I am so so so so sorry for the wait! Don't kill me. I haven't been motivated lately and my life has just been really really really busy. Sorry! Here is the next chapter. I have a request for my readers. To make up for my laziness, I am gunna write a new song fic, but I need the lyrics, and I am at boarding school so I have to use the school wifi, and they block a lot of things including YouTube (:o) and lyric websites. So I was wondering if you could PM me the lyrics to stay by Rhianna, and I could give you a special mention, or even include you as a character in the one shot, or in this story or future stories, if you tell me what house you want to be in

Kay, enjoy!

"You obliviated us!?" Harry roared, pacing back and forth, "Why?!"

"Harry! You were walking away, I panicked!" Hermione sobbed.

"Panicked enough to obliviate us!"

Hermione's voice grew very small, "the look you gave me. I've only ever seen that look once, and that's when you talk about you-know-who"

Harry stopped pacing, his eyes softened. He couldn't have looked at her that harshly, could he? But he couldn't deny the look of fear on her face. He walked to her and touched her shoulder.

"'Mione, it couldn't have been that bad" he said.

She looked away. "Just don't hate me, please."

Harry touched her shoulder, "I don't ha-" and then, something in her story jumped out at him. The days of Malfoy's mission were approaching. "Did you know" he whispered.

Hermione's eyes darted to his, "What?"

"Did you know that he was a death eater? Did you know he wanted to kill Dumbledore?" Harry's voice was rising. Hermione squeezed her eyes shut, and didn't answer. "Did you?" She was still silent under Harry's steely gaze. "Did you know?!" Harry roared, his voice echoing in the room"

"Yes!" Hermione yelled back, "Yes I knew"

Harry looked at her in pure disgust, "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING!"

Hermione flinched, "I didn't know what else to do" she whispered, "I was sixteen, in love and scared of what might happen! All I knew was that I loved him, and I didn't want anything to happen to him"

"But you didn't care what happened to Dumbledore? My only father figure left? The only one who could help destroy all the horcruxes! Kill Voldemort!" Harry roared.

"I didn't think it would actually happen. He told me he would find a way out before it happened; he told me we would run away together. He told me we would find a way, but then he just ran out of time, and he didn't know what else to do"

"Whose side are you on anyway?" Harry growled.

Hermione was dumbfounded "Yours! Of course! I'm on yours!"

"I don't believe you" Harry hissed menacingly.

"Harry" Hermione shrilled disbelievingly, "Please! We're both on your side! How could you even…" her voice faltered as sobs took over.

Harry stared at her. He had no sympathy. She had betrayed him! Dumbledore's death was her fault as much as Snape's and Draco's. But, she was still his best friend. She had helped him so much over the years, she could hardly be a death eater, she was a Muggleborn after all, and yet... his thoughts were everywhere. He didn't know what to think! He was angry, but he knew where she was coming from. And he… he was confused. "Hermione, you are the reason Dumbledore's dead. You knew it was going to happen, and you didn't stop it!"

She buried her face in her hands, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" she whispered. "Please"

Harry stared at her, and shook his head. "I- I. I can't forgive you"

Hermione sniffed, and nodded, "Where do you want me to go?"

He frowned, "Go?"

"You don't trust me. I don't expect you took me around with you not trusting me. You're on the run; you need to be able to trust people"

Harry frowned, "Hermione, I never said I didn't trust you. I trust you with my life. I just- forgiveness. I just can't"

Hermione looked shocked, and then she smiled. Then she began to laugh. Harry frowned, "What?"

"Only you would trust someone you were angry at" Hermione laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just so typical". She stopped herself from laughing and looked at Harry's face. His face was etched into angst. "Sorry" she whispered.

Harry shook his head. "Breakfast will be ready soon" he said, before beginning to walk out.

"Harry," Hermione called after him. He turned. "You are my best friend. I love you" he nodded and offered her a small smile. She closed her eyes and winced, "Please don't tell Ron"

"I'm not going to drop that on him. He loves you; I'm not going to tell him the girl he loves is fucking Malfoy. That's on you"

Hermione collapsed onto her bed and rubbed her eyes. She was too tired to cry, too tired to do anything, so she lay down and slept.

Sorry it was short but I wanted to get it to you. I am so so sorry for the wait. For once my social life has been really good! I got a boyfriend! Ahh! anyway stick around please I'm sorry! I love you!

Meg xxx