OK, here we go. This is my first story about Morgan and Reid, and I really hope I'm not screwing it all up. This is about when they finally tear down the wall between them and everything just starts from then on. I want to set the background at Season 7, after Prentiss comes back and before she leaves. There will probably be 5 chapters or so. I'll work hard to not let you guys wait. By the way, I'm sorry to say that but I have to transport S4E6 and S4E7 to some point later in Season 7 so that my stupid plot can work. Hope you don't mind very much.

Please review! Thank you!

Now enjoy!

Chap 1 A Nightmare and the "Good" Old Days

It's a very rare chance that Morgan can use to have a free weekend alone at home. Well, as much as he wants to blame the serial killers for the good time he's lost, there is nothing he can do but spare no efforts to get as much rest as he can, before his baby girl calls in this Saturday midnight.

Then just around one, the never-delightful beeps of his cell phone now sound even more ungodly vicious and make Morgan groan. He reaches out to the nightstand for his phone, drops one glance at the screen, and lets out a long sigh of relief. Thank god. It's not Penelope. No offense, sugar mama. It's Reid. Then in a split second, Morgan is wide awake, because it's Reid.

It's rare too that Reid would call him so late at night, though it did happen before. Thanks to that freaking triple-personality psycho. But it's been, as it seems, ages, while the remembrance of those cuddles and strokes on the back is as vivid as they happened a second ago. However, after a few shattered but still dreamlike nights, Reid seemed to get all through and never bothered Morgan again. Even during Emily's fake death Reid kept going to JJ's for comfort for 10 weeks, but not to him. Morgan won't say that he was upset because he understood that Reid thought he burdened more. By the way, Morgan hideously felt better when Reid called out his name in his nightmare on that child-kidnapping case. After a second's recollection of the "good" old days, Morgan turns back to his cell phone. This time, being a great profiler or not, Morgan senses through the beeps that his pretty boy is troubled by a nightmare again but needs him more than ever.

Morgan cleans his throat to make himself sound as conscious as he can before he finally gets on the phone, "What's up, kid?" Morgan sits up on the bed, and looks for his pants. Frowning at the silence, he checks the screen. Reid's still on.


Before Morgan hears a slightest sound from the other end of the line, Clooney's bark comes in from the doorway. Suspiciously, a bark passes from his mobile in sync. Morgan is startled at first. Then before he realizes it, he finds himself standing in front of the door, and swinging it open.

Unexpectedly yet so expectantly, Reid is standing right outside, the phone still held around his cheek, tears filling in his meek glimmering eyes behind the strands of his long soft hair.

"What are you doing outside?" Morgan doesn't wait for an answer but drags Reid in right away, shuts the door, and bend down to soothe Clooney, who is humphing over-excitedly for seeing his beloved Dr. Reid.

"Why did you not just knock?" Handing Reid a glass of water after settling him down on the couch, Morgan asks, plopping down next to the younger man. Reid keeps silent and downcast all the way, until Morgan holds his icy hands on his lap.

"Hey, kid. It's just a dream. It's alright, now." Morgan comforts Reid. Reid shivers on Morgan's touch and looks up, meeting his apprehensive eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?" Morgan asks carefully. Instead of replying, Reid lowers his head again. Morgan sighs, takes away the never-lips-touched glass from Reid, and stands up, pulling Reid up too.

"I can sleep on the couch!" Realizing Morgan is leading him towards bedroom, Reid proclaims, voice a bit high-pitched.

Morgan just keeps walking, and says, not even looking back, "Keep your mute button down, pretty boy. You don't come here for my couch." Reid doesn't retort any more, iconically biting his lower lip, allowing Morgan to lead him along by hand.

Morgan crawls up onto the right side of the bed, after entering the bedroom and stripping to his boxers. He turns off the lamp on his side, and lies on his back, waiting. Reid turns off the light just after Morgan did. He struggles for a while and finally takes off his clothes. After some rustlings of the sheet and a trifling fall of the mattress, Reid lies down next to Morgan, showing his back to him. Morgan tilts his head to Reid, although he can only see his silhouette in the darkness. He pulls the quilt up to Reid's chin, feeling him curling up under his palm. Morgan waits a few more minutes, not because of hesitation, but to Reid time to adjust. Then Morgan simply leans towards the younger man, and spoons him from behind, his chest to Reid's back, the tip of his nose to the back of Reid's neck, one arm bending over to Reid's chest under his elbow, and the other one stretching out beneath the pillow under Reid's head.

Reid winces instinctively at first, but then loosens himself to get used to Morgan's closeness. Smelling the fear inside Reid as if it lingers on the tip of his hair, Morgan tightens his arm. Their torsos completely cling.

Morgan feels that Reid's breaths thicken for a while, before a whimper bursts out. Reid turns around, and encircles Morgan, sobbing. No words are needed now. Morgan pulls Reid closer, and strokes his back, laying tender kisses upon his hair. Ten minutes later, Reid ceases his tears and smooths his breaths back to peace.

Being shattered by Reid's weep, Morgan's heart now begins to gather from pieces. He doesn't know what in Reid's nightmare makes him so vulnerable, nor does he want to. All he knows is that his pretty boy suffers, and he himself doesn't take it easier likewise. Morgan takes a peek at the digital clock on the nightstand. It's about 2 a.m. And Morgan is wide awake. The old memories keep creeping into his head. Morgan can't stop but keep recalling how many times he was torn apart by the realization that he loves Reid, how hard he tried to fight against his self-accusation and the thought that he was perverted and sick, how bad he was tortured when Reid fell asleep in his arms for the first time, and how harsh the pain was when he pretended that nothing changed between them while he was so desperate to know if Reid felt something for him too. There were times when Morgan almost told Reid the truth. But he managed to retreat every time, for he knew that the purity of this young man was one of the few things on the earth that he wanted to fight for. So if chances are that his love lays anything negative upon Reid, hell, Morgan would trade in himself in case that happens.

With all those torments eating his heart once again, Morgan eventually falls asleep as Reid's soft breaths brushes his chest like feathers.

In the meanwhile, Reid drifts off in the warmth of Morgan's body, wondering if Morgan asks him again, how he is supposed to tell him that, in his nightmare, what was so horrible was that he saw Morgan being assaulted right in front of his eyes, and, worst of all, dead before he could tell him "I love you".

Well, how was this? I hope it's not too bad. Seriously, when I reviewed the story, I discovered that this seemed to be too heavy and bitter. It's supposed to be easy and sweet and fluffy! But I just couldn't help it. I think according to the backgrounds of the young genius and the chocolate gorgeous, it's never easy for them.

Whatever! The first chapter is finished, and the second one is too, theoretically. I just haven't typed it out yet…I really hope that you can enjoy this! Thank you!

One more time, review please! So that I can do it better and you enjoy it better~