A/N: This story was one of those things that seemed like a good idea at two in the morning. I got the idea from a challenge I found on the internet.

Standard Disclaimers Apply

Strip Poker

The group lounged around the clearing, bored. It was an unusually quite day in Sengoku Jidai and they didn't really know what to do with themselves. There had been no rumors of shards and Kagome had recently returned so there was no reason for her to go home. It was a warm sunny day and Shippo had long ago fallen asleep for lack of anything better to do.

Listening to Inuyasha grumble and complain, Kagome was struck with an idea. She knew what could entertain them. Pulling a battered deck of cards from her bag, she began to teach them the rules of poker. To her surprise, they all caught on quickly, even Inuyasha, and they seemed interested in the game. Well, Kagome thought, why wouldn't they be interested? There's nothing else to do around here.

"One of the thrills of poker," Kagome continued in her explanation of the rules, "is the betting."

"Betting?" Inuyasha asked.

"Um. I don't have much money." Sango protested.

"Neither do I." Miroku added.

"What's the matter Miroku?" came Inuyasha's sarcastic reply. "Did you run out of people to swindle?"

Kagome decided to stop this before it escalated into an argument.

"I know a way we can play that doesn't use money and makes the stakes even higher."

"What's that?" Inuyasha and Miroku dropped the disagreement and looked at her with interest.

"We could play strip poker!"

"Strip poker?!" Kagome watched their jaws drop in shock.

"That's right." She said calmly. "Instead of losing money, the loser of each round must remove an article of clothing."

"Well." Sango considered. "We've got nothing else to do."

"I'm in!" Miroku said with a lecherous smile as he placed himself between the two girls.

"Are you going to join us Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, knowing that he'd probably refuse.

"Of course. You think I'd let the lecher here hog all the eye-candy?"

Kagome raised an eyebrow. Inuyasha was usually more stubborn and not nearly so perverse. Miroku was a bad influence on him.

"What makes you think Sango and I are going to lose?"

"Well," Inuyasha considered. "The loser is the one who gets to "reveal all" so to speak and looking at the group, there's a 3 in 4 chance that the loser is not going to me and a 1 in 2 chance that the loser will be a girl."

They were momentarily shocked by such an intelligent expression. Who would have thought that Inuyasha was good at math? Kagome made a mental note to ask him for help with her next test.

"I like those odds." Miroku said to himself as they took their places and shuffled the cards.

~*~*~*~Hours later~*~*~*~

"What's so funny?" Inuyasha had now been forced to reveal his medieval underwear.

"Looks like you don't have much left to lose." Sango said wryly.

"From the looks of it," Inuyasha retorted, "neither do you!"

The entire group sat around wearing nothing more than their undergarments. Fortunately the weather was warm. This next round had many of the players nervous, except for Miroku. He could always sacrifice some of the earrings that decorated his ears and, they had recently discovered, other pierce- able places as well.

The girls shifted nervously wishing that Miroku would stop ogling them. Fortunately for him, Sango had lost all her weapons in a previous round.

"Ha ha!" Kagome laughed at Inuyasha as the round finished. "Looks like you lose the underwear!"

"That's what you think!"

"Huh?" Kagome looked at him. He was wearing nothing more than the underwear and the rosary beads around his neck and there was no way in hell she was taking those off for him. If she did, she'd never get them back on.

They all watched curiously as Inuyasha brought his hands to his head and removed.

.a WIG?!

"What?" he tone was defensive as he held the long white wig in one hand. "You actually thought this was real?!"


A/N: Oh come on! Don't tell me you didn't see that coming.