Chapter 6

Marshall's POV

I hover above my couch and sigh. I can't believe Fionna saw how sensitive I could be. I bury my face into my hands and groan. I can see her in my mind right now. Her luscious blonde hair and her big blue eyes and…

I sit up, startled from my own thoughts. Am I… in love with her? No, no it can't be. She's like a sister to me, but I could never love her like that. Or could I… I smack my cheek. No, no… I can't be falling for her. I'm Marshall Lee, the Vampire King. I can't have feelings for a mortal. Yet I do have feelings for her. I crash down into my rock hard sofa and roll around. It really is uncomfortable. I remember when Fionna came over to watch a movie and she tried to get comfy on my sofa but she couldn't and…

"Oh no," I groan, " I'm going off about her again." I sigh to myself again and relax. I can't just go on like this. I need to tell her. Yet, if I do, she might reject me. She loves Flame Prince. No. She can't. I can't let that happen. Never.

I float angrily to my front door and throw the door open. I grab my umbrella and open it. I have to tell her. I float outside, where the air is nice and crisp. I pass Marshmwellowy Mweadows, where she hung out with… Gumball. I stop in my tracks. I have so much competition. She won't like me. How would I even compare to the ingenious PG or the hot Flame Prince? (Hur hur see what I did there?) I start heading back but I turn back towards Fionna's treehouse. Who cares if I'm rejected? I need to let her know.

I approach Fionna's tree house and pull my hand up to knock. My hand is shaking. I keep my hand still and try to knock as steadily as I can. I wait in silence for a minute or two, then I hear footsteps, then the door swings open. I take in a deep breath and I close my eyes to pour out my feelings.

"Fionna, I don't think I can keep going like this anymore. I can't keep seeing you when you don't even know. You make my undead heart feel like it's beating again. You make my dark world so… bright. You make me just so… happy. What I'm trying to say is…. I think I'm… I'm…" I draw in a shaky breath and continue, gathering up all the courage I have, "I'm in love with you, Fionna." I open my eyes and expect to see a shocked Fionna. Instead, I'm the one that's shocked. I expected to stare into the face of a beautiful angel. Instead, I stare into the face of Cake the cat.