A/N: This is the sequel to Malfoy: Unknown, you should probably read that before you move on to this one.

I was going to wait til March before I started posting, but I just got too excited.

This chapter is a short prologue, but don't fret: I'm posting a full chapter tomorrow! Also, I promise, cross my heart, that I will respond to every single review that y'all post. They mean a lot to me, so it's only fair that I have the courtesy to respond. Anyways, enjoy! I can't wait to hear/read what you think about it!

He sat in the dark, rocking on the thin mattress. He studied the photos and newspaper clippings in the dim light that came in through the miniscule window. Photos and clippings of them. The ones who defeated him. The ones who instigated the Battle of Hogwarts. Everything was their fault. Their fault. Their fault. Their fault. Their fault. The words echoed through his mind night and day like his heartbeat was actually speaking the words. Their fault. Their fault.

Potter. How had he managed to survive? People had worshiped him and many still did. But he knew better. He knew. Part of him would always be a little amazed at what Harry Potter had managed to accomplish, but the rest of him… the rest despised Harry Potter for what he'd lost. His fault.

And Hermione Granger. He trailed a fingertip down a photograph of her. Everyone knew she was the brains behind everything. So brilliant, Hermione Granger. Without her, Potter would've never made it for the final showdown at Hogwarts. Her fault.

These two and the others… lesser players, but still. Their fault.

Their fault. Their fault. Their fault. Their fault. He clasped his hands over his ears, unaware that the voice now chanting the words at an ear-splitting volume was his own.