"Okaa-san, look," Kagu-Tsuchi spoke, staring down from Yomi, the Land of the Dead, into the realm of the living.

"Musuko, you need to stop watching human the death of humans. It's not good for your mental health. Plus, you need to do something productive with your time," Izanami-no-Mikoto scolded.

"But Okaa-san, its Sakura-chan. You like Sakura-chan."

Izanami frowned. He shouldn't have been able to see Sakura unless someone she was near died. That's all they could see, the death of humans. The last time she had seen Sakura, she was looking for Naruto and Sasuke. Was today the day those two were finally going to kill each other?

Turning to her Shi Kyomen, she sifted through many images of people to die that day when she found both Sasuke and Naruto.

"Hmm, it seems that today is the day they die," Izanami stated.

"What?" Tsunade gasped. "Naruto can't die yet! Madara is still running rampant!"

"I'm sorry but that's what my mirror says. Because of their decision to kill the other, they both die."

"Oh kami," Sakura breathed as she came across Naruto and Sasuke powering up their signature moves.

She was injured and weak, having just taken on five White Zetsu's prior to finding her boys.

"Itachi, let me go!" She heard and followed the sound to its owner.

On the other side of the clearing was Itachi, holding a certain copy-cat ninja back.

"We have to stop them!" Kakashi growled. "Reinforcements are almost here, there's no need for this fight to continue!"

"If you get in between them, you will die."

"Let's finish this, dobe," Sasuke called. "Before your reinforcements make it."

"I'll be the one to kill you, teme. I owe you that much," Naruto stated.

With their last ever battle cry, they flew at each other.

"No!" Sakura screamed.

"Okaa-san!" Kagu-Tsuchi exclaimed as he looked at her mirror.

Izanami's eyes widened. Naruto and Sasuke's image faded away before being replaced by another. Blaring pink hair and crystal green eyes stared back at her defiantly.



Kakashi and Itachi's head snapped forward to see Sakura running for the boys.

"What is she thinking?" Itachi snapped, eyes narrowing. "Surely she's not-…"

"Sakura, stop!" Kakashi shouted.

"She is!" Itachi yelled, his eyes widening.

As the two best friends came closer, they recognised their approaching teammate.

"Shit, not again!" Sasuke cursed.

"Sakura-chan, move!" Naruto growled out.

With tears falling, Sakura shook her head and closed her eyes when she reached the middle.

"No…" Izanami murmured.

"Sakura!" Tsunade called from the mirror.

"No…no…no…no…no!" Izanami screamed. "She isn't supposed to die yet!"

"Okaa-san…" Mizuhame murmured softly.

"No, I won't let her die yet," Izanami hissed, pulling out another mirror.

This time, a large Sharingan eye glared back at her.

"I won't let your men take my child, Izanagi" Izanami snapped. "The Sharingan may belong to you but you forget I'm just as powerful."

"What are you going to do?" Tsunade asked, worried.

"Sharingan!" Izanami called.

Itachi suddenly froze up.

"W-What?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

Kakashi spared him a glance to see him deathly pale and rigid. He also took the split second to notice the Rookie 11 breaking through the forest clearing.

"M-Mangekyou Sharingan," he strained.

He could swear he heard a woman's voice whispering in his ear as his body was out of his control. His eyes landed on Sakura's form that was about to be pierced.

"NO!" Izanami called through Itachi.

Sakura stared up at her teammates, tears streaming down her heart-shaped face. Holding out her arms, she let the love shine through her eyes as well as the many possible futures she'd never get to see.

"You eat too much, baka."

"Shut up, teme. Not everyone cares about looking hot!"

"You think I'm hot?"

"N-No! Baka! Shut up!"

"You said it."

"No I didn't!"

"Will you both shut up? You're going to wake up my children."

"S-Sorry, Sakura-chan."


"I'm glad we're together again."

To Sakura, it was like everything lost sound. She couldn't hear both fatal attacks as they came closer. She couldn't hear the screams of her sensei. All she could hear was the beat of her heart and the silent spoken words of her thoughts.

'I love you…Naruto…Sasuke…'

There was a bright light, blinding everyone, including the two attacking ninja. Though they couldn't see, they felt the warm feeling of her flesh giving way to their hands and her blood rushing to cover them before the gentle embrace of her arms around them.

A sudden shockwave blasted everyone back a couple metres. Ino was the first to recover, running back to where the fight had taken place. Naruto and Sasuke lay on the ground, a couple of metres away from the blood splatter.

"Sakura?" Ino called before stopping by the large blood stain. "SAKURA!"

Okay, that's that!

Shi Kyomen means Death Mirror, according to Google Translations. It's pretty much a large vanity mirror that shows the faces of those that are about to die.

I thought it was a smart idea, since Izanami is the Goddess of Death, Life and Creation in Japanese Lore.

If I got anything wrong, I apologize.