SORRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY! I'm back! Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for many things but mainly you guys. My life has been hard recently but I know I can just go back and read your reviews and my day gets better!

Anyway, this is it for now because I'm traveling for thanksgiving break. However, in three weeks it's Christmas break for two weeks, and I'm staying home so I'll hopefully write a ton then. Oh and let me know if you want a Christmas chapter (I'm not very religious but I still celebrate Christmas but I don't want to offend anyone so I'll only write it if enough people want it)

Ch. 23- Gender

"Akihito what do you think you are doing?" Asami asked as he walked into the kitchen to see his little kitten climbing up on the counter.

"Trying to reach the cookies." Akihito said between his teeth as he reached up as far as he could.

Asami chuckled and went over to the counter picking up the stubborn blonde and placing him safely back on the floor.

"The doctor said to eat healthy Akihito."

"Cookie's are healthy. They have eggs which is protein, flour which is a grain, milk which is good for bones, and nuts in them."

Asami just raised one of his perfectly groomed eyebrows.

"Hey Ryu do you pluck your eyebrows or something?" Akihito asked getting distracted. "Well, they are just so perfect all the time." Akihito said with a pout.

"Kitten, are you really that curious?"

"Well, kinda." Akihito responded walking up to Asami and cupping his face while standing on his toes in order to get a better look at Asami's eyebrows.

"Stupid baby." Akihito whined when his bump stopped him from getting closer to Asami.


"What it's too big anymore, why couldn't it of stayed small. I look like ate a balloon.

"If you have problems with him growing big inside of you just wait till the little one is out here with us."


Asami raised an eyebrow at that.

"He OR she is not going to grow up. They are going to stay small for forever."

"Oh no they won't." Daichi said walking into the kitchen. "Just look at you. I have pictures from when I could hold you in one hand."

"So I grew up but they won't." Akihito said while glaring at his stomach.

"What will you do when they become a teen I wonder." Daichi said with a smirk. "Oh, what about when they get their first lover."

At this Daichi received death looks from both Akihito and Asami.

"No one is going to touch my baby!" Akihito yelled.

"And anyone who tries will have hell to pay." Asami said in his coldest voice with that smirk on his face.

"You think I didn't say the exact same thing when Akihito here was born. And if the parents are any indication this child is going to be one spoiled stubborn kid."

"Says the grandpa who is already designing a nursery for him." Asami said.

"Or her" Akihito pitched in.

"I may be a grandpa but I can still kick your ass." Daichi responded.

"Alright, baby here is not enjoying the fighting people." Akihito said when he felt a sharp kick to his side.

"I'd like to see that, grandpa." Asami said with a chuckle.

"Um, guys..." Akihito said with wide eyes as the realization came to him.

"I could kill you with one hand tied behind my back."

"And I could just shoot you."

"Uhhh dad, Ryu, seriously." Akihito said trying to intervene on the testosterone levels trying to suffocate every living thing in the area.

"I don't even need a weapon to kill you."

"Obviously, but I don't want to waste my time."

"RYUICHI!" Akihito finally yelled getting fed up. "If you don't shut up and listen right now you are sleeping in a different room for the next three weeks!"

"Akihito, calm down." Asami said all of his attention suddenly on his fiance. "Stress isn't good for the baby."

"You bastard!" Akihito yelled while glaring at Asami. "Fine then I won't tell you."

"Tell me what Akihito."




"Stop being stubborn."

"You were stubborn first."

"Fine, but now you're just being childish."

"Well I'm carrying a child. What's your excuse. All you ever do is argue with my dad about how you two could kill each other. While everyone knows that they are just empty threats because you know if either of you hurt the other I'd kill you both."

"Fine we stopped now what did you need Akihito." Daichi said trying to pacify his son.

"Apologize." Akihito said stubbornly.



"Do it, now. Or I'm not telling." Akihito responded to the two of them.

Asami and Daichi gave each other looks.

"It's about the baby." Akihito said trying to speed up the apologies.

However, this backfired as both of them quickly napped their necks in the direction of Akihito and were on him in an instant asking him thousands of questions and Daichi calling to have the car pulled around and prepare the fastest route to the hospital.

"Akihito," Asami said in his deathly serious voice. "What happened?"


"Fuck, Akihito give it up just tell us." Daichi responded.


"Fine, I'm sorry Asami." Daichi forced out between his teeth.

Asami just continued to stare at his lover looking for any signs that something was wrong.

"Ryuichi." Akihito said bringing Asami's attention from his stomach up to his eyes.

"Apologies." Asami said while glaring at Daichi, before turning his molten gold eyes back to Akihito's perfect hazel ones. "Now tell me Akihito."

"Um...the baby just, uh, kicked."

Asami's hands and eyes flew to Akihito four and a half month pregnant stomach.

"I don't feel anything." Asami said.

"Well it isn't kicking now but..." Akihito broke off as he felt another sharp kick right to the area that Asami's hand was on.

Asami's eye's got wide as he continued to stare as the place where the baby had kicked.

Akihito continued to stare at his fiance with a huge smile, seeing the look on his lovers handsome face.

"He's strong." Asami finally managed.

"Yes he or she is."

"Akihito would you just accept that it's a boy."

"The doctor hasn't said anything yet."

"That's because the last time you went was when you found out you were pregnant."


"So you are now four and a half months along and you can usually know the sex of the baby anywhere after eighteen weeks." Seeing the look on Akihito's face Asami quickly added, "What you are pregnant I like to know all variables and information about the topic that I can, so I did some research."

"You mean Kirishima did some research and gave you the synopsis."

"Possibly anyway you are about twenty weeks pregnant and..." Asami cut off.


"And why don't we go."

"Go? Go where?"

"Back to the doctors..."

"No you know I don..."

"Yes kitten I know you hate hospitals."

"So why don't you just go and buy one of those machines and we do it here?"

"Because I know a lot," which earned him a laugh from Akihito, "however, I do not know anything about pregnancies other than what Kirishima told me and that was only about what I needed to know about you and the baby. Not how to work the equipment and understand it."

"Then I suggest you learn because I'm not going to any hospital."

Asami gave Akihito a look before pulling out his phone, walking out of the kitchen, and calling Kirishima.

"Hey dad do you..." Akihito said but when he turned around the kitchen was empty. "Damn him, when the hell did he leave?"

"When did who leave?" Asami asked as he walked back in.

"My dad he was just here."

"Hm, I wonder." Asami said in the voice that clearly meant he knew exactly when but he wasn't going to tell.

"Bastard." Akihito mumbled before he walked over to the fridge to get food. That was his original purpose for being in the kitchen anyway.

"No sweets Akihito." Asami reminded him.

Akihito groaned but pulled out a pack of baby carrots and held them up in front of Asami's face.

"Happy?" Akihito said annoyed while waving them in front of him. "Just because I'm getting as big as a horse doesn't mean I need to eat like one too."

"You're pregnant Akihito," Asami said. "not fat. But yes I am satisfied."

"Whatever bastard. I'm going out to see Storm." Akihito muttered before he walked out with carrots still in hand to go to his precious horse.

"That bastard!" Akihito said as he stormed into the barn. "Who does he think he is?"

Storm whinnied for inside his stall.

"I know!" Akihito said as he bit into a carrot then held out his palm for Storm to eat the other half.

"I mean I may be pregnant but I'm sure the little one wants sweets just as much as I do!" Akihito continued to rant while holding out another carrot for Storm.

"And we don't even know if the baby is a boy or girl yet! He can't just go assuming." Akihito sighed. "However, I would like a boy. I'd be able to give him all of the things I never had. Plus, I it is easier to picture Ryu holding a son and not a daughter. Don't get me wrong a daughter would be awesome but imagine all the boys that would be after my little girl. With Ryu and me as parents I don't think the earths population of males would survive the massacre. Ugh, now that I'm thinking about it I really want a daughter. I'd teach her how to ride. Oh, she'd look beautiful on a horse, but a son would look handsome too."

Akihito sighed and bit into another carrot.

"Storm. I don't know what I want." Akihito said resigned as he handed Storm another carrot then set the bag down. Akihito then walked over to one of the tackle boxes and pulled out a few brushed and started to brush his beautiful horse.

"Wait one second Storm." Akihito suddenly said and rushed out and into the back room that housed his precious cameras.

Walking back Akihito held up the camera and snapped some photo's of his beloved horse.

"You know people always say that the best photographs are ones that hold the most meaning to the photographer themselves. It's like you can see their care and love of the subject through the image." Akihito sighed once again, he seemed to be doing that a lot recently. "Not that I would really know. Asami never let's me take pictures of him."

Storm whinnied at this and snorted.

"Well of course I love you too Storm. Have you seen the pictures I take of you. Half of the walls are covered in them."

Storm threw his head up and down and whinnied again.

Akihito laughed and stroked his prideful horses head.

"I love you boy, I do. It's just...if anything happens to Ryu I don't have any pictures so I could still see him. At that point all I'd have is the autopsy pictures if I could even get my hands on them. Plus what would I show our little son or daughter. They would never even know what their father looked like."

"Well I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon Akihito." Asami said from where he stood leaning against the barn door.

"What do you want bastard."

"You know I really thought we had moved past 'bastard'"

"Once a bastard always a bastard. It's something you are born with Ryu." Akihito said while burying his face in Storm's neck in order to hide his smile.

"Well you are the one that is stuck with this bastard." Asami said as he went up to Akihito and stood on the other side of Storm who whinnied and nudged Asami with his muzzle.

"What is it you wanted Ryu?" Akihito asked again, just without the bastard part this time.

"The doctor is here."

"Wait, you actually did as I asked?"

"Of course, this bastard takes care of what's his Akihito."

"Thank you." Akihito mumbled as he followed Asami out of the stall.

After replacing all of the brushes to their proper places in the tackle box and returning his camera to it's spot on the shelf, Akihito walked to the front of the barn where Asami was waiting for him.

"So are you ready to find out if it's a girl or boy?" Asami asked as he wrapped an arm around Akihito and started to lead them back into the house.

"Yeah, but I'm kind of going to miss the mystery of it."

"You will still have the mystery of what they are going to look like, what they are going to act like."

"True, plus it will be nice to be able to them a he or she instead of it or them."

The rest of the walk was silent with the two just enjoying each others company and imagining what their precious child will be like.

"Alright you ready?" Asami asked when they stood outside of Akihito's bedroom door.

"As ready as a pregnant male can be." Akihito responded with a little laugh and a peck on Asami's cheek.

"Hello again Akihito." The doctor said when they walked into the room.

"Oh you're the guy who told me I was pregnant." Akihito said seeing the familiar doctors face.

"Yes, we figured it would be best to have a doctor who was already familiar with your case to come and have a look at you and the little one."

"Oh, thank you." Akihito said as he went to lay down on the bed.

"Now, I know you are familiar with this as we did it the last time we saw each other but I'm just warning you again that the gel will be a bit cold." The doctor said as he pulled out the ultrasound.

Asami stepped over and laid next to Akihito on the others side of bed from the doctor.

"Ah hello there, and you must be the father." The doctor said as if this was the first time he had noticed Asami.

"Oh please," Akihito thought, "Who couldn't notice Ryu I bet he was just to scared to say anything little lone look at him." At this Akihito giggled which earned him a raised eyebrow from Asami.

"Wait what about my dad?" Akihito asked as the gel was rubbed onto his stomach.

"We will tell him afterward." Asami responded. "He said finding out the gender of the baby is special for the parents and he wouldn't want to get in the middle of it."

"Oh," Akihito said. "I guess I'll have to thank him for that then."

"Alright Akihito, you ready?" the doctor said once everything was set up and he had the wand in hand.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? Trust me if I wasn't ready you'd sure as hell know." Akihito said pouting.

Asami couldn't help himself and leaned in to place a kiss on those delicious lips. "Trust me Akihito, we all know that." he said with a smirk.

The doctor put on a nervous smile and gently placed the wand onto Akihito's stomach.

"I don't see anything." Akihito whined.

"That's because you don't know what you are looking for kitten."

"I've seen it before I know what I'm looking for. Plus it should look mostly human now."

"Ah," The doctor suddenly said. "There we are."

"Look Ryu you can see their little arm."

Asami just chuckled and pressed a kiss to Akihito's forehead.

"Well Mr. Takaba-"

"Actually it's Jakuson now." Akihito corrected.

"Soon to be Asami." Ryuichi corrected again.

"Well Mr-"



"Um, Mr. Akihito" The doctor said giving up. "It appears as thought the baby is in excellent health. A little small for it's age but nothing to be concerned about. Now, I understand that you would like to know the sex of the baby."

"Yes please!" Akihito said trying not to move too much, which got him yet another chuckle from Asami about his hyper activeness.

"Alright well then..." the doctor drawled out as he moved the wand around on Akihito's stomach. "Congratulation. You two are having a healthy baby boy."

Akihito didn't say anything he just stared at the screen in awe.

"Okay so I'll just take a blood sample for some extra tests just to be on the safe side, and then I'll be gone." The doctor said as he wiped Akihito stomach clean and printed out some picture of the ultrasound for Akihito and Ryuichi to have.

"Thank you doctor." Asami said while glaring as he watched the needle go into his lovers delicate skin.

Once the doctor had the blood he bid his farewells and left the mansion. Once in his car he wiped the sweat from his brow and released the breath he had been holding.

He held up the blood sample and smirked. "Thank you so much Mr. Akihito." he whispered before replacing the blood sample into his bag and driving away.

"Akihito are you okay?" Asami asked noticing that his fiance had gone strangely quiet.

"We...we're." As he looked up at Asami the older man started to panic seeing the tears in Akihito's eyes.

"Akihito what's wrong?!" Asami growled.

"We're having a little boy, Ryu. A precious little boy. A son. Our son." Akihito finally managed out a huge smile growing on his face by the second.

"Oh Akihito." Asami said calming down and pulling his lover onto his lap. "You make me the happiest man alive my little kitten."

"And you me my bastard." Akihito said before leaning down and kissing his fiance.

Before either of them knew what had happened Asami's tongue was inside Akihito's mouth exploring the delicious cavern.

Asami finally pulled away in order to let Akihito gasp for breath and he went and bit and sucked on Akihito neck.

"Oh Ryu. Please. I need you." Akihito managed out between breaths.

"What ever you say my sweet Akihito." Asami whispered into his lovers ear turning his young fiance on more than words could ever describe.

Asami resumed sucking on Akihito's neck as his hands went down and pulled off Akihito's shirt and undoing the belt.

"You too bastard." Akihito said as he leaned forward and stripped Asami of his shirt and pants.

"Someone's frisky." Asami chuckled.

"No, someone's pregnant with a thousand hormones running through their body and millions of cravings. Which right now all involve you fucking me into this bed." Akihito said as he kicked off his own pants then went back to straddling his fiance.

"Then let me help with those." Asami said as he flipped then over and pulled off both of their underwear.

"Uhh..." Akihito moaned as he was finally free of the cloth confine.

Asami quickly claimed those delicious lips once again before trailing his way down to one of Akihito's nipples sucking on it causing Akihito to moan and arch into Asami's touch.

"Please...Ryu." Akihito moaned.

"Is this what you want?" Asami said as he pushed two of his fingers past Akihito's tight ring of muscles.

"Yes!" Akihito yelled."Uh, ha." Akihito moaned as Asami fingered him while sucking on his nipples. "Now Ryu. Please. I can't wait anymore."

"Neither can I." Asami said as he pulled his fingers out. "Ready?"

Akihito nodded then screamed out as he felt himself being penetrated. Akihito didn't have to wait long before Asami set a harsh rhythm.

"AHH, Ah, ah." "R...Ryu...faster."

"Akihito." Asami moaned out he he continued to thrust into that tight hole.

"Ryu... Ryu I'm...cummi..." Akihito managed before he came all over Asami's chest.

After a few more thrust Asami groaned and came inside of Akihito. Filling up his precious pregnant kitten.

"I love you Ryuichi." Akihito responded in his half dazed state.

Asami just smirked and pecked those plump lips. Soon the kiss grew deeper as Asami swiped his tongue along Akihito's bottom lip, who immediately opened his mouth to allow his lover entry.

"Ha, Ryu, dad..we need t...need to tel him." Akihito gasped out in between kisses.

"Later." Asami growled. "Now is the parents special time." he said smirking.