Aria POV

Slap, I fell to the ground when I felt a sharp pain to my cheek my ears were slowly filling up with tears. My dad just hit me. I looked up at both my parents my mum stood there in shock looking between me and my dad and then my dad was just looking at me in disgust and even had a slight smirk on his face. The first thing I did was run up to my bedroom and lock my door, I looked around my bedroom and quickly got a bag and shoved some clothes into it.

My mum came into my bedroom I just ignored her and kept packing my bag.

"Aria what are you doing, just think about this you dad did what he did in the heat of the moment you know he wouldn't ever hit you." She said not taking her eyes off me.

"Do you really think I am going to stay here after what he just did, my face hurts my eyes are stinging and if you think for one second I can forgive him for hitting then your mistaken." I said as I turned around to face her,"You know what makes it even worse is that you didn't stop him from hitting me you didn't bend down and ask if I was ok you just stood there and looked at me, not asking if I'm ok makes you just as bad as him I bet you wasn't even that bothered when he did hit me."

"Aria don't ever think I don't care about you." She said to me I couldn't stand to be in the room with her any longer so I grabbed my car keys and went to the one place I knew i wplus be safe. Ezra's

Ezra POV

I was starting to get worried now Aria hasn't text me or called me telling me that everything is ok I mean she told her parents a couple of hours ago, what about if something has happend to her, what if her parents are stopping me form seeing her. Just then I heared a knock on my door I got up to answer it and when I did I was greeted with Aria's tear stained cheeks and her collapsing into my arms I pulled her into the apartment and closed the doors behind us I placed aria and myself on the sofa.

"What happened?" I asked her she didn't speak she just kept on crying I didn't know what to do so I just held her until she fell into a deep sleep.

A couple of hours later

I was awoken by knocking on my door I looked down at Aria who was still asleep in my arms I slowly got up answered the door and was greeted with Byron and Ella Montgomery.

I didn't know what was to come but I knew it would be something bad when I saw the look on Byrons face I mean if looks could kill I don't think I would be standing right now.


I know it's been a while since I last updated, please comment on this story and I'll update ASAP.