Disclaimer: Must I repeat my self again and again and again?!?

Yugioh cast goes to bible camp!!

Ch10: We need lawyers!!!!!!!!!


Shadowwolf's mail box =^.^=

Sw: HI!!!!!!!!!! We all live in a yellow submarine.. A yellow sub-

Bakura: DEAR RA STOP IT!!!!!!!

Yami: ?.?

Ryou: Yesterday she sung it for 5 hours strait….

Yugi: Ouch…. that's gotta hurt….

Sw: A yellow submarine….

::A giant block falls out of the sky, and nearly hits Sw::


Yugi: Whats that?

Ryou: Writers block I suppose….

Bakura: Free!! At last!!!

Sw: ::In a pained voice:: Not… it cant be….. I-I-I-I cant have one of these ALREADY!!! The story was just getting good….

Ryou: Its ok…… --;; ::Thinking:: Good… maybe my hair wont get cut…


All: --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Sw: ::Looks at the huge writing block an inch away from her foot:: O_O its gonna be one of those days… well, the first gift is right here…

Drgongazimon: Cute...

Hi again Yami bakura!

Here's what i'm giving him this chapter:

List of things to do to yami after camping,
list of things to do to him now,
Supplies for above list,
A sharp pointy object,
a t-shrit reading: "I love camp (not)"

And for yami:
*dumps a bucket of bleach of his hair*

Yami Bakura: ::Puts on shirt and starts reading the list:: )

Yami: ::Looks at his hair:: NOOOOOOOOOOO @_@

Sw: u.u Poor Yami…. Heres the next one ^^;

KMVA: Yuga:Evil little brat EVIL EVIL!!!!!!!!

Kail:*sweatdrop* this will never end will it?

Tallen:She's obsessed with Yami Bakura

Kail:No, ya think?

Storm:Next thing ya know she's gonna be going to save him

Tallen:And stealing that voodoo doll

Yuga:great idea!!!! Yami Bakura!!!! I'm coming to save you!!!! *runs off to that camp*

Kail:You just had to open your big fat mouths. Well, to Yami Bakura I give my specially formulate Yuga-be-gone spray, (Tallen:You'll need it) to Yami, a voodoo sheild (Storm:It only works against Yugi and Yuga), and I'm loosing my brain now, gotta go.

Yuga:Don't worry Yami Bakura!!!!!!!!

Tallen:She means update soon

Yami Bakura: ::Pockets the spray::

Yami: SAFE!!!! AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!

Sw: ^_^;;;;; ok….here's the next one

Keeper of the millennium items: Nice story! But i have something for the YGO cast!
Yugi and Ryou: Hair Protection Potion
Yami Bakura: A gaint bazooka with anicent pharaoh heat seeking action
Yami: A small shield

Yami: ::Holds up shield with a deer-caught-in-headlights look::

Yami Bakura: ::Holds up Bazooka:: )

Sw: Just dont kill him…. I need him for the story….

Yami B: ::Fires::

Yami: @_@ ::Dased::

Sw: Yami is certainly getting beat up… oh! Heres one that will turn the tables!

Yamishiningfriendship: Poor Yami!!!!!! I feel sorry for him and Yugi! I have presents for all!
To Joey: a 10lb bag of sugar, and 3 liters of coke
Tristan: A spray to make you invisible *I watch too much YUGIOH!*
Tea: New boots
Yugi: A dark Magicain Plushie
Yami *grins very evily* A yami bakura voodoo doll complete with a spell that makes Yami bakura unable to move for maximum torture, and a 20 pound bag of sugar with a 3 liter coke on the side ^_^
Ryou (and also to yugi):a case that goes around the millenium item and makes it invisible, but not the Yami! plus, you can still wear it!
Bakura: A book on how to control your anger
And finally to shadowwolf: a laptop with the internet on it! byes for now!


All: ^.^;;;

Joey: ^______________^ ::Consumes the entire thing ::

Sw: Oh. Boy.

Triston: ::Sprays himself:: YOU CANT SEE ME!!!

All: --;

Yugi: YAY!! ::Huggles the plushie::

Yami B: why cant I move?

Yami: ) revenge…. ::Stabs the voodoo in the back::

Yami B: @_@ OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sw: --;;;; here we go again…

Ryou: ^_^ Yay!

Sw: sorry!! I have too take those away! But since you wouldn't get anything, here!

::Hands him some cookies::

Ryou: ^_^ ::Starts munching::

Yami Bakura: ::Gets unfrozen:: Is this some kind of hint im not aware of??

All: --;;;;;;;;;

Yami B: .;;; What did I do?!?!


Bakura grabbed a nearby item, which just happened to be a lamp, and threw it out the

window. "Lets see how far this hole goes!" Listening intently, the whole group leaned out

the window. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Man!" Joey exclaimed, scratching his head,

"that is one deep hole!" Still listening for a crash, Ryou shook his head. "Your telling

me" Yami looked at the hole in disbelief "We are all going to die" More collective groans


______________________________Sw's POV________________________________

"sorry!" Shadowwolf whispered to her newly made friend. "I have horrible allergies"

Suddenly, the bushes parted above their heads, to reveal a gruff looking consoler.

Thinking fast, Angel piped up. "Have you seen my friends allergy medicine? She needs it

quite badly!" Mr. Hardknocks sniffed indigently. "No. now carry on." and with that, he

ran off. "GAH!!" and with that, the both fell down the small drop onto the smaller dirt

Road. "Aw, crap. Now we lost him!" X_X my back…………. "Allergies make you ditzy,

don't they. --;;; " "Yeah @_@"

___________________________Boys POV___________________________

::20 minutes later:: crash! Bakura grumbled a few select words in egyptain, and stared at

the hole" Yami looked up from the dark abyss that was in front of their only window

"Man, that's one Deeeeeeeep hole….." Yugi looked at one of his bangs. "He just wont

listen. I try to tell him, but nooo he has to have his own way……" Ryou looked at his

upset friend "Yugi? Why are you talking to your self? Are you ok?" Yugi looked up with

his eyes wide open. "I DON'T WANT NORMAL HAIR!!!" Yami walked up to his other

" Eh Yugi? -_-" Yugi snapping out of it, looked up at his other darker half. "Sorry, I just

hope he dosent cut my hair." Joey and triston also looked up from the hole that occupied

their property space. "WERE GONNA DIE!!!" just then they heard a odd hissing from

underneath one of the beds……………..

________________________________SW POV______________________________

Shadowwolf looked up at the sky, completely oblivious to everything around her.

Noticing Shadowwolfs odd expression, Angel wondered what was going on. "Are you

ok?" nothing. shadow wolf just kept on stareing. "Hello? ARE YOU THERE?!?!?" No

response. "SHADOWWOLF!?!??!" Still nothing. "Great. Now the author is out of

commission because of allergies.. And Mr Hardknocks is hot on his heels to that office.

Wait… OFFICE!! I almost forgot!!

_____________________________BOYS POV_______________________________

Looking under the bed, Triston was met by two yellow, gleaming eyes "Yah! A snake!"

"Thump. Thump." turning around on the balls of his heals revealed to passed out yamis

on the floor. Ryou's eyes met tristons with a confused look. "I guess they don't like

snakes very much" Yugi looked at the markings and colors on the snake. "But its just a

garden snake!" Picking it up, he threw it out the window. Joey snickered "What's so

Funny?" "There-hehe-is a hole in front of the window!!" Yugi's eyey widened in

Realization of what he had done "Oops" Snickering madly joey started to choke. Hitting

him lightly on the back Triston looked oddly at his friend, who just started another giggle

Fit. Sighing, Yugi looked at the ceiling. It was going to be one loooong week.


A/n: Sorry, this chappie isn't very funny… It will get funnier!!!

READ THIS!!: Just to keep you interested, Ill tell you how its gonna get funnier! First, Yami has a little secret… (NOT THAT KINDA SECRET YOU HENTAIS!!!!) and, triston is still trying to pick up that girl??? Oi vey…..