Hokuto Kombat: Legend of the True Savior

A Fist of the North Star/Mortal Kombat Crossover

By Snafu the Great

Disclaimer: Hokuto no Ken/Fist of the North Star is Buronson and Tetsuo Hara's brainchild. Mortal Kombat belongs to Ed Boon, Warner Bros. Interactive, and Netherrealm Studios. Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage/Hokuto Musou belongs to Tecmo Koei. This was an idea I had going on for a while and Fist of the North Star was not my first choice for this fic. The whole time-travel schtick was something I wanted to do, but I could not figure out what to splice Mortal Kombat 9 with. It would have been amusing to see Kazuya Mishima or his son achieve a measure of redemption, or Ryu going on a Dark Hadou trip on Kahn and his Outworld chums, or Akuma playing the wild card. Maybe Ryu Hayabusa and/or Kasumi, Ayane and Hayate could hack and slash their way to victory. I even skipped over Big Boss (in his prime), Revolver Ocelot, Solid Snake and Meryl. Hell, even Dante, Trish, Nero, and Vergil were on my list, aside from Guy, Cody, and Strider Hiryu. Would have been even more hilarious to see Geese Howard and Wolfgang Krauser fight all comers, Earthrealm and Outworld...as well as each other. Asura would have been overkill. Wolverine, Cyclops, Luke Cage, Doctor Doom (yes, that Doom), Magneto, and Hulk were other prospects, but I skipped them.

In the end, I chose Fist of the North Star, having been a fan of the anime and manga ever since I was a kid. The Gary Daniels movie does not count, as that was a mockery of the series.

The ideas began to form while I was working on Resident Evil: A Change In Pace and Naruto: Wrath of the Emperor. You know how Mortal Kombat 9 ends: The Forces of Light have been decimated, and Shinnok and Quan Chi are poised to invade Earth. But what if the Elder Gods had an insurance policy in the form of the 64th successor of Hokuto Shinken? How would things play out if Kenshiro decides to bust some heads (pun intended)? How would the fate of the Forces of Light change? But that does not mean that things will be easy for the Forces of Light, seeing as how Kenshiro is on their side, as Shao Kahn has Raoh in his service (taking the place of Kratos).

About Hokuto Kombat: Just as how the Fallout universe had split from our timeline following World War II, the Hokuto no Ken timeline has split from that of Mortal Kombat's own timeline, some 2,000 years before the Great Kung Lao's defeat in Mortal Kombat. Whereas the MK universe has to contend with gods and the threat of invasion from hostile realms, the Hokuto universe had the nuclear war and the rise of various warlords each wanting to rule in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Various characters from the Hokuto universe also exist on Earthrealm (some, not all), and some of them have connections with the MK cast. Most of the storyline from Hokuto no Ken will be based off of Ken's Rage, as well as Kenshiro's appearance. Oh, and just to warn you, this story does has some twists in the plot, as well as references from both series...as well as exploding body parts galore. Last, I will like to credit the Mortal Kombat Wiki and the Hokuto Renkitōza Wiki for my research into this fanfic, as well as Azure Dragon of the East for inspiring me to write this. Otherwise, enjoy.

Update: I've been looking over the chapters of Hokuto Kombat and in some chapters, I've added more content, or revamped several scenes. Second, whenever a Hokuto technique is used, there will be a short description of said technique at the end of the chapter for those who are not familiar with Hokuto techniques. Last, since I forgot to add this, since Kenshiro is speaking English, his English voice is that from Ken's Rage 1, while Raoh's English voice is from Ten no Haoh (Legend of the Dark King)


Prologue: A New Legend Emerges! Enter the Savior and the Conqueror!

"I can say without a doubt that there are an infinite number of universes. Some are just like our own...but for one or two significant events, exactly the same."

- Lex Luthor

Across a black screen, the following text appears:


As these words fade, the familiar image of the Mortal Kombat Dragon logo begins to appear in the same fashion as it does in the movies (only with the main theme from Ken's Rage/Hokuto Musou playing). The words fade out, and more words appear.



The MK Logo is now seen in its full glory, save that it's the revamped version seen in MK9.


The words fade out just as seven stars are superimposed over the MK Logo, shaped in the form of the Big Dipper. The title screen appears.

HOKUTO KOMBAT: Legend of the True Savior

A montage begins to play, showing the masters of Hokuto Shinken in action. First up, is the 62nd successor of Hokuto Shinken, Kenshiro Kasumi (Fist of the Blue Sky/Souten no Ken). We see Kenshiro Kasumi inside a restaurant, killing the Emperor's bodyguards, followed by him performing the Tomon Ketsu Ha Shiso (Finger Strikes That Tears Holes In The Gate) on Goran.

NIGHTWOLF (voice-over): There is a forbidden martial art – the ultimate killing style – that has been passed down in secret from one successor to the next.

Next, we see an older Ramon Kasumi – better known as Ryuken – training the four brothers: Kenshiro, Raoh, Toki and Jagi.

LIU KANG (voice-over): The style is known as Hokuto Shinken (Divine Fist of the North Star). Two thousand years ago, the style was created during the era of the Three Kingdoms.

Next clip is that of Toki from Shin Kyuseishu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken: Toki Den, practicing in the courtyard of the Hokuto Renkitōza as Kenshiro, Yuria and Raoh watch in the background. The next clips are of him post nuclear war, using his skills to heal the sick, and defending himself against Raoh.

JOHNNY CAGE (voice-over): Now, the style of Hokuto Shinken was created by Western Buddhists in secret in order to protect their teachings from the rival warlords who ravaged the lands.

Raoh is next. We see him on his steed, Koukou-Goh, in full armor, leading his army into battle. The clips showing him are from Raoh Gaiden and Ten no Haoh. Then we see him fight, Juza of the Clouds, Toki, and several other warriors.

SONYA BLADE (voice-over): As the deadly art was so feared throughout the lands, Hokuto Shinken also earned itself a second name – the 'Fist of the God of Death.' Once peace was finally restored, the style soon became a legend.

Last, is the 64th successor, Kenshiro. Most of his action scenes are from Shin Hokuto no Ken and Shin Kyuseishu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken: Kenshiro Den. But we also see a revamped scene in which he kills Zeed and rescues Lin, as well as fighting Souther, Jagi, and Raoh himself.

PRINCESS KITANA (voice-over): This is the story of not only of Mortal Kombat, but the story of a man out of time. A man from an alternative Earth that has been ravaged by nuclear fire. This is the story of the Man with the Seven Scars...the Savior of Century's End.

The screen then fades to black as he music ends.

RAIDEN (voice-over): This is the story of how he saved us all.

An unknown temple.

Pain. His body was hurting all over. He was bleeding from several wounds he had suffered during the battle with Raoh at the ruins of the Hokuto Renkitōza.

'The Hokuto Renkitōza!'

Kenshiro's eyes snapped open. Instead of the night sky, where he was fighting his brother, he found himself inside a temple of unknown origin. The last thing he remembered before being sucked through a strange portal was fighting his older brother.

'Is this it?' he thought. 'Did I fail? Did I fail my master and Toki in trying to stop Raoh's ambition? Did I fail to save my beloved Yuria?'

Kenshiro found out that it hurt even to move. Even the seven scars on his chest were bleeding. Raoh had worked him over pretty good in their battle. But despite the fact that several of his ribs were broken, he got to his feet...if only for a moment, as he had went down to one knee, one hand holding his side.

Despite his injuries, he was capable to scan his surroundings. He definitely was not at the old Hokuto training field, but rather, a temple of some kind. It was old, and not ravaged by the nuclear maelstrom. Raoh was nowhere to be seen. Neither Bat nor Lin. Not even Yuria.

"Welcome to my temple, Kenshiro. I have been expecting you."

Kenshiro turned his head. The voice was female, and it echoed throughout the temple's inner sanctum. Kenshiro heard no malice in her tone, but compassion. To him, it reminded him of Yuria.

She emerged from the shadows, facing the wounded Hokuto warrior. Part of her face was concealed by the hood she wore which covered her eyes. The rest of her clothing was of unknown origin, the top being two pieces of cloth which covered her chest, the skirt covering her legs and feet.

"Who...who are you?" Kenshiro asked, still wary.

"I am Delia, The Lady of the Flames. I am not your enemy, Kenshiro." She then raised one hand. Kenshiro watched as a blue flame blossomed into the palm. "Perhaps this will earn your trust."

Before he could react, Delia flung the flame at Kenshiro, engulfing him. The fire was not burning him, Kenshiro realized. It was healing him. His wounds closed up, the blood vanished. His clothing was even renewed. In short, he felt a whole lot better than he had ever felt in a long time.

Delia sized the man up as he rose to his full height. Muscular, standing six-feet-one, originally from Shura no Kuni (Land of Shura), Kenshiro was the master and successor of Hokuto Shinken.

"Where...what is this place?" Kenshiro asked, having moved Delia out of the 'Enemy Category' in his brain.

"One of my temples," the sorceress replied. "I have had my eye on you for a long time, Kenshiro." Before Kenshiro could reply, Delia raised one hand. "No. Not like that. I know that you are loyal to your fiancee, Yuria. I brought you here for a specific purpose."

"What purpose is that?"

"You were brought here by the Elder Gods to act on their behalf. We need your help."

"My help? And who are the Elder Gods?"

"The Elder Gods, in short, are the supreme deities of the universe. As some other Gods have jurisdiction over one realm and represent an element, the Elder Gods on the other hand, are ethereal and have authority and power in all realms. My husband, Argus, is an Elder God."

Kenshiro took a moment to digest this information. Delia's words reminded him of the stories of myth that Ryuken once told him and his brothers in his youth. The look on his face showed Delia that he understood.

"Unlike your original Earth, in which mankind has destroyed himself with his own weapons of destruction, Earthrealm is one of several realms. Here, aside from Earthrealm, we have five, the others being Orderrealm, Chaosrealm, Netherrealm, and Outworld."

Kenshiro nodded, showing that he understood Delia so far.

"Our main threat comes from Outworld," Delia explained. "Ruled by the Emperor, Shao Kahn."

Using her powers, she created an astral projection of the man in question. Tall, just like Raoh, Kenshiro deduced, clad in spiked armor, and just as muscular. His face was concealed by a helmet crafted out of a skull. The red eyes glowed with an inhuman power. The second projection she created was that of an old man dressed like a mandarin.

"This is Shao Kahn, the Emperor of Outworld. He is a brute of a warrior and a master of the black arts. His chief sorcerer is Shang Tsung, also a powerful warrior in his own right. Shang Tsung is especially dangerous, as he steals the souls of fallen warriors in order to sustain his own life. Kahn is a bloodthirsty conqueror, and will stop at nothing until the realms are under his control, which is why a fail-safe was developed by the Elder Gods in order to give the realms a fighting chance to defend itself against Shao Kahn."

"A martial arts tournament. Originally, it was known as the Shaolin Tournament of Martial Arts. But it is mostly known as Mortal Kombat. The tournament is held once a generation, and the rules are simple: win ten consecutive tournaments in a row, and the victor can enter the realm unopposed. Any attempt to merge the realms without winning the tournament is an automatic death sentence. Through Mortal Kombat, Kahn was able to invade Edenia, my homeland, and absorbed into Outworld. He killed the reigning king, took his wife as his queen and adopted their daughter as his own. But now, Earthrealm is threatened by Kahn. His forces has already won nine Mortal Kombats. This will be the tenth and should Earthrealm fail – the final tournament."

"So you want me to compete in the tournament?"

"Yes. But there's more to the story. Following the conclusion of the tournament, a series of events will lead to Armageddon."

Delia dismissed the astral projections of Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn and used her powers to show Kenshiro a series of events. A war between good and evil at the base of a giant pyramid. Kenshiro easily identified Shao Kahn, who was fighting with another man, dressed in black armor, eyes red.

"Raiden, god of thunder and lightning," Delia explained. "Earthrealm's protector."

Kenshiro nods as he watched as the battle came down to Shao Kahn and Raiden, with Raiden on the receiving end of a vicious beating at the hands of the Konqueror. Fighting with the idea of interfering, he stopped when Delia placed a slender hand on his forearm.

"Don't. These are shadows of what may be."

Kenshiro sighed as he turned back to the battle. It became obvious that Shao Kahn had won.

"Where are the Elder Gods, Raiden?" Kahn taunted, laughing as he walked over to the fallen thunder god. "Their pathetic Mortal Kombat shackles me no longer."

Kenshiro winced as Kahn assaults Raiden before flinging him across the pyramid top.

Kahn then materializes a massive stone hammer. "They masquerade as dragons, but are mere toothless worms," he sneers right before slamming his boot into Raiden's chest. "My venom spreads. It is the end of all things."

Kenshiro could see Kahn's touki (fighting aura) radiating off of both himself and of his signature weapon. Delia explained to Kenshiro that Kahn had absorbed the power of a being that Kahn was not to have.

"Armageddon," Kahn intoned.

"STOP!" Raiden shouts, but to no avail, as Kahn picks him up effortlessly with one hand.

"It is done," the Emperor replied in triumph as he throws Raiden again. "Your time has passed. Ages wasted in foolish resistance. Now it is the dawn of my rule!"

Raiden crawled over the broken amulet and began to chant. The amulet begins to crackle with energy.

"Yes. Pray to the worms, Raiden. As your world ends."

Kenshiro turned away as Kahn slammed the hammer down onto Raiden's skull. However, Kenshiro had heard Raiden whisper something before Kahn had smashed his head in.

"...He must win."

When he looked back to Delia, he found himself back inside the temple.

"In his attempt to try and stave off Armageddon," Delia continued, "Raiden sent visions of these events to his past self. Despite his best intentions, Raiden managed to make things worse."

With those words, she showed Kenshiro a second series of visions. Several of them stood out. A man with the power of ice being created into a humanoid abomination. A woman slaughtering scores of warriors before finally being brought down in a heroic sacrifice by one of the surviving warriors. And a pale-skinned man and a fallen god pulling the strings from the shadows. Earth's final destruction.

"Kenshiro...I know this must be hard for you," Delia said. "But I did not lie when I said that the Elder Gods needed your help. You will not be alone in this task, as there are allies to help you achieve your goal. You may be the master of Hokuto Shinken – a style designed to kill – but I can see inside your soul. You have a kind and generous heart. Raiden has his champion. We ask that you become ours. Use the power of your fists, Savior of Century's End, and save us all."

Kenshiro remained silent.

"The Elder Gods do not forget those who come to their aid," the sorceress continued. "If you are successful in your task, Kenshiro, the Elder Gods will restore your Earth, and you will be reunited with your beloved. You have my word. You have the Elder Gods' promise."

Kenshiro weighed his options. A chance to return to Earth that was not ravaged by the horrors of nuclear war was tempting. In the end, it proved to be too tempting to pass up.

He looked at Delia. "Okay. I'll do it. I will act as the Elder Gods' champion."

Delia bowed in gratitude. "I thank you, Kenshiro." She then raised her hand. Kenshiro turned around and saw that another portal has opened up behind him. "Hey. Catch."

Kenshiro turned around and he caught a scroll tossed to him by the Lady of the Flame. Looking at the scroll, he ran his thumb along the wax seal. A stylized dragon head in a circle. The dragon's tongue curled out, forked into a double point. The eye narrow and evil.

"It will allow you to compete in the tournament being held on Shang Tsung's Island," Delia explained. "Be warned. The tournament is nothing like you have ever seen, Kenshiro. Good Luck."

Kenshiro pocketed the scroll and bowed to Delia, who responded with a solemn nod of the head. Kenshiro turned around without hesitation, leapt through the portal.

Argus watched from the shadows as the Man with the Seven Scars leapt through the portal, Delia closing it behind him. The Edenian Elder God approached his wife. "Are you sure that this is the best course of action?" he asked.

"I am sure," Delia replied. "I have watched Kenshiro for quite some time. He is the one who can deliver us from Armageddon. Daegon has become corrupted and thinks us dead. Taven is still asleep. And Rain has turned traitor to his people, and to you."

Argus sighed. "I still don't like it."

"Have faith, husband," the sorceress replied. "Kenshiro will do his duty to us. And he will be rewarded justly when the time comes."

"I hope you are right, Delia. For all our sakes."

At the same time, in Outworld...

The Emperor, Shao Kahn, stood out over his balcony, watching the angry red sky. The Konqueror had waited for many, many years, his forces fighting through the Mortal Kombat tournaments designed by the Elder Gods. Now, this was the tenth and final tournament.

'And soon, Earthrealm will be mine,' Kahn thought, red eyes glowing in anticipation of winning the final tournament.

Shao Kahn was a mountain of a man, standing well over seven feet tall, and insanely muscular. A helmet which was formed out of a skull was placed over his horned face. His attire consisted of spiked armor: shoulder pads, greaves and wrist guards. A blood-red cape was draped over his shoulders.

Before becoming the Emperor of Outworld, Kahn was originally the adviser to its previous ruler, Onaga. Lusting for power, Kahn had poisoned the Dragon King and took his throne, and the nickname 'the Konqueror.'

Kahn looked out into the sky and saw an ominous sign. A star, shining brightly than the others. For nearly a year, the stat had shone brightly into the heavens.

"In my former homeland, they call it Shichōsei," Shang Tsung said as he walked out onto the balcony, hands behind his back. "The Death Omen Star. Legend has it that whoever gazes upon the star will die within the year."

Shang Tsung was Shao Kahn's chief Shadow Priest. Originally from China, Shang Tsung was a former student in the back arts, having been trained by Shao Kahn himself. Over five centuries ago, Shang was a competitor in the Mortal Kombat tournament. However, he was caught cheating in the tournament and was sentenced to death. Shao Kahn, however, intervened upon seeing the potential that Shang had, and took him on as his pupil.

When Shang was caught stealing the soul of a fallen warrior in Earthrealm, the Elder Gods had cursed him, forcing him to take the souls of fallen warriors, lest he would rapidly age and die. A side effect of absorbing the souls of those killed was that Shang had acquired their memories, of which had proven to be beneficial to him in the long run.

Shang had the appearance of an old man; white hair, moustache. Even the eyes were solid white. He also had a taste for fine clothing, as he was dressed like a mandarin.

"Legends..." Kahn repeated. "I have no need for baseless Earthrealm legends. I want results. I have waited for over five hundred years for this moment. Is everything prepared?"

Shang nodded. "Yes, Emperor. In one week's time, the tenth and final tournament will take place. In one week's time, Earthrealm will be yours."

"Yes...but this...Death Star nonsense bothers me," Kahn said. "I want to be absolutely sure that Raiden and his mortals do not win."

"There is something that you can do," Shang began. "Something that can ensure total victory over Raiden and the Elder Gods."

Kahn folded his arms across his chest. "Continue."

"An ancient ritual, from the time of Onaga, the Dragon King," Shang said, inwardly smirking at the frown that marred Kahn's face at the mentioning of his predecessor. "One that can summon and enslave the most powerful warrior of all time. But...there is a price to pay. In order for the ritual to work, you must sacrifice the souls of your vanguard. I have just the candidate in order for our plans to succeed."

"My plans," Kahn corrected, glaring at the sorcerer.

Shang bowed. "Yes...please forgive me. My visions have shown me the finest of warriors, one who calls himself Ken-Oh – The King of Fists. His skills are extraordinary. There were others, such as the Spartan warrior from ancient Greece, and the undead pirate wielding the cursed blades...but this man is the one who can and will tilt the odds in your favor."

Kahn rubbed his chin in thought. "An enticing thought...and for the spell to work will cost only the souls of my vanguard? The souls of fifty for the power of one?"

Shang nodded. "Yes."

Kahn weighed his options. The odds were already in his favor with Goro as the tournament's champion. The Lin Kuei – of which Shang has hired – were on task to eliminate any of Raiden's warriors from the shadows. And then, there was Quan Chi.

Kahn never fully trusted Quan Chi, as his loyalties were to Shinnok, the fallen Elder God. "Is the necromancer participating in the tournament?"

"Quan Chi? Yes, Emperor."

"I don't trust him. Something tells me that he has his own agenda, one that does not coincide with my plans. Then there's the Black Dragon member you have hired along with the Lin Kuei."

"You mean Kano?" Shang corrected. "What about him?"

"The man is a lot like Quan Chi when it comes to his own motives," Kahn stated. "Why would you retain the services of such a disreputable cretin like him? At least Sektor and the Lin Kuei can be trusted."

"True. Kano has no morals, no dignity and no manners. Yet he will serve your purpose. Men like him can amass great wealth and almost godlike power. And your decision regarding the ritual...?"

"You know the incantation to summon the warrior known as Ken-Oh?"

"Yes, Emperor."

"Summon the vanguard," Kahn ordered. "Proceed with the ritual."

"And Quan Chi?"

Kahn thought for a moment. "Skarlet!" he bellowed.

Seconds passed. Then, as Kahn and Shang watched, a pool of crimson began to seep into the floor, the metallic smell coming from it identified the crimson mass as blood. Bubbling and churning, the blood rose, the mass taking on the form of a woman, lithe, moving with the grace of a dancer.

But she was anything but.

Shao Kahn had countless warriors under his control, but he trusted only Skarlet. Not even his own stepdaughter, who he had raised, was not held in high regard. Kahn had combined the blood of fallen warriors with his black arts, creating the ultimate enforcer and tracker completely loyal to the Konqueror, targeting those who Kahn sees as a threat to his throne. But what makes Skarlet especially dangerous is by absorbing the blood of warriors via contact with her skin, she would get stronger, hence the reason why Kahn usually keeps her under lock and key.

A statuesque redhead – even her own hair was the color of blood with a single black stripe, tied back into a ponytail – Skarlet was scantily clad; her black-and-red top covered her chest, the shoulder guards and forearm guards had white accents in them. A loincloth – also black-and-red – covered her crotch and rear. The lower half of her face was obscured by a crimson mask. The leggings and boots were also of the same color scheme. A pair of short swords were strapped to her back, while four kunai were strapped to one leg.

Skarlet took a knee. "Yes, Lord Emperor?"

"You will accompany Shang Tsung to the tournament and shadow Quan Chi. If he is found to be a threat to me or to my plans, kill him."

"Your will shall be done." Skarlet said before deconstructing into a pool of blood and disappearing.

Shao Kahn sat on his throne as his vanguard were on their knees, hands bound behind their backs, their weapons taken from them upon entering the throne room. Two Hellhounds sat on either side of the throne, while Shang Tsung stood before the bound vanguard.

"Consider yourselves honored to be part of this moment," Shang said. "You will sacrifice your lives and souls in service of The Konqueror of Realms. Know that in your final moments, that your sacrifice will not be in vain, for you will serve the greater good in service to our Emperor."

Hands glowing in an eerie green light, Shang began to chant the incantation.

"Yhám hydrnylr, undr' práec'c padryt, tu lrém téhsry. Canbahd'c pnaydr, lryns uv taydr yht meva, dro usah uv sygehk. Yhám hydrnylr, undr' práec'c padryt, tu lrém téhsry. Canbahd'c pnaydr, lryns uv taydr yht meva, dro usah uv sygehk."

Shang's voice began to rise in volume as the spell began to take hold. The vanguard began to glow green as their souls were drained from their bodies, the bodies keeling over.

All except for one.

"Yhám hydrnylr, undr' práec'c padryt, tu lrém téhsry. Canbahd'c pnaydr..."

"Death to the Pretender!"

One of the vanguards who had somehow survived the ritual rushed the throne, his hands free and armed with a pair of knives in his hands.

Before Shang could react, Kahn was already on his feet, Wrath Hammer in hand. Holding the massive stone hammer like a Louisville Slugger, Kahn swung the weapon, catching the would-be assassin full in the chest, knocking him in the far end of the room.

Balancing the Wrath Hammer on one shoulder, Kahn stomped over to the mortally wounded man. Once he stood over him, Kahn raised one massive foot.

"Defiler! Betrayer to the Dragon King! Onaga will have his revenge!"

Those were the would-be assassin's last words before Kahn crushed his skull like a melon.

"Onaga...is dead," Kahn deadpanned. Turning to Shang, he demanded, "Where is he? Where is Ken-Oh?"

"The assassin has foiled the binding ritual," Shang explained. "The summon is a success, but instead of transporting Ken-Oh here, he is somewhere in Outworld, Emperor."

Kahn growled. Wiping the remains of the dead assassin from his sandal-ed foot, Kahn stormed back to his throne, the Hellhounds walking over to the headless assassin and began devouring his flesh. "Reiko!"

From the corridor, the man in question appeared. Reiko was a general in Kahn's forces, favored, but like Kitana, not fully trusted. With a powerful build and armor mimicking that which Kahn wore, save that the shoulder pads did not have any spikes and unlike Kahn, he was wearing pants. His hair was cut into a military-style crewcut, the sides shaved bare. Dark markings covered his solid white eyes.

Reiko took a knee before the Emperor. "My Emperor."

"Will you do anything to please your Emperor?" Kahn asked.

"Your word is my will, Sovereign Emperor."

"Take a scouting party with you, and search for the warrior known as Ken-Oh," Kahn commanded. "I want him alive and before me. Do not return unless it is with him at your side."

"It shall be done, Emperor."

Somewhere in Outworld, the Shichōsei glowed with a sinister crimson light. Then the star fell, causing the area to be bathed in a pure white light. When the light faded, there was a man lying facedown on the ground. Bloodied and wounded, with spiky white hair, dressed in battered armor.

Raoh, the brother of Kenshiro, the Conqueror of Century's End, has arrived in Outworld.

Hokuto Shinken (Divine Fist of the North Star). A 2000 year-old martial art created in China. Also known as Big Dipper God Fist. Designed to attack the opponent's pressure points to destroy them from within. The style can also be used to heal. In its history, there has been 63 successors, or grandmasters of the style, with Kenshiro being the 64th successor, having been chosen out of four adopted brothers.

Shichōsei (Death Omen Star). A star which is sometimes seen with the Big Dipper constellation. Anyone who sees this star is destined to die within the year. Its most notable victims were Anna, Jagi's girlfriend and Mamiya, but was spared when Rei died in her place.

Snafu's Notes: Shang's incantation to summon Raoh is The Charm of Making, from the movie Excalibur and ran through an Al Bhed Translator in both Old Irish and English, in case anyone is curious. The actual text of the spell is: 'Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making.'



Aliases: Ken, Nanatsu no kizu no okoto (The Man With The Seven Scars), Seikimatsu Kyūseishu (Savior of Century's End), The Savior of the Post-Apocalyptic World

Date of Birth: 197X

Place of Birth: Taiseiden – Western Desert, Shura no Kuni (Land of Shura)

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 220 pounds

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Family: Ryuken (Ramon Kasumi), adoptive father and sifu – deceased; Raoh, eldest adopted brother; Toki, eldest adopted brother – deceased; Jagi, adopted elder brother – deceased; Kenshiro Kasumi, uncle - deceased

Primary Costume: Ken's Rage default costume

Secondary Costume: Classic 1986 anime movie costume, post-Shin

Bonus Costume A: Kenshiro Kasumi – casual attire from Fist of the Blue Sky (white shirt, leather jacket denim pants, shoes)

Bonus Costume B: Kenshiro's Shura costume from Hokuto no Ken 2 (complete with shades and Ein's weighed glove on his right hand).

Fighting Style: Hokuto Shinken

Stage: Lin's Village (located at the base of a ruined city – the tanker which is stuck inside the skyscraper is in the background. Rei, Bat, Mamiya and Lin watch the fight in the background)

Pre-Fight Intro: Kenshiro walks towards the opponent and cracks his knuckles before going into his stance. "Pick a spot. I'll bury you there."

Occupation: Sixty-Fourth Successor of Hokuto Shinken, Nomad

X-Ray - Musō Tensei (Unconscious Transmigration of Souls): Kenshiro's X-ray is a counter, similar to Johnny Cage's X-Ray. Kenshiro assumes a defensive stance. When the opponent strikes Kenshiro, he warps behind them, then performs a sweeping roundhouse kick, followed by a rising uppercut that knocks the opponent into the air once it connects. Kenshiro – paying homage to his uncle – performs the Tomon Ketsu Ha Shiso (Finger Strikes That Tears Holes In The Gate) for three seconds, destroying the bones in the chest and torso. Once the opponent lands, Kenshiro finishes with the Ganzan Ryōzan Ha (Rocky Mountain Splitting Wave), caving in the opponent's skull.

Fatality 1 – Hokuto Hykaretsuken (North Star Hundred Crack Fist): Kenshiro's signature technique. He powers up to the point his jacket rips from his chest. Following a barrage of punches to the face which knocks the opponent ass over teakettle, their head explodes, but not before uttering his signature catch phrase: "Omae wa mō...shindeiru." (You are already dead)

Fatality 2 – Hokuto Kaikotsuken (North Star Bone Crushing Fist): Kenshiro taps the opponent's forehead with his index and middle finger. Seconds later, their bloody skeleton explodes from their body.

Babality: Baby Kenshiro is playing with a teddy bear...until he accidentally makes its head explode in a shower of stuffing, causing him to cry.

The youngest of four adopted brothers, Kenshiro is the 64th successor of Hokuto Shinken. Following a nuclear war in which mankind had nearly destroyed itself, his beloved, Yuria, was taken from him by Shin, a former friend turned enemy. Hell-bent on getting Yuria back, Kenshiro carves a path of destruction throughout the wastelands. To those he helped, he is known as the Savior of Century's End, while to his enemies, he is known as The Man With Seven Scars. While fighting his eldest brother inside the ruins of the Hokuto training field, he was sucked through a mysterious portal and brought before the sorceress Delia, wife of the Elder God Argus. Now, Kenshiro finds himself in an alternate Earth, as the representative of the Elder Gods, where he will play a critical role in not only staving off Armageddon, but to counter the bad decisions in which Raiden will make.