A/N: I no own Harry Potter or Avengers, they belong to their respectful owners. I do however own my own copy of all seven HP books and movies, and the Avenger movie, along with Thor, Captain America, Hulk, and Iron Man. I also own the Avengers cup series.

Sorry for the long wait people... and wow, I honestly am still in shock over all the Favorites and Follows and even more so on the Review count! Thank you so much! Enjoy the next chapter of A Raven's Touch.

"So, is Dr McCoy coming today or does he have something he needs to do?" Lexi asked, breaking the silence.

A chuckle from the doorway preceded the answer, "Thank you for being considerate Ms Stark. One would not expect it from those with your name."

Lexi faked shock and placed a hand to her chest, "Why Hank, I take offense to that completely... correct assessment." She flashed the ever famous 'Stark smirk' at the big, blue, fur covered man at the door.

"And who might this be?" McCoy asked, peering at James.

Lexi smiled widely, "Hank, this is my son, James. Jay, this is Dr Henry McCoy, but most people call him Hank or Beast," She paused noticing her son's slightly scared look, "and don't worry about the fact he looks like a hairy man, he's really a big teddy bear...much like Logan when you get to know him." She finished with a smile,eliciting a unamused grunt from said feral and a couple of chuckles.

"Well, now that we are all here, let us get started." Storm said, taking her seat, the others following suit. James sat in Lexi's lap and stared in awe at Hank, who sat next to Lexi on her right side.

Bobby sat on her left and reached over to gain James' attention. When the bright green eyes looked at him he grinned widely and motioned for James to watch. James' eyes widened in shock as Bobby's came together and glowed light blue, separating to reveal an ice sculpted bird. James clapped his hands and drew his mothers attention away from the speaker to look down at him. She smiled at Bobby and they both turned back to the conversation.

"So, is there anything you need me to do?" Lexi asked Storm, who looked up and smiled, "Well we do have need for another teacher."

Lexi blinked in shock and the looked across at Logan, "You want me to be a teacher? Me... a teacher?" She asked incrediously. After a few seconds she burst out laughing, followed quickly by Logan. "I'm sorry 'Ro, but I can't be a teacher. I don't play well with others. Its something my brother and I share." She stated, wiping away a tear. Everyone at the table looked at Storm and nodded, agreeing with Lexi's statement.

"And besides, I have James to take care of now. Maybe after he goes to school I'll be able to teach part-time. But until then, he gets all my attention." Lexi said smiling looking at the little boy that was currently reaching for the ice sculpture.

"Understandable. Now that the school is finally running at best again we need to discuss the children who previously attended and contact them to see if they would like to continue their education. Which also brings me to another discussion." storm paused and looked at Dr McCoy, "Hank, how is the advanced Cerebro coming?"

The blue man adjusted his glasses and opened a folder in front of him, "According to the charts Cerebro X will be complete within the month. It should be able to work without the need of a Telepath, but we shall see." He set the folder down and looked over at Lexi, "I do have a question for you Ms Stark."

Lexi looked over at him in slight surprise, "And what would that be Hank?" She said looking at the fur-covered man with a confused face.

"Is there any possibility that your son could be a mutant?" The doctor asked, a serious tone in his voice.

Lexi frowned, "There could be a possibility. I think there was one time that Lily showed a minor ability over water, but not enough to actually risk telling her all about the mutants, considering it went docile after the threat left. James on the other hand was easy, I once spotted him manipulating wind to help him in a fight, but either he didn't notice it or he thought it was his magic. In other words, he might develop a small ability." She trailed off as Bobby started to laugh.

"I would count on that Lexi. Just take a look at him." The young man said, gesturing to the little boy who sat in her lap. Everyone turned their attention to the child and watched in awe.

James had the ice bird in his hand, which was glowing a pale blue like Bobby's did when he used his Ice Manipulation. Slowly the bird in his hand blurred and turned into a mini version of Bobby. "Look! I did it!" He said happily, showing his new skill off with a flourish.

When James looked up at them he noticed the shocked faces and blushed, "Sorry." He said in a small voice, placing the half-formed sculpture on the table and bowing his head.

He was then shocked by a gruff laugh on the other side of the table and looked up at feral looking man who grinned at him, "You just proved us right, and you're saying 'sorry'?" Logan shook his head and looked over at Bobby, "Did he just do what you do or something different?"

Bobby looked at James for a minute and then over at Logan, "I... I think it was like what I do but not exactly. My mutations are Ice Creation and Ice Manipulation as well as a minor form of Cyrokinesis, they stem from Complete Cyrokinesis, which is the ability to have complete control over ice and water elements make it, which is water and wind. And that is what I think he has, Lexi- you did say his father had slight control over wind right?" Lexi nodded and Bobby continued, "Which would make half of James mutation a Legacy from his father. And combine that with Lily's control over water, also a Legacy, it would seem that his genetic make-up is a perfect set-up for the mutation he has."

Everyone nodded slightly at the explanation and James looked at Bobby in awe. "Can... can I really do what you do? Will you teach me? Will you-" He was interrupted by Lexi's chuckle.

"Don't worry Jay, I'm sure Bobby would love to help you, but only when you get older. Okay kiddo?" She said, smiling down at his pleading green eyes. He pouted, but nodded all the same. Soon after his eyes fogged up and the lids slowly closed. Noticing this Lexi held up a hand.

"That's good enough for me to know. But, if you'll excuse us, I need to get James in bed, we have an early flight tomorrow. And I think I'll need all my rest to deal with an elder brother that finally uncovered my secret." Everyone looked at her in pity, knowing from stories about her protective big brother that he would probably rant for a while at her. "See you later." She waved as she left the room with James curled up in her arms.

James woke up as the car was turned off. He raised his head to see his new mom gripping the wheel so tightly her knuckles were white. "Mum? What's wrong?"

Lexi jolted in shock and looked back at him, eyes starting to turn red from unspilled tears. "Nothing Jay. Just too many memories for one day." She said, reaching back and ruffling his hair, forcing a smile onto her face. "But the good news is that we're here." She gestured to the building in front of them. "Remember when we were at Gringotts? This is the apartment Lily left for my, now us."

Jay nodded and they both exited the car, though he was noticeably excited. As her hand hit the doorknob a stinging pain entered it, but allowed her to open the door. As the door opened a scuttling noise came from the other side, drawing close to the door. As soon as the door was open a cat-looking creature pounced on Lexi's chest and started licking her.

Jay froze in shock and watched the blue-gray creature nuzzle his mother's face with awe. It looked like a cat but it also didn't. Lexi laughed at the creature and picked it up, "Kezas! Lily looked after you after I left!?" She grinned and hugged the creature. Jay tilted his head in confusion.

"What's that Mum?" He asked, and Kezas looked up at the green-eyed boy. Lexi turned to him with a true smile this time.

"This is Kezas, he's a Kneazle, and he was my familiar before I had to leave the Wizarding World." The Kneazle looked up at her and purred, seemingly forgiving his abandonment. Lexi started and glared down at Kezas. "That is not true Kez, James is Lily's little boy." Kez looked at the boy in shock and then pounced on him, giving him the same treatment as Lexi.

"Pleasure to meet you James, please make my Friend happy." The words trilled through his head and he nodded at the creature. Lexi chuckled, having overheard the sentence.

"Don't worry Kez, James already makes my happy." She stated to the familiar. Then her eyes trailed over the interior of the apartment. Pictures were framed on the walls and her eyes clouded over with memories. Among the pictures were some of her and Lily, family portraits, and a picture of Lexi, Lily, James and two of the others Marauders.

"Well, lets get you in bed, we do have an early flight tomorrow." She said, picking Harry up and taking him into another room. She tucked him in and smiled as he yawned and fell asleep quickly. Kezas jumped on Lexi's shoulder and both of them headed to the bedroom next door.

"You seem to have gotten heavier Kez." Lexi said silently, chuckling when Kezas huffed.

"Well if you had been around I would not have overfed myself. You're lucky I was here or you'd have a massive mice and rat problem." The Kneazle retorted back, humor lacing his otherwise sarcastic tone.

"Sorry for leaving you, but I had some problems back here in the states and I didn't want my brother 'experimenting' on you..."She sighed sadly, causing Kezas to rub his head to hers affectionately.

"No worries Friend, just don't leave me again." He said, threatening slightly.

Lexi raised her hands in defeat, "Alright, alright, now we really need to sleep. As I said to James, we have an early flight." The Kneazle chuckled again and nodded, curling up at Lexi's side and quickly falling fast asleep, with a emotionally drained Lexi following fast.

Thank you for reading, and I'd love to know if you like Kezas, please review and tell me! Bye Guys! Until next time. CIAO!