Special Thanks: This story is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, Yomiko-chan05, whose given me a lot of encouragement and support to publish my story, and also helped me in deciding my story's title. Since my story doesn't follow the manga/anime, I've been debating with myself for a very long time, I was worried and afraid to publish it, but Yomiko-chan has given me courage to. I'm very grateful to her for having so much faith in my story.^^ (Thank you Yomiko-chan! I really appreciate your encouragement and support, you're such a good friend!*hugs*)

Disclaimer: I do not own Nurarihyon No Mago. Hiroshi Shiibashi sensei does.

Greetings: Hi there^^/ Peach Diva here, it's nice to meet you all! As I mentioned in the summary, this is my first NURA fanfic.

Apologies: I want to apologize first to those who thinks my story is not good or interesting enough, I am sorry *bows*. I really tried my best in writing this story and it really took me a lot of time to finally perk up the courage to publish my story here. And please forgive my grammar and any misspellings in the story.

Characters: Every NURA characters in my story are humans. There are no yokais like the manga/anime. Just normal humans. Even though Rikuo's appearance is his yokai form, he is still just a normal human in this story.

Reminder: No bashing please. If you don't like my fic, please just kindly and quietly leave. Thank you~

✦To Readers: If you're a RikuoxTsurara lover, you should check out Yomiko-chan05's fanfics: Dream Of Mine & Honeymoon. :D They're both sweet, cute and funny stories~ I'm a big fan of both fics myself!^w^



Before Tsurara attended high school, her father ran away leaving a huge debt for her mother to carry. Tsurara's mother took different jobs at the same time to earn as much money as she could to pay for her husband's debt and daily needs of the family. However, just few weeks ago she eventually over worked herself and fall ill. She never recovered and instead grew even more ill each day.

"If I left this world, Tsurara, go to the place written in this paper. The people there will take care of you."

Tsurara recalled the words her mother said to her before passing away peacefully in her sleep. It was the day she had last seen her mother, and the day she had promised to cry for the last time. Her mother was her only family, and the main reason she studied hard to enter her current well known high school. It was hard for her to say goodbye, but she made a promise to her mother that she will stay strong and live her life well.

One Saturday Morning...

Nura Residence

It's been a week since her mother passed away, Tsurara was now standing in front of a large gate. Her beautiful hair and skirt slightly sway in the cold morning breeze, it was a good thing she had decided to wear the scarf that her mother presented her on her seventeenth birthday few months ago. Her hazel orbs sparkled under the sunlight as she stared in awe at the mansion behind the large gates, she had never seen such a large mansion before, her family couldn't even effort a house. Snapping out from her trance, she looked at the address on the piece of paper she was holding, and then to the address of the mansion. It was the same address.

Tsurara frowned, "It's the right address, but..." She stared at the mansion again, "Am I really going to be taken care by this family from now on? There's no way..." She pondered for a moment, then came up with the most reasonable answer she could think of, "Maybe it's some kind of a job like accommodation helpers."

After placing the piece of paper back into her bag Tsurara went to press the door bell. She noticed a speaker-like object under it but didn't wondered about it too much. Suddenly, a voice spoke through the speaker, almost startling her. "This is Nura Residence, how may I help you?" The voice was mature and calm, Tsurara could tell right away that it belonged to a woman.

"H-Hello, my name is Tsurara Oikawa." She said to the speaker.

"Oikawa-san?" The voice spoke again, "You're a bit early then we expected."

"Ah, I-I'm sorry!" Tsurara blushed in embarrassment and instinctively bowed, even though she knew that person couldn't see her. "I'll come back later!" She quickly turned on her heel to leave but stopped when she heard giggles coming from the speaker.

"My, aren't you a cute one." The voice said amusingly, "Please come in, Oikawa-san."

The gates opened right after the invitation, Tsurara instinctively bowed to the speaker again, "T-Thank you." and went inside.

After several seconds of walk from the gates, Tsurara finally arrived at the front porch of the mansion. She was about to approach the front door when she heard a car coming and stopped just a few steps away from her. She looked over to the car curiously as the engine died, she doesn't know the brand name of the car but she was certain that it must be expensive judging by it's beautiful and unique appearance. The door of the driver seat opened and a tall young man with black shades stepped out.

"Tsurara Oikawa?" Was his first words to her.

"A-Ah, yes. " Tsurara replied with a small bow.

The young man nodded before closing the car door behind him, Tsurara watched as he walked passed her to the front door and opened it. She just continued to stare with her curious hazel orbs as the young man turned his head to look at her.

"Well?" The young man started as he removed his shades, revealing his pair of blood-red orbs. "Aren't you coming in?"

Tsurara blushed a little and quickly nodded. "Y-Yes!"

Inside The Mansion

Tsurara quietly followed the young man from behind as they walked down the hallway. She couldn't helped but noticed how long his hair was, this was the first time she'd saw a man with such long hair, not to mention it's color being white within the half top and black within the half bottom. And his blood-red eyes from before, they seemed so cold and stern, she had never seen such beautiful yet intimidating eyes before. She admitted that she was feeling a bit scared when she had first saw his eyes just now.

"Welcome back, master." Two different voices greeted in unison, snapping Tsurara out from her thoughts. She looked over and saw two maids bowing as they passed by.

'Master? He's the master of this house? But he looks so young!' Tsurara thought, staring up at the back figure walking in front her. 'He even looked cold and stern from behind...'

As they arrived at the living room, Tsurara noticed there were three other individuals present in the room. One of the two men has blond hair with black below and amber eyes, the other man is fairly tall with long blue-black hair and blue eyes, while the women is a beauty with brown eyes and long, wavy brown hair that covers half of her face and is tied up in a ponytail with tasseled red string. Tsurara couldn't help noticing her revealed ample bosom.

'Such a daring women.' Tsurara thought.

Living Room

Tsurara remained on her spot when the young man she followed in went to seat on the couch across the room. The one with blond hair took the bottle of champagne from the ice bucket and opened it before pouring the drink into the young man's empty wine glass. "Welcome back Rikuo-sama, I see you've already met Oikawa-san." He said, before gazing over to Tsurara with a soft smile.

The women with long, wavy brown hair came up to Tsurara with a sweet smile on her beautiful face. "You're even cuter in person then I imagine from your voice."

Tsurara eyes widened a little as she stared up at the beauty in realization. "Ah, you're the voice I talked to earlier."

"A pleasure to meet you, Oikawa-san." The beauty smiled further and introduces herself, "My name is Kejoro, the Nura Family's secretary. You can also say I'm that rascal's nanny." Without looking, she pointed a thumb behind her to the young man Tsurara had followed in earlier.

"Oi!" The young man grunted in protest, but Kejoro just simply ignored it as she continued her introduction.

"This is Kubinashi, Rikuo-sama's personal assistant." She motioned a hand towards the blond and then to the long blue-black haired gentleman, "And Kurotabo, the Nura Family's lawyer."

Tsurara gave her usual bright smile as she bowed towards them. "It's very nice to meet you all, you can just call me Tsurara!"

Kubinashi stared attentively at her for a brief moment before turning to Kurotabo and asks, "Are you sure she's legal? She looks to be just around twelve."

"Actually, I'm seventeen." Tsurara thoughtfully informed before Kurotabo could reply.

"Ah, I see. My bad." Kubinashi fluttered his hand and let out a short embarrassed chuckle.

"You poor thing...I heard about your family's condition." Kejoro frowned in sympathize and said in a motherly tone, "It must be because you didn't get to eat very well to help you grow." She then gave a loving smile as she pulled a surprised Tsurara into a bone-crushing hug. "From now on you don't have to worry about it, I'll tell the chef to prepare healthy meals for you to grow properly."

Tsurara blushed when her face hit right into Kejoro's half revealed chest, "I-I-It's okay, y-you don't have to..."

"Of course I do! It's our job to make sure everything's the best for the Nura Family." Kejoro declared cheerily as she broke the hug, much to Tsurara's relief, who thought she might suffocate soon.

"B-But I'm not-" Tsurara wanted to say that she was not a part of the Nura family but was interrupted by Rikuo's unexpected and shocking statement.

"As my wife, you still lack of a woman's charm." Rikuo commented in a bored tone, Tsurara's jaw immediately dropped to the ground. "But I guess it's fine since you're kinda cute." Rikuo continued, ignoring her shocked face.

Tsurara swore she could hear his voice echoed behind her head going 'As my wife... My wife... Wife... Wife...'

"WHAAAAATTT!?" Tsurara exclaimed in complete shock, the startled birds on the mansion roof instantly flew away. "W-W-Wait a second, wh-what to you mean 'as my wi-wi-wi-wife'? Who are you?" She demamded.

"Rikuo-sama is your fiance." Came the reply from Kurotabo.

"My what?" Tsurara's eyes almost bulged as she continued to stare wide-eyed at an expressionless Rikuo. "B-But I don't even know you!"

"Nura Rikuo. You know now." Rikuo simply said.

"That's not what I meant! What I meant was we only met for the first time."

"Not exactly, I've seen that face quite often."

"Huh?" Tsurara frowned as she tilted her head to aside in confusion, but swiftly snapped it back up straight. "E-Even so, I still don't really know you."

"Allow me!" As soon as Kubinashi's words landed, everything and everyone in the room suddenly turned into their chibi forms, and before them was a theater screen. Seconds later, a chibi Kubinashi wearing a what seemed like to be a lecturer robe popped out next to the screen with a wide grin, surprising everyone.

"Eh? Kubinashi, how did you turn everything into chibi forms?" Chibi-Kejoro asked looking at her surroundings and then pointed at the theater screen. "And where did that screen come from?"

"Hehehehh, it's a secret~" Chibi-Kubinashi replied with a wink.

Just then, a picture of a naked kid-Rikuo taking a bath suddenly appeared on the screen. Chibi-Rikuo's eye's bulged and his jaw dropped to the ground, Chibi-Tsurara let out a squeal and quickly covered her eyes with her hands, Chibi-Kurotabo let out a few awkward cough behind his knuckles as he tried not to laugh, while Chibi-Kejoro repeatedly slapped at the back of an annoyed Chibi-Rikuo as she laughed out loud almost in tears.

"Oops! Wrong picture, my bad." Chibi-Kubinashi scratched behind his head as he chuckled awkwardly and quickly switched the picture to another.

The screen went blank for a second before a picture of a sleeping toddler-Rikuo sucking his thumb appeared on the screen.

"Oops, wrong picture again." Chibi-Kubinashi scratched his head as he chuckled awkwardly again.

"You idiot! You did it on purpose!" A red-faced Chibi-Rikuo yelled as he waved a fist at Chibi-Kubinashi furiously.

"Jyaaa~ Kawaii~~" Chibi-Kejoro squealed in delight as she clasped her hands together under her right cheek. "I almost forgot how cute Rikuo-sama was when he was a baby!"

"Mm, mm." Chibi-Kurotabo gave a couple of nods before mumbling, "Very cute indeed..."

"Kawaii~! Kawaii~~!" Chibi-Tsurara cooed, waving her chibi arms.

"Y-You all be quiet!" Chibi-Rikuo yelled in embarrassment.

Everyone except Chibi-Rikuo 'Aww' in disappointment when the screen went blank again for a second before another picture of a grown up Rikuo appeared on the screen.

"What are you guys so disappointed for?" Chibi-Rikuo questioned the others in displeased, he looks hot in the picture!

"Alright," Chibi-Kubinashi started as he pointed a stick to the picture, "Name, Nura Rikuo. Gender, male. Age, 21. Height, 181cm. Weight, 73kg. Birthdate, September 23. Eye color, blood-red. Hair color, white within the top half and black within the bottom."

A sweat-drop appeared at the side of Chibi-Rikuo's head. "Is that really necessary?"

"Now that you mention it, Tsurara-san's hair color is quite similar with Rikuo-sama's." Commented Chibi-Kurotabo as he pointed his chibi-index finger at the picture.

"Like couple hair color, how cute~" Chibi-Kejoro cooed.

"Ehh? Really?" Chibi-Tsurara was a bit surprised, she touched her hair and mumbles, "I didn't...notice before."

The screen went blank again for a second before two different pictures of two different newly wed couples appeared on the screen.

"Rikuo-sama is the only child of Nura Rihan-sama and Nura Wakana-sama." Chibi-Kubinashi continued, "And grandchild of Nura Rihyon-sama and Nura Yohime-sama."

"The three of them look so alike." commented Chibi-Tsurara as she repeatedly glanced to the pictures and then to Chibi-Rikuo in amazement.

"They are even equally hot, neh?" Kejoro's eyes sparkled with her hands held together under her chin as she stared at the pictures in admiration.

A sweat-drop appeared on Chibi-Kurotabo's head as he glanced at Chibi-Kejoro with a (=.=) face. "Kejoro, stop drooling, you'll start a flood."

Chibi-Kejoro let out a disappointed whimper and pouring tears when the screen went blank again for a second before a graduation picture of Rikuo appeared on the screen.

"Two years ago," Chibi-Kubinashi started again, "Rikuo-sama graduated from Oxford University at the age of nineteen."

Chibi-Tsurara's eyes bulged as her mouth flopped open, "At the age of nineteen?" then points her chibi-index finger at Chibi-Rikuo in disbelief. "You?"

Chibi-Rikuo just glanced at her with a bored face and says,"Don't point your finger at others, it's impolite."

The screen went blank again for a second before an up-close picture of Rikuo smirking seductively appeared in the screen.

"At the age of twenty, after Rikuo-sama's father passed away, he inherited the Nura Family's business and became the third and current president of Japan's famous Hundred Tales company."

Chibi-Tsurara's jaw dropped to the floor, then points her chibi-index finger at Chibi-Rikuo in disbelief again. "You? A president? The company famous for their popular fashion and jewellery designs and cosmetic products?"

"So?" Rikuo said with the same bored face from before, "Stop pointing your finger at me."

"That's all for now folks, thanks for watching Kubinashi's Chibi theater!" Chibi-Kubinashi announced with a wide grin and gave a bow. "See you next time~" He waved cheerily while Chibi-Kejoro and Chibi-Kurotabo clapped unenthusiastically.

Suddenly, everything and everyone turned back into their normal forms, with Tsurara still pointing across the room at a bored-faced Rikuo sitting on the coach. Kurotabo took out a file from his suitcase and went over to Tsurara.

"Rikuo-sama's father is a very close friend with Tsurara-san's mother," he began, earning a surprise stare from Tsurara. "and they always hope that their children would tie the knot one day in the future."

"My mom?" Tsurara was completely taken aback, her mom wants her to what now!?

"These are their wills." Kurotabo took out two pieces of papers from his file and handed them to Tsurara.

After reading the wills, Tsurara's jaw dropped as the papers slipped from her trembling fingers, Kurotabo swiftly caught them like a ninja before they fell to the floor. "Impossible..." A stunned Tsurara mumbled. "How come mom never mentioned anything before?" Coming back to her senses, Tsurara swiftly looked over to Kurotabo and Rikuo, "E-Even so, I cannot accept this. I've never thought of getting married so early."

Tsuarar watched in amazement when Kurotabo suddenly pulled out a calculator from his sleeve and his fingers began pressing the buttons in high speed. "Your hostel fees and school fees, along with the debts your mother carries for your run-away father..." His fingers stopped, then held the calculator up right in front of Tsurara's face as he continues, "Rikuo-sama has already paid for the fees and clear up the debts for you."

Tsurara's eyes bulged and her jaw dropped to the ground at the large numbers displayed on the calculator before her. "You really paid everything?" She looked over to Rikuo and questioned with her wide eyes.

"Of course." Rikuo replied, a smirk formed on his lips. "Which means you have no choice but to obediently listens and do whatever I say in return from now on."

"Ehh?" An image of her with bunny ears and a collar around her neck tied to a leash held by Rikuo with wolf ears and tail suddenly popped into Tsurara's mind.

"Congratulations, you two are now officially married." Kurotabo announced while Kejoro and Kubinashi applause, snapping Tsurara out of her imagination.

"Wait, what?" Her's eyes widened at the marriage certificate Kurotabo was holding up for her to see, a thumb print was chopped under her name. "When did I..." She looked at her thumb, which is now covered in black chop ink, her eyes bulged at the sight in shock. "Ehhhh?" How did that lawyer get her thumb print without her noticing!?

Then again, she blamed herself for thinking about that stupid bunny-wolf image earlier.

"It seems that you can't effort the school fees to continue studying in you current high school which your mother had worked hard on getting you in, but thanks to Rikuo-sama the fees you'll need to pay up to your graduation year are all paid in advance, therefore you are now able to continue studying there without worrying about the fees anymore." Kuratabo stated with a smiley face as he held up the calculator with the amount of school fees right in front of Tsurara's face, "Your mother will be very happy, neh? Or do you prefer to quit school and sleep on the streets? An obedient daughter such as yourself would never do such things that would considerably upset your mother, right?"

Tsurara remained silence. For a second she felt like her soul had just left her body. What Kurotabo said was true, she will never do such disobedient things that would upset her mother, and all her school fees and the debt her mother carries were all solved thanks to Rikuo. She's really grateful and all but to be suddenly wedded to a guy she's just met for the first time was just absurd!

'Everything is happening so fast and sudden... It's almost like I'm in some kind of a weird dream, or worse a nightmare... Wait a minute, that's it! I must be dreaming! It must be a nightmare! I just need to wake up and everything will be back to normal!'

Everyone's eyes widened in shock when Tsurara suddenly slapped herself across the face, hard. The room was dead silent for a moment until...

"I-It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" Tsurara screamed and repeatedly jumped in pain, caressing her slightly swollen and burning red right cheek, almost in tears.

"Ts-Tsurara-san..." Kejoro spoke, her eyes still widened in shock but her voice was filled with concern as she asked the question that everyone in the room was wondering about, "Why did you suddenly slapped yourself?"

Tsurara stopped her jumping, her right hand still caressing her burning right cheek. She quietly sniffled before mumbling, "I..I thought I was having a nightmare...so I.."

She looked down to her feet in embarrassment when there was suddenly a burst of laughter. Kejoro immediately shot a glare at Kubinashi who was laughing his head off, almost in tears while slapping Kurotabou's arms, much to the lawyer's annoyance. The laughter abruptly died right when Kejoro and Kurotabou smacked Kubinashi at the back of his head at the same time, sending him flying across the room right into a wall. Rikuo just watched with his usual blank expression and took a sip of his glass of champagne as he was totally used to it, while Tsurara's eyes widened and her mouth flopped open into a perfect 'O' in amazement, not sure if she was more impressed with the two's strength or with Kubinashi who still managed to stay alive, despite he was now lying unconscious with an awkward smiley face on the floor and the threads of blood visible at the corner of his lips and nostrils. Tsurara quickly made a mental note not to get into Kejero's and Kurotabou's bad side.

"Seriously," Rikuo started, earning attention from the others. "you could've just splash your face with this glass of champagne instead of slapping yourself so hard." He placed his glass of champagne on the table and reached for the ice bucket.

Tsurara blushed a little and looked down to her feet in embarrassment. "I...didn't think of that..."

"Obviously." Rikuo said with a tone of sarcasm as he approached her. "So being married to me is a nightmare huh?" He arched an eyebrow, now standing in front of her.

"Ah... I didn't mean it that way!" Tsurara snapped her head up and waved her free hand vigorously, then looked back down to her feet again. "I-It's just that I-" She abruptly stopped midway of her sentence when Rikuo had pulled her hand that was on her redden cheek away and placed a cloth with several ice cubes wrapped in it on the spot where she had just slapped herself earlier.

Tsurara's eyes widened as she gazed up at Rikuo, his eyes were gentler from before and with a bit of concern which made her heart almost skip a beat. She couldn't help but blushed a little, earning a small smirk from the man before her. Tsurara thought she must be hallucinating when she saw their surroundings suddenly turned pink with stars shinning and bubbles floating. Meanwhile, while Kubinashi was still unconscious on the floor, Kejero and Kuratabo glanced at each other, hints of confusion and surprise in their eyes.

"Are you planing to let me hold it for you while you stare forever?" Rikuo questioned. The stars and bubbles instantly disappeared along with the pink background.

Tsurara's face turned tomato red and she quickly took over the cloth, "I-I-I can h-hold it myself!" and swiftly looked away, trying to hide her blush cheeks. "Sorry... and thank you..."

"No worries, we are husband and wife after all." Rikuo stated naturally.

Tsurara instantly shot her head up as she calls out, "B-But Rikuo-sama!"

"Hn?" Rikuo's eyes slightly widened at her sudden stern voice and sharp gaze.

"Doesn't it bother you to marry a stranger just because of our parents' arrangement?"

"No." Rikuo simply replied without thinking or hesitations.

"..." Tsurara's face turned pale and blank at the swift answer, then quickly regained her stern stare and questions him again, "Hadn't you ever fantasied how your ideal marriage should be? I've always fantasied myself falling in love with the right person, and starts a relationship with him to get to know each other better, and then eventually get married and raise our babies happily together."

Rikuo arched an eyebrow. "You want to have babies that much?" He crossed his arms as he said with an mischievous tone, "Aah, aah~ Such an impatient girl."

"N-No!" Tsurara's cheeks turned pink and almost shouted. "That's not what I meant!" She looked down to her feet and pouted with a frown, "This is so unfair... I didn't even had my first kiss yet... And now I'm suddenly married to a person I'd just met..."

"Was that it?" Rikuo arched an eyebrow, Tsurara was about to retort but let out a gasp instead when Rikuo suddenly slid an arm around her waist and brought her closer to him, causing her to drop the cloth-wrapped ice cubes in surprise. Then the next thing she knew was his lips firmly attached to her's. Tsurara's eyes winded in shock as her body completely froze and her mind went blank at the sudden lip contact. She tried to move but all her frozen body could managed to do was flapped her arms, as if she was trying to grab something in the air. She shouts in protest but it was heard as moans under the kiss instead. Her face redden at the embarrassing sounds that just came from her, and when she thought she was about to die in embarrassment soon Rikuo finally pulled back, but his right arm never left her waist.

"Now that you had your first kiss, are you satisfied?" Rikuo looked down to a panting Tsurara and questioned, his voice slightly low and husky.

Tsurara instantly placed a hand over her now warm lips as her face redden even more. "You-You-You... what are you talking about?"

"I thought you said you couldn't accept this marriage unless you had your first kiss."

"That is not what I meant! How can you do this to me? That was my first kiss, it's suppose to be with someone special, not you!"

Tsurara let out another gasp as Rikuo suddenly grabbed her hand that was over her mouth with his free hand and pulled her in. "What are you talking about? I'm your husband." He said seductively.

"That's-" Tsurara was cut off once again by Rikuo clashing his lips onto hers. This time though, the kiss was much more passionate and slow then before, causing Tsurara's heart to almost pound out her chest. She let out several moans of protest as she struggled to break free but only resulting the arm around her waist to tighten it's grip and bring her closer. She thought of pulling her head away but it seemed Rikuo had somehow read her mind as his other hand that was holding her's had went up her neck and pulled her in, deepening the kiss. And just when she thought the kiss was finally over when Rikuo started to pull his lips back, he tilted his head the other way instead and continued his exploration on her lips. Tsurara noticed her whole body had started heating up like she was on fire, her head became so dizzy that she felt like the room was spinning, and her legs became so weak that she had to leaned against Rikuo for support.

Kejoro and Kurotabou remained silence as they blushed upon the scene, thou their perverted eyes never leave the heated picture. Kubinashi had finally gained conscious and picked himself up to his feet, but as his eyes came across the heating scene, blood burst out his nose and he fell backwards to the ground, unconscious again. Rikuo smirked under the kiss when the struggling and moans of protest from the girl in his arms suddenly stopped as she laid limb onto him. He broke the kiss and looked down to his 'wife', but only to find a sight he didn't expected to see.

"O-Oi!" He quickly hugged the limb body to prevent it from falling. Tsurara has fainted... part of the reason due to suffocation and the other due to her weak heart unable to handle the intense heat anymore.

"Tsurara-san!" Kejoro gasped in surprise and concern as she hurried to the pair, knocking over a Kubinashi who was half way from getting up.


You might noticed that Rikuo's height and weight in this story is different from his official height and weight stated in the NURA Wiki, but note that he's 21 in the story, so it's only natural that his height and weight would grow. Since I don't know what his height and weight would really be when he grew up in the manga/anime, I decided to have him as the same height and weight as his father Nura Rihan, who was stated to weight 73kg and 181cm at height in the NURA Wiki.

Again, I sincerely apologize to those who thinks that my story is not good or interesting enough.*bows* And to those who enjoyed it, even just for a little bit, I thank you^^ I hope you'll continue to support my story in the future~ Don't forget to take some time to visit, read and support Yomiko-chan05's stories: Dream Of Mine & Honeymoon! ^^

(I hope you like my story so far Yomiko-chan~ And sorry it took me so long to finally publish Chap 1, and I hope it wasn't too disappointing...)