Hi guys

It's been a while since I've even so much as looked at this story, or any of my others really. The truth is I just can't find the motivation to write them anymore. I've tried, I really have but the thing that inspired my to write this story, as well as my others, is no longer part of my life. I went through a break up, lost the person I wrote the story based off and now I have nothing to help me write those.

In better news I've found someone else. Someone who treats me better and who makes me want to write other stories. SO this isn't the last you'll hear from me. I will be back and writing other stories which I think I will be able to finish till the end. I'm optimistic about my future now and so much more confident in my writing and in myself really.

I know many of you will be disappointed that I won't finish this but if I tried I know it wouldn't be any good, it would lack any feeling and I wouldn't be able to write the romance the same.

I am truly sorry. I know it's not the best of things to hear. I just want you all to know, each and every one of you means the world to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and for commenting such nice things. I hope you all love what I write in the future and don;t hold onto this lost cause.

Thank you so much

You are all amazing

Keep dreaming and stay tuned, this isn't the end
