Harry stood at the edge of the woods and watched as Bastian helped the others working on clearing the new area. Their little home had suddenly spiked in the last few days, cat shifters coming in from all over the world as if they had heard a silent call from Harry and Ginny. Harry could feel their eyes on him, and he had introduced himself when they arrived, but he hadn't sought any of them out. He was still getting his head around Lilah and Bastian suddenly being in his mind.

Ginny had spent the majority of the last few days with the twins, barely leaving the nest she had created and he didn't begrudge her that. She needed to be with her children, but he also knew that if he needed her she'd be there. The hell they had been through had built ties that no one would be able to break, and as he thought of that hell his mind turned to Eve.

Apparently Harry's call hadn't just been heard by the cat shifters of the world, for the first time ever this refuge now housed two wolf pairs. Turning on his heel Harry headed towards the outskirts of their land where the wolves had gone to fine some peace. He didn't blame them, the different shifter types didn't tend to blend in home environments even if they did mix in other situations.

He approached their cabins slowly so that they could hear him coming and he wasn't surprised when a door opened to reveal a male draped in shadows. As Harry approached carefully the man moved forwards until Harry could see him, the light filtering through the clouds hit the man's blonde hair and Harry stopped in his tracks. He knew this man, even if he didn't know him well, and he also knew he had strong ties to Eve. Biting down on the growl that wanted to force its way from his throat Harry stopped and simply waited leaving the next move to the other man.

For a moment the men simply starred at each other until the blonde looked down beside him and Harry's eyes flicked down to see a small hand circling the man's bicep. Struck by this Harry watched as a petite woman walked forwards and when she lifted her eyes to Harry he could see they were the ice blue of her wolf.

"We don't bring any harm with us," the blonde finally said and Harry lifted his eyes back to his face.

"But you do bring worry with you Joshua," he said and the man tensed slightly before the woman slipped further forwards so Harry could see her completely.

She barely reached his shoulder, her frame so small that Harry thought he'd probably be able to wrap his hands around her waist and touch fingers. But she was most definitely a woman, and not the girl his mind had first processed her as. Her curves were easy to pick up since she was clad in a tight light blue summer dress that matched her eyes. Her blonde hair was a few shades darker than Joshua's but it was easy to see now that she stepped forwards there were other features they shared. The tilt of her eyes were the same as his, even though his were a deep human blue and hers were that of her wolf. Her nose was the same as his though smaller and they both had a strength to their stance that said they were used to their power and bodies and weren't afraid to use it.

For a moment Harry scanned over the brother and sister trying to figure out what to say next. He wanted this, wanted all of the shifters to be treated equally, but he didn't know how to begin the process. To long they had been separate factions that had so often warred with each other, how do you get past hundreds of years of animosity.

"I heard people whisper of you Harry in Eve's halls, before," she paused then and her head tilted to look up at her bother and Harry watched as Joshua nodded ever so slightly, "before I was punished. Caged in my animal form," her voice was a whisper on the wind but Harry caught it.

The eyes made sense to him now, she obviously couldn't shift back having been looked in her animal form for too long. Sometimes that happened, an aspect would bleed into their human form and they wouldn't be able to change it ever again. Harry also knew she was lucky, the eyes were passable, he had seen others not so lucky.

He understood then why someone who had always stood at Eve's side would risk so much to join a camp that was promising rebellion against the hierarchy as it stood. Joshua wanted safety and freedom for his little sister who he so obviously loved and Harry couldn't fault the other man that, even if he was still a little wary.

"No one here gets a free ride," he finally said deciding to treat them as he did every other shifter that came to their doors.

Joshua nodded and the tension seemed to leave his body in a rush. The woman smiled up at her bother and the smile turned her from pretty to beautiful, her smile something men would kill for and Harry suddenly knew why Eve had punished her. She didn't like people that had similar power to her, or the potential to surpass her. The same could also be said for her looks. Eve was beautiful there was no doubting that, but it was a cold beauty and this young woman sang with warmth, something that would make Eve's beauty seem brittle in comparison. Eve wouldn't have been able to stand that, she would have felt the need to stamp out that warmth and Harry was glad she hadn't succeeded.

"Jennifer and I are more than capable and happy to help wherever we are needed," Joshua said finally his sister nodding her head quickly as he eyes flicked back to Harry.

Harry nodded but didn't move, "and your companions will they be so quick to help," Jennifer's eyes flicked behind her then worry evident on her face.

Joshua's body went rigid again then and Harry could feel the tension radiating off the other man, it made his cat raise his head and prowl forwards. Harry swallowed the power that sprang forwards knowing that if he wasn't careful he could escalate the situation.

"Our companions need some time, but I promise you Harry they mean you no harm," his voice was taught but Harry could hear the truth in Joshua's words.

For a moment he stood there thinking and finally he bowed his head slightly, "very well, they can have time to acclimate but I will have to talk to them soon."

Joshua nodded and Jennifer turned to head back into the cabin but Joshua didn't move.

"Jennifer was right you know, everywhere that Eve holds people are talking of you. Whispers are reaching ears of words not spoken in years,' he looked over his shoulder then and moved down the steps that led to the door.

Sensing Joshua wanted to keep his words between the two of them Harry moved towards to other male until he was close enough to see the ripple of wolf in the depths of Joshua's eyes.

"Eve tries to squash any talk but she can't be everywhere at once, and word is leaking out that the cat's might have a true Alpha in the midst," Joshua's eyes sparked with his words but Harry didn't say anything, "and we both know that there has only been one shifter from the cat clan that ever had a chance in hell of becoming a true alpha."

Harry still didn't say anything, instead choosing to gage the other man's words silently.

"If the rumours that are spreading are true then I would stand with you against Eve Harry, so that we could have our lives back."

With that he turned on his heel and headed back to the cabin closing the door softly behind him. Harry stared at that door for a few seconds before turning on his heel and heading back to the man compound of the refuge.

He found Blair in his office pouring over plans, his head bowed over the table. He looked up when Harry entered his eyes flashing for a second before he smiled.

"Have a nice chat with a newest residents," he said as he stood bracing his hands against the table.

Harry grinned as he came to stand on the other side of the table, "had a good chat with Joshua but he still wouldn't let me see who else is hiding in there."

Blair tsked as he stood his fingers going to his shirt straightening the collar in a nervous gesture, "I don't like that," he all but growled and Harry could understand that.

"I know but for the moment we'll give them some leeway but it won't last forever," the air was heavy with his unsaid words and Blair nodded before he turned to head across to where there were bottles of water.

Grabbing one he pulled the cap off before tossing one to Harry who easily caught it out of the air. Blair sipped the water as he watched Harry silently his eyes scanning over the other man. Harry walked forwards to start pouring over the plans, his guard completely down with his old friend which Blair used to his advantage. Blair had seen the change in Harry since Ginny, and had seen what the war had done as well. He knew Harry thought he hid it well, and he did, but Blair was smart. He kept a close ear to the ground and had hidden wards all over the place. He knew all about the power that Harry had been pouring into the ground around them, had seen how unstable he looked every now and then. Now with everything that had been happening in the last few weeks Blair expected to see him look even more unstable, but it was the exact opposite. Harry seemed calmer and more centred than he had in some time.

"How's that mate of yours handling your new boys," he said finally and watched as Harry lifted his head an almost feral grin on his face.

"Like a duck to water, she's a born mother," he said and Blair could hear the pride in his voice.

Blair had to admit he had been surprised to hear that Harry and Ginny had taken on the twins. Not so much that they had taken the boys per say, but more that they had done it now. The last time Blair had talked to Harry it seemed like the other man's plans had no room for adding two to their family. But then they had added more than two, since Lilah and Bastian were tied to them now.

"Well you know I'm here if you need anything," he said finally and Harry's smile was genuine and warm.

"I know old friend," he said before his eyes flicked back to the plans and Blair knew he wouldn't get anything else out of Harry on the subject so he turned back to the plans.

It was late and Harry knew he should be back in bed with his mate and their boys but he felt restless, he just couldn't bring himself to settle, so instead he was out walking in the night air listening to the sounds around him and trying to centre his mind. It was getting harder and harder lately to keep things together and he knew he was close to some big change that could mean wonderful things, or could be the down fall of all the happiness he had found. He couldn't help it when his mind snapped back to the darkest moment of his life. He could feel his whole body shudder as the memory of his power, so very destructive, invading the woman he loved washed over him. He knew he was lucky he'd been able to pull it back at the last moment or he would have wiped Ginny from existence. Even now he still worried he could do something similar, but now it was worse because he worried the fall out could pull in his boys as well. He was a little scared by how intently he loved those boys, and it made the turbulence in his head worse sometimes.

He wasn't surprised when he heard someone behind him, purposefully making noise so he could hear them. When he turned and caught red flame in the moonlight he smiled and felt warmth spread through his body.

"Ginny," he whispered, her name a prayer dropping from his lips.

She smiled softly at him and lifted her hand to him and he was there instantly letting her draw him to her, her smaller from melting against him as he lowered his head to her neck. He inhaled taking in the scent that was all Ginny, but as he breathed he caught a tang he hadn't smelt before, a note that pulled at the back of his mind. Before he could pull on the thread though she stepped back slightly so that he could see that the moonlight caught in her cat eyes.

"Are you neglecting your mate Harry," she whispered her words teasing and warm, and he could practically taste the sexual tension coming from her.

"Never love," he replied as his hands slipped down her arms and across her hips until he had a firm grip on her.

Using that grip he pulled her back against him, a small bubble of laughter in her throat.

This time when he buried his face into her neck, he licked at the sensitive curve of her neck and she shivered exactly how he wanted.

While his hands massaged her skin under her dress, and his lips worked magic at her neck, he sent his mind searching to make sure they were truly alone. When he was satisfied they were safe he sent a message to Bastian to watch over the boys. Harry knew Ginny had left them with Lilah and that the other male wouldn't have been far any way, but it made him feel better and he could safely concentrate all his energy on his mate without concerns getting in the way.

Ginny looped her arms around his neck and held him against her as he moved from the curve of her neck along her shoulder, pushing her dress back as he did. Her fingers delved into his hair as she threw her head back and gave into the feel of him. She had been tense most of the day needing his touch, but he had been distant and she knew it was because he was worried about everything that was going on. But she also knew that when she was tense and needed skin, then he was worse.

Cradling his head against her she moved her hands down his neck, until one slipped into his t-shirt at the neck and she felt him smile against her.

"Greedy little kitty," he whispered and she could hear the laughter in his voice.

"For you, always," she whispered in return and his head popped up so she could look him in the eye.

He scanned her eyes for a moment and she knew the moment he found what he needed because he stepped back long enough to strip the t-shirt over his head before pulling her against him again. Her hands collided with the heat of his chest and she sucked in a breath as heat bloomed in the pit of her stomach. Never would she get used to this, how light he could be one moment and how intense in the next. She loved this with all of her heart and she let the weightiness of what was about to happen settle around her.

With a wicked grin she pulled at the sash she had tied around herself letting it fall to the floor, and at the same time allowing both sides of her dress to fall open. Harry sucked in a breath as he realised she was naked under such a thin barrier and she delighted in watching his eyes dilate with need. A growl escaped his throat before he was pulling her towards him and dropping to his knees. She gasped as he buried his face against her hip, nipping and licking at the sensitive skin, she had to grip his shoulders to stop herself from collapsing. She threw her head back as she let the sensations wash over her, his tongue laving at her skin, the cool night are washing over her bare skin, it all served to leave tingles through her whole body.

Soon though she couldn't take it anymore and tugging at his hair made him move, and he obliged with a laugh.

"What do you want love?" his voice was raspy with need and she could hear the cat in him.

"You Harry, I always need you," she whispered unable to muster more of her voice as she watched his eyes change as his cat sprang forwards.

Instantly his hands dropped to her waist, his fingers biting into the soft creamy flesh there as he gripped her and then she had to brace her hands at his shoulders as he so effortlessly lifted her. Without any prompting she wrapped her slender legs around his hips, glad to find that her bare skin came into contact with nothing but Harry. As he lifted her he must as disappeared his clothing, and she couldn't help but send up a silent thank you to the gods of ancient magic for that little trick. Her mind was pulled back to the cat she was wrapped around then as he growled and once more buried his head against her neck.

"I don't feel gentle tonight Ginny," he whispered and she knew he was asking permission.

"And who said I am, I did walk out into the night half-dressed to chase my man after all," she whispered and felt as his whole body shivered beneath him.

He surged forwards then with no other warning as his growl tore through the night air and buried himself to the hilt in Ginny. She gasped at it but didn't move giving her body time to adjust to the fullness. Just as she felt her body begin to shudder with the need to make him move, Harry did move but not in the way she was expecting. Walking them backwards, still buried to the hilt inside her, he moved until she felt the brush of bark against her back.

"Hold onto the tree love," he whispered and she instantly complied, her fingernails now longer than her human nails, easily gouged into the bark and held her in placed.

Harry moved back slightly so that her body stretched out in front of him, her legs still locked around his hips. He marvelled at the sight of all that creamy goodness spread in front of him, and once more thanked whatever was out there that they had sent this woman to be his mate. Leaning over her he laved at one of her nipples satisfied when a small moan dropped from her lips. He trailed his tongue over the sensitive underside of her breast until she was twitching against him and demanding he move. Unable to deny her anything he gave into his own bodies needs and moved out of her long enough to plunge back.

He lifted his head long enough to make sure she was still safe, and with a grin from her set a gruelling pace pushing hard into her body. It didn't take long for the heat to build in her body and she knew Harry was right there with her. She gave herself over to the intensity of his body and the need he stocked in her nearly every moment. Ginny screamed out his name as she felt herself tip over the edge, feeling her body convulse around him, pulling him over the edge with her. She spiralled into blinding ecstasy and didn't bother trying to hold onto herself.

When she came to again, it was to find Harry carefully pulling her hands from the tree, kissing each grazed tip before putting her arms around his neck. She felt a shiver of power wash over her and found clothes snuggly fitted against her body. She lifted her head from his shoulder long enough to see that he was carrying her away from the little clearing back to their home.

"I love you Harry," she whispered around a yawn.

"And you're my heart breeze."

A/N sorry its been so long since an update I've had my hands full at the moment. More balls in the air juggling than I can follow without letting something drop. Hope you enjoyed this update can't wait to hear what you all think.