Disclaimer: I own neither Criminal Minds nor Harry Potter.

Pairing(s): David Rossi/Harry Potter

Summary: Two years before rejoining the BAU, David Rossi finds himself infiltrated by a wild wanderer, Hare Prince (Harry Potter), and they both fall into a dangerous romance. But as David joins the BAU, some cases are hitting close to home, while Hare's past is close to catching up to him.

Warnings: Cross-dressing, slash, malexmale relationship, character death, spoilers, more to be added later

A/N: New update :3 Sorry this took a while to get up, but I was hanging out with my mom who just got out of jail last Friday :3 been spending all the time I wasn't sleeping or at school with her...

A/N2: I also forgot to mention that there will be two versions of a chapter, on in David's pov, and one in Hare's pov, along with chapter length flash backs, and chapter length chapters with the pov of the unsub that Hare is hunting down :3

Lendor: The chapters wont be like last one, Harry will usually be doing his own things, with his other one night stands, or if I stop at one point in Rossi's pov, he will pick it up. I'm sorry about boring and disappointing u... Harry is very hard to write.. . He always is for me idk why... There most likely will not be rewrite of a chapter again from another pov, unless it is really important for thoughts of another character to give his input but usually wont be the whole chapter.

March 13 1999

Harry stood nervously at the alter, although he and Hermione agreed on getting married, it did nothing to settle down his nerves. On top of that it didn't help that there was someone staring at him, and not in the normal watching someone get married stare, but rather one that felt as if someone was undressing him. He licked his lips nervously and glanced around hoping to catch who ever was staring at him. He sighed, disappointed that he couldn't find the person. Hist thoughts were interpreted by the sound of the piano starting up. He glanced up to see Hermione making her way towards him, her usually bushy hair was tamed and pulled into a tight bun, and she wore a beautiful white wedding dress.

Harry sent her a small smile, and silently wished he truly did love Hermione, and part of him wished that it was Ron standing here about to get married to Hermione. But Ron was dead, and Harry would do anything to protect Hermione. He hated the new marriage laws stating all muggleborns now had to marry a half-blood or pure-blood in order to stay within the Wizarding World, and on top of that, most of the marriages were arranged. Harry had stepped in before anything like that could happened, and now here they were, getting married.

Hermione stepped up next to him, and Harry reached out and squeezed her hand hoping to be supportive. As he let her hand go, he felt the heavy stare of that mysterious person, it felt angry.

March 21 1999

Hermione and Harry had just got back from their honeymoon, already expecting a son to be waiting for them. Before going on their honeymoon (A very poor one), Harry had made sure that he had adopted his godson Teddy to protect him from the new werewolf laws that were now in place. Harry wondered if he along with Hermione and Teddy leave the Wizarding World. He had even talked about it with Hermione, but she pointed out that the Wizarding World wouldn't rest until the got their "Saviour" back. Harry had moaned and bitched about it for their whole honeymoon. Hermione hadn't been amused.

"Stop thinking about depressing things, I can feel it from here." Hermione snapped from where she stood in the kitchen nursing a cup of tea. On top of nursing the cup of tea, she was also nursing her bruised pride. Apparently while one their honeymoon, a new law had been passed forbidding Muggleborns from getting most jobs. Hermione's career plans had been destroyed before they even began.

Harry pouted slightly and leaned across the table he sat at, "But 'Mione~! I still wanna leave~!" He whined.

Hermione glared at him, trying hard to look mad at him for the whining, but the twich in the corner of her lips betrayed her. She turned away, "One would think your not excited about Teddy moving in."

Harry jumped up, "That is a lie! I'm very excited about it! Now I don't have to live with my hormonal crazy wife! I'll have a son!"

Hermione turned to him, glare fully in place. "I hear that but in there mister." She placed her empty cup in the sink leaving it for Harry to do – because Merlin forbid anyone else do the dishes or any other house hold chore.

Harry sighed and slumped down into the chair that he had been sitting in moments ago, "But what if I can't protect him from the Ministry. I barely can protect you, the best I could do with you was to allow you to become a professor at Hogwarts. They're making more and more laws against werewolves-"

"We don't know that Teddy is one. He hasn't shown the signs of being one Harry." Hermione cut in. "And besides, I believe that with this new election coming on, Kingsley will be coming into office, he'll set everything straight."

Harry looked up at his wife, a gentle smile on his lips "Always so faithful huh?"

Whatever Hermione was going to say was cut off as their fireplace roared to life, and Andromeda stepped out carrying nearly one year old Teddy on her hip. Harry put on a smile and went to greet his new adoptive son, already bragging about what a great boy he would be to Teddy's new mother.

August 2 2004

Harry glanced around the small new apartment that his family had been relocated at for the time being. Really what kind of assholes blow up an Auror house? Really now. He scowled slightly already thinking of spells to make sure that it was safe for Teddy. Hermione stood at the entry way leading to the front door, a sleepy Teddy on her hip. "Well?" She asked, her tone coming out snappish from the late hour and the tiredness that came with watching over Teddy all day.

Harry turned towards her, a frown placed on his face, "Teddy's room is down the hall, the fidelius charm is already in place."

Hermione gave a sharp nod and went to put Teddy to bed. She came out a few minutes later, relieved of the young boy. She took one glance around the living room, "Well at least it's better than nothing right?" She said, a frown marring her face.

Harry didn't say anything and ran a hand through his hair.

"Hare," Hermione started, then paused, clearly trying to get the words out. "What do you think about giving Teddy siblings?"

Harry turned to her, shock written across his face. "W-what?"

Hermione's checks redden slighlty, "We both want a bigger family, and Teddy keeps asking about having one." She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes trying to gauge his reaction. "And I don't mean adoption Harry."

"Um... sorry 'Mione, but you... uh... you're really not my type." Harry finally said after a few moments.

"Good to know, you're not mine either." Hermione deadpanned.

Harry titled his head to the side, "Then why? I mean, how am I supposed to touch someone who is like my sister like that?"

Hermione chuckled "How am I supposed to do the same with my brother?" She gave harry a smile, "Just think about it okay? We could probably get really drunk or something. It really only takes one time. Plus the Wizarding World will be able to get off your back about not producing the next Potter."

Harry laughed, "Ahh I see what this is about!" His smile grew at Hermione's glare, "It's not just for me and teddy but also for you so everyone can get off your back!"

"Well I hate how the women always talk about how lacking our sex life is!" Hermione snapped her face becoming red.

"We don't have one…." Harry deadpanned.

"That's beside the point!" Hermione snapped. She sighed. "Please think about it." Hermione then turned around and headed into their bedroom.

September 24 2004

Six year old Teddy Potter-Lupin screeched loudly, as his father jumped out from a hidden corner, and quickly turned tail to run towards his mother who was at that time making her way down the hallway with a basket of laundry in her arms. Laughing, Teddy hid behind her, grabbing her legs tightly.

Hermione shot her husband a look of annoyance. "Harry! Stop it."

Harry gave her a pout, "But 'Mione~!"

"No buts." Hermione snapped.

Harry slumped slightly, but before he could say anything else the fireplace went off, letting them know that someone wanted to talk to them. "I'm not answering that." Harry said stubbornly.

"Harry go answer that." Hermione said, making her way to the laundry room, Teddy following her.

"It's my day off 'Mione. The first one in ages." Harry whined. Harry moved to the living room, and glared harshly at the fireplace.

Hermione yelled from the laundry room. "You will answer that Harry James Potter, or so Merlin help me, I'll kick your arse!"

Harry sighed, shoulders slumping. "Fine." He muttered darkly.

It didn't take long to know what was wrong. Malfoy was calling him in, aparently there was a case that needed his direct attention. Harry informed Hermione of this, all the while mutter darkly about Malfoy.

Harry sighed angerly as he left the house, "I'll be back later." He said, giving Hermione a kiss on the cheek and Teddy one on top of his head.

"Be safe." Hermione called. "And don't forget that George is taking Teddy for an overnight sleep over. And that Ginny wants us to have dinner with her and Dean."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, well hopefully this case will be quick." Harry left before he desided he would rather suffer through Malfoys anger. He never knew this would be the last time he would see his wife and child.