Ash and May Love Story Chapter 1

The cold February wind blew ever so gently sending a shiver up Ash's spine causing him to cease all thoughts and turn to the group and say with a shivering tone "It's freezing out here." "Pikachu." Pikachu said in a similar fashion jumping onto Ash's lap and trying to curl up to gain some warmth. "Hey well maybe this stew can warm us all up" said Brock in a cheery tone holding up a ladle Ash saw this and then stood up and said smiling "Good thinking Brock" "You always make the best stew!" Ash went to go and serve himself a bowl and sat down at the table and took a look at the group Brock who was sitting in front of him was happily munching away at his stew and praising himself for being such a good cook then sitting next to Brock was Dawn the young Pokémon coordinator who joined them early on Ash's journey through Sinnoh and who was slowly eating her stew then Ash looked to his right and saw his long time friend Pikachu sitting next to him enjoying its own Pokémon food with a smile on its face then Ash looked at the empty spot to the left of Dawn and imagined his long time friend May sitting there smiling at him how he missed her ever since the last time he saw her which was at Wallace cup competition things hadn't been the same he felt empty inside no matter how many battles he won no matter how many badges he earned he would trade them all to spend just one day with May. Ash sighed and then went back to eating his soup and let his mind wander about thoughts of May.

His mind didn't wander for long because as Dawn was about to take another bite out of her food she looked up and said pointing at the sky "Hey what is that!" everybody turned to look only to see a small Pidgeot making its way down from the sky to their camp It landed next in the middle of the table nearly knocking over Ash's bowl and causing him to jump a little "Pidge" it said flapping its wings a little and looked around the table and stared at everyone then Brock pointed out something "Hey it looks like it has a letter tied to its leg." Brock said, Ash reached over and untied the note from the bird's leg then the bird let out a cry and flew away Ash watched as the bird flew off and then turned his attention to the letter and he quickly opened it "Well what does it say?" Dawn asked inquisitively Ash looked at the letter and then said "Well it says here that my mom is having a special dinner at her house in Pallet town and would love it if we attended it also says that she invited Misty, Max, and Ash's heart skipped a beat and…May. Ash let the last part sink in "Ah that's awesome Ash aren't you excited!?" Dawn asked clapping her hands giddily but Ash didn't hear her he just stared off into space just thinking about May I can't believe it she's actually coming I can't wait this amazing maybe I'll confess my true feelings for her or….Huh? Ash's thoughts were interrupted by Brock who was poking him trying to get his attention. "I asked if you wanted more stew Ash." Brock said. "Oh yea sure" said Ash looking at his bowl which had about half its contents spilt onto the table from the Pidgeot.

As Ash tried to sleep that night he couldn't stop thinking about May he tossed and turned trying to sleep but every time he closed his eyes thoughts about May just kept coming up What if May doesn't feel the same way or what if she has found someone else or even worse what if she started dating Drew that would be the worst. Ash couldn't bear the thought of May dating Drew so he got up and sat up next to the fire as he watched the flames his eyes finally began to feel heavy and he feel back on the his sleeping bag and feel asleep it wasn't a peaceful sleep though for he had a awful dream where he saw himself walk into his house and on the couch was May and Max at first he felt happy and walked over to May and got down on one knee was about to confess his feelings when all of the sudden Drew walked in and sat beside her putting his arm around her then May smiling spoke saying "Hey Ash you remember Drew right well now were dating isn't it wonderful?" she giggled and with that Drew leaned in and they started to kiss with Max running over to Ash and saying "isn't it awesome Ash!?" Ash looked at Max then back at May and Drew who where passionately kissing Ash then started to yell and screamed himself awake "NOOOO!" He yelled, Brock and Dawn were startled by this "what's wrong Ash?" Brock asked concernedly "Pika?" Pikachu said running over to his trainer "huh? Ash said looking around "Oh I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to startle you" Ash said "I just had a nightmare." "About what?" Dawn asked still rattled from Ash's screaming Ash tried to think of an excuse and finally said "Uhh about team rocket stealing Pikachu." Ash said looking down on his small concerned friend then looking around it seemed that Brock and Dawn had some concern on their faces but didn't say anything to him they just continued to pack finally Brock stood up and said "Well guys let's get going pallet town is a long walk away." "Right" Ash said. So Ash, Dawn, and Brock and Pikachu all headed out to go to Pallet town.

All along the way Ash thought about what he would say to May when he saw her again. A few days went by and the gang was just a day's walk outside of Pallet town they were actually going to be a day early for once Ash thought. By nightfall when Ash was in his sleeping bag he finally thought of what he was going to say to May I know he thought I'm gonna tell her about how I enjoyed all the adventures we had together and that I loved every minute of it and the only reason is because I shared it with you and even if you hate me for saying this I want you to know I love you. Ash didn't even say the last part out loud but it still sent a shiver up his spine Pikachu must have sensed that his trainer was nervous and went to comfort him "Pika" the small Pokémon said quietly "it's ok Pikachu I was just thinking" Ash said petting his Pokémon's head "Pikapi" Pikachu said curling up next to Ash. Then the two went to sleep Ash, Dawn, and Brock all woke up with a yawn at the same time looked at each other and all gave a laugh. "Well then" Ash said stretching "Guess we better get going" "But wait don't you want to eat" Brock said "No way we can eat when we get home" Ash said starting to pack up both Brock and Dawn looked at each other and shrugged and agreed to pack up and leave. As Ash was rolling up his bag Dawn came over to him with a concerned look on her face "Hey Ash" she said "yeah Dawn what is it" Ash said keeping most of his attention still on his bag "Well it's just that it seems lately that you have been acting different" she said Ash stopped then turned to her "What do you mean by different?" Ash asked "Well ever since we got that note saying that your mom is hosting a party and that all your old friends were going to be there you've been more quiet" Ash was about to say something but Dawn started talking again " I mean usually you are all talkative and excited but you haven't been." "I know Dawn it's just that I've had a lot on my mind." Ash said looking down at his bag "Do you wanna talk about it" she asked trying to get Ash to look at her Ash turned to her and put on a fake smile and said "No I think I'm fine." and then Ash put his sleeping bag away and stood up and walked away Dawn stayed there and watched Ash leave and then got up and followed close behind. It didn't take long to reach Pallet town and once they reached the town Ash immediately went from being quiet to upbeat and excited "Oh boy!" Ash said pointing toward a sign in the road "Now entering pallet town!" Ash said "alright!" he exclaimed with his fist in the air and Pikachu cheering along with him. He started running towards his home so fast that Pikachu could barley hold on and Brock and dawn could barely keep up "Wait up Ash!" they both said but ash was running so fast and to deep in thought to hear them his mind was racing as fast as his feet and then with an look of determination he thought to himself Get ready May cause here I come.