call of duty 4: deleted scenes and blooprs

1: mw1 rebirthed: captain price drinks too much cola

(mordell turns on the tv. price runs by.)


(Price from offscreen bangs on a door)

Call of duty mw3 (or is it mw2?): yuri knows makarov scene

Soap: Yuri... Knows... Makarov... (he falls dead.)

Price: oh no... (sobs, then shoots himself)

Take 2:

(Price sobs, puts c4 on himself, then tells yuri to open fire.)

Take 3:

(Soap falls dead, then gets back up while everyone who died between modern warfare 1 and 3 bursts into the room)

Griggs: we fooled you there, huh, cap'n?

Imran and Victor Zakaev: sigh

Price: ...

Griggs: Captain?


Gaz: bollocks, I think he had a heart attack.

Woods: I knew setting up WWIII was a bad idea.

Jackson, Vasquez and Massey, in unision: Hey, you weren't invented until black ops ll!

Gaz: I hate it when people break the fourth wall.

Random Ultranationalist: ach du lieber...

All: kill the Nazi!

mw1: Gaz's survival

Zakaev goes to shoot Gaz.


Griggs tells the uncomfortable truth

if you have cod4 mw1 on the pc you may not get this next joke.

Griggs: (firing his M249 SAW on game over) why am I firing at bullets that are spawning out of nowhere?

Griggs the scavenger (not!)

Griggs: (after firing his nickel-plated M1911) uh, I think i'm out of ammo.

Price the scavenger (not!)

(Soap goes to fire at Zakaev with Price's M1911.45)


T.F.N.G (traitorous F New Guy)

Gaz: take my G36C, Soap. don't harm her.

Soap: OK. (he breaks the gun on the door behind him.)