I decided to add another chapter because I have gotten a few PMs asking me to. I hope you all like it.

"Well, I have met just about as many people as I think I can handle for the moment, Kid." Neal said. "And you know, I still have to meet your grandparents." A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of how that will pan out. "Come on, let's get you home."

Henry sighed, "I don't want to go home. Emma's going to be there."

At this, Neal realized it was time for him to be a father and teach his son a lesson. "You have to face her, Henry. She didn't mean to hurt you, and you know that. She did it to protect you."

"She said you were dead! She lied to me. After she knew how many times I've been lied to before, she lied." He yelled.

Neal looked at his feet, sighing and then proceeded to get eye level with him, "Look, Henry, I don't know if she told you or not, but…" he let out a deep breath, "I'm the reason she was in prison. I am the one who stole the watches and set her up. Though, I did it after I was told that she had a destiny to fulfill and a family to save, she didn't know that and it doesn't make it any better. I broke her heart and she was protecting you from knowing what a jerk your father was. I promise you that I am not the same person I was back then, but you need to understand why she did it."

Henry noticed the tears forming in his fathers eyes, "How could you do that to her? Didn't you love her?" He asked softly but forceful.

"Of course I loved her," Neal breathed. "I did it because I loved her. She had been alone for so long with no family and when I found out she had one and they were trapped, waiting for her to save them, I knew she would be better off without me. I never wanted to hurt her."

"I think I hurt her pretty bad too," Henry tentatively confessed. "I said she was just like Regina."

Neal had been told about the evil queen by Henry on the way back to Storybrooke and had recollections from the Disney story, which made him feel a sharp pain for Emma at that moment. "Oh, Buddy, you have got to fix that."

"I know. We should get going so I can apologize and you can meet Grandma and Gramps," Henry regretfully said.

Neal's insides flipped from nervousness as they started to head towards the apartment where both of their fears lied.


"So, let me get this straight, King George caught you sneaking to see David, and then threatened David's life if you didn't tell him you didn't love him, and then you drank a potion to forget him and shot him with an arrow while going after Regina?" Snow nodded. "Wow, and I thought my love life was sad."

"Hey! My love life is true, not sad!" Snow exclaimed. "Anyway, back to my stor-" the front door opening cut off Snow.

"Grandma!" Henry ran over to Snow and wrapped his arms tight around her, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Sweetie!" Snow laughed.

Henry then ran over to Emma and wrapped his arms around her middle, "I'm sorry, Mom. You're nothing like her; you only lied to protect me. I know that now, thanks to Neal. Please forgive me?" Henry asked.

Emma felt a flood of tears forming in her eyes at this and wrapped her arms tighter around him, "Always, Henry. Thank you for forgiving me."

Neal cleared his throat a bit. "Neal or Baelfire, I presume?" Snow finally spoke up as she stood from her seat. "Do, come in."

He took a few more steps into the apartment and bowed, "Your Majesty."

Snow smiled. Normally, she would immediately tell him not to address her as such in this world, but he had been part of the cause of her daughters broken heart. So, she waited a few moments to let the satisfaction flow through her before speaking. "Please, it's 'Snow' or 'Mary Margaret' here."

Neal raised his head and smiled. "It is an honor to finally meet you, Snow."

"I am pleased to meet you…would you rather 'Neal' or 'Baelfire'?" She kindly asked.

"Neal, please."

"Very well then. I am pleased to meet you, Neal" she held out her hand for which he tentatively shook, not knowing if she was truly this forgiving. "Please, have a seat. I was just telling Emma some stories that I had assumed she had already read."

Neal took his seat on the couch with Henry in between him and Emma. "Emma never was a big reader."

Emma cut a glare to Neal, "I just haven't had the time." She looked at her mom, "Besides, the stories aren't as good reading them as having someone who lived them tell them to you."

Snow grinning from ear to ear, continued her story, "Now, where was I?"

"You were about to kiss your husband in greeting." Everyone turned to the door to see David removing his jacket and holster. "Were you not?"

Snow jumped up and glided over to him wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a soft kiss. "You are always correct when you guess that."

"Gross," Henry spat. "Get a room!"

"No, please don't!" Emma exclaimed remembering what she and Henry walked in on not too long ago.

Snow and David laughed until Snow noticed David wasn't laughing anymore. She followed his gaze and realized he'd just discovered Neal in their presence. "David, this is Neal," she looked at Neal while squeezing David's hand to tell him to be calm, "Neal, this is David."

Neal stood and took the hand he was offered to shake, but as he was shaking his hand, David drew his other hand back in a fist and planted it on Neal's left eye.

"DAVID!" Snow exclaimed, running over to Neal to make sure he was okay. She should have known he had something planned when he held out his left hand to shake. He is right-handed and never shakes with his left.

"NEAL, ARE YOU OKAY!" Henry was freaking out.

"He deserved it and you know it, Snow. Besides, I feel much better now and think I might actually be able to start my forgiving process." David countered.

Emma stood up and smiled at her father as he winked at her. "I'm gonna get a glass of wine. Anyone else want something? Beer, wine, juice…ice?"

"David, you go get a pack of frozen peas from the freezer," Snow chided, "Honestly, David! What kind of example are you trying to set for your grandson?"

David turned to Henry, "Kid, don't ever do that unless the person hurt someone you love or-"

Snow cut him off before he could go any further, "Or ever!"

Neal, regaining his composure shakily said, "No, it's okay. He's right, I deserved that."

Snow shooed her husband to go get the frozen peas and got Neal to take a seat back on the couch. "Some are more forgiving than others in this family, but don't worry, he will come around soon."

Emma returned with two beers, two wines, and a glass of juice for Henry. "Thanks, Mom." Henry accepted his juice. "Yeah, thanks Emma," Neal gratefully grabbed a beer from her and pretty much inhaled the beverage.

Emma handed a glass of wine to her mother and then the remaining beer to David as he walked in with a bag of frozen peas. "I think we could all use a drink."

"I think you're right on that one," Snow said before she took a large gulp of her wine, knowing that she would have to keep a close eye on David to keep him under control.

"Yeah, so, what were you all talking about when I walked in?" David asked trying to change the subject to get his mind off of how much he wanted to punch Neal again.

Emma chuckled, "Your sad love life."

David knitted his brows, "I have a fantastic love life. In fact, it awakens your mother and I from sleeping curses!"

Emma smiled, "I meant how you both had to fight nail and tooth for each other and were never just left alone."

"Oh, yeah that was pretty sad," David frowned, "but we found each other every time! We found each other even when we were both cursed to forget and had a scandalous affair, if you'll recall!" He smiled at the thought, "Where were you in the story, My Love?"

Snow smiled, "I believe I was at the part where you saved me from myself trying to kill Regina."

"Ah, yes. The potion." David recalled, taking a seat on the arm of the chair Snow was occupying. "Well, I tried to kiss her to help her remember and she freaked out, it obviously didn't work. It was soon after that when I jumped into the line of the arrow she had shot at Regina. She was confused as to why I would do that for her and I explained that-"

"He would rather die than to allow for my heart to become filled with darkness. So I trusted that he loved me and I was actually willing to try to remember when I kissed him that time," Snow smiled remembering.

"Which, then worked. Of course, that brings us to when King George's men captured me," David sighed.

Emma sat gaping at her parents, "Are you freaking serious?! How did you even have time to fall in love with all of this interruption?"

Snow and Charming smiled at each other, "By always finding each other and fighting for each other," Snow said simply, looking into David's eyes.

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