotome! Prepare to die!" the lost boy shouted.

"Huh? Ryoga, when did you get here?" Ranma asked when he noticed his rival charging towards him.

"Never mind that! Ranma, what did you do to Akane?!" Ryoga demanded. "And don't try to lie! I saw her crying!"

"Gee, wouldn't you like to know?" Ranma muttered when Mousse suddenly attacked him with his hidden weapons technique along with a bucket of cold water flying towards him. "Gah! Mousse, you too?!" the now female Ranma shouted at him.

"Give it up Saotome!" Mousse shouted. "I'm still gonna take Shampoo back from you!"

"Aiyaaaaa! Mousse, why you still fight Ranma?" Shampoo suddenly asked him. "You know you no can beat Ranma, stupid duck!" she snapped as she threw a bucket of cold water on him.

'Quack quack,' Mousse-duck quacked.

"Stupid Mousse! Shampoo no can speak duck!" Shampoo replied when Ranma noticed something lying on the ground that Mousse must have dropped when he transformed.

"Hey what's this?" the redhead asked as she bent down to pick it up.

"Hey! You better give that back Ranma!" Ryoga demanded. "Mousse and I were gonna use it to beat you once and for all!"

"Oh I get it. Trying to team up with Mousse again aren't ya P-chan?" Ranma replied mockingly.

"Ranma! Quit picking on Ryoga!" Akane suddenly shouted before the lost boy could even reply, when Ranma noticed Ukyo walk in.

"Hey Ucchan!" she said as she went over to greet her, leaving a jealous Akane glaring daggers at them.

"Hey there Ranma-honey," Ukyo replied with Akane still glaring at them.

"Ranma no BAKA!" Akane shouted and was about to hit the redhead on the head with her mallet when she accidently ended up hitting the ancient Chinese trinket instead when the pigtailed martial artist jumped to the side to dodge the blow.

"What's up with Akane today?" Ukyo asked curiously.

"Shampoo, that's what," Ranma muttered when the now broken trinket started to glow a yellow-green color, and before Ranma could say anything else; she, Ukyo, Akane, and Ryoga were pulled inside the portal that appeared from the glowing trinket.

"What the heck is this?" Ukyo asked as they were being pulled inside.

"I dunno, maybe you should ask Ryoga," Ranma told her.

"Hey, Mousse was the one who brought that thing back from China in the first place!" the lost boy retorted. "How was I supposed to know it was some kind of teleporter thing?"

"Yeah and you were gonna team up with Mousse again to try and beat me," Ranma muttered.

"Will you both just shut up?! Who cares about whatever it was Mousse brought back from China anyway?!" Akane snapped at both of them.

"I agree with Akane," Ukyo said. "Where ever this thing takes us, we have to find out where we are after it stops."

"Yeah exactly," Akane added, realizing that she was agreeing with Ukyo but decided to go with it since they needed to work together anyway.

When the glowing from the portal stopped, the four of them found themselves in a strange place.

"Where the heck are we?" Ryoga asked.

"That's what we're gonna find out, moron!" Ukyo snapped at him.

"Even when we're not in Nerima anymore, his sense of direction never changes," Ranma muttered.

"Ranma! I'd shut up if I were you!" the lost boy snapped. "We still have our fight to finish, because making Akane cry is unforgivable!"

"Hey like I said, it ain't my fault Shampoo decided to show up," Ranma retorted.

"You guys, we're not gonna get anywhere arguing with each other," Ukyo said. "Right now, finding out where we are is more important."

"Yeah I'm with Ukyo," Ranma said. "I'd rather not put up with Akane's mallet again. Or her cooking, if it ever comes to that again," she added, mumbling that last part.

"What was that Ranma?!" Akane snapped, turning to glare at her. (Ranma's still girl-type)

"(sweat drop) Haha, hey what'd ya know? There's someone over there where we can get directions from," the redhead suddenly said, changing the subject as she ran off to avoid being hit with Akane's mallet.

"Ran-chan!" Ukyo called after her.

"No, he's right," Ryoga said as he pointed in the direction the redhead ran off in. "There's someone over there."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Akane said. "Hey Ranma, wait up!" she called after the pigtailed martial artist as she ran after her, followed by Ryoga and Ukyo.

"Ranma, what is it?" Akane asked as she, Ukyo, and Ryoga caught up.

"I dunno, but they don't look familiar," Ranma replied.

"Well I'm still gonna go ask for directions anyway," Ryoga said when a rock suddenly flew past them.

"Gah! What the heck was that?" a now terrified Ranma said after they all dodged the rock, when she suddenly heard a scream from behind her as she turned around to see a bandit grab Akane from behind and run off with her.

"Ranma!" she called out.

"Akane!" both Ranma and Ryoga shouted as the bandit ran off taking Akane with him.

"Hey are you two just gonna stand there, or are we goin' after Akane?" Ukyo called over to them, which caught their attention as they ran off after the bandit when they were suddenly attacked by more 'rock throwing' bandits.

"We don't have time for this! We gotta get Akane back!" Ranma shouted at the bandits as she unleashed a "Moko Takabisha!" followed by a "Bakusai Tenketsu!" from Ryoga, with Ukyo just fighting with her giant spatula.

As Ranma was about to run after the bandit who took Akane, she suddenly noticed that she had already gotten away from them and was now fighting back with her mallet as the redhead made her way over to her while fighting off bandits.

"You ok Akane?" she asked.

"I'm fine Ranma," Akane replied as she knocked out another bandit. "These bandits have some nerve if they think they can just kidnap me and get away with it!" she snapped.

'Yup, she's definitely ok,' Ranma thought to herself as a bandit tried to sneak up on her, but she ended up beating him. "Take that!" she shouted as she beat another bandit.

"There's too many of them," Ukyo said as one of the bandi tas one of the bandits earthbent a rock at her that ended up putting a dent in her spatula , but she still continued to fight anyway when a fireball suddenly shot passed them and hit one of the bandits. "Huh? Where did that come from?" the okonomiyaki chef suddenly asked.

"Who knows?" Ryoga replied. "But if it's another bandit, then they're gettin' a Bakusai Tenketsu in return! Bakusai Tenketsu!" he shouted, sending it towards whoever threw the fire and knocking them over.

"Heh, nice goin' P-chan. Ya knocked over an old man," Ranma said as she followed the Bakusai Tenketsu to where it hit the 'supposed' bandit.

"Yeah, as if I'm falling for that Ranma!" Ryoga retorted when the 'old man' the redhead referred to was up and now standing in front of them. "Gah! It really is an old man! I can't believe I thought he was one of the bandits too!" the lost boy said while twiddling his thumbs nervously. "I-I'm really sorry about that."

"It's alright, I understand it was really those bandits you were fighting," Iroh replied. "I guess I didn't expect a powerful earthbending move like that."

"Yeah but still... wait, a w-what-bending move? Y-You mean my Bakusai Tenketsu?" Ryoga suddenly asked.

"What's earthbending?" Ranma added. "And what was that fireball that came outta nowhere?"

"Earthbending was what you saw some of the bandits doing, and the firebending came from me," Iroh explained.

"Earthbending and firebending huh? That sounds interesting," Akane said.

"And there's also airbending and waterbending as well," Iroh added.

"Well I don't know if I would call the Bakusai Tenketsu breaking point an earthbending move, or whatever it was you called it. But I guess it could be," Ryoga said.

"By the way, you never told us who you were," Ukyo told the old man.

"Oh right, my name is Iroh," he replied as they all introduced themselves in return; Ukyo Kuonji, Ranma Saotome, Akane Tendo, and Ryoga Hibiki. After that, Iroh decided to share some tea with them. "So are the four of you traveling anywhere in particular?" he asked them.

"Well not really," Akane admitted. "I mean, we just randomly ended up here after being sucked through some portal."

"Yeah, that Mousse brought back from China," Ryoga added earning a questioning look from Iroh. "Well he probably didn't know what it was when he brought it back though. He only said that it would help beat Ranma once and for all."

"Yeah and you were plannin' on teamin' up with him again," Ranma added. "By the way, do you have any hot water I could use so I can change back?" she asked Iroh, who gave her a questioning look when she said she needed to 'change back'. "Nevermind, I guess I'll explain about that later. Even though I'd rather be a guy again than be stuck as a girl," she said, mumbling the last part about being a guy again and once again earning a confused look from Iroh. "Yeah, we're definitely gonna need to explain where we're from," the redhead said after a few seconds.

"So where are we anyway?" Ryoga decided to ask.

"Yeah, obviously comin' from the Eternal Lost Boy," Ranma retorted.

"You shut up Ranma!" Ryoga snapped at him.

"Honestly you two," Akane said, rolling her eyes at them.

"Well to answer your question, we're not really anywhere in particular," Iroh told them. "My nephew and I are just traveling together. Or at least we were until we split up," he added.

"So, you're traveling with your nephew then?" Akane asked Iroh, who nodded in reply.

"I've actually been tracking him since we split up," he said.

"You must be pretty worried about him," Ukyo said.

"Hey I've got an idea," Akane said. "Maybe we could join you, then that way we can continue explaining where we're from," she suggested to Iroh.

"I would be glad for the company," Iroh replied. "If you want to come with me, you can," he said as he got up to leave followed by the four martial artists (three martial artists plus the okonomiyaki chef).

Fighting Azula

Zuko was fighting his sister Azula in an abandoned town with Aang trying to dodge their firebending attacks. Pretty soon Aang was joined by his friends Katara and Sokka followed by Toph, while at the same time Zuko was rejoined by Iroh while Akane, Ranma, and Ukyo were taken by surprise by the battle going on and were unsure of whether to join in or not when Azula was suddenly being cornered against the nearest wall.

"Well well, enemies and traitors all working together," she said as she was against the wall. "I know when I'm beaten. A princess surrenders with honor."

As she said that, she sent a blue fireball right in Iroh's direction, catching him by surprise as it hit him as he fell to the ground while Zuko watched in horror as his uncle was struck down before turning back to firebend at his sister, along with Team Avatar using their bending attacks at her as well.

"No way! She just knocked out the old man with a fireball! Now that just ain't fair!" Ranma shouted as she unleashed a "Moko Takabisha!" at Azula as well while Akane and Ukyo went over to help Iroh, but were soon shoved aside by Zuko after his sister escaped, and was upset about his uncle being knocked down by Azula and didn't want them helping.

"Hey! We just wanna help!" Akane snapped at him.

"I can help too, Zuko," the waterbender Katara offered.

"I don't need your help! Get away from us!" Zuko shouted as he firebended at the group behind him, and the Gaang decide to leave and took off on their flying bison Appa.

"So this guy is the old man's nephew?" Ranma said. "What a jerk, I can't believe they're even related. At least the old man was a lot nicer, and he makes good tea," she added.

"Knock it off, Ranma!" Akane snapped at him. "Now isn't the time to go looking for a fight."

"Yeah yeah, but I'm just sayin' the old man makes good tea. That's all I'm sayin'," Ranma said. "At least it's better than your cooking anyway, Akane," she added with a grin at her fiancee.

"Oh that does it, Ranma!" Akane snapped as she got ready to hit the redhead with her mallet when Ukyo interrupted them.

"Hey have you guys noticed that Ryoga's missing?" the okonomiyaki chef asked.

"Probably got himself lost again as usual," Ranma replied. "Oh well, I'm pretty sure P-chan will show up again eventually."

"P-chan?" Akane questioned. "You mean you've seen him here, Ranma?" she asked the redhead.

"He's been closer than you think," Ranma replied. "Before he got himself lost anyway," she added.

"We're talking about P-chan, not Ryoga," Akane told her when she was interrupted by Zuko.

"Hey, why are you three still here?! I thought you would have left with the Avatar!" he demanded as he was about to get his uncle somewhere safe and taken care of.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, sugar," Ukyo said. "All we wanna do is help. And besides Iroh helped us fight off a group of bandits, so we owe it to him for helping us."

"Yeah, it's the least we could do," Akane added, although Ranma was somewhat being stubborn and a little jealous that both her fiancees were offering to help the firebender with his uncle.

"And we ain't even with the ava- Wait, what's an avatar?" Ranma suddenly asked. "And who was the crazy girl with the blue fire that knocked out the old man?"

"Nevermind about all of that! I don't care if you help, as long as you're not with the Avatar," Zuko told them.

"Sure thing, sugar. We'll be glad to help," Ukyo replied while Akane and Ranma agreed as well, even though Ranma was more stubborn about it.

With that said, they helped Zuko get his uncle somewhere safe and taken care of.

Ok this is my first attempt at a Ranma-Avatar crossover, so I hope it doesn't suck. I haven't decided on pairings yet, but I'm just gonna plan on pairing Ukyo and Ryoga with someone and keep Akane and Ranma together. I dunno, it may switch around to different pairings. But yeah, I'm still deciding on who to pair them with. Maybe RyogaxTyLee, either Akane or Ukyo with Zuko (or one of them could be paired with Jet). I don't know who to pair Ranma with though. I won't pair anyone with Sokka, because he's in love with Suki (same with Aang and Katara, since they also develop feelings for each other). Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this anyway. ^_^ I also had to change one part in this chapter that I goofed up on, when I added metalbending when it hasn't been invented yet. So yeah, I went back and fixed that part. So again, enjoy this chapter. ^_^