Edwards pov

...a girl

a human girl

standing their on the porch was a tall caucasian redheaded female with sun-kissed skinned and eyes that screamed of gossip

"hello?". i don't now why i was expecting Jason, could these be one of Bella's friends?

"can i help you?" i said quit curiously. she only grinned and side-stepped me into me house with out permission, walking into the living area as if she own the place.

i looked at my famille who were very confused and worried.

good, I thought it was just me.

the girl plopped down on our couch and flipped on the tv.

"Can i help you" i repeated, my tone slighty hinting at the strangeness of the matter.

she turned her head to look back at me from the television. "no, but i can help you" she said. then she stood up and did what she should have done when I answered the door. she walked over to me and shook my hand

"I'm Mia, bella's secondary bestfreind but foremost girlfriend" she intoducted "and you, you must be edward, bellas boyfreind. correct?" she asked

"Corrected" i confirmed slightly unease

she just invaded my home and now she wanted to be formal?

"and how can you help me?"

"im here to tell you about Bella's and Jason's past, i thought you might want to know"

i wonder how much he already knows...she thought

"i do indeed" suddenly she didn't seem so much of a nocince any more. perhaps she could give me a bit of insight on the seruation, i could maybe work that into my adventege.

"i wont be able to tell you here." she said, suddenly losing all the confidence she walked into my house with.

"i cant risk acsendently running into bella, im not supposed to be here, on her territory that is" she was biting her lip, eyes darting left than right as if bella might apear from the shadows.

territory? their is not many people i know who has teritorial bondies other then my family, the mafia, and drug dealers. and if im not mistaken their all bad bissness

what has bella been keeping from me?

she took in the surprised look an my face

i gues i said to much, ive got to learn how to shut my mouth...

i put on my best poker face and smilied "aw yes, ive forgotten all about my bellas territory, i dont really think about it aften" i had no idea what i was talking about but i would wont her to withhold information from me just because i wasnt in on the big secret.

she smiled slightly at ease "no one really does," she admitted

and so he dous know...she confirmed

i wish i truly did know what she was talking about but all i can do is play along, for now.

her phone began to ring, she didnt event check it before telling us she had to leave immiditly.

"you can meet me in lakewood seattle at 11:30, the first thearter you see after you leave the airport is where ill be waiting for you." and with that she left the house.

"it all began six years ago, although their know each other for much longer..."

"Bella and Jason first meet each other when they were five, the were kind of lumped into gether by the crowed because they were both..Um.. soon became befriends, going to each others houses all the time and doing everything they can together." she said, thinking back

and so Jason was Bella's childhood friend, and so was Jacob but Bella didn't sleep with Jacob.

Jacob would have gladly informed me if other wise

but then their had to be something more to their relationship that i was unaware of.

"what deus this have to do with them now?" what happen between then and now?

"absolutely nothing, at least not untill a week before their twelfth birthday"she looked nervous, as if she said to much

"and what happen then?"

Jason's pov

Edward left, leaving bella without a ride and so neutrally she took a ride with Miguel and i. I was driving with Bella in the passenger seat. I made Miguel set in the back.

not a word was said. considering what i did early it kind of made sense for Bella to ignore me but i knew that wasnt the case. bella was just in shock still. her mind couldn't process what had already happen and i could understand why

she wanted it to remain in the past, unheard of. at least in front of her boyfriend. which ment no mentions of the past. our past; she didn't tell me directly to keep my mouth shut it was more of an unspoken agreement we came up with long ago

the rules

it was a way to justify our relationships. we did not want to be categorize as a couple and so theirs certain steps we hide to take, rules we had to come to terms with if we wanted to stay friends.

the word couple didn't seem a stong enough word to describe us, and 'friends with benefits.' it wasnt the right word because we were much more than to friends who occasionally slept with each other. but 'friends' by its self seemed perfect despite its definition.

and so to keep the label we come up with rules involving what we could say to each other what we couldn't. when and how we touch each other. how far could we go with this touching. it was simple rules just basic stuff

most of the rules had to do with relationships with other people. when one of us decides to start a relationship with someone, there were rule we had to follow to avoid hurting that someones feelings which includes

1. their will be no touching in any sensual way

2. no spending too much time with each other.

3. no playing at that someones feeling

4. no purposeful acts to make that someone jealous

5. no mentions of the past

bella remained faithful to this list of rules. i however broke every rule on that list just today, all except one but im not afraid to pull over, and break rule number 1 right now in the back seat of my car.

now that i think about it..it actually sounds like a good idea. i could make Miguel cover his eyes and ears and sing real loud while me and Bella work on breaking rule number one.

but then i remembered something, "Miguel where were you when bella's boyfriend was getting ready to kill me." i ask as causally as i could.

Miguel has been absent the majority of the day, i wonder why i didn't notices.

"i was getting my knockers polished by some school girl. Minya, was it? No...no tanya ,correct? he was asking bella now

Bella looked back at him in horror "YOU DIDNT!" she exclaimed "Jason pull over!"