Hey guys, sorry for the late update but here's my final chapter so please enjoy!
Hard Yaoi: Kyoya x Nile (ending)

Nile woke up early in the morning and he wondered what time is it today. He sat on the bed then stretched his arms then he tried looking at the clock beside him.

It was 6:03 a.m. How come he'd wake up this early after what happened last night? Actually he'd never remember anything that happened after he was drunk.

He noticed that when he was already awake, he and Kyoya had no clothes on but he just ignored it although he already knows what to do about it.

Anyway he took his clothes then wore it. After that he lied down again next to Kyoya and tried to wake him.

He tried on moving him but it's no use, he's still asleep. He ignored him for a minute then until he smelled something from downstairs.

He leaved Kyoya on the bed then swiftly went downstairs. It was a perfect timing that he was hungry.

"Hey Gingka, whatcha doin'? Nile asked.

"Hey Nile, I'm cooking breakfast for you guys." Gingka said.

"Oh that's great, so what're you cooking?" Nile looked into the frying pan.

"It's pancakes!"

"Oh okay that's...cool." Nile faked smiled.

He was just a little bored in this day so he walked lazily on the living room then sat at the couch and stare at the ceiling.

After a while, Kyoya walked downstairs then started to yawn. He saw Nile alone at the couch and staring above him.

"Good morning Nile, I didn't notice you were here." Kyoya said.

"...Good morning Kyoya." He said lazily.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine...I can't believe this day would be this boring." Nile said.

"Okay so how about...we'll go out later together."

"Nah, we'd dated so many times."

"Umm so what else would you wanna do?" Kyoya asked.

"I don't know..." Nile said.

"Okay later we'll..." Kyoya was cut off.

"Hey guys! Breakfast is ready!" Gingka said.

"Oh great, I'm starving." Nile stood up then walked into the kitchen.

Kyoya followed Nile all the way into the kitchen then then after that he sat next to him at the chair.

They both looked closer at the plate with pancakes and they saw other parts were burned. They didn't complain at all or else Gingka would freak out.

"Hey guys, hey Gingky what's for breakfast?" Yu said.

"It's pancakes Yu." Nile muttered.

"Oh cool pancakes, yum!"

"Does Gingka even know how to cook pancakes?" Nile whispered at Kyoya beside him.

"Who knows? I don't know if he's good at cooking or so." Kyoya said.

"Hey Gingka, are those burned pancakes?" Kyoya asked.

"Oh no, those are my ingredients I put them with chocolate."

"Ohh I get it, I thought it was burned." Nile chuckled.

"Okay so eat up you guys." Gingka grinned.

"Finally" Yu said.

They altogether put the pancakes into their plates then buttered it, after that they poured it with blueberry and honey syrup.

"Yum, yum, yum! This is better than ice cream." Yu said.

Kyoya and Nile ignored anyone and continued eating together. After that they were done about a minute they stood up then walked into the places they wanna go.

Nile walked upstairs then he entered his room. Kyoya followed him upstairs then sat next to him at the bed.

"Hey uh Nile?"

"What is it?" Nile said looking down.

"Umm do you still feel bored today?" Kyoya asked.

"Well, who cares about it?"

"How 'bout we'll watch movie later?"

"I don't know Kyoya...maybe you decide because I'll come with you anywhere you want." Nile lied down on the bed.

"Okay so let's watch movies later then." Kyoya said.

"Sure I think that's great."

Masamune was running through the road and he was heading at Gingka's place. He was running as fast as he could until he could reach the place.

After a while he was finally there so he entered the house then he was searching for Gingka. He checked the living room if he could find him there and finally he's right there.

"Hey Gingka" Masamune said

"Hey Masamune"

Masamune kissed Gingka on the lips then Gingka kissed him back and the broke it after a minute.

"What brings you here Masamune?" Gingka asked.

"Is Nile here?"

"Why are you finding him?"

"Oh uh he requested something from me yesterday." Masamune said.

"So what is it?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me yesterday but he told me to go to him."

"Oh okay so he's upstairs."

Masamune walked upstairs then he knocked the door of Nile's room so that it wouldn't be so disturbing.

Nile opened the door then how glad he was to see Masamune. He led Masamune at the living room so that they would talk a little more private.

"So what was that request you were talking about yesterday?" Masamune asked.

"Oh here are the lists that I'll request for you and here's the money, keep the change." Nile handed over to him all the things he requested.

Masamune was confused, why would Nile give him 700 yen and he suggested letting Masamune to keep the change.

Anyway, he headed into the mall to buy the things that were on the list. He bought all the things and after that he paid for it.

He remembered that Nile told him to keep the change so instead to keep it maybe he should instead buy this money for Nile at least their just friends.

He thought first what he should buy for Nile so he tried to make a phone call on him.


"Hey Nile here are your things that you've requested but can I ask you something?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"What are the things that you expect for today?" Masamune questioned.

"Hmm I don't know actually but maybe...oh yeah! I remember my headset is broken so I probably wanted a new one." Nile said.

"Oh is that it? Well that's okay."

"Why did you ask?"

"No reason so anyway bye."


Masamune searched at the mall for a headset and finally he found one. He thought it may be perfect so he paid for it.

He went back at the apartment then first he gave Nile all the things that he requested.

"Thanks for all your help Masamune." Nile said.

"You're welcome Nile, so I have something to give you right now."

"What is it?"


Masamune hand over to him the headset. Nile was so glad and his happiness was all over his face.

"Ohhh thank you so much Masamune!" Nile hugged Masamune.

"You're welcome Nile."

"Okay so you can go ahead now Masamune." Nile said.

"Okay bye Nile."

Masamune headed into the door then he said goodbye to Gingka.

"Bye Gingka see you later." Masamune said.

"Bye Masamune."

He walked out of the house then headed into his apartment. Nile walked upstairs then went into his room.

"Hey Nile"

"Hey Kyoya"

"Where have you been?" Kyoya asked.

"Nah I'm just downstairs." Nile said.

"What did you do downstairs?"

"Nothing really"

"Okay so why don't we go outside now?"

"Okay, okay I'm getting bored in here."

They walked downstairs then headed at the front door and walked out. Then after that they went into the movie station to watch a movie.

"Okay so what are we gonna watch today?" Kyoya asked.

"Umm I don't know, how about you choose?"

"Umm okay so we're going to..." Kyoya was cut off.

"Hey guys, what movie are you watching?" Madoka said.

"Uh we hadn't picked one yet." Nile said.

"Oh okay so how about you two will watch a movie with me?" Madoka asked.

"Uh...okay sure, not a bad idea." Nile said.

"Oh great!"

They altogether paid for their tickets then Kyoya and Nile wondered what movie they will be watching today.

"Nile, don't you think this is going to be a girly movie?" Kyoya said.

"I don't know but maybe you've got a point." Nile said.

"Let's go guys!" Madoka said.

Both of them followed her at the entrance then the movie is still not starting. They wondered what the movie was.

"Umm Madoka, what movie are we watching actually?" Kyoya asked.

"It's Pitch Perfect." She said.

"Pitch Perfect? Have you known that movie Nile?" Kyoya asked.

"I don't know."

When the movie started Kyoya thought that he wanted to go out because he was right all along, it was a girly movie for him.

"Hey Nile, let's ditch this movie." Kyoya said.

"Yeah you're right, let's sneak out."

Kyoya and Nile stood up and was about to ditch the movie but Madoka saw the both of them.

"Where are you going guys?" She asked.

"We uh...you see...we're late for the party." Kyoya said.

"What party?"

"Umm Benkei's party?" Kyoya said.

"Oh okay so bye guys I guess I'll just watch alone here."

"Bye Madoka." Nile said.

They both went outside then searched for the movie that they'll watch together. But before that Chao Xin called their names.

"Hey Kyoya, Nile what's up you guys?" Chao Xin put his arms on their shoulders.

"Hey Chao Xin" Nile said.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Uh yeah" Kyoya said.

"Hmm how about let's watch this." Chao Xin pointed the movie Hunger Games.

"Hmm not bad let's see that movie maybe." Kyoya said.

"Okay let's go dudes."

They paid for the ticket then they went into the entrance of the movie inside. It was a perfect timing that the movie started so they paid attention to watch the movie.

When the movie started Kyoya felt bored and he almost fell asleep then Nile tried to distract Kyoya.

They both stood up then tried to sneak at the exit and lucky for them that Chao Xin was focusing to watch the movie.

"Phew that was close." Kyoya said.

"Yeah you're right."

"So how about we'll watch this instead?" Kyoya asked pointing at the movie.

"Hmm maybe not a bad idea." Nile said.

"Okay let's watch it then."

They paid again for the tickets again then they went into the entrance. They took a sit then waited for the movie to start.

After a minute, the movie started then they were excited because it was only just the two of them and no problems would be around.

The movie they were actually watching was X-men First Class. It was quite enjoyable for both of them at least it was like a date.

They were watching the movie for an hour then after that the movie ended. They enjoyed their fun times together today.

Then after that they intended to go home because they're bored already. When they arrived home, Nile sat at the couch while Kyoya went upstairs.

Nile always liked to sit in the couch all day as long as he wants but there are times that he is bored of it.

Yu sat next to Nile then he grinned at him. He tried not to disturb him but he convince to him some ice cream.

"Hey Nile could you give me some ice cream? Yu asked.

"Well okay I'll get you some in the fridge." Nile said.

Nile walked all the way into the kitchen then went into the fridge to get some ice cream for Yu.

Well actually others thought that if Yu will convince them for an ice cream, they thought he's a little annoying for that.

But for Nile, he just thought he's a cute little brat. Anyway he went back into the living room then had over the ice cream at Yu.

"Thank you so much Nile." Yu said.

"You're welcome Yu." Nile smiled.

"Oh yeah by the way, where's Yoyo?" Yu asked.

"He's upstairs why'd you ask?"

"Well, Mr But-in-ski told me that he'll have a party later so all of us are invited." Yu said.

"Oh really? Hmm, what time is it?"

"Hmm 7:00 p.m."

"Okay we'll come later then."

"Sure that's great, well I gotta go I'll beg for Tsubasa some more ice cream."

"Okay bye Yu."

Nile went upstairs in his room then he sat next to Kyoya and smirked.

"Hey Nile what's up?"

"Hey Kyoya, I have something to tell you." Nile said.

"What is it?"

"Well Yu told me tonight Masamune's gonna have a party so you wanna come?" Nile asked.

"Okay sure."

Meanwhile at 6:50 p.m. Nile and Kyoya got ready to go to the party. They walked downstairs then they went out together with Gingka.

They walked all the way to Masamune's apartment. They arrived there after a minute then they walked inside.

The place was big and party lights were all over the place. There are lots of decorations and the music was also loud.

Others were also there then Gingka went to Da Xiang and with the others. Not knowing Ryuga was also invited even if others were his rivals.

Anyway, they altogether enjoyed the party then ended at the midnight. They went home when the party was over at least it was enjoyable for them.

Kyoya and Nile walked together heading into their home with Gingka. When they arrived home they went upstairs into their room.

They were intending on sleeping together so they lied in the bed together then closed their eyes and were about to sleep.

Nile could feel Kyoya behind him trailing his lips on his neck and living some marks. He blushed then he tried to turn to Kyoya.

"What's wrong?" Kyoya asked.


Nile pulled Kyoya's shirt then kissed him passionately in a sudden. Kyoya kissed back then they broke it after a minute.

Nile tried to pull out the grey jacket from Kyoya then he almost took off his green shirt but Kyoya held his wrist then stopped him.

"Nile...you don't have to..."

"Kyoya...don't worry..."

Kyoya nodded then he gave Nile a quick kiss then continued from what they were doing together.

Meanwhile after they took off their clothes, Kyoya held Nile's shoulders then kissed his lips. Nile kissed him back then broke it after.

Kyoya licked Nile's neck then Nile let out his small moan. Then after a while he turned over Nile in behind then he thrust inside him slowly.

Nile blushed red the he moaned. Kyoya tried to be gentle at him because sometimes Nile might be sensitive.


"Don't worry Nile, just relax and it'll be gone."

Nile nodded then he bared the pain in his entrance. He was moaning with pleasure and the pain in his insides was gone.

Kyoya thrust faster with his own pleasure. He tried to thrust deeper at the inside of Nile though Nile was actually begging for more.

"Kyo-ya...thr-ust h-harder..." Nile moaned.

"Anything for you...Nile"

Nile blushed and he could feel that he's about to cum.

"Kyoya...I'm cumming..."


After that their semen went out then they lied together in a bed and they panted exhaustedly.

Nile almost closed his eyes then was about to sleep but then Kyoya kissed him passionately in a sudden.

"I love you so much Nile."

"I love you too...Kyoya."

The End

Okay so I've written the ending quickly and I guess that nothing's getting inside my head on how to start and end this so anyway I hope you like it and please review because I go upset with no reviews...