14. Graduation

April was a bliss for Harry. With his two wives recovered from child-birth, they were both eager to be very intimate with him, resulting in feverish bedtime activities each night, after the babies were put to sleep. Neither wife wanted to give up her share of Harry, resulting in all three cuddling together on the same bed with Harry doing his best to satisfy them both. His boosted magical powers came in handy at giving him stamina which no other man his age had.

While his wives had to feed the babies sometime during the night, they let him sleep continuously, so he could be fully rested in the morning, able to sate them both before starting the other day activities.

Harry could be seen coming out of either the Potter or the Black door, but Hermione and Gulara made sure to only use the appropriate door. None of the other married couples commented, yet Ginny asked them one morning, when she wanted to see the babies before breakfast, "Why do you need two bedrooms? I was sure one would suffice. Had I been one of your wives, I wouldn't want to spend the night alone when I could have both you and Hermione in bed with me."

Harry smiled at her. She was really trying to get over him, but it would take some more time until it was done. "It is just the standard arrangement. We do have a connecting door, but we must keep proper appearance."

Ginny didn't seem to like his reply. "Just old-fashions bigotry. You are married to them both, so why can't you all share bed officially?"

"I know, but there are some more important things to change in our society before this. The whole concept of having more than one wife is no longer acceptable in most muggle societies, yet magical Britain still has a long way to go."

"Well, whenever I marry, I hope I won't have to share my husband with any other woman," Ginny said firmly.

By mid May they all felt ready for the exams. It was fortunate, as these were starting the next week. The school had to make some special arrangements for Lady Potter and Lady Black, as they needed to breast feed their babies regardless of the exam schedule. So it happened that during their Ancient Runes exam, both ladies were escorted to different side rooms, where they could care for the babies and still do the exam. The same was repeated for Arithmancy exam and the other theory exams which lasted more than two hours consecutively.

The practical exams posed different problems. One couldn't leave a potion brewing while caring for a baby nor continue preparing potions with a baby nearby. For these tests, the two mothers resorted to bottle feeding and rushed to their babies as soon as the exam was over, just to ease the pressure in their breasts.

Harry was not affected. He still got his morning exercises and his nighttime exercises regularly. These helped relieve the tension from the exams and set the three into a pleasant mood each morning, while not interfering with the preparations for the exams.

Once these were over, all they had to do was wait for the results and prepare the graduation ball. They used to leisurely stroll along the lake with the babies staying in their prams, pushed by the mothers or Harry. They were usually joined by Neville with Hanna, Ginny with Draco, Luna or Daphne. The last, although recognizing her defeat by Hanna (she eventually discovered that she had never had a chance), had become quite close with the Potters and spent with them and the babies almost as much time as Ginny did.

"What are you going to do after graduation?" Hermione asked her.

"I'm not sure. Dad would like me to marry someone rich, yet all the pending marriage contracts he had for me before the war were rendered null, as either the grooms died or were taken to Azkaban," her face showed her relief at being rid of these potential mates, "or they became bankrupt, making them unsuitable. Now, checking the new social, financial and political situation, he sees no appropriate candidate. I should also refrain from being the first wife of an apparent heir, as Dad would like my children to be Greengrass."

"That doesn't seem to leave you with much choice," Hermione commented.

"None, really. Most purebloods have at most one boy, and all those in the appropriate age range are either disgraced, bankrupt or already taken. I do have my eyes on one, but I must first make sure he's not going to inherit another title." Daphne looked predatory as she said this.

"Anybody I know?"

"Might be..." Daphne smiled, keeping her secret.

Hermione didn't need much more to understand. She knew Daphne abhorred all the Slytherin boys and was quite indifferent to the others, except for Neville and Harry. With Neville apparently out of the market and Harry having two wives, she could be considering becoming the third, unless Harry had another inherited title that needed a separate wife. This was worth some research.

With not much to do until the graduation ceremony, Hermione enlisted Gulara's and Daphne's help to research the library, while she persuaded Harry to visit Gringotts.

"I'd like to know if there are any other titles Harry may need to take, and more specific – if there is any need for him to take another wife," she asked the goblins.

Harry needed to go through the inheritance test, and just for the spite, he also asked for Hermione to do it. The results were quite interesting.

"Lord Potter, as you already know, you were the Potter heir and the Black heir. These positions are now filled by your sons. You've also inherited some more titles and their properties: the Gaunts, Slytherin and Pettigrew are yours by right of conquest, with no obligations whatsoever. You also have the claim on Gryffindor, yet no obligations, as that line has long since merged with the Potter line, and Evans seems to be descendants of Hufflepuff, making you the first in almost a millennium to be eligible for the title of Lord Hufflepuff. Yet, as this was inherited through the female line, you have no obligations to this line either. It's up to you if you want to take a wife to carry on either of these lines, or just let them merge into Potter or Black lines."

The goblin turned to Hermione now. "You've given us quite a surprise, Milady. Our tests clearly state that you are the indisputable heir of Lady Rowena Ravenclaw."

They went to a cafe in muggle London after leaving Gringotts, both in deep thought.

"Was this really necessary?" Harry asked.

"Let me delay the answer for a few minutes, my love."

Harry nodded reluctantly, and Hermione continued. "I've been talking with Daphne lately and she seems to have a problem finding someone suitable."

"I thought she would have no problem at all. She is one of the most beautiful girls in our year, she's smart and we've also found out she can be quite funny when she wants to. It's only her 'Ice Queen' persona which keeps the boys at bay."

"It's not as simple as that. She can't marry an heir as she needs her children to continue the Greengrass line, ruling out most of the boys we know. I thought Neville would like her, but Hanna doesn't seem to like sharing. Well, she doesn't know what she misses..." Hermione's eyes looked caressingly at Harry. He was getting warm just from that look.

"Do you think you could love Daphne?" she asked bluntly.

Harry was not ready for such a question. "I... I don't know. I hardly even know her."

"You already know her much better than you knew Gulara when you decided to take her. Now you love Gulara almost as much as you love me. Don't you think Daphne may be just as lovable?"

"Are you trying to set me up with her?"

Hermione smiled. "Not yet, but if that will turn out to be feasible, then I think she may just be right for us. You like blonds, don't you?"

"I only have a problem with redheads, you know." Harry stopped to think a bit more about what Hermione had told him. He could enjoy being with Daphne alone or even along with Hermione and Gulara. It certainly looked interesting...

"Does she know what you have in mind?"

Hermione smiled. "Not really. She told me about her problem and she said she only had one person in mind, assuming he didn't have any additional titles, meaning titles that need separate wives. The way she said it I'm sure she was referring to you, so I decided to check it all myself and be ready."

"Are you really fine with me marrying Daphne?"

"She isn't Ginny, I mean – the old Ginny we've both known. Had she been different, she could have had an heir without marriage, but while Luna, and maybe even Susan, may consider it a viable option, it is not for Daphne. She'd rather stay an old maid than have children without being married."

"And you want me to save her from that dreadful future?"

"You do have that 'saving people' thing, don't you?" she smirked.

The library research came with complementary results, making it clear that Harry had no obligations to assure any more lines' continuation. Daphne even confessed to Gulara about her considering being a second Potter or Black wife, just so that she could continue the Greengrass line and stay respectful.

"But do you love Harry?" Gulara asked.

"I don't know. I have friendly feelings for him, but I didn't think of him in a different way until today. Now... I'm not sure. Do you think he can love me?"

Gulara didn't hesitate. "Harry has a lot of love to give, and you're already his friend. Once you get closer, I have no doubt he will love you." She stopped for a moment. "Yes, I can see you with a child and being pregnant again, along with Harry, Hermione and me. Would you like me to help you?"

Daphne seemed to be less tense now. "No. I must do it myself, but thank you for the support."

Daphne asked to visit the Potters after dinner. "I just like babies. I can't wait to have my own," she added.

Harry, having heard Hermione earlier, was ready for her. "Do you have anybody in mind for having babies with?" he asked her.

Daphne's cheeks blossomed. "I'll only have children with my husband, you should know."

"I didn't think otherwise, yet you may fancy somebody without him knowing," Harry explained. "So, is there someone?"

She blushed even harder. "I'm not sure... You see, he's already married."

"Do you want to break his marriage to get him?"

"Oh, no! I wouldn't dream of doing that!" she exclaimed. She then took a few deep breathes and continued. "I need to be someone's second wife, preferably someone who already has an heir, as my parents want my children to continue the Greengrass line. Of course, his first wife must agree as well, or there will be hell to pay. I also would like someone who would at least care for me, if not really love me."

"Have you found somebody like this?" he asked, hiding his smile.

"Only one, really. Not much of a choice, I agree, but at least I think I have a chance with him." She was looking expectantly into his eyes. Harry preferred not to get the hint yet.

"Would you marry someone without love?" he asked.

"I'm starting to fall in love with him already, and I hope he will eventually love me back." Harry found it extremely difficult to ignore those imploring blue eyes.

"Do I know him?" he asked.

"I hope so," she chuckled a bit.

"Then who is he?" They were already in the common room of the married couples' dormitory.

Daphne stopped in front of a mirror. "I believe you can see him here," she said, moving a bit aside so that Harry could stand in front of the mirror. He still didn't fully cooperate. He stood abut the same distance to the other side.

"I can only see you there, and you're surely not thinking of getting married with yourself!" he teased a bit more.

Daphne knew he was pulling her leg and she lost her patience. She grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of the mirror, positioning herself behind him. "Whom do you see now?" she asked pointedly.

"I still see you... with me." He turned around. "Daphne, you've become a close friend during this year and I'd be honored to be your mate, but are you sure it is the right decision?" His arms were circling her waist now.

"Yes, Harry. I've already talked with Hermione, although not in any definite terms, and Gulara has already agreed. Will you consider it, at least?"

"Yes, Daph, I've already considered it and Hermione believes you will be a valuable addition to our family."

Daphne couldn't really speak now. She was glad Harry was holding her tight, or her legs would have collapsed. She put her hands on his shoulder and buried her head in his chest, barely holding the tears of relief that threatened spilling out. She suddenly felt two more sets of hands joining the embrace, as Hermione and Gulara welcomed her into the family.

Daphne couldn't join them, though. Besides the charms that kept visitors out of the couples' dorms, she also wanted to get married as a virgin, although most girls didn't mind it at all. She also needed to talk with her parents before doing anything else, although she was sure they would fully agree with her choice. Still, even that could wait until after graduation.

They got their NEWTs results two days before the end of term. Hermione had the best grades, as expected, with Harry a close second, only surpassing her in DADA. Gulara and Daphne were tied for the third place, surprisingly followed by Neville. Luna also scored quite high on all subjects. Ginny and Draco were well in the middle, with Draco excelling in Potions while Ginny excelled in Charms.

They had their Graduation ceremony that evening, followed by an elegant ball. Harry danced alternately with Hermione and Gulara and then surprised many by dancing with Daphne as well, when his two wives had to leave for a while to feed the babies.

Many more girls opted to dance with Harry, but he only danced with Luna, Susan and Ginny before returning to Daphne and his wives.

Daphne came to talk with them the next morning, just after breakfast.

"I've just got my parents' blessing for joining you," she told Harry. "They welcome you not only from the personal aspect, knowing that I'm falling in love with you, but also for political and financial reasons, which are just as important for them."

Harry wasn't so pleased. He didn't want to consider anything but their feelings, yet he knew this was not the case with everyone. The girls didn't have such hesitations, though. "That's wonderful!" they both squeaked, hugging Daphne tightly.

"Now, would you like me to be your second Potter or Black wife?"

Harry thought for a moment. Although it didn't matter much, this was a decision which could mean a lot to Daphne's feelings. "What would you rather be?" he asked her.

Daphne didn't hesitate at all. "You've always been Potter to me, so it's natural for me to be your second Potter wife. Besides, if Susan or Luna need a similar arrangement, you'll still be able to offer them the Black position." She winked at him saying the last sentence.

As both Hermione and Gulara seemed to be fine with that suggestion, he accepted it. "I'll make a Potter out of you," he said jokingly.

The farewell feast took place the next evening. Harry sat between his two wives, enjoying the feast, talking with some of his class mates. Unlike previous years, the students sat in mixed groups. The headmistress had stressed inter-house relations throughout the year. Even the Quidditch teams were no longer house-based, although the captains tended to elect mostly players from their own houses.

Daphne sat with the Potters, close to Hermione as they had already decided to make Daphne the second Potter wife. Ginny was leaning on Draco, looking dreamily towards Harry and his women. She didn't seem envious any more, and Harry was glad she seemed to have found some love, although with an unexpected partner. Neville was sitting with Hanna, holding her shoulder possessively.

Headmistress McGonagall stood up.

"Another school year is reaching its end. This one has been a very special year for all of us. We had a lot to do, to recover from all that the previous year had caused, but we managed. Our students have got the highest NEWTs scores for over a century, and it looks like the OWL results would be just as good. We have many students graduating this year, as none did the previous one. I want to congratulate them all and wish them a happy and successful future, building their positions in our society and rebuilding our society to become what it can and should be."

She seemed to have reconsidered something else that she was going to say. She just added, "Have a nice trip home. Now – off to bed, and don't forget to pack everything before breakfast."

Their train compartment was full. Harry sat there, with his two wives and the two prams housing his three babies. Daphne joined them, making the small compartment quite crowded.

This didn't stop Ginny and Draco from coming to play a bit with the babies. "I hope to have my own in a year or so," Ginny said, looking lovingly at Draco.

"We have to get your father's agreement first," Draco said nervously.

"Oh, he will agree. We'll only have to consider the dates, as I'm sure he wants to wed your aunt as soon as he can."

Draco didn't comment. He just reddened a bit.

Neville came with Hanna. "We're planning to get married in a few months, Harry, and I'd like you to be my best man."

"No problems at all, especially since I'll probably need you to perform this task for me once again."

Nevilled seemed bewildered, but then he noticed Daphne leaning her head on Harry's shoulder. "Well, mate, you seem to have captured two of the most beautiful witches in school. Luckily, you left the best looking one for me." He looked at Hanna lovingly.

Harry and the girls stayed last on the train, not wanting to subject the babies to all the hustle and bustle of the train station on arrival. When they left, they found the Greengrass parents waiting for Daphne. Seeing her with Harry brought a smile to their faces. They didn't talk much, though. "Come visit us next weekend," they suggested. "You can all come and enjoy our gardens."

"Yes, we will," Hermione answered. Harry just hugged Daphne before she floo'ed away with her parents.

Dan was waiting at the other side of the barrier. "You must all stay with us for a few days. It's not so easy for us to travel with a baby, and I assume that three pose even more problems. We want to get to know the kids, and Hermione should also become closer to her brother. I believe he has similar talents as well."

It was a happy group that reached the Granger residence. Emma hugged her daughter tightly and then took her grandchild in her arms, checking him all over. She then did the same with Gulara and her babies, before going to the nursery and bringing her own baby.

Harry didn't think he should tell the Grangers about Daphne, not yet. There would be a time for it just as there would be a time for marrying Daphne and for having more kids with all his wives. He was in no hurry, though. The whole future was still ahead.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. You may see may profile for other fanfic stories and for my original work available elsewhere.

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