Disclaimer: I do not own Labyrinth, Jim Henson does. I do not own "As the World Falls Down", David Bowie does. And I don't own Jareth...Sarah does :(

Thunderstorms in the Underground were nothing like the ones Aboveground.

For starters, instead of the soothing expanse of thick grey clouds Sarah Williams had been accustomed too from a storm at home, rain clouds in the Underground were red.

Blood red.

With black rain drops, or as she liked to call them, "black liquid swarms of death".

Rain in the Underground had the color and viscosity of oil yet, amazingly, didn't leave a stain or have a scent. It also didn't just fall straight from the sky; it came up from the ground as well and swirled around in the air like a barrage of angry locusts, thanks to the wind.

Oh God, the wind!

It had to be 75mph at least, and it sounded like a chorus of banshees, sick cats, and screech owls.

But the worst part, hands down, was the thunder.

The thunder in the Underground was as loud as a cannon blast at close range and had enough force to jar the foundation of the castle itself! The sound waves were strong enough to knock over furniture, topple tapestries and paintings off the walls, and propel the little goblins subjects several feet into the air.

Thank heaven the Underground storms didn't have lightning; that would definitely have been a deal breaker for her.

Ever since Sarah had returned to the Underground seven years after she had successfully solved the Labyrinth and won back her little brother's freedom, she had had to make quite a few adjustments, the biggest being her marriage to Jareth the Goblin King.

It didn't take two years after her little adventure to realize that she truly didn't belong in the Aboveground.

She had continued to call upon her friends Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus from time to time and had slowly come to realize something important: she missed Jareth. She had found herself feeling slightly disappointed every time her goblin friends appeared in her room via her vanity mirror and there was no eccentric Goblin King accompanying them or even mentioned.

Hadn't she said that she needed all of them?

Of course she was shamelessly in denial about it, at least until she went out on her first date her sophomore year of high-school with Ben.

Or was it Bill?

No, Brian?

Bruce? Whatever, anyway, the date was boring as hell and for the life of her she just couldn't stop thinking about Jareth the entire time she was with what's-his-name. The way he looked, the way he smelled, his hair, his eyes, his voice, his pants. No mortal boy/man could ever hope to compare.

Two more dates with two more nameless boys later, and she just couldn't deny it anymore. She was in love with Jareth. She didn't know when it happened and frankly it didn't matter. She didn't even care if the offer he had made to her in the broken remains of the Escher room had been legitimate or not. She knew how she felt and what her plan was.

She then put her nose to the proverbial grindstone and actually became the salutatorian of her high-school graduating class, and earned a full scholarship to the college of her choice as well, where she earned a Bachelor's degree in English Literature with a minor in Theater.

Satisfied that she had achieved an acceptable level of education, she went to her parents' house while they were out and Toby was at school, stood in front of the balcony doors of her parents' bedroom, where she had first met him, and said her right words:

"I wish that the goblins would come and take me away...right now."

Not half a second later, a swirl of glitter engulfed her and when it dispersed, she was standing in the middle of the crowded throne room, face-to-face with the Goblin King.

She vaguely remembered how quiet the normally boisterous goblins were and how they were crowded behind their king, wary of the events that were about to unfold.

Jareth's face had been perfectly neutral for the entire three seconds she had stood there ogling him like a horny school-girl. So she couldn't help the word diarrhea/love confession that immediately spewed forth. Honestly she couldn't remember what she had said, because as soon as she had finished, Jareth had claimed her mouth in a passionate, memory-erasing kiss.

After that it had all become a fuzzy blur of images consisting of being teleported to the Goblin King's bed-chamber, clothes coming off, skin touching skin, indescribable pleasure, and Jareth whispering things like: "Goblin Queen", "my love", "so beautiful", and "you precious thing".

The wedding and coronation were scheduled first thing the next morning.

That was two years ago, and things had been better than she could have imagined.

It turns out that Jareth really had been playing the role of the villain to suit her heroine fantasy. In reality, though he was by no means a perfect gentleman, her husband was a fairy tale prince in every other sense.

He took her on tours of his, now their, kingdom, discussed any and all subjects with her, invited her three friends to visit the castle whenever they wanted, sang and danced with her, and offered to train her in the magic arts.

Sarah had received her magical powers once she had been reborn as a Fay. As soon as she and Jareth had said their vows at the wedding, she had felt a surge of hot energy erupt within her. Jareth informed her that she had also gained immortality, and one could imagine her surprise when she saw herself in the mirror, as she was preparing for the wedding night, and found that she had the same eye-markings as Jareth.

And she loved being the Goblin Queen!

The goblins themselves took some getting used to, but their rambunctiousness grew on her and became quite endearing. All the royal Fey of the neighboring kingdoms had been nothing but gracious and kind to her since her first day at court.

She was loved and respected by all for her knowledge, judiciousness, kindness, and beauty.

So how in the hell was it possible that the great Goblin Queen was now a shivering, whimpering mess because of her kingdom's version of a harmless thunderstorm?

Sarah'd only experienced one other Underground storm before, and it had occurred while Jareth had been visiting another kingdom to attend a war council and she had opted to stay behind to spend the day with Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus roaming the Goblin City.

It had all happened so fast, her friends rushing her to the castle as the sky grew red and the wind picked up, the first crash of thunder made them all lose their balance and land in a heap on the castle's stone floor, and she was in complete hysterics not a minute later. Her three friends and the rest of her goblin subjects had done the best they could to console her, but it was all in vain. She had ended up hiding under the bed like a five year old, crying for Jareth.

Since Fey could only teleport within their respective kingdoms or to the Aboveground, Jareth had to wait until the storm passed before he could safely fly back to the Goblin City in his owl form.

The instant he had materialized in their bed-chamber, he held her in his arms, kissing her hair and rubbing soothing circles on her back as she buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed. He had felt her distress through the magic of their fey marriage bond and had been in agony waiting out the storm until he could return to his wife.

Another thing about Underground thunderstorms was that they had no environmental benefits.

They didn't replenish any of the indigenous vegetation or bodies of water, they only had prophetic significance. A thunderstorm in the Underground indicated an imminent change and/or happening that affected the area where it struck.

Jareth told her that there had been a storm in the Labyrinth right before she had wished Toby away, which was why the sky had been slightly reddish-orange when she had arrived and started her journey.

As a matter of fact, the first storm she had endured as queen, had foretold that the war council Jareth had been attending that day, ultimately resulted in a peace treaty.

Well God knows what this thunderstorm was foretelling but whatever it was, she hoped it was a damn good one.

Tonight was the anniversary of Sarah's triumphant run through the Labyrinth, and Jareth had been driving her crazy!

With all his intense looks and deliberate fleeting touches, she'd been dying to get him out of those skin-tight pants all day long. She had even put on the nightgown he liked best on her and he wore nothing but his white poet's shirt and grey breeches, and just as they and been getting ready to have some amazing sex, the thunderstorm hit and Sarah just went to pieces.


So now here she was, the Goblin Queen, trembling and weeping and being cradled like a baby in the arms of her husband.

This was so embarrassing!

Jareth, God bless him, he was being so wonderful. He had been sitting cross-legged on the bed, with her in his lap, gently rocking her back and forth and whispering soothing words to her for over an hour, and it was helping...a little.

"Shh, precious. I'm here." He said softly as Sarah had just flinched at a particularly loud rumble of thunder. "You're perfectly safe in my arms, my queen."

Sarah couldn't answer so she just nodded and pressed herself impossibly closer to the man she loved more than anything in the world.

Outside the castle, the wind howled and the thunder crashed and the black rain splattered against the window.

The only light in the bed-chamber came from the roaring fire in the grand fire-place and it was casting shadows along the stone walls that were usually romantic, but right now, they were just adding to the incredibly oppressive and frightening atmosphere. She tried not to look at them, or the window, or anything but Jareth for that matter.

"I'm sorry, Jareth." She whimpered. "I'm supposed to be the Champion of the Labyrinth. I've faced oubliettes, cleaners, Fireys, the Bog, and the entire Goblin Army, but one little thunderstorm, and I'm reduced to a giant infant."

"Some Goblin Queen huh?" She quipped derisively.

"Sarah," Jareth's voice was firm. "You are the bravest and most beautiful soul that has ever lived in the Underground. In all my centuries, I have never given my heart, nor wanted to give my heart to anyone but you."

Sarah blushed and looked away, only to squeak in fear again as the wind slammed a branch against the window. Thankfully, the window was re-enforced with magic, so it wouldn't break.

"Give it time my love." Jareth crooned as he stroked her hair. "You'll grow accustomed to it."

Sarah highly doubted that she could ever grow accustomed to it, but she still couldn't help feeling ashamed of herself.

Everyone else in the Labyrinth treated the thunderstorms the exact same way people treated the equivalent in the Aboveground: mildly dangerous, but perfectly normal and because she was Queen, no harm could come to her within the walls of the Labyrinth. They also strongly assured her that they didn't have anything like "tornadoes", "floods", or "hurricanes", thank Christ, but she still drew the line at going outside with them and playing in it.

Another crash of thunder shook the room and Sarah yelped.

"It's not fair!" She shouted in embarrassed frustration, swiping angrily at her tears, "I wish I wasn't scared anymore. I can't stand it!"

Jareth couldn't help but grin slightly at the return of her favorite catchphrase.

"What's said is said. Shall I sing to you my precious?" He asked.

That caught her off guard.

In the time she'd gotten to know Jareth, the real Jareth, she had learned that he only sang when he was very happy and she hardly thought that this was the time for him to express glee.

On the other hand, his voice did incredible things to her. It had an uncanny ability to excite, arouse, and calm her all at once.

Another crack of thunder made her decision for her.

"Yes, yes please!" She gasped.

Giving her one of his devilish smirks, Jareth extended his right hand and conjured three crystals simultaneously. He then blew on them gently and they floated out of his hand into the spacious bed chamber. He repeated this action until the entire bedchamber was filled with beautiful crystals swirling around the room like snowflakes, and then Sarah heard it.

The hauntingly familiar tune from a wind-up toy she played every night before going to bed since before she could remember.

The song Jareth had given words to and had sung for her in a dream he had constructed out of the glamorous fantasies of her human youth.

The song that made her fall in love with him.

She suddenly had tears in her eyes for a completely different reason.

There's such a sad love deep in your eyes,

a kind of pale jewel, opened and closed

within your eyes. I'll place the sky within your eyes.

Oh God, his voice!

It sounded exactly the same as it had the first time she had heard him sing this song, and the way he was touching and looking at her!

His loving, smoldering gaze was sending delicious shivers down her spine. His beautiful, strange eyes were hypnotizing. His glove-less hand brushed her cheek and neck gently.

She hadn't even noticed that three more cracks of thunder had occurred.

There's such a fooled heart beating so fast

in search of new dreams, a love that will last

within your heart. I'll place the moon within your heart.

His right hand slid down her neck and settled right over her heart causing her to gasp softly. His left arm was wrapped around her shoulders and he swayed with her in time to the music.

As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you.

Every thrill has gone. Wasn't too much fun at all,

but I'll be there for you-oo-oo. As the world falls down.

She very nearly swooned as he sang the chorus.

That had always been her favorite part of the song.

Unconsciously, she slipped her hands inside Jareth's open shirt and caressed his lean-muscled chest.



Falling in love.

The crystals must have been producing the music and ghostly background vocals although the thought had vanished as quickly as it had come because Sarah was finding it quite impossible to concentrate on anything other than Jareth at the moment.

She giggled when he gave her an Eskimo kiss as he sang "Falling in love".

I'll paint you mornings of gold, I'll spin you Valentine evenings

though we're strangers till now, we're choosing the path

between the stars. I'll leave my love between the stars.

The hand that had been innocently resting over Sarah's pounding heart suddenly slipped slowly down between her breasts, over her flat stomach, across her left ribs. All the way down to her left knee and back. This caused her satin, emerald-green nightgown to hike up close to her hips.

Her eyes closed in ecstasy.

As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you.

Every thrill has gone. Wasn't too much fun at all,

but I'll be there for you-oo-oo. As the world falls down.

Sarah's hands continued their exploration of Jareth's firm chest. Her right hand slid up to the side of his neck, her left rested over his heart. She could feel his pendant against her pinky; she had a smaller matching one around her own neck. It was the Underground's equivalent of a wedding band as well as a symbol of their royal status.

It showed that they belonged to each other.

The thought made her smile.




As the world falls down




Falling in love

She felt Jareth cover her left hand with his right, holding it firmly enough for her to feel his strong heartbeat.

He then leaned in and pressed his forehead against her own.

She suddenly felt a surge of magical energy from him and quick as thought; she felt the fabric of her nightgown change and her body shift into an upright position.

She quickly opened her eyes and saw that Jareth had magically placed them both in the same exact costumes they had worn in the peach-dream!

And he was dancing with her again just like the first time, only closer.

This time there were no laughing, half-crazed, masked party guests. They were completely alone, dancing on a mirror that reflected the clear, starry sky above and all around them!

As the world falls down

(down) Falling



Falling in love

As the world falls down

Jareth had been spinning her around the room and had even dipped her a few times and she had squealed with delight.

She could go on like this for hours!

Just as her husband had spun her under his arm again and she had closed her eyes involuntarily, she felt another surge of magical energy.

In less than a second, she felt high wind and tiny droplets of water hitting her from every direction, though she could still hear the music clearly, the howl of the wind hurt her ears. Her eyes flew open in shock.

She was no longer with Jareth in the star room; she was standing smack dab in the middle of an Underground thunderstorm!

The screaming wind whipped her skirts and hair around her and the rain was so thick she couldn't tell where she was. A crack of thunder made her cry out and cover her head.

But after a moment, she suddenly realized something, the rain was hitting her, but she was still completely dry, and all the leaves and twigs and branches being blown around...were passing right through her.

Of course! I

t was only an illusion, but since nothing could harm her within the walls of the Labyrinth, this was as realistically dangerous as an Underground storm could be to the Goblin Queen.




She then spun around trying to find Jareth.

His voice carried over the wind, but she couldn't tell where it was coming from!

The music began to build and as she whirled around for a third time before she finally saw him.

Jareth stood a few yards away from her, as unaffected by the storm as she, gazing at her with pure love and unadulterated lust in his eyes. He opened his arms to her and Sarah didn't have to be asked twice. She ran forward and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his neck, as the music hit its crescendo.

Instantly, another magical surge swept through her, and all at once she felt the storm disappear, her clothing and body position change, and the music become gentle once more.

She cautiously raised her head.

They were back in their bed-chamber, the crystals floating all around them, she was still sitting across Jareth's lap, with her arms still wrapped tightly around his neck. His arms, in turn, were clasped tightly around her; his left hand stroked the back of her head.

Makes no sense at all.

Makes no sense to fall.

He gently pulled back to look into her eyes for a quick moment, before he leaned in and brushed his lips against the skin of her cheek as he continued to sing.


As the world falls down.



Falling in love.

Sarah closed her eyes again and moaned at the sensations that only Jareth's lips on her skin could give her.

She ran her hands blindly through his wild, platinum-blonde hair. The strands slid through her fingers, soft as silk.

His lips brushed all over her face and throat.

As the world falls down.



Falling in love

Another crack of thunder shook the room and a large gilded painting of a dragon with a goblin on its back crashed to the floor, but Sarah didn't even bat an eyelash.

Jareth began lowering her to the bed, hands touching her anywhere they could reach.

Falling in love.

Falling in love.

Falling in love.

Falling in love.

The second he sang the last word, Jareth's teasing lips finally claimed her mouth in a demanding kiss that made her toes curl in arousal.

Returning the kiss with equal fervor, she pulled her magical husband down on top of her making him groan in approval.

As they divested each other of their clothing, the music faded away with the crystals, and the storm raged on outside the castle, now completely forgotten.

What could have been hours later for all Sarah knew, the now satiated Goblin King and Queen laid together in a tangle of bed sheets trying to catch their breath.

She was absentmindedly playing with one of the longer locks of Jareth's hair while he was resting his head on her breast, listening to her heartbeat gradually return to its normal rhythm.

The storm had finally passed at some point during their love-making.

All was quiet and peaceful.

"Thank you, Jareth." She whispered. "I love you."

Jareth raised his head to place a kiss over her heart and then met her gaze. "I am your slave, Sarah. I love you with all that I am, all that I have ever been, and all that I shall be, you precious thing."

There was nothing more she could say to this man, no, this Fay that she feared, loved and obeyed, so she just pulled him into another loving kiss, hoping that through it, he understood the extent of her feelings for him as well.

As it turned out, that Underground thunderstorm really did foretell a 'damn good one'. For two days later, the entire Labyrinth rejoiced in the announcement that the Goblin Queen was with child.

A/N: Whew! My first fan fiction. I'm thinking about expanding it into a one-shot series. Let me know what you think, but please be gentle; it's my first time lol! ;)