WeCan Try


"What happens in the TARDIS, stays in the TARDIS, dear. Rory doesn't have to know", The Doctor whispers into Amy's ear, "We both want this". Amy, still mildly trembling from the kiss they shared, could not resist The Doctor's argument. She willingly obliged and unbuttoned her over shirt, revealing her tiny white tank top. Her perky breasts were almost visible from the non padded bra she had decided to wear that day. The Doctor simply could not resist that sight. His lips and hands trembled once he laid a hand upon her breast and grabbed it firmly. Amy moaned lightly, stopping mid way by biting her lip. She ran a hand through her red hair and it became slightly untamed.

The Doctor, whom had appeared on the lawn of Rory and Amy's flat just about two days ago, required his friend's help. Rory was unable to assist due to the flu, and had insisted on his wife going to help their friend in need. Amy, unable to refuse her husband, or The Doctor, reluctantly left with her best friend. Off they went, on a new adventure.

The TARDIS landed on a planet where the Daleks had taken over. It was a rather easy job defeating them, for they are the easiest to shut down. The epic battle rose to one hell of a climax, separating both The Doctor and Amy from one another. Amid the fire, destruction and chaos, they began searching. The search tool them all of one day and night. Twenty four, or so, hours to be reunited again. With their unity once again restored, The Doctor and Amy return to the TARDIS so full of excitement. Even more excitement than usual. It was very strange that their hormones had been acting this way, leading The Doctor away from the controls for awhile by landing his beloved TARDIS on the moon of a foreign planet to rest. That's when the excitement brought them close.

He calmly takes his place along side his partner, sighs with a relief and then grins his goofy grin. "Another day, another battle, huh Pond?" She glances at him, her body refraining from any inappropriate move, and says "Of course Doctor. It always is a new adventure to be had when I'm with you." Her face flushed a light red when her voice cracked on the with you. She glanced away, timidly, and bit her lip. Her conscious telling her this shouldn't be happening. The Doctor looked away as her voice cracked. He fiddled with his bow tie and collar while trying to keep from turning a bright red. They both happen to look up at the same moment, and their eyes met.

Their lips met, but only for a moment. Amy pulled away and glanced behind her, "Doctor, we shouldn't do this...", she hesitated. The Doctor simply lifted her chin high enough for their eyes to meet. "My love", he started, "I mean Amy... We... I... I do not wish to hurt you at all. That's never my intention. I just want for you to be happy." His eyes searched hers for an answer. "Doctor, I want you to, but.. Rory... And River...", she began, her face turning red and her hand searching for his to hold. He held out his hand to her. "Then, let's not...", the raggedy man began, only to be cut off by Amy. "No. I mean, let's.. Yeah, let's not...". Their eyes searched each others for the truth. His gaze broke and he leaned in, close to her ear.

"What happens in the TARDIS, stays in the TARDIS, dear. Rory doesn't have to know", The Doctor whispers into Amy's ear, "We both want this". Amy, still mildly trembling from the kiss they shared, could not resist The Doctor's argument. She willingly obliged and unbuttoned her over shirt, revealing her tiny white tank top. Her perky breasts were almost visible from the non padded bra she had decided to wear that day. The Doctor simply could not resist that sight. His lips and hands trembled once he laid a hand upon her breast and grabbed it firmly. Amy moaned lightly, stopping mid way by biting her lip. She ran a hand through her red hair and it became slightly untamed.

She sat there, hair slightly messy, blouse unbuttoned, skirt tight around her thighs, looking so very beautiful. The Doctor could not help but to stare at the beauty that was in front of him. Both so nervous and scared, shakily leaned forward again to kiss passionately. This time, The Doctor took the lead and led her down to lay on her back. He was now on top of her, one hand upon her cheek and the other unbuttoning his bow tie and shirt.

"Amelia... Should I continue, or should I sto-", he was cut off by her lips meeting his and her hands undoing the last of his shirt buttons. "Hush up Doctor.. Please. Just.. Kiss me.", she begged, her face glowing red, "I've been waiting for this for a very long time, Doctor." His body had a faint glow in the moonlight. It was so beautiful to Amy, she had to stop and idolize his clean chest. "A-Amy..?", he whispered, his eyes looking at her gaping mouth, "Are you.. Ready.. Or, rather... Alright..?" Her eyes met his again and she nodded, taking off her blouse and tank top, revealing her beautiful breasts that also glowed in the moonlight. How beautiful and luscious they were. The Doctor began to unbuckle his pants and slide them off, as Amy began to slip out of her skirt and silk white panties. Their eyes met each others and he began to slide in...