A/N Big thank you to BlueV, cole87, Silvercrystal77, Blair, Bri, Dreamsb223

It was pointed out to me that the fake date part wasn't really realistic and it wasn't supposed to be I meant it to be a half joking/half serious thing for them to fall back on later. Also, I picked the pizza shack for them because a) I see those four as being able to enjoy dressing up and doing fancy things but also enjoying the more down to earth, simple things as well and b) I needed Carter, Austin, and Emily to see them together for reasons that will be revealed later. I don't have a Beta so if anyone is interested in being my Beta let me know, PLEASE!


"She's going to be really excited you're here." I said leading Jayden towards floor where Payson was working, happy that we were the only ones left.

"She's still missing something." I heard Jayden mutter.

"She's got her technique almost perfect but her emotion is just, it's there but it's not. Does that make sense?" I knew I wasn't making sense but I didn't know how else to get my point across.

"It does to a dancer." Jayden said a determined look on her face. It looks like Payson might have some competition in the stubborn category. Speaking of Payson, it's time I showed her, her gift in the form of my cousin-in-law.

"Payson." I could barely keep my smirk from turning into a full blown grin as her entire face lit up when she saw Jayden.

"Jayden!" When I saw her run and give Jayden a hug I didn't even stop my smile from growing.

"Um, Sasha, what are the names of your shadows?" Payson asked looking at Anton hiding behind my legs and Adriana standing next to me looking at Payson inquisitively.

"This is Adriana," I put my hand on top of the 4 year olds' head, "and this is Anton." I picked the 1 year old up and held him close to my chest.

"It's very nice to meet you, Adriana." Payson said bending down to the little girls height. I quickly looked to Jayden who nodded at me telling me we had both seen the similarities between the two, except for Adriana's slightly darker hair and deep brown eyes. "And you Anton." Payson said standing back up to Anton's height in my arms.

"I think it's time we get started." Jayden said still looking slightly shocked. "I couldn't help but notice you weren't leaving your feeling on the floor. Have you ever tried expressional dancing?"

"No, what's that?" Payson asked furrowing her forehead.

"It's where you play a song that you feel expresses how you're feeling and you just let go and dance."


"There's no way I can do that." I knew I sounded panicked but I really didn't care because, well, I was!

"It lets you let all your emotions out onto the floor and it's very good for both your dancing and for your emotional health." I knew Jayden was trying to help but I really couldn't do this.

"I believe it's time for the little ones and I to go." And now Sasha leaving too, great my night just got better, not.

"Can I stay, please, please, please." Adriana pleaded with Sasha and I saw his resolve weakening. This little girl had him wrapped around her little finger and she knows it.

"It's up to your mum and Payson." Sasha sighed and suddenly those brown eyes were turned on me.

"It's fine with me." I cracked.

"I suppose since it's alright with Payson it's alright with me. Now, Payson, do you have an iPod?" I nodded. "Good, go get it and put on any song that you'd like and then just dance." I stared after her as she started to walk away.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." She called over shoulder and I was left with Adriana, my iPod, and the floor.


"Who was that woman you were with?" Jayden hadn't moved from her post by the window but her voice told me I better answer and it better be a good answer.

"Her name is Summer and I was asking her on a date." I tried to be nonchalant and continue with my paperwork.

"I don't like her."

"You haven't met her."

"She thinks we're sleeping together."

"You didn't even speak to her how would you know?" I cringed at Jayden's scoff, this wasn't going to be good.

"The look she gave me." Jayden said her in her "you-are-an-idiot" tone.

"She looked at you, Jay, it's not like she was hunting you down with a pitch fork." I couldn't help rolling my eyes at her.

"Trust me she wanted to!" Now it was my turn to scoff.

"If it had been Payson, she would have come up to me, told me how it was, and exuded confidence the entire time."

"It will never be Payson."

"You don't know that!"

"I'm her coach!"

"You won't be forever and besides what happened to your little fake dating scheme from last night."

"It was never a 'scheme' it was just having some fun at the expense of three people who definitely deserve it."

"What'd they do to you?"

"You mean besides breaking several of the rules?" Jayden rolled her eyes at my sarcasm and I rolled my eyes at her.

"What is it with you and rules? You used to be the guy that said 'to hell with the rules' and did his own thing."

"That guy grew up and discovered how important his rules are."

"Sasha, repede, quick, come look!" I was interrupted from my abandoned paperwork by Jayden's voice and my heart lept, sure Payson had been hurt. Instead, I found Adriana dancing behind Payson, copying every move she did as well as any four year old could. I felt relieved that I had remembered to turn the training cam on and so wouldn't miss a moment of what was happening but I still reached over my desk and grabbed the digital camera. I was able to get to the side of the floor mat with out either Payson or Adriana noticing and took more pictures than were needed, before going back into the office with Jayden.

"You need to see these." I told her putting the SD card into the computer. We spent the next hour sorting through pictures and narrowed it down to a few dozen.

"This is my favorite." Jayden said pointing to a picture of both Payson and Adriana in the air. Payson was doing a perfect switch leap, eyes closed, and head back while Adriana was trying to replicate it and while it wasn't even close to Payson's it was definitely good for someone so young. I kept turning back to Payson and I could almost feel her frustration, longing, and joy.

"Now change it to black and white." Jayden said her coach voice firmly in place.

"How?" I asked. I really hated technology.

"Just let me do it." Jayden said rolling her eyes and pushing my rolling chair away.

"Hey! That wasn't very nice!" I complained and tried to scoot my chair back by pulling on the desk.

"Sh! you're going to wake Anton up" Jayden nodded towards the sleeping baby.

"What are you guys doing?" I jumped and turned to find a smirking Payson in the doorway with Adriana on her hip.

"You need to see this." I said repeating my words from an hour ago.

"Is that me?" Payson asked awe in her voice. How didn't she see herself this way, the way I saw her, full of grace and elegance just waiting to be let out.

"Do you see what I mean about leaving your emotion on the floor?" Jayden asked pointing to the picture, "I can feel like I can feel every emotion that you have in that moment. We just need to put those emotions into your routine."

"Would you like to see the other pictures?" At her nod I pulled up the other chair next to mine.

"Have fun, you two, we're going to head back to my mom's house." Jayden said picking up a sleeping Anton and his diaper bag.

"Do you need any help?" I asked looking up from the computer screen.

"No, but thank you." Jayden answered already half way out the office door. "Good bye."

"Bye." Payson and I answered together.

"I like this one." It was a picture of Payson midair through a tubbling pass with Adrianna doing a sommersault on the floor next to her. From the angle of the camera Adrianna was behind Payson and it looked as if the rolling girl had turned into the young woman flying through the air mid twist.

"I really like this one, too. Do you mind if I put it in the lobby?" I smiled at the now blushing girl next to me.

"It's really not that great, Sasha, and my tumbling isn't anywhere near what it should be."

"No one is going to notice that, Payson, all they're going to see is the metamorphasis of a beautiful, graceful, young woman."

"I-" Payson was interrupted by a knock on the office door and Kim sticking her head in.

"Hey, sweetie, are you ready to go?" Kim asked before spotting the computer screen we were looking at. "What's this?"

"I took some pictures tonight while Payson was practicing. Would you like to see?" I answered for Payson.

"Of course. Who's the little girl?"

"That's my niece, Adrianna."

"She's Jayden and Stefan's daughter, Mom. They also have a son, Anton, and he's so adorable. What?" Payson asked looking at my shocked face in confusion.

"That's the first time I have ever heard you sound like a teenager." I didn't even care that I sounded in awe or that my jaw had hit the floor at Payson uttering the word "adorable."

"I can act like a teenager." Payson crossed her arms and gave me her best pouty look. Kim and I looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

"Sure you can, Pay." Kim said sounding half way between sarcastic and comforting. "Speaking of Jayden and Stefan, I would really like to meet them. Sasha, why don't you, them, and their kids come to dinner tomorrow night. It's a Saturday night so officially there's no practice the next day, even if you two are going to come in anyways."

"That sounds nice, Kim, thank you. I'll ask them tomorrow morning. Jayden said that now that you've loosened up, that she'd like to work with you on the choreography of your floor routine and Stefan doesn't want to be left at the house all day with just the kids." I directed the last bit at Payson and saw her face light up again. I'm glad that she's developing a role model as great as my cousin.

"Alright, Sasha, how about 7. That'll give you two an hour after practice to work and an hour to get cleaned up and if they say no, you are still welcome, Sasha."

"Thank you, Kim." I said finally feeling like I might be getting a family even if it was a little unorthadox.