Kurt and Blaine had moved to the bedroom shortly after Kurt had agreed to stay the night with Blaine. They had sat on the edge of the bed, Blaine unbuttoning Kurt's shirt when Kurt pulled back and blurted, "Rachel."

"Wow...that's an odd thing to say while I'm undressing you." Blaine had a confused look on his face and Kurt gave a little giggle.

"No, I mean I need to call Rachel. I left her and Trent on kind of bad terms and I need to call her to let her know that I'm okay and not coming home tonight." Kurt gave Blaine a sexy smirk and pressed his lips to Blaine's before grabbing his phone off the nightstand and dialing Rachel.

"Rachel? Hey."... "Yeah, I'm OK. I'm still at Blaine's."... "No, I know you guys didn't mean what you said-"... "Yes, I know you both are happy for me. Rach, I-"... "No I'm not going to be home tonight-"... "That's actually none of your business."... "I will definitely text you in the morning to let you know when I'll be home."... "Yeah, that'd be great if you could let Trent know I'm OK too."... "Love you too, bye." Kurt turned his phone off and set it back on Blaine's nightstand.

"Can we get back to the undressing and maybe you could call out my name this time?" Blaine teased as he pulled Kurt to him. He captured Kurt's lips in yet another passionate kiss. "Thank you for being with me. I love you, Kurt." As soon as the words left his mouth, Blaine's face turned red and he looked down at his lap. "I'm sorry-that's a bit soon, isn't it? I mean, I think I've loved you since we met, I just never said anything and after all these months... We've spent so much time together, getting to know each other and I-"

"Blaine." Kurt interrupted softly as he moved to whisper in Blaine's ear. "It's okay. I love you too." Kurt sat back and watched as Blaine's furrowed brows softened and a smile appeared.

"Kurt, that makes me the happiest man. You've made me so very, very happy." Then they were kissing again. This time it was more urgent. Blaine was hungry for more of something he hadn't truly been allowed. "Lie down for me?"

Kurt nodded, swinging his legs up on the bed, and laid himself out for Blaine. Blaine stood up and turned around to look at Kurt properly. "You are gorgeous. I can't believe I get to have you." He kneeled on the bed beside Kurt and continued to unbutton his shirt. He slowly opened it to find a thin white tank. Kurt's nipples were slightly visible through the fabric. He brushed his fingers over them as Kurt arched his back a little into the touch, and Kurt let out a slow breath as one of Blaine's hands wandered under his shirt.

Blaine's hands began to explore the smooth expanse of skin that was Kurt's chest and stomach. He brushed his fingers across Kurt's nipples again simply to enjoy the sweet noises of pleasure he received.

Blaine could feel his dick growing harder with every stroke over Kurt's skin. He moved one hand further down Kurt's clothed body and found Kurt to be just as excited as himself. Suddenly Blaine's clothes felt like they were suffocating his skin. He needed their clothes off as soon as possible so his skin could breathe against Kurt's.

"Clothes..." Kurt groaned out, "Our clothes need to be off." Kurt gasped around the words as Blaine continued to palm him through his trousers.

"You read my mind." Blaine replied, giving Kurt a small smirk. Blaine reluctantly removed his hands from Kurt's body and started to undress himself; Kurt followed suit. Clothes were being thrown off the bed and finally they were both naked. Kurt laid back down in the position he's been in, ready for whatever Blaine had for him.

Kurt looked back at Blaine to find him staring lovingly at him. "I could look at you all day" Blaine whispered as he inched closer to Kurt, lifting his knee to slide it over Kurt's body and straddling him.

They both groaned at the contact, their cocks lined up perfectly. Blaine had already found himself close to coming from all the moans Kurt had made previously from the caressing. The sudden slow and steady grind of their bodies wasn't helping his situation.

Blaine stilled his movements so he could find his words to speak to Kurt. "Kurt, I want all of you. I want to make love to you." He leaned forward and sweetly kissed Kurt. He sat back up and saw that Kurt was smiling up at him.

"Yes, please. I want that too. I want us to have it all. I love you so much Blaine". Kurt's words made Blaine's chest swell. He hadn't had much of any type of true companionship for years. Now here he was, with a beautiful man who loved him and cared about him deeply.

Blaine reached over to his nightstand and pulled out a condom and lube, slipping off of Kurt to his side. He had done this many times with insignificant partners, but he still found himself nervous. His hands were shaking slightly. He leaned over to kiss Kurt again and steadied his nerves. This wasn't some other man, this was his Kurt.

They continued to kiss each other with passion and longing as Blaine gently prepped Kurt. The delicious noises he was eliciting from Kurt were making him even more turned on and he felt he would die if he didn't have him soon.

A few minutes had passed and Kurt was ready. Kurt had told him he wanted to see Blaine. So Kurt stayed on his back, lifting his legs to wrap around Blaine as he positioned himself. Blaine began to slowly push himself into Kurt. Blaine couldn't tell who had groaned louder as his hips made it to Kurt's ass.

This was different. Kurt had never felt this connected to anyone. He looked into Blaine's amber eyes and that's when it hit him. Blaine was his Prince Charming. He was the one Kurt had longed for. Whenever he found himself in front of the camera had envisioned a man touching him and loving him, it had been Blaine. He hadn't known it at the time, but he knew now. Kurt reached a hand up and cupped Blaine's face, rubbing his thumb over his cheekbone.

Blaine started to thrust in and out, creating a slow rhythm that was agonizingly wonderful. "Kurt, you feel amazing. I don't know how long I'm going to last. You make me feel so young again." Blaine knew that sounded corny, but he didn't care because he meant it.

Kurt moaned in agreement as Blaine's thrusts picked up a little speed. "Yeah, faster, please. Blaine -" Kurt was cut off by Blaine's mouth on his, kissing him desperately. Kurt met every grind of Blaine's hips, both of them moaning louder as their orgasms came closer. "Blaine, touch me. Just please, touch me." Kurt was pleading and begging as Blaine's hand found his dick, using the leaking precome to help him stroke Kurt. "Yes... Fuck. Blaine, I'm so close."

Blaine sped up his hips in time with his hand. Their groans of pleasure were also getting louder. Blaine stroked Kurt a half a dozen more times Kurt came, arching into his orgasm as the come shot across his stomach. Blaine followed quickly, thrusting shallowly as he came, leaning forward to capture Kurt's mouth in a messy kiss.

After a few seconds to regain his thoughts, Blaine pulled out of Kurt and laid next to him. "I love you, Kurt. Thank you for loving me." Kurt turned toward Blaine so that they were facing each other. Blaine was sure his mouth would be aching tomorrow from all the smiling he had been doing that evening.

"I love you too." Kurt kissed Blaine again, grinning against his mouth.

"I do need to ask you something, though." The tone of Blaine's voice turned serious and Kurt was feeling a little nervous as he nodded for Blaine to continue. "Now that we're officially together, would you consider saving your online performances for just me?" Blaine knew deeptv was a source of income for Kurt, but he knew he'd do anything to keep that part of Kurt to himself.

Kurt seemed to be thinking hard about what he was going to say. "I think that could definitely be arranged. I will tell you that my list of performing demands is a bit long." Kurt teased as he put his head against Blaine's chest.

Blaine didn't think he could have smiled bigger at that and replied, "I'm sure we can negotiate something."