High School of Disasters – Bonus Chapter – Unexpected Emotions

Argh… Break is almost over and I regret everything.

Here's a new chapter. Certainly not what you were expecting.

I'd love to say that everything turned out perfectly after the crescendo. I know that it's expected for all things to naturally fall into place to make up a happy ending, and that Naruto and I should be head over heels for each other with nothing but small obstacles to skip over hand in hand. It should be ideal, everything I could possibly dream of.

And yet.

"Move it!" Shoulders collide, one with more force, causing the other person to involuntarily step to the side. She dropped all her books, but made no move to pick them back up and make her way to class. Her despairing eyes followed the boy she was so madly in love with, and it took her a few seconds to realize that he was picking a fight with her.

"What the hell is your problem, huh?!" Naruto grabbed hold of Hinata's collar, forcefully pulling her towards him at an uncomfortable proximity. She quickly averted her eyes and contorted her face in panic and worry.

"W-what… I-I… Wh-… I… I-I'm sorry!" She tried to bow, but his hard grip had her practically levitating. She was afraid of him, yet couldn't help but blush because this was the only way that they could talk. Even if his face was only close to hers because he was trying to intimidate her, and even though his hands weren't on her with the intention of charming her, it was alright. She'd gotten used to it by now.

What… Exactly…

"Stop stuttering, already! It's so annoying!" He spat his words at her, and she felt obliged to look at him.


If even for a second, blue met lavender and they were locked under each other's gazes. It had happened before, and just like now, he would look away with reddened cheeks and make up some excuse to not have to hit her.

"I don't have time for this!" He let go of her and paced off, leaving Hinata on the floor in the hallway with a group of people around her. All the female students, freshmen included, were drooling over Naruto.

"He is so hot!" One of the young girls moaned.

"I know, right! Why does he waste his time on that ugly klutz?!" She raised herself from the floor and began picking up the books. What happened to the new, changed Naruto? Everything was fine up until he was expelled for one week. He just came back like this…

"Look, Uzumaki-san has picked another fight with Katsuyuki-san!"

"For real!? Let's check it out!" And with that, the group of giggling spectators vanished to watch the twentieth fistfight that Naruto had randomly started. She didn't know why, nor did she care especially much anymore. Whenever she tried to comfort the victims, they'd just take advantage of her kindness and make her do their cleaning duties.

"That idiot… I can't tell what he's thinking." She reached out for the last book, but Sasuke picked it up and handed it to her with a slight smile. He, too, had been with to witness the "bridge-event", and was equally bewildered about his friend's unsteady personality. A good thing was that it had been sunny every day in October. There had been no sign of bad weather until recently in late November. Winter break was soon, which meant winter cram-school. Luckily, it would only be her, Bertha, Sasuke and Naruto on that trip. Perhaps they could talk then.

"Maybe he… Does-doesn't like us anymore…"

"He's not that stupid. Besides, that wouldn't explain the amount of first-years he's been beating up lately." It was true. They were no ordinary fights, either. After each fight, less popular students would be forced to clean up the blood in the hallways or classroom after school. It was pitiful, humiliating, unfair and absolutely revolting. In the end, Hinata and Sasuke requested that they be the only ones tasked with it. And like the victims of the fights, the students would advantage of their sudden generosity, and tell them to perform the other after-school duties as well. At the end of most days, they weren't home until 9 or so. Sasuke was fine with it, though, because he could spend more time with Hinata.

"Naruto… Why are you doing this…" She whispered to herself, hoping to obtain the answer without having to ask him in person.

"Well, I'm gonna go to class." Sasuke took his leave, but Hinata would still not move from her spot. She wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. I can't love someone like this.

Several days passed after that where nothing in particular happened. That was, until one day when a new person would arrive and drastically change the distance between Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke.

She was walking towards class in a hurry for Biology. The teacher couldn't handle late students, but she always times her lessons incorrectly. Biology would make her lunch break ten minutes shorter.

"Uhm…" An unfamiliar, insecure voice spoke up from behind her, and Hinata swung around to see who it might be. Along with the voice, his face was also unfamiliar. The boy wore the school's uniform properly, but his face was covered in severe acne, and his eyes – like in an anime – were misty and hid his eyes. The hair, which was charcoal black, hung over his face like wilting flowers. He looked like a wreck, but Hinata would never think such a thing to herself.

"Y-yes…?" She urged, and the boy seemed startled by her pushing.

"Uh-uhm… I-I was won-wondering where…uh…" He pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose before continuing. "Biolog-bio-bi-biology class i-Is held…" He looks nervous… Is he a transfer student?

She put on her best smile for the boy. "I-I can show you the way, I also have biology, so it's con-convenient…!" The boy, whose name she had yet to know, looked up to meet her eyes. Once his face was clearly directed at her, he seemed at a loss for words. This… Is kind of awkward…

"Th-thank you!" He bowed and walked up next to her. "M-my name… It's Satsuki Junpei." (NOTE: Keep in mind that the last name is given before the first in japan) She nodded, distracted. Definitely a transfer student. I wonder if he'll be okay…

"I-I'm Hyu-hyuuga… Hi-Hinata…" Why was she stuttering?

As they walked towards class, the student would keep glancing around himself anxiously as if he was afraid of being followed. Hinata, thinking that it was no business, minded herself. I should at least comfort him.

"U-uhm… If you… e-ever need help-"Oh no, that sounded way too straightforward! "-Wi-with homework…" She wanted to slam her head into the wall. Why couldn't she have thought before opening her mouth?

"Thanks…" The boy mumbled, seemingly somewhat confused.

"An-and advice!" She added. "I-I am the cla-class president, after all…"

"Class president?" He looked at her through his thick hair, and as if he hadn't looked at her even once before, his eyes widened somewhat unusually much and he seemed to be at a loss for words. His jawline was quite well-defined, but everything else was greedily hidden behind his hair.

"Y-you…" She began, not knowing how to phrase herself. "The-the teachers… Wi-will want yo-you to cu-cut yo-"

"Cut my hair?" He looked down, and grasped a few strands between his thumb and index finger while shifting uncomfortably. "Yeah… I know… I just don't know how to cut it…" That reminds me of the first time I saw Naruto and I wondered what hairspray he used…

Junpei continued to talk, but Hinata was no longer listening. Maybe Naruto would suit with longer hair down at the scalp too…? But maybe having a shaved scalp is for school purposes… No, but having a few centimeters longer at the scalp should be just fine.

"H-Hyuuga-san?" I really don't understand him… Why won't he talk to me? Why hasn't he accepted me? Does he hate me now?

"Hyuuga-san." I should confront him… If I don-

"Hinata!" Huh? She took a step, but her foot wouldn't meet the floor. Instead she began to fall. Oh no, the stairs… But it was too late, there was no way she could stop herself from hurting herself. Oh no! Hinata shut her eyes tightly and braced for the impact.

Suddenly, she was enveloped in warmth. The feeling of a pair of strong arms wrapped around her frame had become so rare at this point that she didn't even think for a second that it might be Naruto who had caught her. She could smell the sweet scent of rice and Anko (Red bean paste) filled her mind, and without thinking, she leaned into his hold. But she pulled away right after, too.

"A-ah!" Wide, panicked eyes pierced through his glasses, and Junpei looked a bit taken aback.

"Sorry… I… didn't want you to fall."

"N-no! I-I'm so sorry!" She tried staring at the ground while covering her ears with her hands in order to hide her crimson blush. It was too much, having not had much attention from anyone in so long came like a smack to her face. "A-and… than-thank you fo-for… Uhm… Catching me…"

"No problem…"

"What?!" Naruto grabbed hold of Sai's collar and slammed him back against the wall. "You're making this up, aren't you!?" In response to his question, the black-haired boy smiled.

"No, I'm not, Naruto-kun. Hinata has gotten very close to Satsuki Junpei-kun."

"That ugly… How… How pathetic…" He muttered, averting his eyes, and Sai took this chance to joke with his friend.

"Those were my exact thoughts when I saw your penis."

"Take it easy, Sai. You don't wanna die, do you?"

"Those are two different things. If anything, I would've died of laughter when I saw Naruto's pe-"

"Shut it, Sai!" One of the guys at their lunch table cut him off, but Naruto didn't seem fazed. In fact, he let go of Sai and began walking away without as much as a word.

"Satsuki Junpei… You've made yourself a formidable rival." The corners of his lips curled upwards as he made his way to someplace isolated. But to think that there are people still trying to put moves on what's mine… He has guts.

"'at's 'o goo', Gunhe'-jan!" Choji exclaimed, his words muffled because of the chips he was stuffing into his mouth.

"Choji, take a pill. Quit being a drag." Shikamaru turned to Junpei with a dead serious expression. "You really shouldn't like her, or you'll have to fight Naruto."

"Naruto…? Who's that?" He asked, leaning forward in his chair. They had lunch in the classroom along with some other people who didn't include Hinata and Naruto.

"He's… The toughest student at this school. He beats people up whenever he feels like it. Also, everyone in the class knows that he is head over heels in love with Hinata."

"Oh yeah, he wasn't here the day you came." Choji spoke his thoughts, causing Shikamaru to roll his eyes irritably.

"Maybe I should… talk to him, then. He's not good enough for her if he beats people."

"You don't get it, do you? He'll beat you to a pulp and make sure everyone at school hates you." The transfer student cringed. It was only his second week, and he had already fallen for his classmate. He was vulnerable, though, because everyone had ignored him up until he reached Hinata. She didn't even flinch when she saw his face, and she spoke to him like to anyone else. At first, he thought that she might've been stuttering and hesitating when speaking because she didn't like him or thought he was scary, but he later realized that she was like that with anyone. Her cute idiosyncrasies caused him to fall for her already on the first week. Junpei could tell that she was a great girl.

"I'm not afraid of that guy. If I can get passed him, then maybe Hinata will notice me…"

"You're already using first names?"

The door to the classroom slid open, and as if sensing that he had been talked about, Naruto stepped in. All students went completely quiet, and watched as he walked up the stairs passed each row of people. Every time he passed a row, the people sitting there would let go of the breath they'd been holding. The girls studied his every movement, and some even took notes.

His hands were behind his back as he walked, and Junpei could tell that his strong aura was affecting everyone. Exactly… Who is this guy?

When he reached the second-last row, he stopped. Naruto tilted his head back and looked down at Shikamaru, Choji and Junpei. Could he…

The way the light fell on his face, defining his facial features – especially his jawline -, and the way his azure orbs pierced through Junpei's without even the slightest bit of effort… Confirmed his suspicions.

"So… You're Junpei, huh." Naruto grabbed a nearby chair and sat down next to him. "That's some serious stuff you've got on your face, man."

"Mm…" He cast his eyes downwards in embarrassment. So, he plans on humiliating me.

"Lucky I didn't get that. I hear it's troublesome. Instead, I got scars. You probably think I'm trying to make fun of you, but seriously, scars suck. I look like some kind of gangbanger." W-what…? Naruto leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Junpei's face. His mere stare makes me feel like a complete lowlife.

"I-is that so…"

"It is! Wanna see?" Without a hint of hesitation, Naruto pulled his blazer off and unbuttoned his shirt. He's really handsome… For being whom he is… I thought he'd be a lot uglier… I wonder what Hinata's feelings towards him are.

"Kya! Look at his muscles!"

"See?" He turned towards Junpei. Wow… That's pretty bad… Why is he showing me, though?

"I… guess everyone has some scars…" He tried his very best to sound like he was interested in a conversation.

"Really, now." Naruto buttoned his shirt again with a smile on his face. "Say, Junpei, I don't have a roommate right now. Wanna be mine?"

"He said 'Wanna be mine'!" The girls in the class squealed like impaired seals, and Naruto fought his will to seriously injure them. Keep it together…

Junpei appeared completely shocked by Naruto's invitation. Heh, he's so desperate to have friends… Junpei smiled in return. He might actually be a nice guy…

"Sure!" Shikamaru and Choji looked at each other with equally worried expressions.

Then, the door opened and two more students entered. Sasuke slid the door shut and Hinata thanked him silently before taking her seat. Five minutes left until class would begin, and half of the students were absent.

"Welcome, class." Fukui-sensei, the new psychology teacher lowered bowed his head, but kept his eyes on the students.

"Ugh…" Naruto moaned in annoyance. "It's the unfair teacher."

"Keep your mouth shut, Uzumaki, or I'll have you permanently expelled."

"Might as well be, with the grades you're giving me."

"Hopefully they'll be better when you get back from your much-needed cram school." Naruto narrowed his eyes at the man and pursed his lips.

"I don't see the problem, I got 78% on my most recent test. What did you get, Naruto?"

"I," He emphasized the letter. "Got 65%. Average." Everyone gasped, either because of his grades, or because of his honesty.

Junpei was, once again, shocked. He normally gets better grades than that? But, he's nothing like I'd imagined!

"The only average I've had before is top scores in all subjects." The teacher shook his head, visibly ridiculing Naruto.

"Class president. Your daily routine." Fukui-sensei sat in his chair and bit down on an apple. He was writing something, but no one could tell what. The attendance?
Meanwhile, Hinata made her way to the front of the classroom and bowed.

"Due to a large amount of late votes from s-stu-students… There w-will b-be an i-in school… Slee-sleepover…"



"Fucking great!"

"Now, I can finally see Naruto's and Sasuke's sleeping face!"

Naruto looked at Junpei in the corner of his eye, watching how his eyes lit up at the sound of Hinata's voice. He was mesmerized already by her mere appearance. But there's no way that Hinata would fall for a heap of shit like you. I don't need to worry.

"Hinata-chan." Naruto's eyes shot open. Who… Dares to call her that?!

"Y-yes, Kiba-kun?" And how dare she call him that?! The fuck is going on here?!

"What date?" Kiba smirked and looked back at Naruto with a very content expression on his face. You… Can't be serious. Sasuke, acne-dude and Kiba?!

"Ne-next week Wednesday."

"Should we bring anything?"

"Sl-sleeping bags and snacks… W-would be great… Bu-but I've wri-written everything o-on these pa-papers." She began walking around while handing out the handwritten papers.

"Thanks, Hinata-chan!" Kiba grinned at her.

"Thanks, Hinata." Sasuke smiled.

"Wow, you wrote this by hand?" Junpei was visibly amazed. Hinata gave him a smile in return. This… Is bad…

As she approached Naruto, Hinata couldn't help but feel somewhat tense. She placed the paper carefully on his desk and continued to walk with all of her muscles tensed. As soon as she passed him, however, she felt someone grab hold of her wrist.

"H…" He hesitated, and in the corner of their eyes, everyone looked at them. Teacher included.

"Hi-Hina-chan… Thanks." He looked up at her with puffy cheeks, and pouty lips. It was the most childish expression he'd ever shown in his whole life. The class' response was absolute silence. W-wh…

Sasuke rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging on his lips. Hina-chan, huh… Well, he certainly has a unique way of communicating.

"Hi-Hina-chan… Thanks…" Kazuo held Kiba's wrist, and they burst into laughter. "And he pouted like a little girl, too!" They laughed so hard, they couldn't breathe.

"Well, little-penis-boy, how does it feel to be made fun of?" Sai chewed on a piece of bread while watching the two boys' interaction. "I wish I could've seen it."

"I don't want to be reminded! I don't know what I was thinking! My mind, it just went blank! I just…" Sai smiled slightly. "And STOP calling me that!"

"You really become weak when she gets too close. It's a side I've never seen before. What happened between you two?" He kept his eyes on the table. It was so clear to him, it felt like it was just yesterday that he'd tried to commit suicide and was saved by Hinata and Sasuke. But what did she think of him now? He couldn't face her knowing that he'd cried in front of the girl he loved. Problem was, more and more guys were falling for her, and he couldn't protect her from this distance.

Naruto was not perfect. He had never been perfect.
If he could, he would've changed on that day, but he couldn't stop hitting and beating people up. Everyone in his surrounding pissed him off, and whenever he saw Hinata but was too ashamed to speak with her, it felt so easy to just grab some freshman and knock his lights out. Or her. It didn't matter to him anymore.

He wasn't worthy of her. Simple as that. Naruto really, really wanted to convince himself of that, but his jealousy and insecurity always caused him to think of her. Hinata was the epitome of perfection. She was harmless, intelligent, beautiful, understanding, and most of all forgiving. He couldn't see himself having a future with anyone but her. It had to be her!

"The guy." Sai kept calling Junpei "the guy". It pissed Naruto off. He was called "small-penis-boy", while the ugliest guy he'd ever laid eyes on was just… the guy.

"Seriously, give him a fucking nickname already."

"It's just…"

"It's just what?!"

"He's so ugly, I can't come up with anything in particular."

"Oh." Sai really was a mean guy. "You're weird." Naruto chuckled. "Why did you say his name out of nowhere?"

"He's with Hinata."

"…" I might not be ugly, but he gets better along with her than I do. In all honesty, I'd rather be ugly and get the chance to be with her everyday than look like this and only watch her from a distance.

"I'm getting tired of him." If I can't have her, no one can.

"Should we kick his ass?" Sai's expression lit up, and Naruto smirked. "Maybe we should."

"So… do you like Hinata?" Naruto removed his shirt and kept his eyes on everything but Junpei in an attempt to shadow his jealousy.

"I guess we're rivals." Junpei sat on the bed in nothing but boxers. Like Naruto, he had quite a lean body. Less muscles, however. Naruto would certainly win in a fight against him. "Like you, I'm head over heels for her." His eyes widened frantically. Like… Me?

"Hah!" He let out a fake laugh. An idiot like you could never have the same feelings for Hinata as I do. "I guess we really are rivals, then. I look forward to winning over you, Junpei." He sat in his bed and looked straight at his roommate. "I won't lose to you no matter what." His smile was deadly.

"Say, Naruto-san…" He began, not sensing the menace in Naruto's voice. "Is it true… That you beat people?" Someone told him?! No one has ever exposed me!

"What?! No! Do I look like someone who could pick a fight? That's mean, Junpei! I solve fights without fists. Words are the best weapon." And guns.

"Yeah, I didn't really believe it. You're a pretty cool guy."

"Who told you that I beat people?" I'll make sure they take their last breaths tonight.

"Hmm… I don't know their names…" He thought for a while. "One was really fat… And the other kept calling things a drag. Shikamaru and Choji, huh.

"I never thought they'd make things up about me…"

"Well, you shouldn't care." Junpei smiled. "It's not true, so there's nothing to worry about."

"You're right. Night." Naruto pulled out his phone and sent a few texts before turning off the light and deciding to fall asleep.

"Alright, you lazy potlickers!" The teacher was especially energetic on the day of the sleepover.

"Potlickers?" Sai couldn't help but question the insult.

"Who wants to go out in the snow and buy the snacks?" The classroom went quiet and the teacher let out a sigh.

"You guy-"

"I'll do it." Hinata raised her hand with a small smile on her lips. If no one else will.

"Great! You need a male partner with you…"

"Raise your hand, Naruto." Naruto hesitated at Sai's words, but when he saw Sasuke beginning to raise his hand, he immediately shot his arm up. I won't lose to him!

"Then it's decided! Hyuuga-san and Satsuki-san will get the food!" What? He slowly twisted his torso to look back at Junpei. He was smiling. His vision was covered by red, and the only thing he could make out was the smile on the student behind him.

Satsuki Junpei.

"Should we go now?"

"Let's." Hinata picked up her stuff and started putting her coat on. Leaning on his hand, the blonde continued to observe their every movements. Occasionally bumping into each other, giggling nervously, and insignificant things like that which shouldn't have been anything special struck Naruto right in the heart. Knowing that Hinata would smile for someone other than him, that someone other than him could make her happy was truly painful. He shifted in his seat and set his eyes on the desk in front of him. I… Can't believe this… He scrunched his nose and frowned a very, very deep frown.

"In the meantime, let's set up the movies and games!" I wonder if what she said really was true… That I can trust her… I hope… She doesn't think I'm lame…

"Hinata is better off with Junpei! They can be ugly together!" Two female classmates walk out together while laughing and joking about them. Hinata isn't ugly… She's gorgeous…

"She's probably gonna get acne and look just like him! I mean, she's ugly enough as it is…"

"You said it!"

"Hey." I promised myself… That I wouldn't get involved with her… "Put your tongues back in your mouths before I rip them out and stuff them up your hairy asses."



But I just can't… I can't give up on her.

This is bad… I love her too much.

His pace was slow at first, but his footfalls grew quicker and quicker and faster and faster until he was right in front of the two girls. His balled fists shook as he stood before them, and even though he was trying to resist hurting them, his eyes showed nothing but pure, unforgivable anger.

"U-uhm… Naruto-ku-"



"Ever." He grabbed hold of their collars and shoved them against the cement wall. "Say that again."

"O-okay! We-we promise!"

"Don't ever talk bad about Hinata again!"

"We w-won't, ever!"

"Please, let us go!"

"I couldn't care less about four-eyes, but if I hear you speaking of her in that manner again…" He bit his lip, holding back the words that threatened to be spoken. He let go of them and walked his way towards the rest of the class with heavy footsteps.

"Oh… My… God…"

"Naruto-kun still loves her!"

He wouldn't look back, nor would he look ahead. Right now, the best place to set his eyes at was the floor. It was the only spot that no one could see his expression through. Luckily, his bangs were long enough to cover his eyes when he bowed his head.

Maybe… He really will be a good rival. But, I won't lose! I can't… Afford to lose.

"It's snowing pretty hard." He murmured, looking out of the window to the school gate. By now, they were probably having fun, talking, joking, throwing snowballs, laughing… Smiling.

Two people came walking towards the school through the gate while holding hands. The guy was walking at a quite brisk pace. Shouldn't they be enjoying their time together? He would kill for some time like that with Hinata. If he could hold her hand and walk through the snow with only their uniform coats and colorful scarves while talking about nothing, he would be able to die happy.

Now, it looked more like the guy was pulling her along. She seemed tired, dragging her feet and tripping ever so often. The guy's glasses were fogged, but he still seemed to know where he was going.


Naruto pressed his hands against the window with widening eyes. "H-Hinata… And Junpei!?" No… It can't be!

He bolted down the stairs and threw himself out of the building in mere seconds. No… They wouldn't…

They were hugging.

Hinata… and Junpei were… Hugging.

His breathing began to accelerate.

"What… is going on here…" Junpei immediately took notice of his presence and called out.

"Naruto! Great timing, Hi-"

"I said…"


"What is going on here?!" He started to run through the snow, and although his pants and socks covered his skin, they didn't keep him warm for long. His jealousy, however, had him sweating.

"No, it's not what it looks like, I swear!"

"Let go of her!"

And just like that…

"Is that Naruto?"

"Hinata and Junpei are there too!"

"What's going on?"

"Why isn't Naruto with us?"

"More importantly, he's not even wearing his outdoor coat and he's running through the snow!"

Everything began to feel like slow motion. He jumped, pulling his arm back, and in one swift motion, punched Junpei across the face so hard that he flew down in the snow.

"Don't EVER put your hands on my girl again! You hear me?!"

"Ow… Ugh… That hurt… My glasses…"

"Your glasses?" Naruto bared his teeth at Junpei. There was no going back now, Naruto had once again lost control over his emotions. "Your GLASSES?" He stood up and dropped Hinata, not noticing how she fell defenselessly into the snow without any support.

"I can't see… Without my glasses…" Naruto caught sight of them, and picked them up before Junpei could reach them.

"You mean these?"

"…" The sound of shattered glass pierced Junpei's ears, and he grew afraid of what he couldn't see.


"Don't call me by my first name."

"Why… W-why are you doi-doing this… This isn't like you…"

"It's exactly like me."

Cold… So… cold…

Her eyes opened slowly, and the first thing she heard was voices. Muffled voices. She sat up slowly, her head spinning uncontrollably and she felt extremely nauseous. The worst part was how cold she felt.

"I'm gonna show you what happens when you touch what's mine." Naruto…?

Something told her to get up and protect the person in front of her. Everything was blurry, and she couldn't walk well, but she did what her mind was telling her to. Soon enough, she was running.

"Wait!" Hinata threw herself on Naruto just as he was about to punch Junpei again. Even though the ground was a bit softer because of the snow, Naruto's weight on her was still too much for her to handle.


"What… Happened?" Naruto opened one of his eyes only to be met with Hinata's face right above his. "H-Hinata?!"

"Don't… Hurt him…"

"I-I wasn't going to, I swear!" She didn't look convinced, but the cold was somehow more on her mind than the event at hand.

"So… Cold…" She wrapped her arms around his throat and pushed her face into his neck. The warm sensation of her soft lips against his sensitized skin caused Naruto to turn beet red. His head began to pound uncontrollably, but he couldn't bring himself to move.

"Uzumaki-san! Satsuki-san! What's going on here?!"

"Penis boy, why are you raping Hinata?"

"Shut up, Sai! Can't you see I'm busy?"

"No, not really…"

"You're hurt, Satsuki-san! How did this happen?"

"Uh… I fell…"

"You… FELL?"

"The snow is rock hard here! Ahah…ha…"

She's so warm… Naruto closed his eyes and returned Hinata's embrace.

I couldn't be happier.

Not so much romance. Sorry. There will be more. This is like OVA series.