Author's Note: Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction that I'm posting on this site. I hope to update at least twice a week but it might be a little less due to the fact that I'm pregnant and my husband seems to think it a good idea to tell me what to do. But I WILL update as much as possible. :) So far, I only have this story written but if you would like me to write something for you let me know. Just so you know, I do NOT write canon ships. Canon has already been written and besides, I like writing non-canon. This story IS a Weasley-Bashing (except for Ginny, the twins, Bill, and Charlie,) It won't be a Dumbledore Bashing story but he isn't exactly the good guy in this story and he won't be a very active part of the story. It is a Drarry, twincest, Ginny/Blaise, as well as a Hermione/Nott. I hope you enjoy it and please review. Even if you don't like it, review and tell me why. However, Flames will NOT be tolerated. Whatsoever. Thank you!
Summary: The summer before fifth year, Harry finds out something that will change his entire perspective on the idea of "Good and Evil." Dumbledore, it seems, has been keeping secrets. Secrets that could have changed everything. Harry's mother, Lily Evans, was not a muggleborn as he had thought. She was a Pureblood, descended from the most ancient of the Pureblood houses. Her real name had been Lilith Ryder and she was not dead. For years, Lily was locked in a distant ward in St. Mungos where Dumbledore had hoped to keep her forever. Unfortunately for Dumbledore, however, Lily was the most powerful witch in the Ryder family and she wasn't going to be kept locked away forever. When she returns to bring her son home she brings with her one last secret: Harry's true father was not James Potter. His father was none other than Scorpion Slytherin, the last in Salazar Slytherin's original line and Lily's actual husband. As his entire life changes, Harry realizes that Good isn't always easily definable...


Lilith Ryder-Slytherin

"She's harmless, Albus. The woman hasn't spoken a word since you brought her in here. Why punish her when she hasn't done anything to be punished for?"

Nurse Rosaline's voice was soft but I heard every word. Without raising my head I glanced at the scene in front of me. Albus Dumbledore stood in front of Nurse Rosaline, fear washing over his features. Rosaline's face was a mask of confusion. It was obvious that she believed the old coot to be afraid of me. He wasn't, of course, afraid of me, but of what would happen if she deemed me ready for release. His lies would be discovered and he couldn't risk that now could he? Of course not. He was Albus Dumbledore, everybody's favorite hero. He couldn't possibly risk his perfect reputation.

"Rosaline, I assure you that she is highly dangerous. Her lack of speech makes her no less dangerous to the welfare of our world. If she is released there will be disastrous consequences."
At this, I raised my head to meet his gaze for the first time. My thigh-length, blood-red hair fell away from my face as I stared at him. For a long moment, neither of us spoke. Only after I stood up did I speak, my eyes never leaving Dumbledore's.

"Disastrous for who, Albus? For yourself maybe. You realize what you've done, don't you. Keeping me locked up here like some animal? You've done nothing except delay your own destruction." I paused here, noting the pale sheen of sweat coating his face.

"I will not be kept any longer Albus. I'm leaving and I'm leaving now. You were daft to think you could ever keep Lilith Ryder-Slytherin from her son, old man. And I can guarantee you that you're not going to like what's going to come of my freedom. You're going to wish I'd killed you."

Without saying another word I closed my eyes and focused on my magic, focused on the image of my husband that I'd kept in the back of my brain for these long years. Almost at once I found myself at home, in the bedroom I shared with Scorpion, staring down at his peaceful face. He was beautiful, even more beautiful than I remembered. His jet black hair covered his bright blue eyes, the long muscled body still somewhat damp from the shower he always took just before bed. I smiled down at him as his eyes flashed open and our gaze met.

"You're home." he whispered, standing and pulling me into his arms.

"I'm home." I agreed, smiling now.

There were no more words between us, nothing more that needed to be said. Our bodies did the talking for us. As he pushed me to the bed, my heart swelled in my chest and tears rolled down my cheeks. I was home. Home. For good this time.

End Note: I know it's short but it's only the Prologue. If you guys like it I'll continue. If not, let me know what I should write and I'll come up with something new. Thanks!