Wow. um. It has been a really long time since I updated huh? I'm sorry guys. This is just a really busy time of the year. But thanks so much for the great reviews which always reminded me that I needed to write this story. So, onwards to the story in question!

Jack and the other Guardians were all gathered around the large "G" in front of the bright globe.

North was the first to speak as they all stared up at the moon. "Manny, what is going on? A second Jack?"

The moon's light beamed down onto the "G" and a shadow began to take a form in the center. It was the same image Manny had given them the last time there was trouble: an image of Pitch.

Bunny looked up in confusion. "But how can Pitch do something like this?"

There was no answer.

"Manny?" North pressed.

Still no response. The Guardians looked around at each other with shared confusion and worry. For once, the Man in the Moon did not know.

Sandy formed an image of Pitch above his head, and then pounded his fist into his palm. Even if they didn't know how Pitch did it, the bottom line was that Pitch was behind this and he had to be stopped.

"But what about Christmas?" Tooth flitted around worriedly. "Christmas Eve is tomorrow and so many of the presents have been destroyed."

"For now we should focus on Christmas. We can deal with Pitch after," Bunny responded.

"We must keep an eye though. I doubt this will be Pitch's last attack on my holiday," North said. "And Jack," North turned the point with eyes filled with guilt. "I have not yet apologized for what happened today. I am very sorry."

Jack looked away, trying not give away just how much their words had affected him, how much they hurt him. It made him wary of his relationship with the Guardians. It made him feel more aware than he ever had how easily he could lose his family. The day's events had served as a painful reminder to Jack that he needed them far more than they needed him.

But he couldn't let them know that. So he put on a fake smirk and began to reassure North. "It's fi-"

And was cut off as Tooth barreled over to hug him, causing him to stumble a few steps back.

"Oh Jack," she murmured into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I was already missing you moments after you left. I know we all regret saying those things to you. Please know that none of us would ever want you to leave for good no matter what you did. Because we love you Jack."

As Jack was still in shock, Bunny in uncharacteristically put a hand on his shoulder with an expression caught between shame, guilt, and embarrassment. "What she said." Bunny never was very good with words.

Sandy nodded with an encouraging smile.

Jack swallowed. His false smile had been chased away by Tooth's hug and he was having trouble maintaining the rest of his mask. Tooth's words had filled him with warmth and happiness. However, his self doubt and cynicism tainted his happiness. No matter how much he wished it were true, he could not believe the Guardians felt that way about him. It made no sense.

Tooth pulled back from Jack.

"Now let's go fix Christmas so we can go get Pitch and that imposter that framed you," Bunny said with a smirk.

All the Guardians went back to work, rushing to get the presents made and transported. This time, they were joined by Jack as he made elaborate ice slides which curved out of the way of everyone's work and speedily transported the gifts to the sleigh. Once they got there, they were into North's large red sack, which worked something like a magic black hole. Despite the piles and piles of presents being tossed inside, the bag remained the same size. Each time North would reach inside, he would pull out the exact present he needed. The toys were finished in record time and all the Guardians piled into the sleigh in preparation for a possible attack by the other Jack.

They were flying over Northern China when the snowstorm hit. It came on fast; one second it was there and the next it wasn't. It was fierce and blinding. North struggled to get the panicking reindeer under control without being able to see them.

"I have an idea!" Jack yelled over the howling winds as he gripped the side of the sleigh to combat the turbulence and strong wind trying to throw him into the air. Power erupted from Jack's staff and a second later, they were flying through smooth air again.

Bunny cautiously stopped frantically clutching the sleigh and turned to Jack. "What did ya do, Frostbite?"

"I made another storm. We are now at the eye of the storm," Jack answered. He looked out at the wall of white which surrounded them. "I'm going after him."

He was halfway over the railing when Tooth called after him. "Wait, Jack! You can't face him by yourself!"

"I'm the only one who can navigate through this storm!" Jack called back.

"Frostbite wait! That's probably what he's-" But Jack wasn't listening to Bunny and had already jumped off the sleigh and into the sea of white. "-counting on."

Please review :)