Hidden Desires

Chapter 1

The stars shined brighter and brighter with every passing minute. Clouds slowly moved passed, minding their own business as they made their journey across the black, speckled sky. The night itself seemed to thrive with pent up energy, like herself. The wind gently caressed her legs, slithering up her legs like a snake. Her skirt fluttered around the top of her thighs, igniting sudden shivers that started from her calves and ended with a shake of her shoulders.

This night was majestic in its own way. Her skittery blue eyes darted from person to person, from object to object. Her blonde hair fluttered across her face annoyingly. Her hands clenched and unclenched every time she passed someone. For some reason, she felt overly cautious tonight. Her mind suddenly felt tightly packed, as if someone had joined her flow of thoughts. Her master chuckled. It was as if she could feel his lips rise at the corners in one of his fine woven smirks.

"Walking through the streets, with the huge expanse of the sky over your head is quite arousing, no?" Her eyes widened in embarrassment, a harsh blush cascading over her cheeks. Weird, Master never talked like this. "I wouldn't know if it were arousing or not, Master. Why would you think so?" Her steps slowed down some as she tried to concentrate on both walking in a straight line and the sudden twisted turn on the conversation in her mind.

"It seems you've taken my words quite the opposite of what I meant, Police Girl. Arousing, feeling the power fear gives you as you cast it upon any such individual, unwilling or not." Seras's blush deepened at her stupid mistake. Why would Master feel.. that way about her? All she does is disappoint him. She could just feel his disapproving glare, the firmness of his frown even through their mental Sire-Fledgling bond. "Forgive me, Master. I just thought..." The words she was about let pass through her mind halted suddenly. She couldn't let him know her feelings for him! The embarrassment of rejection she knew would come, would be to great.

It seemed Alucard had other plans, despite her panicky thoughts of rejection. She stopped walking, finding it both annoying and tiresome of trying to keep up with two things at once. Looking around, she walked into an alley until the darkness engulfed her. Feeling at home, Seras leaned up against the cold, coolness of the brick-wall behind her. Closing her eyes, she massaged her shoulders. "Master, weren't you supposed to meet with Sir Integra?" Letting her head roll to the side, Seras again became passive-aggressive. She had always been jealous of Integra. She had a bond with Master that she could never comprehend.

Alucard's gaze would always seem to loose some of its edge when it landed on Integra. Why couldn't she be an object of his ever wondering, seductive eyes? Her eyes snapped open at the thought of her Master looking on her with lust. Sighing she stretched, yawning loudly. Wishful thinking never gets anyone to far. "Yes, but wishing is always a start. Sir Integra's mission briefings always consist of nothing but yelling, and harsh words. Though entertaining, tonight I had.. things to do." Her eyes widened. She had forgotten yet again the powerful bond between Sire and Fledging. She needed to be more careful about what she thought when he decided to stop in and say hello. And things to do? If so, then why was he wasting his time talking to her? He never talks to her, unless its him telling her to drink her blood.

"Police Girl. Why the long face?" Abruptly awaken from her wandering thoughts, her eyes darted around her frantically. Had her Master materialized just now? Envy started to crawl her way into her body, seeming to reverberate throughout. "I could teach you. If only you'd drink my blood, Police Girl. Become a No Life Queen. Subject to no one but the night itself."His thoughts made it into her mind again. The feeling of being hunted suddenly overtook her. What was really going on? Something felt off about her Master tonight. "Master, are you here? Don't you have things to do?" She pushed off the wall behind her. Using her vampire eyes to scout the area around her. Surely enough, two red eyes gazed out at her.

Though nothing else was visible, she could imagine a huge smirk on his face. "I'm here Police Girl. Closer than you think." Realization hit her as she felt to strong hands push her up against the wall again. Infront of her was her Master. Top hat, and red over coat gone along with his glasses. A deep shade of pink settled in on her cheeks as he pressed ever closer. "Why don't you drink my blood? You wouldn't have to bow down to anyone else's will but your own.." Smirking, he craned his neck to the side. His hand snaked up and grabbed Seras' hair, pulling down harshly. Her lips were now pressed against his neck.

"M-master! I.. can't!" As she tried to pull her hair out of his grasp, one of Alucard's arms snaked up and around her waist and upper back. Making escape practically unattainable. Seras squeezed her eyes shut. This couldn't be happening. He had always asked, not forced. What was actually going through his head right now? "Drink, Police Girl." The obvious command rang and echoed in her ears, but her body did not react.

Frustration creeped in on Alucard's thoughts. His Childe would drink his blood and become a No Life Queen! The night in Chedder, when he made the choice to join Seras with the night seemed to be the right choice. At the time. Though ever since then all she has been is a disappointment. His anger rose as she struggled helplessly against his most obvious dominance. His talons escaped his gloves and ripped into her skin. Seras cried out in silent pain. His hold on her lessened ever slightly.

The feeling of her Master's talons cutting into her skin sent unexpected shivers gliding ever so slowly up and down her body. Though a cry of pain escaped her mouth, it was quite the opposite eternally. Surprising to both, Seras's body responded with a small rise of unexpected arousal. Alucard's eyes widened. As did hers. Neither one of them moved. The blush on Seras' face deepened slowly.

Curiosity seeped into Alucard's bones. Narrowing his eyes, he pressed his talons into the small gashes in Seras's arms, earning yet another small gasp of intertwined pain and lust. His talons slowly raked her soft, milky skin. The silent gasps coming from her encouraging him on.

Seras stopped struggling as her Master's sharp talons continued to assault her already scared forearms. Her body reacting in the weirdest way. Her arousal continued to slowly rise with every rake of his claws. What the fuck was going on? Why was her body reacting this way? It must be because she was a vampire. Yeah, that must be it.

Sensing her thoughts, Alucard suddenly leaned back. Letting his hands glide down her slightly bloody forearms. He leaned his face close to hers, bringing his hand up to his mouth. Slowly he licked her blood off his fingers, watching her reaction closely. He smiled when her eyes watched his every move. Contrary to her thoughts, not many vampires liked pain along with pleasure and lust. The reason either being because of his blood flowing through her veins, or even she had her own pain loving demon. His eyes became narrowed, his thoughts turning conflicted as he seemingly wanted it to be the latter. Seras's eyes suddenly went from their normal blue color to stark red. Her hand shot out and pushed her Master away as gently as she could, being as her arm shot out of its paralyzation quite suddenly and spastically. "Stop.. Master. This.. I can't. I'm not used to.."

Seras words came in random bursts, as she didn't quite know what to say to make him stop before it.. escalated. Realizing what she had done, her arm shot down away from his chest. Rubbing her already healing forearms, her eyes shifted downwards. Of all the guys she ever had feelings for in the past, right now, in the present, her Master's interest in her took a sudden turn. Was this sudden change good or bad? Sighing, her eyes shifted to the light at the beginning of the alley. Seras was shy and self-conscious. Though she was quite confident in herself, when it came to how she looked she always thought she was bland and normal. Unattractive.

Alucard's eyebrows rose at his Childe's thoughts. Unknowingly, his eyes slowly groped her body from head to toe. Her long slender legs accentuated her petite, curvy hips. Her flat, toned stomach rose with every breath she took along with her breasts. The red in his eyes seemed to engulf the white as he thoughts turned lustful. He never quite found the need to indulge in his Childe's form. Her breasts were perfectly round, and plump. Her nipples showing through her red police uniform. He seemed content in gazing at her oh-so-tempting breasts until Seras caught her Sire's gaze on her body.

She crossed her arms across her chest, which didn't really help as it only pushed them together and out. Crossing her legs, she blinked a couple times as she gazed into her Master's eyes. Was that lust she saw? No, it couldn't be. Atleast, not directed towards her. He could be thinking of Sir Integra. He must be. The hope that he would one day return even a sliver of her feelings died slowly.

Alucard let out a small chuckle as his Childe's thoughts floated through his mind. Up for some teasing, he leaned down to her. His hand coming up to slowly caress her cheek, cupping it. His thumb gliding ever so softly on her bottom lip. "Police Girl, do you not think yourself an attractive women?"

Seras froze yet again as she felt his hand caress her cheek and bottom lip suggestively. Her eyes shifted to the side, not being able to look in his eyes anymore. The answer being no, she did not think herself as such. Smiling, Alucard slowly leaned in while gently craning her neck to the side. He dragged the tip of his fangs across her neck, earning a small intake of breath to echo in his right ear. Without warning, his tongue darted out and snaked up her collarbone and to her ear quite seductively.

Oh god, she felt like dying. Why was Master doing this? Subconsciously, Seras began to grip his shoulders tightly. A part of her wanting him to bite into her neck.. with force. He stopped his assault on her neck and pulled back slowly before quickly sinking his fangs into her neck painfully. Again, Seras let a moan laced with pain and pleasure escape her mouth. Her grip loosened then tightened in the same second, being as she was confused weather or not to pull him into her or push him away.

Her body betrayed her every logical thought. But that was always expected when such.. things happened. He drank slowly, savoring the taste of her rich, vampiric blood streaming slowly and smoothly down his throat. Both of his arms snaked around Seras's waist, gripping her to him ever more slightly then before. He sank his fangs into her neck deeper, harder. Even Alucard could no longer mask the lust he was beginning to feel, could no longer hide how his pants were beginning to slowly become uncomfortable.

"Oh, god. Master. W-what are you doing to me..?" Even through their bond, Seras sounded breathless and aroused. A coil formed in her abdomen, now a constant and strong presence. Alucard slowly withdrew his fangs from his Childe's neck, licking the bite like a lioness would her cub. This surprised Seras. Never has Alucard treated her so.. gently.

Alucard's nose twitched as he slowly breathed in Sera's ever growing arousal. It being much stronger then before. Smirking, he planted his hands on her shoulders, leaning his forehead on hers. "Police Girl, lets play a game."A game? Really, Master? Narrowing her eyes as much as she could in her condition, she replied back. "A.. game, Master?"

He leaned back away from her face, hands still gripping her. Pinning her onto the wall. "A game of riddles, questions, and answers, of course. None of those stupid.. daring games where no one really wins. When no one gets what they want. Sound tempting?" Alucard, earlier, had thought to have discovered a hidden, and quite delightful thing about his dear Police Girl. Though he wasn't fully certain, he had thought that he had found her inner demon surface. If even for a split second.

How could he not of known such a thing existed in Seras? His own Childe?