Disclaimer: I don't own S.M characters, I simply play around with them

Chapter 10

The morning sun wasn't what woke me rather the heat. It was uncomfortably sticky under the sheets. I kicked them off, trying to cool off.

Edward's cool arm was the only relief, I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped himself around me.

''Mmm...you smell really good today'' Edward mumbled into my hair.

''Thanks...I guess, but that's kind of creepy thing to say''

''I know but you do'' He said, untangling himself from me. I suddenly felt the sizzling heat return to my skin. I moaned out of discomfort, Edward's eyes immediately fixated on me. He growled, as his eyes became a medley of emerald and black. He took a predatorial step forward before shaking his head, as though he was clearing away away a mist that had formed in his head. He took several steps back before he turned around his back facing me.

''What?'' I asked panicked, his eyes only shifted like that when he was angry or turned on.

''You're in heat'' he managed to grit out, my mind fuzzy as to what that meant for a minute.

''Ohh...shit'' Realising what it implied, I stopped the irrational inappropriate thoughts and wrapped the duvet around myself.

''So? I thought I had to suffer through that myself, by myself''

He barked out a laugh ''No, I can smell it off of you and all I can think of doing is fucking your brains out on every surface in this house...repeatedly''

''Oh'' was my expert reply

''Oh, indeed'' he muttered darkly, and with that he turned and flitted out of the room. I sympathised with Edward, I did but I felt abandoned and he was the only thing that could comfort me. The horrible burning sensation returned, I needed something to cool burning and Edward was quite unavailable. I did the only rational thing that came to mind. I had a cold, almost freezing, shower. To no avail. The day passed painfully slow manner and burning was unrelenting. By the end of the day my nerves were frayed, no amount of pacing around the house, cold showers or tossing and turning in the sheets helped. It was late by the time Edward finally returned, but instead returning to our room he remained in his office downstairs.

''Edward..'' I whined through the mind link. He ignored me. I continued to pester him and finally got a response

"What?" He growled.

"You know what" I yelled at him.

"There is no need for you to be like that" he yelled up the stairs at me.

"Fine" I grumbled, I stomped down the stairs and pranced into his office.

"Bella" he groaned, looking up from the papers sprawled on his desk"You know we can't and you're making it incredibly difficult"

"Then don't let me make it difficult"

I went around the desk and slid into his lap, he groaned and I could feel his obvious arousal. His arms and tail wrapped around me and dipped his head into the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply.

"You're absolutely intoxicating" he murmured. I smiled. As I cuddled into his arms the burning sensation waned. We stayed like that for a while, before I finally spoke up.

"Will it always be like this?" I asked.

"Like what, love?"

"This heat every three months, this awful need?"

"No, after our first child it won't be as bad"

"Our first?"

"Yes, I will take as many sons as you will give me"

"You'll have to do a lot of flattering before I even think about it, with a gestation of sixteen months"

"Don't you want children?"

"Of course but it's a long time to be pregnant and I'd be cranky and fat"

"You wouldn't be fat, you'd be round with our child. There is a difference"

"You're such a flatterer, you have it all planned don't you?"

"Of course, don't you? I like to think about our future together, our sons and our kingdom. All the years we've yet to have"

"When you say things like that I want to kiss you and I don't want to stop"

He growled softly "Don't let me stop you"

I leaned up and kissed him fiercely. His tail tighten around my waist as he kissed me back with just as much passion. My hands fisted in his hair and the burning came back with renewed strength. I moaned against Edward's mouth. He snarled and adjusted me so I was straddling his hips, his erection prominent against my thigh. He unwrapped one of his arms from around me and shoved everything off of his desk, he lay me down on his desk and crawled on top of me. I absently wondered if the desk could support us both but I quickly forgot about that as Edward nibbled on my mark. I arched into him, begging for more. My hands quickly found the top of his dress pants and I tried to undo them. He reached down between us, "No" he whispered into my neck.

I groaned "Yes...please Edward, I want you"

"No" he whispered again

"Damit, Edward, yes. I don't care about consequences, just fuck me"

"No, you care about the consequences. I don't think you want a baby sixteen months from now"

That comment sent me plunging down from my high. I quickly regained my common sense. I shoved Edward off of me and fled from the room. Tears streamed down my face, and I wasn't quite sure why. I crawled into our bed and sobbed. Edward came up and tried to comfort me but I yelled at him to get out and threw some vulgar language in for good measure. I cried myself to sleep that night, the pain of my heat numbed for a while.

That first heat pasted agonising slowly, I hated it. Edward tried to be their but eventually it got too heated and he'd leave me alone. My emotions were all over the place, I'd be laughing then the next second be so angry I'd break things. It was like the worst period ever, except none of that stuff happened anymore just the cramps, the burning and the mood swings. When it was finally over I was so relieved, life got back to normal. Well as normal as it got for us. Edward and I were planning my introduction to the nation, I wanted to ignore the fact that I was now a princess but Edward demanded an announcement on national television and an elite welcome party afterwards. I let him have his way and tried to help as much as I could. While this was going on we were preparing to leave the family's summer home, apparently we were to move back to the palace in the capital. Edward enjoyed telling me all about it, however I was terrified of the idea.

We were cuddling on the couch in our living room on a Sunday night, when he started talking about their palace.

"You're going to love it, it is a wonderful home we will have plenty of space to ourselves and you'll be able to learn more about our capital city and the home I grew up in" he smiled.

"Uh huh" I nodded, perhaps he thought I was unimpressed because he went on.

"The palace had 1,441 rooms, we've cut that down to around a thousand. The rooms are spread over four stories and is set on around 300 acres, we employ 450 people to run and keep the palace and gardens. It was originally called the Schönbrunn palace and was the summer residency of the Austrian royal family, it was located in what used to be Vienna, Austria. Vienna is now our capital called Myzerittus, and the palace has been renamed the royal palace of Myzerittus. The city is also home to all our government buildings"

"A thousand rooms?" I yelped "How could you possibly need that many?"

"Is that what you took from that? Well seeing as you asked many of the rooms are for entertaining and housing foreign and domestic diplomats, while others are for government offices and some are for us"

I was dizzy with such a prospect, I was over come with self-doubt and uncertainty. I wasn't cut out for this, I wasn't a princess who could live in a thousand room home and entertain diplomats all day.

"Don't be afraid, we can and will do this together. We are a team" Edward whispered through my mind. I jumped a little, unaware he had heard my inner musings.

"I can't Edward, it's too much. I'm not cut out for this, for any of this" I thought at him.

"Yes, you are. You are here because you are my mate and my mate would be able for this. I don't think I would be given a mate who wasn't strong and born to lead and trust me you were born to lead"

I laughed softly, sighing.

"So tell me how do you divide up a thousand room home?"

"Well, there are a hundred and twenty private rooms for us, a hundred and fifty official staterooms and bedrooms. Five hundred government administration rooms, a hundred and thirty staff rooms and quarters and the other one hundred are either broom closets or unused rooms. Like I said it is in and around a thousand rooms"

"Wow, that's incredible. So do you have many government buildings in the city with so much of it based in the palace?"

"We have some for official use, I'll show them to you some day" he explained.

I nodded " Does that mean you have a constitutional monarchy? With the government and all?"

"No, we have absolute heredity monarchy but we have forty government departments covering education to health and they report to us. We then make the decisions for the kingdom and the government take over and run the country based on our findings"

"Oh, isn't that a little like a dictatorship?" I asked accusingly.

"No" he said sharply "In a dictatorship control is taken by force, we didn't force our way into power. My family has governed our people for hundreds of years and we have always been fair and just. We have a government which is elected by the people, they advise us and we make the decisions based on their advice, the people of our nation have a voice" I didn't agree with him, when it boiled down to it his family had absolute power over his people. That wasn't fair or just.

"What if the people demand new legislation or demand our family remove yourselves from power?" I questioned him

"Then we would do as the people asked but they will not, you forget that we have protected them and brought them through disaster. We have done everything in our power to save our race and protect them into the future, that will not be easily forgotten"

"Perhaps, you overestimate their loyalty to you" I argued

"No, I don't. You do not understand our ways or my people. Do not make presumptions about them or their loyalty to us" he was angry at me for accusing him of being a dictator.

"Don't you dare say I don't understand your ways or your people. I am trying. I am trying to learn, I thought I had time to learn this shit but no, I can have a few months. After, of course, I find out your a prince from a news bulletin, so how dare you accuse me not knowing your ways? You haven't exactly given me all the time in the world!" I exploded at him.

"You love bringing that up don't you? How I didn't tell you I was a prince, would you like to keep bringing that up every time we have an argument? I know you would" he growled.

"Fuck you" I said and jumped up and left him on the sofa.

We didn't talk again, I was too angry to talk to him and I could feel how pissed off he was at me through the bond. By Wednesday, we were leaving and we still weren't talking . All of the stuff we need had been taken to the cars and we were outside the main entrance waiting for the horses to be brought around. I was talking to Esme, while Edward was discussing something with Carlisle. The tension between us was obvious but no one said anything about it, when the horses came around Carlisle wanted to explain to us the new formation that we would take with the horses for formal occasions. When we were all up he started.

"Okay, when we are all side-by-side myself and Esme will be centre. Edward will be on the other side of me and Bella will be on the other side of Esme. Then Emmett beside Edward and Jasper beside Bella"

We quickly arranged ourselves per his instruction and sought Carlisle guidance.

"Very good, remember to remain even. Alright when we will be in pairs, it will be myself and Esme, followed by Edward and Bella and then Emmett and Jasper" he smiled, then added "until such time that your mates join you, boys"

We nodded and he left us off. Except, he called Edward and myself back. He took a long look at us.

"I don't know what is going on between you two but I want it sorted out by the time we arrive at the capital" he said darkly.

For the first time, I understood why Carlisle was king. He was intimidating and unnerving when he wanted to be. I nodded meekly and literally turned and ran, well galloped. I arrived at the stables and quickly untacked Sapphire, unwilling to be cornered by Edward. I hurriedly brought Sapphire through and helped load her into the horse box. I said goodbye to her and slid into the back of one of the three black Rolls Royces waiting for us. Edward joined me shortly afterwards and the cars pulled out of courtyard. I couldn't help but feel that I was leaving behind a simpler existence and heading towards a responsibility laden future. was our driver, I beamed at him and tried to make conversation with him but he just gave a curt replies and closed the window dividing the front and back of the car. After that Edward and I sat in stony silence for an hour before I finally spoke up.

"How long will the journey be?" I asked.

"Another two and a half hours" He replied, I nodded and said nothing else. He spoke up after a few minutes.

"I shouldn't not have accused you of knowing nothing of my people, I said things I did not mean. Forgive me" he murmured. I sighed.

"I shouldn't have said those things either. I know your family loves the people of Eurasia very much and I shouldn't have accused you of being a dictator. I'm sorry"

"All is forgiven?" I nodded and he smiled. He scooted over to me and possessively wrapped his tail around my waist.

He leaned down and softly kissed me

"Good, I missed not being able to talk to you" we spent the rest of the journey discussing the capital and the plans for my welcome ball. Even to my mind it sounded like something from a bloody fairytale, not my soon to be ridiculously complicated life. It was late afternoon when we arrived in the city, it was a beautiful city. Much of the buildings had been reclaimed by nature, with ivy and assorted flowers crawling up the walls and trees beginning peak through the dilapidated roofs. I stared in awe at the city that I was now going to call home. Soon after we turned into the back of the palace, and I came face to face with the place I would call home. It was a huge four story building with yellow tones and a cascading staircase up to the entrance. As the cars pulled around we were let out and Edward was quick to drag me inside.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I yelped

"I don't want anyone,especially the media, to see you"

I rolled my eyes at him but said nothing, it was better to keep the peace. The inside reflected the outside in opulence and grandeur. The ceiling were high, there were rich tones everywhere and no shortage of gold. It was far too much but Edward didn't allow me the opportunity to get a look around, instead he dragged me upstairs and through corridors. Until he finally stopped.

"This is our section of the palace. I hope you like it" he smiled down at me adoringly, waiting for my approval. This area of the house was far more relaxed it had big open spaces and neutral colours. We had a large kitchen, dining room and living room. Our master suite was luxurious and far too big. There was several bathrooms and a guest room. I then came across a corridor I hadn't been down.

"What's down here?" I asked Edward.

"Nothing important, you've seen everything.

"Uh huh, I'm not believing that for a second" I scampered down the corridor, coming to the closest door.

"Bella, please don't go in there"

"Why? I don't believe you have any skeletons in your closets, unless you do?"

"No nothing like that, I'd just rather you didn't"

Please?" I begged, he sighed and I opened the door. I stood frozen, it was not what I was expecting, it was a completely empty and undecorated room with sunlight streaming in the curtain-less windows. Well, it was empty save for a baby's crib and a rocking chair.

"Oh god, Edward is this what I think it is?" I whispered, looking over my shoulder at him

He nodded slowly "It is our undecorated nursery"

I didn't know what to say. How was I supposed to act? This one day would be our child's nursery and one day I would sit in that rocking chair and sing my child to sleep. Our future together suddenly became very real and tangible, I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes.

"I don't want you to feel any pressure, I just wanted to have the space in the house" he murmured from behind me. I turned and kissed him.

"One day, I promise one day" I whispered.

It had been about a week since we had arrived in the palace, and it very quickly became apparent that we really only used the private section. Edward was busy most of the day in the government offices and he refused to let me roam around the palace, something about keeping me hidden. Of course, I ignored him and one morning after he was gone I left to go in search of the state rooms. The palace was surprisingly busy with a lot of staff around, I kept out of their way so they wouldn't see me. I eventually managed to find the state rooms and they were wonderful, extravagant but wonderful. The palace had that very human feel but it had a few additional less earthly qualities, a lot of systems were very advanced and hundreds of holographic images hung on the walls instead of the traditional paintings. I was wandering around the gallery when a maid found me.

"Miss, you're not supposed to be in here, this is the royal family's home. How did you manage to get into the palace? Are you another one of James girlfriends? He knows he's not to bring you in here"

"Oh, I'm sorry..I know this is the..royal family's home. I was just looking around" I stammered, she didn't know who I was. Edward really had kept me under wraps.

"It's illegal for you to be in here, I'm going to have to call security. James is surely going to get fired this time"

"Oh no..please don't. This is just a misunderstanding...I'm prince Edward's mate and I was just looking around"

She took a long look at me before she shook her head and laughed. At this point I knew I was going to get into trouble so I called Edward

"Sorry to interrupt but one of the maids is about to throw me out for trespassing, I'm in the gallery" I heard him growl through the bond.

He was in the gallery within thirty seconds, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. Edward was imposing and carried commanding and threatening air. The maid bowed her head in submission and was whimpering some excuse.

"Leave us" he barked at her. He looked at me and sighed. "Why couldn't you have just stayed put?"

"I wanted to explore, that isn't a crime is it?"

"No, but I wanted you away from the world for a while. I wanted you to myself for a while longer"

He grumbled but kissed my head and then proceeded to spend an hour with me explaining the origins of the holographic images and how they had wired the palace for their technology. After a while he returned me to our living area and left to get back to work. I spent the day reading about the capital and later Esme came in, we discussed flower arrangements and table dressings for my ball. To say I was out place, would be an understatement. Later, Edward came back and we cooked together in our new kitchen. We laughed and talk for a while. Edward told me that he might have to take a business trip north in a few months.

"Really? What is it like up there?"

"Yes. Well, it's cold and different. It's rural and very traditional, they are fundamentalists in essence. They live in a tribal society, much like our ancestors. They remain in true Revenant form after mating, rarely changing back and they refuse to use modern technology and methods . The females there are naturally submissive, not that their treated badly. The females are still held in high regard, it is just a very patriarchal nomadic society."

"Oh, sounds different"

"It is and there has been increasing civil unrest up there, so I might have to go up and sort it out"


There was suddenly terrible crashing and smashing coming from downstairs, I heard the familiar snarling and howling of Emmett. Edward and I rushed down to the communal living room, where Emmett stood panting and heaving, his eyes bled black in anger with his tail whipping violently behind him. Behind him, lay the remains of most of the living room. Esme and Carlisle sat silently on one of the remaining sofas.

"What' the hell is going on?" Edward looked to Emmett then to Carlisle.. Emmett collapsed to his knees, wailing while Esme rushed to his side. Esme cradled her son in her arms as if he were only a child again. Edward's eyes widened in realisation and he pulled me back onto one of the sofas, his eyes somber.

"A Revenant can only be reduced to a state like that if something unspeakable has happened to his mate" Edward whispered quietly through my mind. I immediately understood as Emmett continued to sob into Esme's arms.

"That bastard, I'll kill him. How could he? I'll fucking rip this throat out...my poor Rosalie" Emmett howled in agony.

"Rosalie is Emmett mate. She was particularly resistant to join Emmett, so he let her be. In the hopes she would come to him in her own time. She stayed because of her fiancée Royce King, but something awful has happened to her" Edward whispered into my mind.

Carlisle motioned us to follow him out of the room, we quietly slipped out leaving the grieving man with his mother.

"Rosalie is in hospital, she's been attacked and was left for dead. It appears Royce was the poisonous bastard who did it"

We stood horror-stricken, I felt Edward's anger boil as Carlisle went on.

"It seems that she will be coming to us. Emmett will get his mate and it will be under the most awful conditions"

Thanks for the continued support, don't be afraid to point out any grammatical errors! If any of you are interested Schönbrunn palace is real, you can look it up if you like. Leave reviews!