A/N Yeah I know, another story. Should be updating my other ones but this idea wouldn't leave me so eh. Hate me if you want to. X3

Rated: M

Warning: this is Yaoi, BOY X BOY don't like, don't read. Sexual intercourse in chapters.Its England so we know their might be foul language and down right adorableness!X3

Pairing: England x world (main focus) Romano x England, Italy x England, Spain x England, and Japan x England

Disclaimer: I do not or ever will, own Hetalia or its characters. All belong to their rightful owners. I only own the plot and this story.

Pit: Nope! The author does not own me either.



England's Innocent Habit


The countries filed into the room, taking their normal seats as they bickered about un important things to the others. Another world meeting was today and it was in America this time, of course making the independent country more stupid and annoying then usual.

England bit his lips, resting his head on his arms, making sure not to make any eye contact with anyone. He never even noticed when Germany screamed at everyone to shut up or when America began to shout something about a super robot saving everybody from global warming, even when the Frog began to make perverted comments to try and annoy him.

When all attempts failed to get his attention, he definitely didn't noticed the sudden worried glances that set on him. All the poor Brit wanted was to put something in his mouth...

"Oi, Tea Bastard! You alright?" Romano faced morphed into annoyance but his eyes shown the concern he was hiding. Italy, Japan, and Spain stood near him, wearing identical concern faces. Why wasn't he saying anything, fighting with France or America, scoffing on how childish everyone is, or at least drinking his beloved Earl Grey tea?

England didn't even seem to realize that they were there, his head still hidden in his arms. "Hey England!" America started shaking and patting the Brit, suddenly desperate to get any reaction from the silent male.

Nothing, all he received was a small shake before fully ignored. 'Wankers...j-just leave me alone before I lose control' the words could not be uttered, the island country trying desperately to keep control and not look up. 'Ignore me. Ignore me. Ignore me...'

Germany suddenly called break, making Romano and the other three rush to the Brit before anybody else can. "Japan, do you know whats wrong with Arturo?" Spain spoke quietly, signaling everyone to leave the room besides them. Germany nodded, making sure to usher everybody else as he dragged the pouting and whiny American away from England. "Nooooo~! Let me stay with England!" The German country just sighed before hurling America out of the room as he closed the door, giving a small nod to the Spanish nation.

Japan shook his head, examining England with an un readable look. "I don't know...Asa-san look up." Japan spoke, saying England's name softer when he did. They only spoke their human names when the five were alone. When the Brit made no move, Romano grabbed his chin from irritation and forced England to look up. "Listen you bastard! We are worried about you and-"

his words were caught off when England suddenly took the Italian's hands from his chin and stuck one of the fingers in his mouth. All four males blushed heavily as the Brit sucked on the finger erotically, not believing how adorably cute England is acting.

Italy pulled his hand towards England's mouth and gasped when he grabbed the Italian's hand and began to suck on his finger too. England moaned as he sucked, seeming to enjoy what he is doing very much. All four males swallowed thickly, not believing how a turn on this was as England sucked on the fingers harder for a moment before pulling off and licked them from the base to the top, swirling his tongue around before putting them back in his mouth, making pleasure filled sounds.

Italy. Romano, Japan, and Spain blushed furiously, being completely turned on by the sight. The Italian brothers slowly distracted their fingers from the Brit's mouth, leaving a thin line of saliva that connected their fingers to his lips.

England gave a small moan, disappointed that they pulled the fingers away, finally opening his emerald green eyes at the blushing group. He blinked for a minute before his whole faced blazed red, pushing himself as far away from them as possible, making his back hit the wall.

"I-I-I...t-that was..."

He couldn't believe that he just did that! He glanced up to the group and unconsciously plastered himself more into the wall once he noticed their eyes were covered from their bangs, faces blank. 'W-Why are they acting like that?! I-I didn't make them feel uncomfortable did I?!'

"O-Oi..." he spoke quietly, not trusting his voice to go any higher.

"...Why did you do that, Arthur?" Romano and Italy spoke in a monotone voice, walking slowly towards the panicking Brit! Dammit! Why couldn't he control himself? But he couldn't help it, he needed something in his mouth...

England didn't speak, taking small breaths to stop his panicking and the familiar urge that flowed through his body. The way the Italians spoke sent a shiver down his spine.

Romano was then suddenly in front of him, grasping his wrist and pinning him against the wall, Italy right beside him, grasping the other. Japan and Spain stalked behind them, voices as monotone as the Italy brothers, "You didn't answer Arthur..."

The Italians then began to suck on the Brit's neck, causing him to gasp and shut his eyes.

"¿por qué hiciste algo tan pecaminosamente sexy en frente de nosotros?" Spain said slowly, running his fingers through England's messy soft locks of blond hair as Japan skillfully took off the Brit's belt, running his hand under England's shirt. Arthur began to pant, one to come his urge down, and two from the sudden sensation that coursed through him. He needs to suck on something!

Italy and Romano sucked harder on his neck, causing England to give a soft moan before biting his bottom lip to keep silent.

"Arthur...answer us."

Suddenly, four sets of hands began to roam over his body, causing him to jerk and moan softly. He couldn't take it!

"A-Ah! uh...I-I have a habit...hah... to put things in my m-mouth...uh!...w-when I feel..."

England bit his lips again, trying to stop himself from making those small noises but he opened it again, hands desperately trying to clutched something, "P-Put your hand...hah...back i-in my mouth..."

They shook their heads, suddenly their movements becoming more rush. England didn't registered that he was in his boxers until he felt his nipples being abused, causing him to jerk from the feeling. He opened his hazy emerald eyes and blushed as he saw the four males all naked, looking at him with an emotion he never seen before...what was it?

His head was suddenly lifted up to meet glazed ember eyes before their lips smashed together, tongue prodding its way into his mouth. Japan and Spain ran their lips all over England's slim body, giving small pecks or licks around his sensitive parts that caused him to shiver. Italy then pulled the Brit towards him, causing him to break the kiss with Romano.

He suddenly found himself on all fours, staring at the Italian nation in confusion. Italy gave an innocent smile, "Can you have something other than fingers in your mouth? Maybe something...bigger?"

England slowly nodded, crawling his way towards his destination and quickly engulfed his goal in one quick movement, swirling his tongue around the tip before sucking around it, causing Italy to give a rather loud moan. England suddenly felt something prodding his entrance but he didn't care, focusing all his attention on sucking the member in his mouth.

It was when he felt a jolt of pleasure crash through him that he let out a soft cry, making the four males smile in satisfaction. It was about time that they heard their precious England make those sexy noises. Spain grinned, continuing to rub against England's prostate, making the poor Brit cry out around Italy's member. He continued his assault before adding more fingers, stretching the puckered hole even more.

Once he deemed the hole stretched enough, he gave a small nod. Italy removed himself from England's mouth and stood next to his brother. Japan moved next to spain and spoke softly to Arthur, "We're going to enter you now...tell us when it's too much, ok?"

Before he had a chance to reply, Spain quickly entered him in one movement, which earned him a small moan from the Brit. After a minute has passed, Japan soon entered him as well, causing all three males to moan. England struggled to breath, the two members inside him felt so weird to him, yet, it felt right. Once he nodded, the two nations then began to moved, forming into a steady pace before they pounded into him, stroking the poor Brit with their movements.

England clutched his fists onto the carpet, panting heavily as the three male moaned. Then a flash of white dashed across his eye lids as his prostate was hit dead on, earning a loud scream from him. That spot soon got abused repetitively, making England become more vocal than he was before.

The two nations continued to pound into the island country until England felt a sudden tightness in his stomach, "Ah...Ah! I-I'm going t-to...!"

He never got to finish before a hand suddenly pressed onto the tip of his member, stopping him from releasing. He gave a irritated grunt before moaning loudly when he felt his insides became filled with a sudden warmness. Japan panted softly, slowly removing himself from inside England and waited for Spain to do the same.

Spain finally did the same, still keeping England from cumming. England felt empty after they left him, his mouth suddenly wanting to suck on something again, and his body demanded him to earn release. He was about to say this until Spain suddenly let go of him. He then let out a surprise cry when he was filled again, this time by the Italy brothers.

Italy smiled down at England with that innocent smile as Romano did the same with a soft look on his face. England gave then a confused look before he gave a startled yelp when he was suddenly lifted and landed on the brother's lap, causing their members to go deeper into the Brit. They all moaned in unison before the Italy brothers rested their hands on England's thighs, slowly beginning to move him up and down. He made cute noises, Italy gave small moans as Romano let out soft grunts. Then they picked up the pace and began to thrust with the movement of England's bouncing.

His prostate was found very quickly and they aimed for that certain spot, loving the way England shouts out his pleasure and how his inner walls tighten around them with each thrust. Italy came first, biting down on England's shoulder to stifle the loud moan. Romano bounced England more roughly, stroking him with each thrust before he too came with a loud grunt. He panted roughly before he continued pleasuring England, tapping Italy and motioning the others to watch the Brit when he comes.

He stroke faster, enjoying the look of pure pleasure that adorned the cute Brit's face. England then suddenly stiffened, before giving a loud scream of their names, his whole body jerking as he came. He flopped against the Italian brother's chest, panting heavily.

Each nation gave England a long sensual kiss before each whispering something in his ear that caused him to blush.

"Y-You don't mean that..."

"Oh, but we do."


Germany and the rest of the countries entered the room, quickly darting their eyes at England who sat in his seat with a dazed look in his eyes. Germany, still concerned, walked next to Italy and whispered to him, "Hey, is he alright now? Did you and the others figure out what was wrong with him?"

The innocent country blinked for a moment before a non characteristic smirk adorned his face, "Ve~ He is fine Germany. We just found out something rather...interesting...so we figured out a way to make him feel better when he acts like this!"

Germany nodded, suddenly very scared by the way Italy looked when he said that. The meeting continued on, America and France suddenly fighting over something about England while the other counties just sighed from their stupidity. They all cheered -Yes even the non emotional countries- when England suddenly smacked the two imbeciles on the head and gave them a disapproving look.

America just grinned, happy that England is back to normal. France adopted his rape face as was about to pounce when he suddenly felt multiple blows on the back side of his head. Tearfully, he clutched his head and stared at the objects that hit him...a tea cup, two squashed tomatoes, and a white flag?He glanced up at the suspects but none seemed suspicious, making him whip out a red rose and dramatically cry in the corner.

England, though back to normal, didn't speak throughout the meeting, still looking dazed. He absently sucked on the tip of his pen, forgetting how erotic he unconsciously makes it look. Of course all the countries noticed, causing them to blush heavily. Hong Kong and Australia suddenly took cameras out and shot photos and videos, happy that they caught their mom like that. Prussia took his own photo with his phone and left the room, leaving a long sound of "Kesesese~" in the room.

England never noticed, sucking lightly on the pen before he darted out his cute pink tongue at the tip. An explosion and sudden gun shooting made the other countries snap out of their trance, of course led them to run for their lives.

England finally broke out of his daze, still sucking on the pen when he noticed everyone was gone except him and the four other males...who looked irritated.


England was then pulled from his seat and was glomped by all the males, all red in the face and glaring daggers at the doors. Of course they should be pissed off! The other countries got to see their Arthur like that!

The pissed off look then morphed into soft looks, their eyes meeting into the bright emerald eyes of England. "Arturo, Remember that your ours ok? We love you and nobody can have you."

Arthur face blazed red, hiding his face in his new boyfriend's chests. The soft looks then turned mischievous. "So tea bastard...since you showed us that display, does that mean your ready for round two?"

Snap. " S-Sod off!"

"Aww, Arturo don't hide."

"Ve, Want to go to our house?"

"Not to be rude, but why your house?"

England sighed, feeling more comfortable hiding his face from the embarrassment. How the hell is he going to handle four boyfriends?!

Italy, Romano, Spain, and Japan shared a look before the Spanish speaking country lifted up the startled British country and walked out of the conference room. They better make sure that the other nations know that Arthur belongs to them because if a certain American and Prussian make a move, then there will be blood.

Everyone already knows that the whole world is after England, besides the Brit himself, and they are stubborn son of a bitches. Doesn't mean that they would let them.

"We love you Arthur!"

"Y-Y-You G-Gits!"


Australia grinned, waving the photos in his hand back and forth. Hong Kong, New Zealand, Sealand, and Wy stared at the pictures with astonishment, eyes following its every move.

"Behold! Mum in one of his sexy moments! The price starts at 500 billion dollars!"

The photos seemed to cost way too much, but shockingly they paid it in no time, clutching the photo of England in their hands. Even Sealand who claims to hate England was holding it like it was fragile glass. Australia then sat down in an empty chair in a similar manner like the Brit, grinning widely.

"Remember mates! This is our secret. Don't want to let that grubby American and the others get their paws on this!"

They all nodded, hiding their now important possession in a safe place before standing up, all wearing a mischievous look on their faces. "Now lets go mess with the ones who claim to love mom, not going to let them wiggle into his life that easy!"

Australia nodded, standing up and whipping his phone, dialing something quickly before holding it a good inch from his ear.

"Good day mate!"

"Wha th' bloody fuck do ya want?!"

The Australian country laughed, "Nice to here your sweet voice uncle! Just wanted to let you know that the whole world wants Mum and that four nations already tried to seduce him. Did you catch that uncle Scot, Ireland, and Wales?"


Australia chuckled once he heard the phone go dead, quickly scrolling down his contacts and began to text to England that his brothers are coming for a visit. Guess the other nations don't know that his uncles secretly love Arthur too...oh well!

With that he playfully saluted his fellow comrades, not even trying to hide the evil smirk that spread across his lips. They saluted back and marched out the room, causing all the countries that passed by them to shiver.

England is important to them. The other nations must be insane if they're going to let anybody get near their Mum. ….Even though that sudden attack from the Mafia might be trouble if it happens again...well, Nessie can handle that.


A/N Done! I'm thinking of adding more chapters to this but I'm not sure yet so it will stay as Complete for now. Thank you for reading my fellow Hetalia fans!

Pit: Please Review!