This is my first HP and WOWP Fanficion hope you enjoy. Go read hopelessromanticgurls wizards at Hogwarts its amazing.

Fear is what runs my life.

I'm running faster, faster than I ever thought possible. I'm running down a dark alley way. I was scared really, really scared. I looked behind me to see a dark figure with a cloak on and people dressed in black. The figure came closer. "Help" I screamed.

"My dear no one can hear you. Can't you see they've abounded you. Now take my hand I will take you to a safe place." The figure held out his hand and I went to take it.

"Alex! Wake up." I woke up suddenly I could feel myself sweating and I was panting. I picked my sister off the fall. She was 4 years old and I was 11. I put her next to me and she laughed as I tickled her. I suddenly stopped and she looked sad. But then it came to me the thing I feared most in my life but I wouldn't tell anyone. A secret so dark that it would ruin my life forever. I Alex Russo am the reason my father was killed. I could see it I was the same age as my sister, Madi, I was playing hide and seek with my daddy.


"1 2 3 I'm coming daddy." I had said. "Teehee" I giggled

"Gotcha!" my daddy came up behind me and swang me around. "Go hind Ally."(My real name was Alexandra but I loved the name so my dad called me Ally). I ran off and hid under our tree house. Justin, my older brother at 7 years old, was inside with a 1 year max. Dad counted and then the sky went dark I couldn't see. Dad pulled out a flashlight and yelled "Alex come here NOW." I didn't understand. I thought it was another game "Trust me Alex come here." I could sense something was wrong even at the age of 4. Daddy and I were so close. I ran towards the light when something grabbed me.

"DADDY! HELP! DADDY." I yelled I was struggling but I couldn't break free of the man's grip.

"Alex! I'm coming." The wind was picking up. "Alex?" daddy was getting closer but it was no use the man wouldn't let go.

"Come with me dear and your daddy will be fine." The man said. I knew not to talk to strangers so I remained silent praying that my daddy would find.

"Let her go!" Daddy yelled. "Take me instead" he looked down I didn't know what was happening.

"A young wizard who knows nothing but what they are told is not nearly as valuable as an older wizard. Come with me."

"Of course my lord but May I have one last moment with my daughter." Daddy held out his hand. The figure let me go and I ran towards my father. The person I admired, want to be like and never let go.

"Daddy what's going on?" I cried into his arms not knowing this would be the last moment we spent together and the memory that would torment me. My dad knelt down so he was my height. "Ally listen to me you have to go find mummy. She will protect you." He held me tight protecting me from the world I never knew.

"I want to stay with you I pleaded refusing to move."

"Alex please you must go." He took 1 hand off my shoulder and put it into his pocket a second later he pulled out a long necklace with a locket attached to it. He put it around my neck. "Never take this off promise me. If you have it on it will protected you."

"Daddy I promise. Please stay."

"Honey daddy has to go away for a while."

"Promise to come back and finish our game."

"Um….." he was hesitant for a while but knew I wouldn't leave without that promise. "Of course Ally."

"I love you Daddy." I let one tear fall before running to my mum.

"ALLY! WAIT." I stopped and turned to face him "I love you more than you will ever know. Never forget that." And with that he was gone.

"Ally?" Madi asked

"Please call me Alex" I stood up and walked down stairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" oh I forgot today is my 11th birthday. That means tomorrow is the anniversary of my dad's 'death'. Everyone believes he died but I know he's still fighting for survival.

Harry's POV.

I use to have my own nightmares but now I'm having someone else's someone I know I will be close to. This nightmare torments them with every breath they take. Only they aren't responsible for this they had no choice they had to do what was right.

I have this dream every night of this 4 year old girl. I think her name is Alex. She is with her father playing hide and seeks. It's her turn to hide as a cloud comes over and a dark figure appears holding her. Her dad eventually finds her. He gives her a hart shaped locket and then goes with the figure disappearing forever.

Alex's POV

I ignore the party going on around me. I've always hated my birthday since I was 5 but now I finally realise why. Every night before my birthday I have the same dream of the night my dad disappeared. I've opened a few presents with 1 left. My mum hands me an envelope. I turn it over.

The letter says:

'Ms A. M Russo

Waverly Sub Station

New York' I open the letter and read aloud.

"Dear Ms Alexandra Russo

We are pleased to inform you that have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term 1 begins on September 1st. we await your owl by no later than the 31st of July.


Professor Albus Dumbledore."

Dad had always wanted me to attend Hogwarts. It was the best school to train young wizards and witches. I knew I had to go Justin had been at Hogwarts for 3 years. He was in Ravenclaw the house for the smartest wizards. I hoped I would be in Gryffindor the house for the brave. Justin had always said that Max would be in Hulfflepuff and I would be in Slytherin. I walked upstairs to my room got changed and used my hand magic to flash myself to Diagon alley. Right now I needed to be alone. Within a second I was there. I put the letter in my pocket and pulled the necklace out dad had given me. For the first time in 7 years I noticed that there was and engraving on the back. It read 'my dear Alex remember don't let fear run your life. I will love you forever Dad.' I looked down staring at it for ages than I opened the locket there was a photo of a 4 year old me and my dad. I closed the locket and let it fall against my chest. I walked into the wizard's bank. I noticed people didn't run the shop but goblins did. I was scared out of my mind. I felt someone run into me.

"Sorry" I mumble. I turn to see a giant and a small boy. He's got dark brown hair, Blue eyes and broken glasses. He is also very cute. We lock eyes for a good 5 seconds.

"Do I know you? You seem familiar." He asks walking forward.

"I don't think so. I'm Alex Russo." I introduce myself.

"I'm Harry nice to meet you Alex."

Harry's POV

"I'm Harry nice to meet you Alex." I say not wanting her to lose it because apparently I'm famous for a reason I will never understand. Alex has long brown hair with brown eyes and a sad expression on her face. She may be sad but she is so cute. I know her. She's the young girl from my dream. I have a feeling no one knows about her dream I feel like she doesn't want anyone to no. I want to no her better maybe than she will open up to someone. She walks off. "Alex wait." I call

"Yeah?" She asks.

"Are you going to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah why?"

"Would you like to come shopping with us?"

"Yes please id like that. I'm finding it hard to be around my family at the moment." We start walking down the path towards a goblin.

"I don't mean to pry but why."

"It's a long story. But the short version is that my father died when I should of."

"I'm sorry Alex."

"It's fine tomorrow it will have been 7 years since." I just notice that she is holding a heart shaped locket.

"That's nice." I point to the locket

"Thanks my dad gave it to me." We stop at a desk.

"What may I help you" the goblin asks

"Mr harry potter would like to make a withdrawal." Hagrid asks. I turn to Alex and smile. Finally I've meet someone who acts normal around me.

The goblin looks over and says "Does Mr harry potter have his key."

"Hagrid I don't have a key." I explained. Hagrid dug through his pockets and pulled out a small key and placed it on the desk. The goblin took the key and then Hagrid whispered something that I didn't catch. Alex, Hagrid and I were than led to a cart on a track that what take us to a vault with my money in it. "Alex don't you need to get money out?" I ask Curious.

"Oh right." Alex says handing a key to the goblin.

"Vault 397." The goblin announces as we get out and I walk up to the vault as the goblin is opening it. Once open I see there are so many coins in there. Hagrid walks in and takes some gold silver and bronze coins putting them in a white bag. Into the vault and take some coins and put them in my pocket for extra money.

Alex's POV

I was sitting quietly in the cart with Harry. I had no money but I did have a key to the vault dad had so I thought I would use that then replace the money. Once Harry had taken his money out mine was next. The goblin announced that we were at dad's vault I got out and put some gold coins into my pocket than closed the vault. After us than stopped at a vault I stayed in the cart with Harry and Hagrid got out and took a small parcel from the vault. Once we left the bank we started shopping for our school supplies. We first entered the wand shop Ollivanders. Harry got his wand first a black 11 inch holly wood, phoenix feather core. I was next I got a red 10 inch holly wood, dragon heartstring core. As we walked out of the store Hagrid came up with 2 cages. They both had owls in them one had a white owl with black dots the other was plain white with a brown dot on its forehead. Harry took the owl with the brown dot on its forehead and handed it to me.

"I don't know when your birthday is but I thought we could keep in contact by owl." He said. I took the cage.

"Today but thanks." I said smiling we continued shopping getting all our supplies and getting fitted for our robes. After I flashed myself out and back home with my supplies. In a month I would attend Hogwarts with Justin.