"I can't believe that I'm dating you," I say loud enough for him to hear.

"And I can't believe I'm dating you," he replies.

"Why wouldn't you want to date with me?" I ask in a conceited manner.

He just scoffs and looked at the menu from where we were sitting, "What do you want?"

"Could I have a caramel latte please?"

Without replying, Jesse pushes back his chair and struts to the counter. I watch, amused, as he attempts to flirt with the cashier in order to get a discount on our drinks. Having a twenty year old college sophomore flirt with what looked like a junior in high school was pretty entertaining. Although, his 'charm' didn't work on her, as he pays, full price, he looks back and sees me laughing at him. He scowls at me and turns as the girl gives him our drinks and he stalked back to the table.

He sits down in his chair and I close my creative writing folder. I pull out my iPhone to check the time.

"Crap. It's eleven. Sorry, Jesse. I have to get to Bellas rehearsal. It starts in fifteen minutes. See you at work later?"

"Yeah. I have to go too. I told Luke I'd be at the radio station early today."

"Okay," and with that I rush out of Starbucks leaving my boyfriend behind.

"Beca, wait!"

I turn around to see Jesse standing in the doorway, "You forgot your latte," he says with a smirk.

I turn back and grab it, "You're an idiot," I add smiling.

"Don't you forget about me!" He sings and adds, "Oh? You remember that? Remember the song that you sang just for me at the ICCA's?"

"I was actually singing that for Benji, mind you," I joke sarcastically.

"Oh. I see how it is."

I shake my head and turn without a second thought.

As I walk into rehearsal, everyone's already there.

"'Bout time you show up, Beca! We've been waiting forever," she says in her think Australian accent.

Jessica adds, "Fat Amy, you just got here."

"What? No!" She defends herself sarcastically.

"Let me show you this new arrangement I've been working on. I used parts of our championship track and added Titanium to it. I took the Breakfast Club song out to replace because Jesse's ego cannot become any bigger."

"Oooh! How is the boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? Beca, you have a boyfriend?" Jenny, one of our new recruits asks.

"AMY! Ugh. Yeah. I do, but Amy wasn't supposed to mention it because I want to focus on a capella- God, what am I turning into? Damn you, Aubrey!"

Stacie squeals, "But now that they do know, can I ask, have you two had s-"

"STACIE! God, what is with you guys?"

"No, Stacie, we haven't," a male voice says.

"Jesus Christ! Jesse, what are you doing here?" confused, I add, "With all of the Trebles?"

"Wanted to watch you practice," he answers.

"What about going to the station early?"

"I bailed. Luke's annoying anyway."

I laugh, "No! You just hate him because you thought I liked him last year!"

He turns his head, and denys it, "No. What are you t-talking about?"

"Oh, okay, Mr. And-The-Chess-Match-Continues!"

He rolls his eyes and looks over at Jenny and Ashley, "Hey! I'm Jesse!"

Ashley answers, "Oh, you must be Beca's boyfriend! The one who's ego can't get any bigger."

Laughing, Ashley and Jenny come over to my Mac.

Jesse doesn't even question what she said as we've had this conversation many times. He just laughs. Then, the unexpected happens.


I turn around as quickly as I can. A ginger and a blonde come into the room.

"Aubrey? Chloe? What are you guys doing here?"

Chloe says, "We wanted to visit because you haven't been answering your phone and it's the first week of school that we aren't here. I already miss it."

Aubrey adds, "And Chloe needed to see if you and Jesse were officially together."

Chloe smiles, "Right!"

Suddenly Jesse is right next to me, "Hey, Chloe, Aubrey. We are together, but Beca doesn't like telling people. She wants them to 'figure it out on their own.'"

"That's because you are one hundred percent more annoying now! And I thought it was bad before. You seriously are getting less and less attractive to me by the minute."

Aubrey frowns, "So the oath is officially done. A Bella and a Treble are together. Huh."

Chloe punches her arm, "Stop it! A lot of things change. Except for the fact that I still can hit bass notes…"

We laugh and Stacie stands up, "Does this mean that I can finally stop taking precautions? I mean, he is a hunter."

I turn around and say, "You call it a dude?"

Stacie looks shocked, "You remember that?"

We all laugh while I nod.

Jesse smiles, looking confused because he wasn't in on that.

"Oh! Aubrey, Chloe, want to show the newbies our routine from ICCA finals last year?"

While we set up, The Trebles refuses to leave. I guess we're going to inflate Jesse's ego.

We finally finish to price tag and my solo is up. Everyone knows what is going down, so they start to laugh.

"As I walk on by, will you call my name?"

Jesse stands up and yells, "HELL YEAH I WILL!"

I raise my eyebrows at him and smirk.

In response he says, "Try me."

"Is that a challenge?" I ask with a smirk still present on my face.

I turn around and start walking to my computer, but I'm interrupted when I hear a familiar voice call me, "Beca!"

I turn around confused. That voice didn't belong to my boyfriend. My eyes widen and everyone looks confused to why a strange man was in the room.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I look at my ex-boyfriend who just made himself present in front of all of my friends and Jesse.


"Hey, babe."