It's a big responsibility
by Alley McNally

"Clark, I'm pregnant." Those words echoed in Clark's head as he tried to get a hold of the situation. He was going to be a father! Him! He never dreamed possible–after all–he was kryptonian and well she wasn't. It shouldn't be possible yet it happened.

Of course, she was anyone else he might have questioned the child's parentage. Accused her of "sleeping around." But he knew better. Lois was a part of him just as he was a part of her. There could be no others.

So, what does he do now? How does he cope? It's a pretty big deal being a father. Will he be able to do it? With this child develop his powers? That was a very good question. After all, his child would be half kryptonian. Would that put Lois in danger?

And that was the worst part of it–Lois could die. They couldn't pretend that this wasn't going to be a low-risk pregnancy. If his child had even a fraction of his powers in the womb he or she could easily put Lois's life at risk. Then there was the birth, it would be dangerous too! So many things could go wrong. There were so many ways he could lose them both.

And that was when he realized, he wanted this child! He had always wanted a child with Lois. Why didn't he realize that before? How could he not have realized this? Was it because he feared what would happen to her if they tried?

Clark couldn't bear to lose her. He was absolutely terrified that one day he would lose her for good. Was that day today? No... She was safe... For now. But what about a few months from now? Soon that baby will be kicking, what if it hurts her? Or kills her? How could he forgive himself if she died because of him.

Maybe it would be easier and safer to abort the child. He would lose this new life but he would be able to preserve his beloved's. Isn't that enough? Was he being selfish for wanting that child?

"Clark, I want to keep the baby." Those words hold him out of his thoughts. Lois wanted to keep the baby! She wanted to take the risk. That sounds like Lois. No risk, no gain. Could he honestly live with himself if he put her at such risk?

A hand touched his face–Lois's hand–she was looking into his eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful. "Clark, please tell me that you wanted too!" How could he say that when it would mean risking her life? God, he loved her so much. And he... Loved... Their baby too... He loves his child too. When did that happen? How did it happen? Was he really going to do this?

"Yes, Lois I do too."

Despite everything he surprised himself by saying that. He was going to be a father and he was going to risk the life of the woman he loved most to do it. What kind of man does this? He was going to find out.