Danny was taken aback at what he was seeing. Sam was standing in the middle of the hall with a look on her face that couldn't be anything but alarm as several roses fell to the ground before, her locker open with pictures of Danny, Sam and Tucker on the door. Tucker had left Amity Park over a year ago, his father having gotten this job out of the area so that left the two adolescents to themselves. It had been fine, but now as he was watching the Goth bend down to pick up the roses, the flowers a deep blue hue, Danny wasn't so sure that he would be the only one with her. Over the last year he had begun to look at Sam in a new way, her changes over the years so subtle that he had just now noticed that she was being noticed by several of the males that went to their school. She looked around and when she saw him she looked utterly lost. This was new for him to see on her face as he shook his own head in puzzlement. She looked down at the pile at her feet as the bell rang signaling that it was time for their first period to start. Sam had just turned eighteen and this would be their last month in school so she was a little confused as to who would shower her with flowers. She had hoped it was the Halfa that was looking at her with such confusion since she had loved him for what felt like forever. She had blown it off as a crush when her feelings had become stronger, but in the last year or two she had realized that it was more than that.

"Ugh," she groaned as bent down to pick up what had to be two dozen roses. Danny came to her aid and with his assistance she managed to get them in her locker and said locker closed. They were not concerned about him being seen since after the last episode with Freak Show his secret had been revealed. He would have changed that, but upon seeing how supportive his parents had been he had decided that he was glad to be liberated of the strain of hiding his powers. "I just can't think of who would do that and how," the Goth muttered. Danny wondered too. It had taken him being in his Phantom form for them to get them back in there so was it another ghost boy crushing on Sam? He shuddered. He hated to think those words, but it was such a blow to him. He didn't know how to tell her and without him knowing she felt the same way. She was not out to hook up with another guy when the one she wanted was right next to her! "We need to hurry." Nodding they rushed down the hall and managed to enter the classroom right in the middle of Lancer holding up a baby, well, a baby doll.

"Glad that you could join us," the balding teacher said as he smiled evilly at them. "I was just getting done handing out the class assignment for the next thirty days." He walked over with the pale skinned doll. "Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, it's a girl."

Hope you liked.