Okay, so this is just something that I started thinking of and couldn't stop thinking about: a Graylu fanfic where Gray is a vampire and Lucy is a human who doesn't yet know she's in love with a vampire. I hope you enjoy it and it's probably going to be more than one chapter, so be prepared!

Chapter One

Memories and Heartbreaks

Gray's POV

I collapsed on my bed; I had just run all the way from the guild to my apartment. I had gotten here in a matter of minutes, thanks to my vampire speed, but I still felt weaker and light-headed because of it, my stomach aching, because I hadn't had blood in a couple weeks now.

I could go about a month now without blood before I absolutely needed it. I hadn't always been a vampire thought and I hardly remember how I got to be one, but I do remember a little.


I used to live with my family: Ur, my mother, Lyon, my brother, and Ultear, my sister. We lived far away in a little house near a town. We all used ice magic because our mom taught it to us; she knew we were strong enough and wanted us to be able to defend ourselves.

Anyway, one night when it was just mom, Lyon and I (Ultear was away at college since we went to school), these weird men came to our house and being the first one they saw, they took me. They were already near the door before I woke up and screamed for mom.

She crashed out of her room almost immediately and dashed after me, yelling, "Gray! Gray!" The men sped up so that mom couldn't catch them and I watched as my house got smaller.

Lyon ran out and saw me being taken away and mom running after me like her life depended on it, which in her case, it probably did.

He raced after her and yelled my name in sync with mom's screaming. The man whose shoulder I had been thrown over growled menacingly, "Better say goodbye to you mommy and brother, 'cause you're probably never going to see them again." Then he laughed and it was so dark and terrible, I wished I had never heard it. Thankfully, I fell unconscious seconds later.

I woke up I don't even know when. My eyes shot open and I looked around, seeing that I was neither at my house or with those weird guys anymore. I tried sitting up but one, my pounding head and aching stomach forced me back down and two I realized some girl with blue hair and a girl with long white hair in a high ponytail were leaning over me, concern etched on their faces.

"Oh, good! You're awake! Now you can finally eat something! You've been asleep for days! You must be starving!" The girl with the white/silvery hair said. She dashed away and my eyes followed her, seeing her rush over to a bar, where she went behind it and came out again with a tray in her hands.

I sat up again, this time ignoring my head and stomach and devoured the food on the tray in a couple minutes. Then I stood up and thanked the girl. "Where am I?" I asked, still curious about my surroundings. "You're in Fairy Tail, the mage guild." the silver-haired girl replied. "Oh. And what's your name if I may ask?"

She smiled. "I'm Mirajane, but you can call me Mira. This is my little sister Lisanna." She pointed to a girl with the same colored hair, but much shorter. Mira was wearing a short black top and black shorts with a white belt around her waist. She had a necklace that had something that looked like a belt buckle on the front and her hair was held up by a large purple bow. Lisanna wore a short pink dress.

"This is my brother Elfman." She said pointing to a young boy wearing a blue suit with a red bow tie on it. "This is Cana." Mira pointed to a girl with brown hair is a ponytail with bangs falling around her face wearing a short orange dress that had brown lines all over it. "This is Erza." She gestured to a girl with scarlet hair pulled back in a braid wearing an armored top, a white skirt with a belt and a sword was hanging onto the belt.

I inched away from the sword, hoping she wouldn't hurt me. "This is Natsu." She pointed to a boy with salmon pink hair wearing a dragon-scaled scarf around his neck, a red shirt, and yellow shorts, with a cream-colored sash/belt around his waist. "This is Levy." She pointed to the other girl who had leaned over me, the one with blue hair and a short yellow dress on.

"And this is the master, Master Makarov." She moved to the side a little, revealing a short man. "What is your name, son?" he asked me. "Gray." I decided right then, with everyone around me, that I wanted to become part of the guild. "Would you like to join my guild? You don't seem to have anyone to go home to." I nodded before he had even stopped talking and said, "Yes, I would."

I started pretty much living there until I had gone on a couple jobs to get enough money to buy a small house a little far away from the other houses, but that was reasonably close to Fairy Tail. I got my dark blue Fairy Tail mark on the right side of my chest because my mother had an interesting of teaching us ice magic and we had always gone for runs in the snowy mountains with nothing but our undergarments on.

As she had always said, 'To be able to control the cold, you must become one with it.' So she had gotten me into this weird habit of stripping unintentionally and unconsciously all the time. I also had this sword/cross silver-chained necklace that had a blue crystal in the middle of the sword/cross charm that I wore all the time; I had this black wrist band that I always wore on my right hand. So at least when I did strip, you could see the dark blue guild mark and the necklace.

About a week later, after I had bought my apartment and had settled in, I woke up with my head pounding and my stomach in knots. I didn't realize it then, but that was the sign that I needed blood. Over the week, I had gotten taller, thinner, paler, and a whole lot faster.

I was now even faster than Jet, one of Levy's friends who had this magic that made him the fastest person in the guild, well not anymore. I didn't understand it, but I hadn't cared. I stumbled out of my room and went to the guild. When I staggered into the guild, all my new friends came into my sight immediately; they were all at the same table.

I walked over to them as best as I could without staggering or stumbling. I sat down next to Natsu and Levy, laying my head on the table, my hands clutching my knotted stomach, and tried not to let a cry of pain escape me.

"Hey Icicle. What's up?" Natsu said right when I sat down. I was to preoccupied with trying to deal with my pain than to get mad at Natsu and I said, "He-hey N-Natsu." I heard a couple of gasps of surprise; I never called him by his name if he called me a name or insulted me. We usually got into fights and Erza, being her scary self, always broke us up with her scary-looking sword.

He usually called me names that were related to my ice magic and I called him names back relating to his fire Dragon Slayer magic. But today, I was in too much pain to even care about that. "Gray? Are you sick or something? You always fight back!" I heard Mira's voice.

I slowly lifted my head, making my hands drop down so they didn't notice anything. I smiled weakly and said softly," I just don't feel like getting into a fight with Natsu right now." Even Natsu looked at me with concern in his eyes, something I never thought I'd see. "Okay, you must be sick or something, Gray." he said to me.

Mira nodded and said, "Gray, how 'bout you go home and get some rest or something. You look like you need it anyway; you're really pale. We'll come and visit you, okay?" I nodded and stood up, swaying a little. I was starting to feel light-headed and the room was spinning a little.

I steadied myself and walked back out the guild as best as I could. Once I was outside, I let my hands clutch my churning, knotted stomach for a second, then I used "Ice Make: Floor!" to make an icy path to my apartment and used my new speed to skate quickly along it.

When I was passing a group of trees, I spotted a deer and without even thinking, my body acted on its own accord. I leaped off the ice path with a new energy I hadn't known I possessed, and was on top of the deer in a matter of seconds. My teeth sunk into its neck and I drained it of blood in a couple of minutes.

I leaned back, feeling a lot better and wiped my mouth, still not really understanding what I had just done. My hand came back covered in red and my eyes widened. 'What the heck?' I thought. I raised my fingers up to my mouth again and ran one of them along my teeth.

I felt a prick of pain in one of them and drew it back to see blood welling up in a little dot on my finger. I sucked the blood off, then suddenly leapt to my feet, horrified. I raced back home, the ice making me go even faster. I made it melt once I was in front of my door and dashed inside, locking the door behind me.

I hurried to my bathroom and went over to the floor-length mirror on the wall. I smiled in a way that showed all of my front teeth. I didn't see anything weird about them at first, but as I thought about the redness that covered them and how it was probably blood, I saw my canines elongate into fangs and I couldn't stop staring, uncomprehendingly, at them. Then it suddenly dawned on me. "I-I'm a-a - I'm a V-Vampire!"

~Flashback Ends~

Someone knocking on my door brought me back to reality and I realized it was pissing down with rain outside. I jumped from my bed as I heard more knocking, this time a little more frantically. I hurried out of my room and down the hall to the door calling, "Who is it?" "L-Lucy..."

My heart twisted when I heard how distraught she sounded and quickly unlocked and opened the door. She was standing on my doorstep, soaking wet, her head down, and her drenched hair falling around her face. Even though her head was down, I could see tear-streaks running down her face, in fact tears were still flowing down her face.

I quickly pulled her in, closed and locked the door, and held her against me, not caring that I was getting wet. She pressed her head against my bare chest, wait, bare? Shit! I stripped without meaning to! Nevermind.

Anyway, I wrapped my arms around her comfortingly and felt she was shaking with suppressed sobs. "H-Hey, what's wrong, Luce?" It tore my heart apart to see her like this and I wanted to do anything I could to make her feel better.

The downside to our relationship was that she already had a boyfriend... and it was him. Natsu, that little flame-headed bastard. I felt jealousy pump through my veins just at the thought, but I pushed it away for Lucy. Her chocolate orbs looked up at me, then she burst into tears, letting it all out, and pressed her head into my chest again.

I rubbed my hand up and down her back, trying to comfort her as best as I could. "I-I... It.. " I waited patiently for her to regain her voice. "It... It's Natsu! He- He f-forgot a-about me a-again! We- We w-w-were s-supposed to g-go out t-today, b-but he-he said h-he had t-to g-go somew-w-where w-with Lisanna! Oh G-Gray, I-I d-don't know w-what to d-do!"

She started wailing and the sound made my heart shatter along with hers. We were so close...yet so far; and I hated it.

Damn, that flame bastard! He's lucky enough to have someone as wonderful, beautiful, caring, kind, and considerate as Lucy, and he goes around breaking her heart with Lisanna! I swear, if only she didn't love you, I'd be free to beat the living hell out of you! I thought furiously, anger pulsing through me.

I held her tighter and laid my chin on the top of her head. "Don't worry, Luce, it's okay. I'm here now. I won't let that flame bastard hurt you again." I murmured to her,my voice a whole lot gentler than I thought I could even make it.

Then suddenly, my craving for blood came back, stronger, and my stomach knotted even more, putting me in even more pain; my arms clenched around Lucy's body. Nice timing. God damn it! I hate being a vampire sometimes! I screamed inside my head trying to ignore the pain.

She let out a small squeak and looked up at me, concern in her big chocolate orbs. "G-Gray? A-are you a-alright?"I looked at her as, for some reason that wasn't at all related to my craving for blood, pain seared through my stomach, and a grimace passed across my face. Concern spread over Lucy's face, her eyes darkening more because of it.

Realizing that there were still tears on Lucy's face, I tightened my grip on her with one arm in order to let go with the other and gently brushed them away. My hand returned around her lithe torso and I lightened my grip on her slightly, bending my head and closing my eyes.

"S-sorry." I muttered to her, my voice low. Lucy's hands appeared on my chest and even though I wasn't looking, I knew that one of them was exactly over my Fairy Tail tattoo. The other was somewhere on my stomach. Suddenly, Lucy drew that hand back quickly, as if burned or something.

"G-Gray! Y-you're h-hurt!" she exclaimed, her voice soft but shaking at the same time. My eyes opened and I looked down at my torso, curiously. I didn't remember getting injured at all... No, wait, I did just come back from a job... I thought when I saw bandages wrapped around my torso and left shoulder. Now I know you're thinking that as a vampire I'm supposed to be able to heal quickly, right?

Wrong. Not with me, for some reason. I heal just as quickly as any other human, but other than that, I have vamp powers. I guess being able to use my ice magic as well is the reason for that little flaw. I guess that since I can already do something special, it just took away from what I could do as a vampire, and that had just happened to be healing abilities. Whatever. At least I was the same as my fellow guild members in more that one way.

Lucy moving against my chest brought me back to reality. "Oh, yeah. I just got back from a job, Luce. I'm okay." I told her. She wasn't at all convinced at the last part, I could tell by the look in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. Yet. But she would soon in the future, she always did.

I turned around, my arm around Lucy's waist, to lead her to my room, where we could relax a little more, and my injury protested at my sudden movement. Pain shot through my shoulder and stomach simultaneously and I winced. "Owww..." I muttered, hoping Lucy wouldn't hear, but she did. "G-Gray? You r-really got y-yourself b-beaten g-good didn't y-you? H-here, let m-me help."

Lucy's voice was still shaking from the Natsu thing and I could hear a little despair left in it. My heart hurt hearing that sound and I tried to refuse her offer so she wouldn't have to worry about anything else, but she almost started crying again, so I let her. We sat down on my bed together and Lucy unconsciously laid her head on my shoulder, not the injured one just so you know.

I blushed slightly at her touch, but she had her eyes closed, so she didn't see. My arm slipped around her waist in reply her head on my shoulder and Lucy's bottom lip trembled a little, as if she were remembering something about her and Natsu.

At the thought of that flame bastard, I felt anger surge up in me; I'd seen him at bars with Lisanna a few times, but until I had seen those two together for about the fourth or fifth time, I hadn't known he was cheating.

Now I was so damn pissed at him that if I didn't have Lucy beside me right now, I would have stormed to the guild and beat the living hell out of him, then told the whole guild that he was cheating on Lucy with Lisanna.

But Lucy was sitting here beside me, so I couldn't. Just then, I heard something like a sniffle come from Lucy's direction and turned my head to look at her. I knew from the second I saw her that she was going to cry. She was trying so hard to keep in, but it was a losing battle.

Suddenly, Lucy burst into tears, burying her head in my chest, her body shaking with the effort of holding in her sobs. I pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her for comfort. Then she broke. Her muffled wails broke my heart into a million pieces and I wanted to do everything, anything I could to ease her pain.

I rocked her for a while, one hand rubbing her back, the other on her head. Finally her heart-shattering wails died and she just trembled in my arms, trying to compose herself. I peered down at her to see her beautiful brown eyes looking up at me, still wet with tears.

"I-I'm s-sorry, G-Gray..." she stuttered, still trying to pull herself together. I looked at her concerned and a little confused. "What for, Luce?" I asked, letting a little of my concern for her enter my voice. She blinked up at me, then tried sitting up a little in my lap.

I shifted so it was easier for her to, and looked at her imploringly. "I d-didn't mean t-to break down on y-you like t-that." she answered. "Oh, Luce... You don't have to be sorry about that. It happens to all of us sometimes. It's natural." I answered her, feeling bad that she was saying sorry for something she couldn't control.

Lucy smiled at me, and immediately, my spirit's were raised by that one action. That's how much I care for her, just a small smile for her to me, and I always feel awesome. I pulled her closer to me, smirking back at her. "G-Gray?" she asked. "Hmm?"

"I-I was w-wondering if- if you could h-help me get over N-Natsu so I can b-break u-up with him. I keep g-getting t-the feeling h-he doesn't c-care a-about me a-any m-more!" I quickly glanced down at Lucy, a little surprised but a whole lot happier, and saw that with the second sentence, she had teared up again and already, a few tears had spilled down her face.

Squeezing her reassuringly, I nodded. "Do you really want to do this, Luce?" I asked her, wanting to know if my dream was actually coming true. "Y-Yes." Lucy's voice was shaking, but it was determined, and I barely stopped myself from saying, "Yes!"I gently brushed her tears away and she gave me a small smile.

Then Lucy slipped off my lap and stood up. I straightened next to her, trying my best to ignore the craving for blood that suddenly swept through my body, but not succeeding. I doubled over, pressing my hands up to my stomach and trying not to rush over to Lucy, sink my fangs into her neck, and suck her blood.

I mean, who would even do that? Especially to the person that they're crushin' on hard, pretty much in love with? Yeah, because in case you haven't figured it out yet, I am seriously in love with Lucy. I couldn't do that to her. The guild might figure out I'm a vampire. And plus, I loved her too damn much.

No one in the guild knew I was a vampire, not even Master Makarov, Mira, or Erza. No one. And I kinda wanted it to stay that way. Lucy started walking towards my door, but when she noticed I wasn't following, turned around. "G-Gray! What's wrong? A-Are you okay?"

She rushed over to me, obviously thinking my injury was the one causing my pain, and knelt down in front of me. I fell to my knees, my eyes squeezing shut in pain, as my injury counter-attacked my from the inside, as if it were working with my craving trying to kill me.

"I-I'm f-fine..., L-Luce. Don't worry... about m-me." I managed to say through my pain. Obviously, Lucy didn't believe me one bit and she moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around me. My heart pounded faster with her actions and I thought she would have been able to hear it. She didn't, and I was kinda relieved. Thankfully, the pain disappeared and I was able to stand again.

Lucy looked at me, very much concerned, but she didn't push me. I was glad she didn't as she stood up beside me. "Do you want to go to the guild, Luce? He might be there and then you can get this over and done with." I asked her. Lucy nodded quickly, then took a deep breath. She looked like she were holding back tears. I swear, Natsu, when she drops you, I will beat the shit out of you! You've made her cry way to much than a person should cry and I'm gonna get you for it! I thought angrily.

I stepped towards Lucy and laid a hand on her shoulder gently. She looked up at me and I saw her eyes were already shimmering with tears. "Hey, Luce. It's okay. I'm here for you. I always will be. If you want me to beat the crap outta him for you, I will. Please don't cry. He's made you cry to much. You shouldn't be so sad; you should be the happy, bright girl you were when I first met you." I told her softly.

That did it. Lucy broke down completely at my words, but I had a feeling she was just letting herself vent out her feelings now so she wouldn't later, and that she was grateful for things I said to her. She fell on me, her arms going around my neck, her head in my still shirtless chest, and wailed. I wrapped my arms around her waist to hold her up and held her against me.

I waited patiently for her, and when she did stop, she peered up at me through her arms. "You okay now?" I asked her softly, gazing into her beautiful chocolate eyes. She nodded and stood again, and I brushed the remaining few tears off of her face gently. "Okay, Gray, let's go." Lucy said, sounding more like her usual self. I smiled at her. "Yeah. Let's go beat that flame bastard."

Hey again! It's me, Graylu. I hope you liked my new fanfic. I couldn't really get it out of my head, so I had to write it! Please review, and if you think I could do something better, or you have an idea on what I could do next in this story, please PM or tell me in a review! No flames please! Thanks!

~Graylu out