A.N. This is the second part of the story. I planned this story to just be about Harry's love to Hermione, but as things tend to happen, it turned out to be more. The first six chapters were posted as part one of the story, and these are the remaining chapters of Harry's Loves.

I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

As usual – I claim no ownership of the Harry Potter world and its characters. I'm only here to play with it for my fun and yours. The rights are still belonging to J.K. Rowling and her business associates. I only own the few original characters added by me and the plot.

Harry's Loves

7. On the Top

Both couples were ready even before they heard a knock on the door. Harry opened it and saw a girl about his age. She was quite dark, yet much lighter than her father, and her face showed a mixture of childish anxiety and curiosity with adult responsibility.

"We'll come to collect you in fifteen minutes. Take your wands with you and your best robes, but dress lightly. It gets quite hot when the sun rises. Take at least one bottle of water each. And – you may use magic freely. Everybody in camp is either magical or knows a few who are."

Hermione conjured two small backpacks and put two bottles of water in each, charming them to be almost weightless. She also packed two formal robes and two pointed hats.

"I don't remember even having these, never mind packing them along," Harry said.

"Kreacher bought them for us. He took our measurements from the clothes we left at home," Hermione explained.

Harry didn't bother to ask when she had the time. This was his Hermione, and he just trusted her.

The Grangers were already waiting at their door when the Potters went out. It was quite chilly so early in the morning and they all had some warm outer clothes. The Grangers were also taking backpacks which looked quite heavy.

"Do you mind if I make these lighter?" Hermione asked.

A moment later they felt relieved as they could straighten their backs.

"How are we going to reach the top?" Harry asked, once they were joined by Arunta and Gulara.

"We could take the foot-trail. It is a bit dangerous, especially to inexperienced hikers, but it can be done in less than three hours. Yet I think you would rather take the shortcut. Give us your hands, please, while holding to each other," Arunta instructed.

They made a kind of circle with each pair holding hands while their free hands were holding either Arunta or Gulara. Once they completed the circle and Arunta was satisfied they were holding tight enough, he said a word in his language and they found themselves at the top of the rock, just a few paces from the summit.

"What was that?" Mrs. Granger asked, looking very confused.

"It's called apparition, and wizards use it regularly for traveling short to medium distances," Hermione replied.

She then added with a sly smile, "You always wanted to experience some of my life, so here you have it."

It was still too dark to see much and they didn't dare move more than a few steps in each direction, knowing that there was always the danger of fatal falls in such places. Arunta asked them to sit in the same formation in which they apparated, with both women at his sides and both men near Gulara , making the circle alternate men and women throughout.

He then started speaking in a solemn tone. "This place is most sacred to my people. It is used as the annual male initiation center, and very few strangers were ever allowed to come here."

"So why are we here?" Mrs. Granger asked. Harry could see that Hermione had inherited her quick wit from her mother.

"You are all very special. You already know about your daughter and Lord Potter's deeds, but you should know that you two are just as special, even though in a very different way. I'll explain it later, if you don't mind."

He started chanting in his language and his daughter joined the chant. The others couldn't understand the words, yet the tone was relaxing and the rhythm almost hypnotic. Arunta took a few plastic containers out of his backpack and opened them. He then put his fingers in one of them, withdrawing a bit of colored paste, and started painting his face in intricate patterns. He then painted Harry's face and continued painting the other faces while keeping his chant all the time.

Once he reached Gulara, she let her coat drop, staying in just shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Her father painted her legs and her arms as well. He now turned to the others and repeated the process. When he finished with the others, he dropped his remaining clothes and painted his body. Gulara had already shed her remaining clothes and he painted her breasts, her abdomen and her back as well. He turned a questioning gaze at his guests. Harry and Hermione undressed as one and let him paint their whole bodies. By the time he finished with them the Grangers proved to be just as willing, surprising both Potters.

They all started moving in place according to the rhythm, still holding hands. They felt chilly no more. None felt the wind blowing, nor minded exposing themselves. The circle became even tighter as they moved closer, as if trying to merge as one. For a brief moment Harry admired how nice all the women looked, each in her own way, before the chant took this glimpse of reality away.

As the chant continued, they all started glowing. Harry glowed brightest, followed closely by Hermione and then Gulara, Arunta and the two Grangers. The glow intensified until it turned into a beam of light coming from the whole circle and shooting up into the sky, as if sending a message to the heavens.

Harry didn't know how long it took and didn't really care. He felt Hermione pressed at his side and Gulara at the other, both totally naked, both glowing almost as brightly as him. He could see Hermione's mom held tightly by both her husband and the shaman as they glowed as well, although not as brightly. He then saw the first ray of sunshine hitting the rock.

The chant stopped and the glow slowly faded. They were all suddenly aware of their nudity, but not ashamed of it, and they all felt very thirsty. Looking for their backpacks and the water bottles, Harry noticed the view around him. The desert was alive with a multitude of chirps, screams and hisses, although there was almost nothing he could identify as the source of such noises. The grasses were glistening with dew as well as the few trees he could see, making it look like a kind of celebration.

As if echoing his thought, Arunta said to him, "This is the celebration of life. We try to do it every year, if we can only find appropriate company. There's one more part of this, if you care to cooperate. A virgin should sacrifice her virginity to restart the cycle of life. My daughter volunteered this year and I hope you'll give her the honor of taking her virginity and bestowing the magic of motherhood on her. That would also help her to be recognized as the great shaman she is."

Harry was surprised. Not knowing what to do, he looked at Hermione. She nodded slightly, just enough for him to understand that she was actually encouraging him to cooperate. The expression on her parents' faces was bewildered and not encouraging, yet he couldn't really look at them now. Mrs. Granger was just as shapely as her daughter, and her husband seemed extremely aware of her nudity, as his body reacted to it.

He looked at Gulara who returned his gaze steadily, waiting for his decision. She was a young woman in her prime, with full breasts, shapely body and long, strong legs, which she held slightly apart, as if hinting at the pleasures hidden between them. Her face was not beautiful in the way he was accustomed, certainly not like Hermione's; not even like Parvati's, which was more exotic, but it still had a beauty of its own, unlike that of any girl he already knew.

The girl moved her hips a bit, inviting him to come closer, and Hermione waved him forward. He still felt awkward. He knew he would have to break Gulara's hymen and shag her in front of her father, his own wife and his in-laws, and yet it seemed right under the circumstances. He stepped forward, putting his hands on Gulara's waist, not really sure how to proceed.

Arunta sat back on the rock and started chanting again, This time it was a different tune. Hermione sat at his side, trying to join him as much as she could. They were both looking intensely at the couple in front of them and failed to notice the other couple, who was just as influenced by the chant. While Harry was busy exploring the painted dark body in front of him, the Grangers, oblivious to the world, started their own life ritual, only a few paces away from their naked daughter and the other couple.

Harry didn't know what guided him, but he felt as if he was doing things according to an ancient ritual, almost as old as life itself. He caressed Gulara and studied all her curves, while she let her hands roam on him, resting mainly on the part that needed to enter her body. As she lowered herself onto the hard rock, Harry knelt between her legs and continued caressing closer to her opening until she spread her legs wide, beckoning him in.

He didn't hurry. He pushed in slowly until Gulara gasped, as he pressed into her barrier. He then pushed once harder, breaking her hymen and eliciting a sharp cry from her. He waited patiently for her to recover before starting a leisurely pace of moving in and out of her willing body.

Harry felt extremely horny and yet in full control. He felt as if he could continue indefinitely or come at the next strike by just willing it to happen, yet he tried to do what was best, feeling that he should continue just a bit longer.

Gulara's cries turned into moans of pleasure as her feet held him tight, encouraging Harry to go deeper and faster, just as her father's chant got faster and louder. A few strokes later she started mumbling incoherently as she reached her peak, and Harry followed suit, spilling his seed into her, and then collapsed on her body, feeling suddenly empty and tired.

It didn't last, though. He felt Gulara hugging him tightly, reviving his spirit and his member as well, while Hermione was also hugging him and kissing him. He started moving again in and out of Gulara while kissing Hermione and using his fingers to please her. They all reached their peaks within a few minutes, with Harry giving Gulara another portion of his seed.

By this time, the Grangers were also relaxing after an intense session of sex. Arunta was now chanting some soothing tune which helped the others relax. His eyes were closed in concentration and his face was turned toward the rising sun.

Harry noticed the Grangers looking at him sandwiched between the two young women and smile. He somehow knew that he had just started two babies and the Grangers had started one. Looking at Hermione he felt that she was already carrying his baby. He wondered if this was true or just part of the ritual they were taking part in.

Harry rose to his feet first, followed immediately by Hermione. He offered his hand to Gulara to help her rise, but she refused. "I need to stay here somewhat longer, to let my virginity blood soak into the rock," she told him. Only now he noticed there was some blood between her thighs and some on his member as well.

The shaman stopped chanting. "It's time for you to put on your clothes," he told the group. "The tourists will soon arrive near the rock and you wouldn't want them to see you naked, I believe."

He then looked at Harry and Hermione. "You should wear your robes now."

It was getting warm. They put on their underwear and pulled their robes on, wearing nothing else. The Grangers, who were now clad in short trousers and sleeveless shirts looked with interest. Arunta put on his waist band only, while Gulara was still sprawled on the rock, naked.

"I'd like you two to bless my girl and give her your protection as a friend and ally. I then would like to measure your Merlin Index, something that is long overdue. I also noticed, while you were busy with this ceremony, that your magic is somewhat tainted, or maybe bound. I'm willing to check it further if you want me to."

With both wearing fully official robes and hats, Harry and Hermione took their places at the sides of Gulara, who lay flat on her back on the rock. Harry didn't really know what to say, but Hermione seemed to know what to do. She took out her wand and moved it in a circle, as if drawing a frame around the girl on the ground. Harry did the same, only his wand really drew a glowing circle around her. Hermione then started saying in plain language, "Blessed be the one who cherishes life; Blessed be the one bringing life and love to this world." Harry spoke next. "I hereby bless you and give you and your children the protection of house Potter. Your friends will be my friends and your enemies will be treated as my enemies. So mote it be!"

A bright ball of light appeared, engulfing the three young people for a moment, before disappearing again.

"That's really more than I expected," Arunta said. "I can find no words good enough to thank you." He now turned to his daughter, helped her to her feet and then gave her a dress he had taken out of her backpack and a bottle of water.

The Grangers were looking with interest and awe. They then noticed both Harry and Hermione were having an unfamiliar decoration on their robes.

"What is this?" Mr. Granger pointed at the crest embroidered under the left shoulder.

"This is the Potter crest, my connection to my ancestors."

"Then why is Hermione wearing it as well?"

For a second, Harry felt he'd rather be anywhere but there, yet Hermione answered nonchalantly. "We are already recognized as a couple in the magical world, although we didn't have any wedding, so that I'm entitled to be a Potter as well."

"I believe we need to have a long talk, young lady," her father said with a stern look, somewhat diluted by the thumbs-up his wife was giving their daughter.

The shaman turned to the Grangers. "Please stay here with my daughter for a few minutes, while I check them for magical binds. If they have any, the release may be quite harmful to bystanders."

The two followed him a few hundred meters to a depression in the rock, which hid them not only from the Grangers but also from anybody in the area around the rock.

Hermione was the first to be checked. The shaman didn't use a wand but chanted a long spell, waving his hands in precise fashion. Several glowing circles appeared around Hermione, making the man frown.

"Your magic has been bound several time, although not very successfully. You are still able to use more than half your powers."

He then repeated the process with Harry, resulting in many more thinner circles, deepening the man's frown.

"I can see you are tremendously powerful, yet somebody went a long way to try and control your magic. You are currently only able to use less than a tenth of your powers, and you're still a mighty wizard."

He thought a bit and then added. "I can't risk removing your binds here and now. If I try, this rock may be turned into dust, which would not be appreciated, not to mention some more damage which is bound to happen when your magic bounces back." He thought a bit more before asking, "Would you like to find you index despite the binds?"

Harry shrugged, but Hermione was eager to know it. The shaman took a wand out of a hidden pocket, mumbled a spell and waved his wand at them. Six spheres glowing blue and one which seemed only half full, glowing green, appeared in front of Hermione. "Your index is sixty four," he informed her before turning to harry. There were seven blue spheres in front of him and one which looked almost full, glowing violet. "Your index is seventy eight," the shaman told him as he sat down on the rock, looking overwhelmed.

"Is there anything wrong?" Harry asked him worriedly.

Arunta lifted his eyes to meet the green gaze. "Not really. I'm just amazed at how powerful you are. Normal wizards get an index of thirty to forty, with few reaching higher than fifty. My index is forty nine and I'm considered the most powerful shaman on this continent. Your wife is almost a hundred times more powerful with half her magic bound and you are more than a thousand times more powerful, only using less than a tenth of your potential. It's quite humbling to find such powerful mages."

"Can you remove the binds on our magic?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not sure. Just removing the bind on my daughter's magic when she was old enough to control it proved quite devastating. Her magic backlash uprooted several trees and knocked me unconscious for hours. She was really terrified and I was lucky to be still alive. I don't know if I could survive releasing your binds, though."

"Can you teach us how to do it?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"That would be easy. There are even a few children you could release from their childhood binds. It would become a very special moment for them if you would do it. I'll teach you later today." He rose to his feet. "I believe we should return before the others become worried."

They went silently back, each deep in thoughts. The Grangers were talking with Gulara, who seemed to have regained her youthful energy and was beaming with excitement.

"Let's go back, before the flies become insupportable," Arunta suggested.

While collecting their belongings, Harry noticed that the blood that spilled on the rock fused into it, forming a kind of wild flower pattern, similar to some other stains he could see on the surface of the rock. He wondered if these were created the same way.

Once again they held hands in a circle and were transferred back to the camp, landing at the site of the evening fire. "I suggest you shower and then head for the dining hall," Arunta pointed at a largish building nearby. "Breakfast will be served for another hour, so you need not hurry. I'll meet you at or after breakfast."

They walked silently to their lodging. Harry was holding Hermione's hand and her mother was hugging her all along. They shared a group hug before retiring for the much needed shower.

"I didn't think you would approve," Harry said as soon as they closed the door.

"Why?" she asked him, quite interested.

"Well, we're married and we're supposed to only have sex with each other. Anything else would be cheating, wouldn't it?"

"Not if we both approve of it beforehand. Besides, it was part of a ceremony. You didn't simply look for a shag. It also made me feel quite horny while watching you."

Harry allowed himself a small smile. "I believe your parents felt the same."

"They sure did. I don't know why, but I'm quite sure they started my brother this morning, just as you have started a boy and a girl," she said, sounding a bit hopeful.

"Yes, but we have already started a boy in you as well," he told her.

"Are you sure?" Her eyes widened with delight.

"I felt it the same as I felt the others, only a bit stronger."

She jumped on him and hugged him for all her worth. "Well, Mr. Potter, you are wearing way too many clothes," she commented a moment later.

"And you, Mrs. Potter, are quite a tease," he told her playfully. "Now, I believe a shower would be in order."

"Only if we take it together," she insisted.

It was more a session of love-making than a real shower, but they both felt fresher and more sated once it was over. Wearing some fresh, light clothes, they went out, just as the Grangers were leaving their lodging.

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