Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any of the characters. If I did, Pezberry would be cannon.

Summary: A 'What If' to Rachel's pregnancy storyline. Spoilerish for 4x14, although I haven't seen it myself. I started these as 100 word drabbles and then put them together to make a one shot.

This is the first story I've done for a while so please bear with me!

And here she was. Leaning against the door frame with that smirk of hers.

"So I can stay here, right?" She sauntered in, swaying her hips as she did so.

"What...Santana...What are you even doing here?" Came the mumbled reply.

"Finding myself, man-hands. Is that okay with you?"

"Do you have to find yourself in my apartment?"

"You have a problem with that? Do I make you feel uncomfortable?"

"It was a one time thing. Nothing more, nothing less."

And just like that, the conversation was over.


It was quieter now. Kurt had moved back to be with Burt following his heart attack and Brody was back in central New York. Maybe she needed company. Maybe she needed someone to break the silence every now and then. Rachel didn't know what it was, but she almost appreciated Santana's existence. Almost. She'd never admit it, but had Santana not arrived when she did, Rachel thinks she might have gone out of her mind. Maybe they could forget about that night. Forget how Rachel screamed Santana's name. Forget how Santana begged Rachel for more. Forget how Rachel fell asleep whimpering in Santana's arms. Forget how the world stopped for just one moment. Although, Rachel knew that night was her weakness. Her vulnerability. And every now and then, just like Rachel needs someone, Santana likes to make people feel weak. It was unlikely Santana would forget.


Santana looked at herself in the mirror of her new bedroom. It was nice. Big. It was a reflection of the apartment. Much too big for one person. Santana knew that Kurt had moved out, but she couldn't help but wonder who else had been here. Whoever it was had left some stuff here, stuff that wasn't Kurt's. Lynx. Crumbled shirts. Dance shorts. Must be someone from NYADA. And now she'd come through the revolving doors of Rachel's life. She checked her make-up again. Pushed up her bra. Pulled down her dress. Maybe she'd bring a girl home tonight. Maybe they'd look like Brittany. Maybe even Rachel. Santana smirked at the thought of Rachel's blushes the morning after the night before. At her hast to leave. And as Rachel shouted goodbye to Santana as she walked out of their New York apartment, she remembered the words Rachel had shouted the night of graduation. Santana blushed.


The walls are too thin, Rachel thought for the third time that week. Tears fell down her face, with Santana's groans being the only sound in the apartment. She lay there for 20 more minutes before she heard the front door sliding shut. Santana hadn't even got out of bed. Rachel found herself tip toeing into her room.


"Midge? What are you doing awake?" Rachel could only be grateful that Santana had toned down her insults in recent weeks.

"You think it's easy to sleep when I can hear you...you know."

She stayed leaning on the door frame. Silence descended and Santana waited for Rachel to continue.

"Santana...I'm scared."

Rachel could feel Santana roll her eyes, although it was too dark to see her.

"And what would you be scared of?" Santana let the sarcasm drip from her voice.

"I...I think I'm pregnant."


Rachel was pouring herself a glass of orange juice when she heard Santana's door open. She heard a faint shuffle of feet and then the kettle flicked on. She heard the cupboard door open and the sound of the spoon scrapping the bottom of the coffee jar. Rachel grabbed her juice and downed the glass. She hoped that Santana had forgotten their conversation last night. She felt herself squeezing the glass tighter; her emotions flooding out from her, tears flowing freely. The glass smashed. Glass fragments were everywhere. Rachel just stood there. The room was silent now. She felt hot breath on her neck and her world began to spin.

"Take a test."


Santana could only wonder how, a month after resolving to start again, she was sat in the toilets holding Rachel's pregnancy test.

"You'll have to look, Santana. I can't. I can't look. I can't be pregnant. I just can't of been so..." Rachel had no tears left.

"Shut it, Berry. Just a couple more seconds."

The pair waited in silence. Santana finally flipped the test over and Rachel took a deep breath.

"Congrats. You're expecting."


Rachel rested a hand on her stomach. She glanced into the distance to the tall skyscrapers of Manhattan. Had she been sitting where she was two months, by the fountain that reminded her of Brody, she'd have been seeing herself on Broadway. She could have been a someone. She could have made it. And now she was a label. Another failed hopeful. Someone that had gotten pregnant before her life had truly begun. And she'd never felt so alone. But all the while, Santana's words rung in her mind.

"I'm here."


Santana flicked mindlessly through an interior design magazine as Rachel sat tapping her fingers rhythmically on the chair. Santana couldn't quite make out what song it was, although she was sure it wasn't just mindless tapping. The tapping sped up until Santana could feel Rachel's panic. She mindlessly put her hand over Rachel's to stop the noise. She felt her calm.

"Rachel Berry?"

Rachel jumped to her feet. Santana threw the magazine aside and followed Rachel out of the waiting room.

"This will be a little cold." the nurse warned. Rachel grabbed Santana's hand. Santana rolled her eyes but gripped back when Rachel winced.

"Oh my god, San, look." Santana looked up at the screen and saw a very grainy picture of Rachel's baby. And for the first time since she broke up with Brittany, Santana cried.


"Rach, are you sure that's safe?" Santana called out to Rachel. Rachel was currently in the process of reorganising the apartment to make it more baby friendly, and was now carrying a big box of unwanted items to the front door.

"Of course it is, San, I'm pregnant, not disabled."

Santana held her hands up in mock disbelief at the brunettes stubbornness.

"Okay then, I'm sorry."

Rachel almost dropped the box.

"Wait. Did Santana Lopez just say sorry?"

Santana let out huff.

"Don't get used to it, Berry. Now put those man-hands to good use and put that box over there."


Rachel and Santana were not thrilled to be back for Thanksgiving. In fact, they'd spent a good hour of the drive back listing places that they'd rather be than Lima. Rachel had attempted to persuade Santana's that it was perfectly safe for her to fly at 22 weeks pregnant, but Santana refused to take the chance.

"Bali?" Santana suggested.


"It's in Indonesia. You know, huts on the beach. That kind of place."

"Oh. Well, I think I could handle that." Rachel let out a soft giggle as she slurpt up the remainder of her dairy-free banana milkshake.

"Huh, maybe I'll treat you one day."

"You know it'll be more expensive when there's three of us, right?"


As Santana's car pulled up at McKinley High School, Rachel began to hyperventilate. Santana didn't even have to ask.

"Tell him it's Brody's."

They'd never discussed who the father was before. Rachel thought it was because Santana didn't care. Santana didn't want to be reminded that there was someone else there to protect the baby.

As they strode in, Santana forced Rachel to walk faster by holding the small of her back and pushing. Or pulling. Rachel wasn't sure. Santana walked confidently into the auditorium and saw a small huddle in the middle of the stage. The clicking of Santana's heels alerted the small group to her presence.

The first thing Quinn noticed was Santana's grin.

The first thing Tina noticed was Rachel.

The first thing Puck noticed was Santana's boobs.

The first thing Finn noticed was Rachel's bump.

And the first thing Brittany noticed was how Santana held Rachel the way she used to hold her.


Rachel lay awake at her dad's house. Normally she'd go to Santana's bedroom, but Santana was on the other side of town. Rachel wasn't sure when it became acceptable to wake Santana up at 3 o'clock in the morning, but at some point it became normal. Finn's words echoed in her mind.

"I want to look after you. The both of you."

Rachel had cut him off with a blunt, "It's Brody's." She saw Santana look back at her, her conversation with Quinn halted. She gave a quick smile before turning around again. They left soon after that. Rachel also wasn't sure when they became a they. When they arrived together and left together. When they consulted each other on everything and before making a plan, promised, "I'll talk to Santana about it." But the one thing that Rachel was sure about was that she didn't want Santana to look after her and her baby. She needed her to.


Santana remembered the bluntness with which Rachel had turned down Finn's offer of help earlier that day. She knew he was offering her everything she should have wanted. Love. Stability. A family. So why didn't she want it? She hoped it wasn't because of what she'd said. Just because she didn't Finn in Rachel's life, it shouldn't mean that Rachel should feel obliged to reject him. She hoped she'd rejected him because she didn't need or want him. Santana liked to think that Rachel had everything she could need already. Santana never liked to talk much about feelings, but she hoped Rachel knew that she wasn't going anywhere. Santana didn't know when feelings started getting involved. Maybe it was around the point that Santana insisted she came to Rachel's first scan. Maybe it was when she found herself buying pickles at 2 o'clock in the morning. Maybe it was when she told Rachel to get into bed with her. Maybe it was on the night of graduation. All Santana did know was that it wasn't just about the baby anymore.


When Santana arrived at the Berry household a few days later, she wasn't expecting to see Rachel sitting on the doorstep with her bag at her feet. She jumped up when she saw Santana's car and rushed towards the car. Santana had barely gotten out of the car when Rachel threw her bag in the boot. Rachel was in the front seat before Santana even knew what had happened.

Santana set off quickly.

"Rach, what was that all about? Is something wrong?"

"No. No, of course not." She started quickly. She paused for a moment. "I just can't wait to get out of here."

Santana felt the tension disappear from her body.

"I know what you mean."


When they finally arrived back at their apartment, Rachel threw herself down on the nearest bed. Which just so happened to be Santana's.

"Hey!" Santana tried pushing her off but Rachel was having none of that. Five minutes later, the pair found themselves laying under the covers, their bodies intertwining.

"You know I'm going to be here for the baby. And for you." Santana felt it best to tell Rachel how she felt. At least some of it.

Rachel turned over to face her. Santana did the same.


"Of course, Berry. I'm not going anywhere."


It was quiet that night. Too quiet. Rachel realised a while ago that Santana had stopped going out. And that there were no visitors anymore. Then Rachel heard a groan. Then a whimper. She listened for a while longer. She wondered whether Santana was having a nightmare. She quietly tiptoed across the apartment into Santana's room.

"Oh." was all Santana could say.

There was no doubt in Rachel's mind what was going on under the covers.

"If you needed help, you could have just asked." Rachel sauntered her way back to her room as Santana grinned.

Neither of them got much sleep that night.


Rachel and Santana walked back into the waiting room and out into the car park. Rachel was gleefully squeezing Santana's hand and pointing at the scan in her hand.

"And did you see the way she sucked her thumb? And how she waved? And how she..." Rachel was in her own world now, but still firmly in Santana's.

"Rach...I think she was just moving." Santana interrupted. Rachel pouted. "And why do you think it's a girl?"

"She just doesn't move as much as a boy would. And I just know. A mother always knows."

"Okay, Berry. Whatever you say. Now lets get you home before you have some sort of excitement seizure."


Santana treated Rachel to dinner for her birthday. It wasn't how Rachel had imagined she'd spend her 20th birthday; six months pregnant and with the girl who made her high school life hell. But she was happy.

"I've booked. Under the name Lopez." Santana strode in with Rachel following behind. Santana was in one of her little black dresses, while Rachel embraced her new pregnancy curves with a Grecian dress.

"Your table is ready, ma'am. If you and your girlfriend would like to follow me to your table."

Santana didn't correct him. Rachel just smiled, and rested her hand on her bump.


With the birth approaching, Rachel and Santana began to attend ante-natal classes. As the class began, it suddenly dawned on Santana that they should have begun these classes earlier. Everyone else had clearly signed up before they headed out to buy the pregnancy test. Santana couldn't help but smile as Rachel worked on her breathing. Hell, this girl knew how to breath properly. She was singing Barbra Steissand at two years old. Rachel knew she looked stupid. But it was for the baby. And having Santana by her side made her feel like anything was possible.


Rachel and Santana looked into what had once been Santana's bedroom. They'd redecorated it so that it was more of a nursery, but the bed was still in there. They appeared to have swapped rooms, so that the nursery was in the smaller room. What seemed completely illogical seemed sensible to the girls who knew they would eventually be sharing the bigger room.

"I love it. I really do. Thanks, San."

"Hey, Rach. You know you did all the hard work. I just lifted a few boxes."

"No honestly, you've done so much. You have no idea." Rachel said, laying her head on Santana's shoulder.


"I'm going to need to take some time out..." Rachel wasn't really sure how to tell Madame Tibideaux that she couldn't continue. She was sure she didn't have children, and it was unlikely that she'd take pity on her.

"You know the rules, Rachel, there is no time out at NYADA. Just out. I'm sorry."

As Madame Tibideaux walked out of the room, Rachel felt herself crumble. She hadn't truly prepared herself for this moment. She knew it was unlikely that she'd have a chance at all on Broadway, but to have to leave NYADA with nothing was not something she ever thought could happen. As her sobs echoed around the room, she only wanted Santana.


"Hey, Rach, it's going to be okay. Trust me." Santana held Rachel's shaking frame on the couch, whispering into her ear and stroking her hair. She hoped it was comforting.

"I just don't have anything, do I? I have no future anymore." Rachel sobbed harder.

"Rach, you have the rest of your life. You're going to be mother. There's going to be someone in this world that loves you unconditionally and you're going to be so full of love. You're going to be a great mum, Rach. Trust me."

"But what if that's not enough, San? I don't have any money, I don't have my dads, I don't have an education."

"I'll get a proper job. A stable one. Just...just trust me."


Rachel and Santana were watching Friends reruns when Rachel asked, "What do you think of the name Reva? It means star."

Santana paused. She hadn't thought naming the baby would be a decision she was involved in.

"It's unique. I don't know, Rach. Don't they have books for this?"

"Where do you think I found the name? But a book doesn't have to live with the name."

"I haven't really thought about names to be honest."

"Why? Because you don't care? Because you don't plan on sticking around? I knew it, Santana!" Rachel was yelling suddenly. Santana didn't know how many more mood swings she could take.

"What, Rach? No, just calm down. I just...I just thought it was kind of your decision?" She knew it wasn't a question but she couldn't gauge Rachel's mood through her pout.

"Why should it be just me? Just because I'm carrying her, it doesn't mean I should get stuck with all the tough jobs. This is our baby, after all."


"Ohmigod, San! This is so cute!" Rachel yelled across the baby store. She was holding up a babygrow that read 'I'm not scared of the tickle monster!' Santana walked over to where Rachel was standing, carrying a different babygrow that read 'I'm the cutest thing you will ever own'.

"Aww! I love this store! Can we get them, please San?" Santana was sure Rachel was close to getting down on her knees.

"Hmm, well you know...I feel I'm going to have to think about it." Rachel began to pout. "Go on then, just because I can't stand that pout!" As she grinned, she wondered when she became so...fluffy.

Rachel started on her way to the till when Santana reached out to stop her.

"Are you sure you want to get those in pink?"



They were out grabbing coffee when it happened. Rachel's hand broke through her juice cup when the pain shot through her. Her face contorted into a look of pure anguish.

"Rach? Rach? What's happening? Tell me what to do!" Santana never panicked.

"It hurts, San. It hurts like hell."

Santana hasn't read too many pregnancy books, but she did know that when the baby came, it should be slow and gentle to begin with.

"Rach, I'm going to call an ambulance."

"San, I'm so scared."

"Me too, baby. Me too."


"Please don't leave me, Santana. Please, just promise you'll stay." Rachel was in the back of the ambulance now, Santana holding her hand hard.

"I'm pretty sure Rihanna wants me to stay as well. I'll check my diary..." Santana had always tried to use humour as her defence mechanism. She knew it wasn't working now. Hell, she couldn't even crack a good joke. She felt Rachel grip her hand tighter.

"I, Santana Lopez, promise you, Rachel Berry, that I will never leave your side. That do you?"

"I guess it'll have to."

"But seriously, Rach. Never. You know I could never do that."

"Thank you."


Rachel didn't know what was happening. When she arrived at the hospital, they'd changed her into something resembling a nightie. She was injected with something and drifted in and out of consciousness. She knew doctors were speaking but it was more a muffle. Just a vacuum in her head.

Please, God, let her be okay. Please let my baby be okay. She prayed harder than she'd ever prayed before.

She was being wheeled down to the operating room when she woke up again. She saw Santana next to her, tears streaming down her face.

"San," she whispered, "what's happening?"

"I don't know, Rach." Her sobs became louder.

"Hey, babe. Don't cry, it'll be fine. Trust me, yeah?"

They both gave a sad smile.


Santana didn't know what was happening. Everything was a blur but she was now standing in front of Rachel in the operating room in a set of scrubs and a tag reading, "Rachel's partner". Maybe she'd told them she was. Maybe they'd assumed.

"Trust me, yeah?"

Santana couldn't help but give Rachel a sad smile. She didn't want Rachel to see her scared. She needed to be strong for her, not fall apart.

"Rach, I don't know what's going to happen now, but I need you to know something." Santana paused for breath. She knew she should be worrying about the baby, but she couldn't help but be terrified that she might lose Rachel.

"I love you, Rachel Berry."

Rachel let out a small laugh.

"I love you too, San."


Santana wasn't quite sure how it happened, but a loud cry suddenly filled the air.

"You did it, Rach!" Santana was grinning widely.

Rachel's sobs began to subside and she too began to grin.

"Ohmigod, San! We have a baby!"

The nurse quickly passed over the newborn, placing her on Rachel's chest.

"Congratulations, Miss Berry, you have a little baby girl!"

Rachel and Santana could only continue to weep as they grinned. Rachel grabbed hold of her daughters finger, while Santana stroked her back.

"We did it, San. We got our baby."

Santana leaned down and their mouths meet. Their lips locked and the fireworks were interrupted only by the cries of their daughter.


"San, do you have my tag?"

"It's in your bag, baby. Although why you want to keep it..."

"It's a memory! Some people have feelings you know..."

"I know! I just feel like your going to remember her birthday. You don't need to have a tag to remind you."

Santana grabbed the final bits and pieces from the hospital chair, as Rachel held their daughter close. They made their way to the car, already equipped with a baby seat. Santana loaded up the boot as Rachel strapped their daughter in.

"You know, we're really going to need to name her soon."


Rachel burst into tears as she walked through the door. Santana had already placed dozens of balloons inside their apartment and their were rose petals and confetti on the floor.

"San, it's lovely. Thank you."

"Well you know, nothing's too much for my ladies."

Laying their daughter down in her nursery, Rachel and Santana went to the master bedroom.

"Finally, I can get my mack on with my lady."

"Santana Lopez, I have just had a baby. I am not getting my mack on tonight."

"S'ok. Remember, I've had my way with you before..."

"I was drunk then. Now we have a baby and love each other. Just saying."

"Maybe I can wait."

Santana snaked her arm around Rachel's stomach. She breathed softly against Rachel's neck and grinned when she felt Rachel's breathing quicken. Just when Rachel was about to jump Santana, she whispered, "What about Callie?"

Rachel paused, her breathing returning to normal.

"Callie Lopez-Berry. I love it."

So there you have it! This was meant to be a really short one shot...and became quite a long one.

Lots of love,

