Chapter 18

"Is he dead?"

Angela gave a slight look at Dean that was more in line with him being ridiculous. "No. He's just milking it for all it's worth like you would." She gave a none too gentle nudge with her boot and kneeled to be face to face with Ares.

Ares gave a slight moan, "And here I was thinking that my warrior queen will have some pity for my death wound."

Angela raised her brow, "The only sympathy you'll get from me is the fact I am using such restraint not to beat your ass senseless." She muttered the last bit as she batted away Ares' hands to see the damage.

As it turned out the damage was minimal and he was on the mend. It was as she said: that he was milking it for the drama. He knew that she would see right through it. He sighed and got to his feet with a slightly annoyed look but didn't actually mean it. "Yeah well, what better way for this mess to be cleaned up. Besides I needed to see what these people you hang out with are capable of."

Angela narrowed her eyes as she surveyed the look. The enforcer and his men were rounded up. The guys she was going to let go provided that they forget everything they saw and get out of town. They were agreeable to that. The enforcer was Ares' responsibility and that was one thing that he wasn't going to get out of. She looked at everyone who was more or less unharmed. The major exceptions were her and Sam and she really didn't want to think about it then. Turning back to Ares she delivered a punch to the arm. "That answer your question?"

Ares feigned mock hurt as he rubbed his arm, again milking the drama. "Alright I admit that I may have taken things a little out of hand but you lived up to your end. You helped me uncover the traitor within my ranks. For that you have my thanks."

"Wait a minute. You mean this whole thing was to find out a mole?" Dean looked at the god with one of his 'what the hell' looks.

"Hey I knew I had a traitor. I just didn't know who and I needed someone who was good at finding out who," Ares replied in a nonchalant voice. He picked up the knife he had been stabbed with and held it out to Angela, "Oh this belongs to you. Don't worry. I'll put in a good word with the council."

"So you chased us and made us come here to find the warrior princess of this era so you could ask her for help?" Ciane had been following the conversation and she was just as baffled at the moment. This didn't make much sense. "You weren't even interested in the tablet?"

"Frankly I could care less," Ares replied.

"Then why all the trouble with this shindig?" Bobby looked at everyone with his arms crossed. "Buncha idjits," he muttered under his breath.

"All part of the fun." Ares couldn't help but grin at that. He took in the faces and noted the expressions. "Like I said I don't care. Anyone who cares to know will know that this one is bound to do great things. I just wanted to meet her and maybe eventually persuade her to be my queen."

"Not a chance in hell, Ares," Angela replied as she crossed her arms. She was glad that the rain stopped. She had been soaked and had mud everywhere. In fact everyone had some form of being soaked from the rain so it was going to be a long night. "Now you agreed to send them back."

"Alright, alright," Ares replied as he motioned his hands in a placating manner. "Seriously, you need to appreciate the finer aspects of this whole plan. Not many would have conceived of it with as much cunning as you would have."

"It was your idea and you know it," Angela replied firmly.

"Well that's true but we both know that you were the one that suggested believability. That worked out well I think." Ares then strutted forward and stood in front of Ciane and asked, "So are you ready to go back? My sister will be pleased that you are in one piece. She's like a hot tempered volcano. At least Pericles was agreeable."

"You dogged Pericles into this?" Ciane was incredulous at the thought.

"Call it hardball persuasion," Ares countered. "The bastard refused on the spot until I made him think that I really was after you and that tablet. It just happened to be luck of the draw that you were stuck with these two. At least the demon didn't get a hold of it." He looked at Angela as if it were her fault.

"What are you looking at me for?" Angela shrugged her shoulders. "As far as I can tell this is your doing. So fix it."

"So pushy and yet becoming of her," Ares replied. He made a slight sound with his tongue. "Okay so time to take the ride back."

It didn't take much more to collect the tablet and have everyone gathered where they were supposed to be. Ares looked bored as he muttered the phrasing to open the gates of time. The three of them walked through to find themselves right where they had left. Ciane looked around with Joxer and Salmoneus. It was dark and…

Suddenly they were met with their companions asking if they were all right. Ciane frowned slightly as it dawned on her that Ares had sent them back to the exact time and place they had left. It was mind boggling and on her mind as she reached to feel for the tablet in her bag. She nodded that she was fine and the group started on their way to Pericles and Salmoneus and Joxer telling stories about where they had been.


Confident that he had done his job, Ares turned towards Angela and said, "Well that did go well and I'll expect to find scrolls of those tales floating around." He gave a slight roll of his eyes as he walked closer. "So everything is back to normal. Do you intend to keep up with this menial existence?"

Angela glanced at everyone else as they watched. At least there was some space given though she could tell that there were going to be questions here and there later. She looked at the god and replied, "It's what I do and I'm good at it."

"But all this helping people… you have the power at your fingertips and yet…" Ares shook his head as he attempted to contemplate her reasoning. He had asked this before but he liked to give multiple chances.

"I am responsible with it. Something I think you should be able to understand considering your duty to powers higher up," Angela replied with a slight smirk on her face. She motioned with her eyes upward towards the heavens.

Ares made a slight scowl, "I owe allegiance to…"

"I know your pantheon. Heaven knows that you listen to daddy," Angela mocked slightly. She wasn't willing to tempt the wrath of Zeus but she was not in the mood for sanctimonious fools. "You serve the greater good and really if the Creator didn't make your father then you wouldn't be here would you?" She smiled sweetly as she continued to remind Ares of what his duty was. It was tempting Fate but it was part of that reckless knowing that she did this.

Ares was scowling as she said it but it changed to a smile, one that he was well known for making. "You're good. Now I know why I really wanted to see you."

"You mean aside from offering to make me your queen?"

Ares sighed, "It's no secret that I want to be in that inner circle you were made a part of. If anything that mark makes it so." He pointed at the tattoo on her hand. "Many others have tried but none have captured interest or the heart of the princesses."

"I did hear Thor was a little disappointed," Angela replied, recalling a bit of reading that she had come across a lifetime ago. She gave a slight smile to know that she was teasing but being serious at the same time. "Ares, it will never be…"

"Oh I know my princess," Ares replied. He brushed the wet locks aside to reveal her face more. She really was a beautiful creature. "I can see it in your Champion's eyes. And to think my little brother would best me in this."

Angela knew who Ares was talking about but like everything else, when she defended herself, she implicated denial, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Ares chuckled, "Oh I know my princess. You are so obvious and yet willing to hide. It does make more entertainment in the future."

"I'm not for your entertainment Ares," Angela replied firmly. She crossed her arms over her chest to make her point. "Now I helped you find your traitor so do what you want and leave us alone."

Ares tsked at her, "Aww. Don't you have anything to say in terms of maybe asking for leniency for this traitor?" He motioned towards the enforcer who was bound and standing there with a scowl on his face. "After all isn't that what Absolution is known for? Or have you acknowledged that there are no easily forgiven events and that the only punishment is death?"

Angela felt her throat convulse and was glad she was rid of the collar. That had been a pain in the ass the whole time she had to wear it. Looking at the enforcer, her answer became clear and she looked at Ares and replied, "Do what you will. His judgment is not mine to pass."

"Never thought you had it in you but then again there are some things that you can't deny… like that warrior spirit of yours… Xena," Ares replied as he crooned into Angela's ear. He was well aware that Sam was bristling at what he was doing. He loved having fun at the expense of others. "Are you sure you don't want to join me?"

"I gave you my answer before and it is still the same. No." Angela looked forward, trying not to react to the fact that Ares was getting a little too close for comfort.

Ares stepped back and noticed how she was trying not to react. He gave a slow smile and replied, "Oh I know. I know that you will never be mine but I will give you something and you have the option of using it or not."

"And what is the price of that?"

"Oh the price is nothing," Ares replied. At the look she gave him he added, "I'm serious. There are no strings attached to this gift. You don't have to use it if that will make you feel better about spiting me but I really don't care."

"Then it's not much of a gift then."

"Oh it is a gift." Ares got close and nearly frowned as he became serious. "There are forces out there, some older than this current angels and demon thing going on. Your allies will be few and far between unless you have the old alliances at your disposal."

"This is the Apocalypse. I don't need to go after a fly with a bazooka," Angela replied in equal seriousness. "We're doing what we can to stop Lucifer from being sprung…"

"Oh he will be sprung. That I can tell you," Ares interrupted, "And you and your rat pack will be charged with stopping it. That's a given. What I'm telling you is what is to come should you survive this and I know you will. So I am giving this to you."

Angela regarded Ares for a moment. She could tell that he was being sincere even though she had been subject to his loose interpretation of the rules. "What is it?"

"I know you are Isis' favorite and you have the guard at your disposal. I am offering my services. Should you need anything, you know how to call."

"You are pledging yourself as a patron god?"

"Nothing wrong with it. Besides it would give me an excuse to drop in on you whenever I please." Ares gave that cocky smirk that made Angela want to punch his face. It was so tempting to do that as he kept that smirk plastered on his face. "Don't worry princess. I'll make sure that it's nice and private."

"Go stun yourself."

"Ooo that one hurt," Ares mocked. "I am being serious I will drop in on occasion. Now that I met you… I find myself wanting to keep you from getting into too much trouble."

"I get trouble and a lot of it. It follows me like a puppy."

"More for me then." Ares smirked once more as he prepared to leave. He couldn't help though but lean in close and whisper something in Angela's ear and it was followed by a kiss to her cheek. Stepping back with his prisoner, he said, "Remember princess." He tapped his finger to his temple before they disappeared to wherever.

Angela breathed in a sigh of relief that he was gone but it didn't help that she knew that he meant what he said. He would be back and probably when she least expected it. That was the trouble with beings that took a liking to her. They smothered her with aid and while welcome, she knew that it was rooted in their feelings for her. Looking at the group, she could tell that there was going to be a long discussion about everything and especially about a few things regarding deals and the like.

Things were quiet for now. At least the initial arguments were done and over with and luckily Hibah didn't have to hear a word of it. Frankly Angela was amazed that the girl didn't recognize the danger she was in but preferred to see it as a game. Then again she had never been exposed to danger at that level… so maybe it was her fault. It was a lot to think about but hardly worth the effort this early in the morning. At least she could see the sun rise.

It hadn't been too pleasant after Castiel whisked Hibah off to bed. It was Dean that immediately rounded in on her and asked her if she really did make a deal with a god and if that whole thing that nearly messed up hers and Sam's faces was a part of it. She could admit that she had agreed to help him find the traitor within the ranks but she had no idea he would come up with that elaborate of a scheme which seemed like a lot of work.

It had her perplexed really. Ares had given her the reasons for going through all this but it seemed like there was more to it. She could say with some certainty that Ares was attracted to her. The way how he went about trying to seduce her… maybe it was lust but she pegged him for a bastard. Most bastards didn't easily give their aid. Isis gave her hers because she liked her and of course most called her the favorite of the goddess.

There was the option of actually trying to piss Sam off with getting cute with her. He did goad Sam into that fight and then made a show of crooning in her ear and then that kiss. She wasn't surprised when Sam refused to look at her for a time after that. She had already said her piece and she knew that he knew that she didn't encourage guys to do that. Whatever he had issues with he had to work out on his own. There was only so much she could say.

"You know Cat, if I didn't know better, I'd say that you were leaning towards that side that you would dabble in as a last resort."

Angela looked up from where she was viewing the sunrise on the roof of Bobby's house. It was one of the few places she would say she could hide in. Of course it wouldn't take much for the boys to climb up but she had a way of scampering on rooftops without too much fear for her life. She gave a slight scowl at the angel and replied, "I get that from everyone else Gabe. I don't need it from you."

"Chill out Cat. Hell I know what it's like when you put something sharp and pointy in your hands. Full on slice and dice…" Gabriel paused to see the look on her face. "Relax Cat. You know that I know you only do things if they were your very last option and even then you resist. I know you would have done it for Deano."

"Trying to snag his deal? It was the best I could come up with since the whole thing with the council and the trip planned to downstairs wasn't much better but I see where you're coming from," Angela replied as she allowed a slow smile to show to indicate that she wasn't that upset. "So are you here to tell me what is obvious?"

"If you mean by the fact that you only did what you used to do in order to root out espionage, then no," Gabriel replied. He sat next to Angela on the roof and gave a happy sigh. "Those were the days Cat. You were good at sniffing out the traitors and they never knew what hit them. You haven't lost your touch."

"Old habits die hard I guess."

"Like riding a horse. It comes back even after a spell," Gabriel replied. "So what's the problem? Deano giving you a hard time about it?"

"I'm trying to figure out how you know about this," Angela replied. "As far as I know I haven't given a call."

"I said I would be watching," Gabriel pointed out. He could pick up that she was bothered by this whole thing that happened. It wasn't her fault though that Ares decided to play time bandit with people from the past to get her attention. "Cat, I've been watching out for you long after we split. I never stopped."

"I know," Angela replied softly as she rested her head on her knees. "If you really want to know, I did get the third degree about deals and the like. I don't blame them really and Jo saw the whole thing for what it was."

"So they don't trust you?"

"No. They care too much." Angela took in a deep breath. "It's hard for them to truly understand what it means to make those hard decisions Gabe. They never really had to live with scrutiny from those that do remember. They never really see what happens when they rely too much on the hero; how easily the hero becomes the villain."

"And maybe they have but never to the extremes of what you've done. You and I both have seen that. They just see it differently and that's why… you know." Gabriel looked at Angela as she thought about it some more. At least one thinks about it.

"Maybe so," Angela replied. She closed her eyes to feel the warmth of the sun on her face. "You know I started being a bit more forward about what I do and have done but… I still handle it one sided and it bugs me."

"Why is that?" Gabriel had a pretty good idea why and while it would have been fun to tease her about it, he didn't. He knew that there were some things she had to figure out for herself especially when it came to feelings.

"I can tell Sam most things and it feels right… like there's an understanding, which is pretty much the truth, but I don't tell Dean." Angela frowned a bit at that. She never really questioned why she did the things she did but she was well aware of the consequences that occurred with her actions. "I know he will listen to me but even then I don't give the whole picture. It told him about the consequences of making him into someone like me and even mentioned making his deal into mine but never the details. With Sam, I did."

Gabriel made a slight sound in his throat. "You always were good at reading people. The fact that you mentioned it at all should say something. What makes this so different?"

"Probably the fact that I sort of implied that it doesn't matter what Sam is doing in terms of is abilities. I really don't see one in that the intentions are good."

"But you know the way to get to that."

"There are other ways and I'm not inclined to believe much of what Ruby says even though we have a truce of sorts." Angela just said it to be a little difficult but she knew what the angel meant. "But yeah I do know and I already said my piece on that."

"I hear ya Cat," Gabriel replied with a friendly shoulder bump. "The thing is you told Sam about what you've had to do in order to be able to do what you wanted to do. Maybe not chapter and verse but you gave him details you didn't give Dean. Sounds like a recipe for disaster."

Angela pondered that for a moment. She did know that. She was aware of it but she was afraid and she could admit that. She was afraid of what Dean would do. She wasn't blind. She had seen the looks he had shot Sam. She was trying so hard not to play favorites and she still walked into it but she really didn't do that. Did she? She knew that she had to tell the whole story since there was always someone who knew and would eventually tell. It was better to have the truth told by someone you trusted.

A noise sounded and Angela looked down to see the boys walk out. It was surprising since it was early for Dean but she figured it was important. She said, "Maybe you're right Gabe. Better to find out from someone they trust than someone who could twist the truth."

"All anyone can ask for Cat. Well I better get back. You know I'm always watching."

"Shut up," Angela replied as she smiled at the angel as he stood up. She gave a slight blink and he was gone. She then stood up and looked down at the boys talking about whatever they were talking about and gave a slight sigh. This was the right thing to do and at least they would hear her out and they knew she wouldn't lie.

Angela stood there watching. She knew that things weren't going to be exactly smooth sailing. That was a given since she basically used them to achieve an end with Ares. That would be hard to swallow for anyone. She did initially when she got into this work. Still if she took small steps… it seemed like a good way to go. She stood there looking down and contemplated a means of getting down while her thoughts drifted to a certain time and place.

Ares stood back after kissing her. He smirked at her, pleased at the reaction she gave. It was one she hated since she didn't really give any indication that she didn't like it. Her throat convulsed at that as she looked at the god.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?"

"I'd rather kiss a dead man than go through that again."

"And yet you didn't say no," Ares countered with a smirk. "The kind of thing that I look for especially when I pick someone who has a secret that can't be revealed, especially if it is life or death."

"What are you talking about?"

Ares stood next to her. "Oh you know what I am talking about. You see I made it my business to look for certain things and knowing your sister… You're the first person she would go to in order to protect the thing that matters the most." He took in the slight twitch in her face. "Oh yes I know about… Hibah and how you took it upon yourself to protect her until she is of age."

Angela felt her throat convulse. If Ares knew then others would. "What do you want?"

"I have a proposition. You help me with a little problem and I'll make sure that no one else finds out about your dirty little secret. At least from anyone else." Ares paced a little bit before adding, "Of course I'm not doing this out of the goodness of my heart."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Don't get all high and mighty." Ares stood right in front of her. His eyes were narrowed and locked onto hers. "What I get out of this is a troublesome traitor out and the right to call in a favor from the most well-known warrior princess of this time." He gave a slight smirk, "So what do you say?"

Angela stood there looking at the god. If he knew about Hibah, it was only a matter of time before the others did. The choice was hers…

A/N: Well all's well that ends well and... whatever. Seems like there is a slight tension caused by what Angie orchestrated to help Ares out. Seems like more went on than we thought. How will this affect things now? Stay tuned for 3.08 Solstice Beginnings...