A/N: Before you start reading this -hopefully you will at least- I feel obliged to tell you how this story took form. Hmmm let's say: A tea spoon of ninja awesomeness, a spoonful of Uchiha hotness, a drop of Disney Magic, lots of humor powder and a cherry blossom on top. There you have Meyio! In case you wondered about the title, the word Meyio means, unless of course I am greatly mistaken (in that case please correct me) Honor in Japanese.

I am pretty certain you already suspect which Disney movie served as the foundation for this story, but let me just warn you that many things will be altered in order to fit in the -hopefully interesting- plot I have in mind.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto characters, nor the Disney Magic that gave me inspiration for this.


~Chapter 1~

Small steps.

Under the dusk's silent rule, shrouded in the imminent darkness of the night, small petulant steps of an equally small creature gently brushed the branches of the cherry blossom tree. Purple eyes abruptly snapped to closely pursue the cascading curtain of fallen buds that now joined in a steady dance. Meeting the slowly flowing river of Konohagakure.

A well-calculated leap guided the peculiar presence under a nearby thick foliage, making the dark leaves rustle in welcome.

The creature remained unseen, covered by the glorious canopy of leaves, stealthily watching from the shadows, awaiting for the right moment to strike his move and claim what once was deemed his. To salvage what little he has left from a long lost and forgotten pride.

Gleaming eyes locked on the small stony path leading to the abode. His sharp teeth gritted audibly upon setting a firm gaze at the retreating back of a running figure. His heart beat almost palpable. So close.

Those rose-colored hair, that so greatly resemble the cherry blossom tree he just descended from. She was his lost claim. She is the very person he is looking for. For she can see this nightmare to an end. For she can help him protect the last thing he still holds dear in this world plagued by bloody merciless -and certainly ever unforgiving- Warfare.


The blonde maiden slowly lifted the elegant porcelain cup. With gentle gracious moves she guided the small piece of cutlery in a well-trained professional manner and lightly pressed it upon her lips. Just when she was about to take in a small sip, the door of the room was abruptly held open -rather rudely mind you- to reveal a person at utmost closeness to the Yamanaka daughter. This aforementioned closeness was always meant to serve as the preamble for many great things. Ino could not yet decide if this was something beneficial or not for her own well-being.

The young exotic-looking -blame the color pink for it- woman, as familiar with this room as her long experience as Ino's friend allowed her, sluggishly pressed her feet to move forward and plopped down on the tatami right across the fair maiden, a mask void of every emotion plastered on the newcomer's gentle features.

It was impossible for Ino not to pay a comment to this...ensemble.

"How...-" she paused for a second, in search for the perfect word. "-ungraceful." she made a slight grimace of disapproval.

Emerald eyes narrowed into dangerous slits and the ferocious lady casted a scathing, frigid glare at her friend. "I do not recall asking for your opinion, Ino-pig." was the glorious retort, before those very same -and now plaintive- green eyes lost their sparkle again and Sakura's head was mercilessly slammed against the table with a thunderous thump.

A seemingly unperturbed Ino heaved a silent weary sigh and proceeded to generously offer tea to her guest. Because that is the way she has been taught to act as a young maiden. Oh... how much she wished to roll her eyes at her Sakura's improper behavior now. Thankfully she managed to repress the urge. Because that would be utterly unbecoming for a lady of her standing. And thus Ino only opted to offer just a mild scolding as always. Hand in hand with a cup of tea of course.

"See?" Ino gestured towards the ungracious scene and prideless posture of the other girl. "That's why I asked you to meet me at the Yamanaka Compound instead of the village. Imagine someone seeing you in such a state!"

Sakura's eyes only snapped to shoot a pointed look at her friend, before they retreated back under pink self-made draperies of hair. Ino puffed an unyielding strand of her own hair away in return, upon also witnessing Sakura's apparent refusal to accept the warm beverage. Such a waste... this was a wonderful brand of tea. In any case, she did not take back the hot cup.

"So, how did it go with the Matchmaker today?" she dared ask. The only response she got was a heart-wrenching, dramatic, half-choked whimper. Ino pressed further. "Was it as bad as rumors say?"

And that's precisely when Sakura decided it was of her best interest –and probably her family's best interest as well, given what actually transpired earlier that day- to slam her head against the table repeatedly with every noble intention to either smash the table or more preferably her so idiotic head. What use is a huge forehead if it cannot break tea-tables, anyway?

"Do I have to tell you that this is far more ungraceful?" Ino reprimanded. "Geez Sakura! Gather your musings, will you? Just tell me what happened. It can't have been that bad. I have visited the Village's Matchmaker before and-"

"NO!" The pinkette hollered, interrupting the Yamanaka, by jostling upright in a menacing posture. "It was horrible." She paused for a second, eyes widening in a hidden form of realization. She bit her bottom lip for a second. "Tch…forget what I said. Horrible is an understatement!"

"But what could you possibly have done?" Ino asked again. "Burn the place down?" A glacial glower was the only eloquent answer she ever received back. The blonde only gulped and hesitantly uttered. "…you did not…."

"It was an accident!" Sakura rushed to explain before slamming her head against the table one more time.

"And...what-" Ino for a first time in her life was at a loss of words. "What did the Matchmaker say?"

The sound of cracking knuckles and clenching fists was enough to serve as an answer. Things have been…well the word unfortunate was too mild to describe this situation.

"How exactly did you manage to do that? Start a fire? Seriously?" Ino quirked an incredulous fine eyebrow. "Forehead-girl you are the only person I know capable of succeeding into making the only person capable to relieve you of your misery hate your guts!"

"Could you please stop reminding me how worse things can get when-" the pinkette stopped herself at the sudden realization and an impish smirk settled itself on her lips. "Guts?" she parroted. "Ino pig…what a foul language you are using. Is that even proper for a fair maiden of Konoha?" she lightly teased.

Ino only raised a scolding eyebrow again. "Is it really the time to play around, Sakura? This is serious."

"And you think I do not know that?" Sakura shot back with great intensity. "I know, Ino. I know that I am supposed to defend the family's honor and marry a suitable husband. I tried. I really did." she confessed as her head gradually dipped lower and lower, thankfully not meeting the hard surface of the table this time. "You should have seen my father's eyes when-…" but regrettably she was unable to continue.

All Sakura could do was hug herself, placing a firm hold on each of her arms in a vain attempt not to succumb into the intimidating feeling of sorrow that threatened to overwhelm her once again. She slowly pulled her knees towards her chest as well.

"Oh…Sakura…" Ino slowly crawled over –of course always careful not to cause wrinkles to form on her perfect kimono- to embrace her friend reassuringly, attempting to somehow relieve her of pain. But, she always kept in mind that Sakura had dived into those deep waters since such a long time ago already. To be frank, she was plunged deep from the very beginning.

It was widely-known that Haruno Sakura of the Haruno Clan, first and only daughter of the old-time War General Haruno Kizashi, was in an almost desperate need of a good -and preferably highly patient and tolerant- husband. Her Clan and Family needed the recognition, the honor, the fortune it shall bring along, just like every Clan unfortunate enough to breed only female offsprings and not brave male warrior sons.

But just because Sakura was Sakura, a free soul only willing to fly away and fight like a warrior spirit, this goal was not yet seen to an end. Haruno Sakura, age 18 was yet unable to strike the good match of her parents' dreams. And Yamanaka Ino, as her always faithful best friend, felt like it was her duty to stand by her friend's side. Wrinkled kimonos be damned! At least be damned most of the times.

However, there was only a limit on what a best female friend could ever do. And Ino, in haste preparations for her upcoming wedding could not offer the support she was always willing to give to the pink-haired maiden at this point.

Sakura heaved a deep sigh, while also trying to wipe away incriminating tears that were involuntarily shed from her eyes. "If only Tsunade-sama was here…"

Ino almost angrily broke their embrace. "That again, Sakura?"

"If she was still here, Ino, she-"

"But she is not!" the blonde retorted indignantly. After all this time, why does Sakura so inexplicably and stubbornly refuse to finally accept the facts? It's so frustrating! After all this time she still insists onto hanging from broken dreams and wishes from a nearly forgotten past.

"Tsunade-sama is not here, Sakura! I know you hold great respect for her. I do too, even though she was not my Mentor like she was for you." Taking a sharp intake of air to calm her itched nerves, Ino promptly continued. "She will not come back and you know it as much as I do. She left because of very specific reasons, Sakura. Isn't that enough to tell you that she is not going to return to Konoha?" Sakura averted her eyes and silently sighed again.

"Tsunade-sama is a-"

"-woman. I know, Ino." Sakura's voice reached a far more acute volume than before. The sharpness of her tongue always put Ino in great alert and this time was no different. "On contrary to popular belief I am not a foul. I know what it means to be a woman. I live in this world too, as you might be aware." she guffawed.

The Yamanaka maiden nibbled at her lower lip nervously. A mad Sakura was not a sight many people actually survived to see and she had absolutely no intention to test Sakura's patience. However, certain things had to be made clear no matter the cost. If only Sakura wasn't so hot-tempered.

"I am just trying to look out for you."

The pinkette crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly and released a contemptuous sneer."Well you are not doing a particularly marvelous job." and there ruled stifling silence.

With one askance and confused look Sakura realized that Ino's blue eyes just widened in surprise and her face turned void of any color. At this sight a feeling of sadness and regret overwhelmed the Haruno maiden, making her finally appreciate the harshness of the words she just uttered. It was not fair for Ino. After all she means good. Whatever she does, it is more than obvious that Ino always wishes for her best friend to be happy. Thus, Sakura rushed to make amends.

"Ino, I am sorry. I did not mean it like that. You know how snappy I tend to get when I am angry or indignant. And now I feel so smothered I want to explode!"

Gathering back what was left intact of her abused senses –that were always so damn abused and tormented when interacting with a certain Haruno- Ino pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Finally she let out a breath she was not aware she was holding.

"Then please fix that! You are never going to get a husband with that kind of attitude."

"Then maybe I do not need one!" the pinkette retorted with newly-powered tenacity. If only she could actually believe those words herself.

Now though it was Ino's rightfully deserved turn to snap."Are you even listening to yourself?" she yelped exasperated-ly. "Then what are you going to do? Cut off your assets and declare yourself a man?"

"If that's what it takes to escape all this madness, then I don't see why not."

The blonde's eyes widened in utter fright. She almost cringed under the gravity of those words her friend just offered. "Please tell me you are just joking to mess with your worried best friend's feelings." Ino murmured, full of consternation. "You can't seriously-"

"Calm down Ino-pig. I do not think I am bold enough to do that." At this Ino let out a sigh of relief. "But that does not change the fact that if I could I-"

"That's enough Sakura!" the blonde raised warning hands with never before seen fervor. When Sakura halted completely, Ino pressed her hands against her own chest, trying to pacify her frantic heartbeat. "You are driving me insane. I don't know what the next day will bring with you in my life!" At Sakura's blank stare Ino felt the intense need to better explain. "It's not like I do not enjoy having you as my friend, silly! I mean that you are always so unpredictable!"

"You are saying that like it's a bad thing, Ino."

"This is a bad thing!"

With another prolonged breath released out of her lungs, she finally made up her mind. Ino was going to try and beat some sense into the revolutionary friend of hers. Correction: Ino was going to try and beat some sense into her revolutionary friend one. more. freaking. time! Hopefully this once with success.

"For your status it is!" she insisted. "Sakura, please help me understand what on earth is wrong with your mentality. Ever since we were little girls you were so…so…"

"Unique?" Sakura offered composedly.

"Owww...Heck yes!" At the mention of the -so improper- word 'heck' that just now escaped Ino's lips an unbidden smirk crawled on Sakura's pink lips. "Unique though is the mild choice of characterization!" the blonde pointed an accusing finger at her pink-haired friend. "When Hinata and I used to wish upon the gods for a gallant and strong warrior to be our husband to uphold our Family's honor by giving birth to many courageous and capable sons, your wish was-"

"To become a shinobi." Sakura offered again without a hint of hesitation to her words.

"Exactly! See what I mean?"

This statement that so freely left the pinkette's lips was not news for Yamanaka Ino. Not at all. She had always known that her dear friend only willed to be a proud warrior and join the shinobi forces just like every honorable man of their village and country. That of course was-

"Absolutely crazy! That's what you are."

With a pout brushing her puffy lips Sakura averted her gaze again, locking her eyes at the beautiful tatami of the Yamanaka Compound, trying to somehow forget this maddening situation she found herself in. Again.

After casting a pedantic and pensive look at her friend, Ino tiredly exhaled again. "Sakura?" No answer was given for many long seconds. "Sakura?" again no response. The pinkette continued to hold her eyes locked on the floor. "Sakura, please look at me." And finally the Haruno maiden has been kind enough to answer to the almost desperate plea.

"What?" she yammered indignantly.

"It is time. You know that." With those words being said Ino reached to take a firm hold of Sakura's hands with her own. "You have to stop that game. You cannot be a shinobi." With a weary sigh she tried not to snort at her own choice of words. "I feel like I just told you that dragons are not real." she joked lightly. The pinkette did not even blink in return. "Sakura, this is fundamental knowledge! I trust you already know that. You are a woman. You have reached the appropriate age. You have to get married soon. Otherwise-"

"You are not married yet either."

"That's because my Father sought to strike the perfect deal! Not to mention that now that the Otogakure declared War against us most of the best candidates were already called forth to fight. And you very well know that I am to be wed in a few weeks anyway. Hinata will also get married soon. What about you, Sakura?"

The Haruno maiden will never openly admit it, but the heavy burden she always shouldered had her muscles cringe even more intensely after Ino's truthful words. However, it was not Sakura's fault that things turned out in such a way. At least not her fault alone.

"Well, do not be discouraged." Ino's lips tilted up into a reserved smile. "I am sure that if you try hard enough you can find someone to accept you, even now, despite your flaws." Sakura hardly resisted sticking out her tongue for Ino to admire. Flaws… please do tell us again about flaws, Yamanaka-sama, thank you very much!

"I am not saying that you can actually get one of the Uchiha men to bring you into holy matrimony –because which perfect Uchiha would want a loud-mouthed idiot with a forehead larger than the Uzumaki Clan's shrine and ridiculously pink hair to brighten up their days and nights- but you can find someone perfectly suitable. I am sure of it." she send an almost plastic-made smile at the pinkette's way.

"Uchiha?" Sakura echoed in disbelief. "You mean those stuck-up dark-haired people? Those who look like a stick is shoved up in their rear ends from the very moment they set foot on this earth? Thanks but no thanks."

Eyes widening more than ever, Ino clapped her hands against her mouth. Like Sakura just committed a never-before-seen grave debauchery, a sin worth a special place in the deepest pits of Hell. "Are you out of your mind? Have you ever set eyes on Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Sasuke, Forehead girl?" she yelled in shock. "Really, what world are you living in? Is you head filled only with shuriken?"

"Better shuriken than stupid kimonos." Sakura complained with nails always ready to shred her hated attire into bloody pieces.

Ino only stared blankly and cleared her throat formally, finally reclaiming her proud posture and maiden-like elegance. "I am actually serious about all these." Sakura rolled her eyes in an un-lady-like manner, but Ino was undeterred nonetheless.

"How are you going to uphold the Family's honor if you constantly act like a spoiled brat, Sakura? Tell me how you can do it when you always refuse to cooperate and finally become a proper woman of the village of Konoha?" the pinkette refused to trust Ino's eyes. "When will the bud flourish to reveal a mature cherry blossom, Sakura?"


A merciless kick sent a humble company of -until then perfectly peaceful- gravels and pebbles straight into the watery depths of the rivulet. At the same time a wail of pain came to remind the person responsible that in order to kick properly and effectively you must be careful enough not to smash your own toes in the process.

Snorting like a brute –just because she CAN- Sakura in all her glorious clumsiness, sat down, paying no heed at the silent whimpers of the overly tortured fabric of her -otherwise very beautiful- kimono.

It's clearly impossible. This cannot be done.

She cannot do it. She cannot be the perfect bride. That place of honor is clearly reserved for women like Ino and Hinata with all their elegance, grace, with their beautiful spotless skins and immaculate dresses, with their uncanny ability to succeed in every aspect deemed necessary for a woman to hold a Household together. She cannot do those things. Does that mean Sakura is incapable? Worthless? Just a defective product? Probably yes. Whatever might be the case, though, Sakura reached her definite conclusion.

She. Cannot. Do. This.

As much as she wishes not to be deemed unworthy or a coward, or a failure, the world –especially her dearest family- needs to finally accept that there are some things some people just cannot do. Simple as that.

Snorting again, Sakura reminded herself and inwardly pondered about what actually she is not able to do. For example, she also cannot fulfill her most honest dreams to abandon this maddening life for the sake of the adrenaline and adventure. Talk about some things that some people cannot do. Oh, the irony. How unfair indeed.

But that's precisely it. People's abilities have their limits, right? How else to explain that as much as she had tried –because she had definitely tried vigorously no matter what other people might think- she was unable to become a proper maiden, like Ino for example. Today's disaster was proof enough. To say that the village's Matchmaker hates her now would definitely be a blatant understatement. And sadly, that Matchmaker was Sakura's last hope of finding a good husband crazy enough-or maybe stupid enough, depending on how you see it- to take her as his consort.

Heck! She would rather go straight into the battlefield against the Otogakure Ninja unarmed than try to feign the refined wife-to-be anymore! This…is just not possible. This just feels...so wrong!

But…but…but…what about her parents? What about the gallant pensioner warrior Haruno Kizashi and his strict spouse, Haruno Mebuki that always wished to see their only child worthy enough to be named a full-fledged Haruno woman? A maiden perfectly suitable to adorn a man's side and bear him sons? Sadly, that was not her. That was not Haruno Sakura. The exact opposite actually. She obviously is a disgrace to her own Family.

Drawing her knees to her chest, Sakura tried as much as possible to transform into a ball of nothingness. And maybe the gods and her ancestors will be kind enough to allow her to disappear from the face of the earth and give her parents a perfectly suitable daughter instead, capable enough to uphold the honor of the Haruno name and not royally ruin it like Sakura involuntarily has done until now.

The girl could not help but sigh desperately."Oh Kami-sama."

"Having troubles, are we?"

"Ha." she huffed again. "You don't say..."

Troubles... Troubles are by now her second name. And failure? Hmmm..her last name perhaps? That definitely is a fitting name for her. Or maybe Troubles should be the surname and Failure the-

Green eyes widened in sudden realization, head snapped in shock, muscles jolted in a courageous attempt for defense.

Holy Mother of Miso Ramen! This was a freaking male voice!

Beside somehow managing to tangle her limbs, even while sitting, after many failed attempts, Sakura finally got to stand on her own feet striking a pose as intimidating as she could give at this pathetic state.

A quite salacious whistle ringed in her ears, making her cheeks' color rival that of her hair. "Nice pose. Are you by any chance training in secret?" Ignoring the terrible temptation to finally confess to someone that she was indeed training by herself at night behind the Haruno Compound, she tightened her fists even more, refusing to offer the voice a proper answer.

"Wh-where?" she mumbled incoherently, eyes scanning around in search of hidden foes, that were apparently nowhere to be seen. Sakura was seemingly alone, which fact made perfect sense, since this was not a place known to the other villagers. Only her. Her own secret pride and joy. Sakura's own glade! That was currently under invasion, damn it!

Owwh...Who was she fooling? If there was an enemy hiding there, she certainly was the least capable person to defend anyone or anything. Well maybe not the least capable. After all, Ino was sure to scream and then faint in situations like this one. Sakura clearly has not done anything of the above. Not yet. So where does that stupendous achievement -of not screaming or fainting- put her?

"Oi! Down here, Pinky!" And as idiotic as it may sound, Sakura felt the strong urge to obey the strange male voice and send her eyes downcast only to meet a-

"Kappa!" she yelped and leaped back in fright, tangling her feet with her own kimono this time. And then...what a glorious downfall that was. She could actually love to grieve along with her rear end because of the pain it actually endured by the ungracious landing. But she had no such luxury to sit and lament about it. For before her very eyes, just at the river's end, stood a creature incriminatingly staring back at her. Staring intently.

"A kappa! Oh Kami-sama! A kappa is going to-"

"A kappa?" the creature echoed in disbelief. Was is Sakura or it seemed to cross its 'hands' in indignation after clapping its right 'hand' against its…''forehead' in contempt?

"Are you blind? Do I look like a Kappa to you? Geez!"

"It...it...sp-speaks..." she uttered out in disbelief and fright.

Two seconds later she finally calmed down enough –not nearly enough but let's say enough to be able to see somewhat more clearly- to fix a trembling gaze at the most peculiar being she had ever set eyes upon.

It was tall as one palm and maybe a half. If she was not mistaken, given that those looked like scales and those looked like legs and those like tiny ears and that suspiciously resembled a tail… that strangely looked like a dr-…Hell no!

Even Sakura's imagination must have its limits! That's why she vigorously shook her head more and more violently before resuming her shameless stare again. Unfortunately, the creature was still there. Or maybe she just had suffered from damaged retinas. Damaged retinas. Damaged retinas. That's it. Damaged retinas. Damaged retinas. Damaged retinas. There is no other way. Damaged retinas. Damaged retinas.

"B-But…you…" she started incoherently, desperately trying to form cognitive thoughts and words at the same time, which was quite a demanding procedure mind you. "Y-you are purple and... wh-white!?" she half asked-half stated.

"Well excuse me, Obvious-san! I know what color I am, thank you very much. The nerve...!" he snorted in disgust. "I have eyes, I can see. Don't those look like eyes to you?" At the last sentence, without any kind of fair warning, the bizarre creature almost magically popped up in such a dangerously close distance from Sakura's face, that her scream could not be contained when she finally realized her sudden predicament.

All she could do was swat and slap the annoying little…serpent-like thing or kappa or whatever this was... away. Gesture of course that did not seem to be greatly appreciated by the small fellow.

"Keep your hands to yourself, you idiotic minx!" he whined, rubbing parts of his body Sakura could not exactly name. Locking her eyes at the creature yet again -as if she ever stopped staring- Sakura concluded into a tiny little realization. The exact moment before she so abruptly pushed it as far from her as possible, she could swear that a peculiar image of a pair of gleaming purple orbs stared back at her intently. Could those have been some sort of... eyes?

"Wh-what are you?" she tentatively asked, her gaze never leaving the peculiar creature now pacing very closely to the river's bank in an attempt to stay slightly away from the arm's reach of that pink-haired hellion.

Dusting invisible dirt away from its body it finally spoke. "I might just forgive your rudeness this time, Pinky, and be kind enough to correct you. I am a who! Not a what! Got that?"

Sakura gulped visibly at the demanding and accusing tone and nodded vigorously, before the tiny creature decided to continue. "And the name is Hozuki Suigetsu. Nice to finally make your acquaintance."

Author's note

*Kappa: Are legendary creatures, a type of water sprite found in Japanese folklore. They supposedly inhabit the ponds and rivers of Japan. Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers or trickster figures. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the malevolent, such as drowning people and animals, kidnapping children, and raping women.

You can of course check it out on Wikipedia, where I also got this information. For the kappa reference, I was inspired by a scene in the Naruto anime where the newly formed Team Hebi traveled and Suigetsu took one of his usual breaks while Karin was mocking him by calling him a "Kappa" for always drinking and needing water so greatly.

So...Prologue done! I am sure you have probably suspected it, but the real story has not even started yet. I needed to place the basic setting first. I also plan to make slightly longer chapters than this one, hopefully, but not as long as the chapters of "Binds Of My Duty and Love".

I am very enthusiastic! When I re-watched a certain Disney Movie to refresh my memory for this story I couldn't help but inwardly squeal upon comparing and imagining a certain Uchiha Itachi as... Whoa! I almost revealed that, didn't I? Well I most certainly did not want to sound like a sadist, but do you mind waiting a little before admiring Itachi and Sasuke in all their Uchiha Glory? Not to mention that many other characters will grace us with their beautiful presences soon.

Please tell me...isn't Suigetsu great as a small little dragon *whisper*Mushu style*whisper*? I certainly hope you will find him as entertaining as I am planning him to be.

I am sure you would very much like to see Itachi -and Sasuke, let's not forget about dear Sasuke- soon so, please be kind enough to leave a review. I would really love to know your thoughts and expectations about this new journey that is about to begin. Reviews mean inspiration to write more. Please do not flame, ne? ^.^'